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Found 22 results

  1. Here is the deal, had a customer come in , he is 5'3'' at best with a 28 inseam so he said , figure it was more like 26... anyway how much can a venture be lowered?
  2. Lary, your stainless steel horn bracket is finished first class. The only thing is that the bracket is approximately 5/8" to short on the ground bolt leg requiring the use of a spacer. Restoring a 99 RSV for a customer and found the above today. I personally think spacers are tacky. RIDER FIRST, HARLEY OWNER SECOND.......
  3. On my way to Maintenance Day, my Froggtoggs jacket zipper went. Bought the rain suit over a year ago and didn't have my purchase receipt. Marcarl and a few others had a similar problem and suggested that I call customer service. A real person answered right away and a new rain suit with a much stronger zipper just arrived by mail - no hassle and no cost to me. Great customer service!
  4. We have a JMCB-2003 on Elizabeth's Kawasaki so we can talk on rides. It started acting up on us recently and I contacted their customer service for some help to pinpoint the issue. John Lazzeroni sent me several emails detailing test steps that isolated the problem to the unit itself. He could have told me that it was time for a new one (it was out of warranty), but he had me send it in and they repaired it for less than half what a new one would have cost. They also shipped promptly to get it back to us. While the unit was being repaired we were back using a handheld and throat mike. We had forgotten how frustrating that was. If you are trying to communicate with a bike without the built-in CB, you should give the J&M a look.
  5. www.ChromeProsPlating.com 4531 Ayers, Suite 412 Corpus Christi, Texas 78415 Im looking for someone who lives in the area who can go to the above shop and check on my wheels status. What started as a 3-4 week wait is now hitting its 6th week. They say one of the wheels had to be redone but something just dont sound right. Right now im not too happy with their customer service. When speaking to them on the phone they come off as phony. If you can make it over there PM me and ill send you my order #. Thanks, Jeff
  6. Hello Everyone: Weather here in W. Nebraska was very nice today. Sunny and warm, temps in the 40's. I got called out on a service call this afternoon. I mentioned to my customer that it was almost nice enough to ride my bike. That started the conversation, I soon learned my customer and his wife just enjoyed their first season on a Yamaha VStar 1100. I mentioned this wonderful site to them. They wrote the website address down and hopefully we will see another member on here soon. I love my job and the fact that I meet new people everyday.
  7. I found a cardboard box full of ammo laying in the back of the closet that I don't even remember buying, it had been so long ago. While poking thru all the different calibers I ran across this Mobile Oil gas receipt dated 11/6/65 where the customer bought 11.4 gallons of fuel for the grand total of $3.40. Works out to around .29/gal. We've come a long way baby!!!
  8. Please welcome VentureRider's newest discount vendor. 15% Discount for VentureRider members. http://www.venturerider.org/images/pioneer.jpg Pioneer Motorsport 12220 Olean Rd. Chaffee, NY 14030 (716)-496-6000 www.pioneermotorsport.com 15% Discount Chad Armstrong If customers visit our website and select shop online, this will allow them to access our online catalogs. For Venture riders, the Yamaha Star catalog is located at the bottom of the page. We do also have an online parts fiche where riders can lookup there own parts. If a customer calls to order parts please have them ask for myself and indicate they are a member of VentureRider and I will automatically figure in the 15% discount. For online purchases if the customer types in VentureRider in the comments section of the checkout page, then we can figure the discount from there. Any other questions please let me know. Chad
  9. Guy goes in an adult store and asks for an inflatable doll. Guy behind the counter says, 'Male or female?' Customer says, 'Female.' Counter guy asks, 'Black or white? Customer says, 'White.' Counter guy asks, 'Christian or Muslim?' Customer says, 'What the heck does religion have to do with it?' Counter guy says, 'The Muslim one blows itself up.'
  10. Being in customer service, I was chatting it up w/ a guy that called in. He asked about hobbies so I mentioned motorcycles. He said he has been riding for 40 yrs, he asked what I rode and he started saying how the '95 Venture Aspencade has stator problems from what he heard. After questioning him on it he said, oh I mean '85 Venture Aspencade. Tried to correct him on it, but to no avail didn't work so I just let him think what he wanted to. Didn't get a chance to ask what he rode.
  11. To Progressive Insurance Customer Service Department. As a few of you may know, after 10 years on the RSV and waiting for Yama to make a move, I decided to take Snarley Bill up on his offer to sell his 2008 Goldwing. Before purchasing the Wing, I got an online quote from Progressive, my current carrier on the RSV which I thought was very reasonable. Yesterday, I went to see my insurance agent and gave him the info on the Wing. His price for the same coverage from Progressive was a little over $100 more than the online quote. I asked why and he couldn’t say (or wouldn’t) but suggested I call the Progressive Customer Service. So I did. I told Customer Service that I had purchased another bike and wanted to add it to my existing policy, thinking to take advantage of their multi-vehicle discount. After giving them the info, they gave me a price that was still about $30 more than the online quote. I asked why the difference, the rep asked for the quote number and put me on hold. In just a few minutes he was back and explained that my existing policy had renewed in February and they had a PRICE DECREASE in March. The online quote was based on the lower rates. Adding the Wing to my existing policy would put it at the old HIGHER rate. The rep suggested that we write a new policy for the Wing for the lower rate, then after the policy is established call them back and they would combine both bikes on the new policy. By doing this I am supposed to receive a refund from the old policy for the difference in rates (about $15), plus a refund for multi-vehicle policy. He also went through my policy and found another discount I was due and not receiving. Just a few bucks but every little bit helps. Progressive went the extra mile to save me every penny they could, they were fast, friendly, and in no hurry to get me off the phone and move on. I’ve not had to make a claim with them yet, but if their claim service is anything like their Customer Service, then they have a loyal customer for a long time.
  12. Today while I was in my statistics class I came across some intresting points in our book. (Yeah, I'm nerdy and read the book.) Anyway the following statistics were noted under the heading "Quality in Services" * The average company never hears from more than 90% of its unhappy customers. For every complaint it receives, the company has at least 25 customers with problems, about 1/4 of which are serious. * Of the customers who make a compaint, more than half will do business again with the organization if their complaint is resolved. If the customer feels that the complaint was resolved quickly, this figure jumps to about 95%. *The average customer who has had a problem will tell 9 or 10 others about it. customers who have had complaints resolved satisfactorily will only tell about 5 others. * It costs 6 times more to get a new customer than to keep a current customer. Now as we were covering these points I couldn't help but think on all the complaints that I've seen here about Yamaha's apparent lack of care when keeping up to date with the latest changes and all the other posts I've seen where a member has said farewell to their Venture cause they want something that is offered on other bikes but not on the venture even though Yamaha has the tech to implement it. So I'm curious as to what features Yamaha has to implement in order to keep from loosing more ventureriders. Thinking back I'd say that the list would include but not limited to: Fuel Injected Cassette Deck Replacement First Gen Gearing (power range and such without the 2nd gear issue) Kind of curious as to what others think on any of the above topics.
  13. Purchased items from MiCarl and Skydoc17 recently. Excellent customer service. They will bend over backwards to take care of you. I would purchase from them again! I would recommend these sellers to anyone! -------------------------------- Admins & Mods, can we have a subforum created for Good Sellers so posts like this can be collected in? All members can locate them easily and provide our members a good sense of security, quality and customer service. I use this extensively in another forum I hang out with and love it. Thanks again, Rick
  14. I was in the cafeteria at work today. I normally go there late so it is quiet and calm with not many people around. On the other side of the room I could overhear a conversation between one of the cafeteria managers and a customer. I was not paying close enough attention till I was snapped to attention by the comment "by the end of this year the oil in the gulf will have flowed up the Mississippi and be contaminating the shores in Wisconsin". Too which I could only think WTF!!! They then morphed the conversation to the FACT that rivers can only flow south. It is "impossible" for water to naturally flow North. On my way out the door after I finished my lunch I mentioned to the manager that water will always flow down hill regardless of which direction that is. Water does not know how to read a compass. At that same time as I mentioned this there was another customer that walked in and got all over me, because it is a FACT that water can only flow from north to south. At which point I had to RUN FOR MY LIFE. I did not post this in Jokes and Humor cuz it really did just happen!! I thought that I had a pretty good handle on this gravity thing and how it relates to water. Or am I all wet and therefore doomed to be headed south. I'm scared now. Hiding in my office with all of the lights off. OK flame suit on,,,,,,,,,or should I be wearing a wet suit.
  15. Well I got my wheels back and I need to make a decision to put new tires on or put the others back on and finish wearing them out. I Currently have the Avons on but Im curious about the Elites. How do the elites handle vs the Avons. Who has both and compare them. Now important part. I dont want hear about cracking or customer service. I dont care about Michelins or Metzlers. I just want to know how they handle Vs each other. I want to buy them this week if I decide to get them so have at it!
  16. I have dealt with various bike part suppliers over the years and for the most part they have been pretty good people to deal with. Most would bend over backward to help you out. Flatout (Part shark) even expressed me a part right before I went on vacation and only charged me the standard shipping rate. Competition accessories is always outstanding. I have ordered factory parts from them years ago when they sold them and mostly apparel and shoes from them now. Tires too! Chromeglow Signal Dynamics and Custom Dynamics are other good companies I have dealt with. Our own member vendors have also been right on the money. Metzeler customer service bites the big one, as does Kuryakyn. Now to my latest problem child...JP Cycles! I sometimes bought stuff from their store in Daytona from time to time. Not fantastic prices but they had it on hand. However, a few years ago I had an issue with their internet ordering and after some back and forth they finally resolved the issue after I threatened to post the issue on this site. Stupid me...This time I went ahead and ordered a SS clutch and rear brake line from them. Price was reasonable. Prior to placing my order I had called them to physically eyeball the parts to make sure one end had a banjo and the other a straight connection. They called me back and said the warehouse pulled both parts and assured me that they were the correct lines. I immediately placed the order. A few hours later I get a confirmation email that said the clutch line was not in stock. Hmmmm, didnt they just eyeball it for me? Said it should be maybe 3-5 days. Well, 10 days goes by and no email. Contacted them again by email and asked them for a delivery date. They replied that they could not provide one. I emailed them back that I was surprised that a company the size of JP cant get a date from their own supplier. They replied that their supplier dont give times. I said so I just wait in limbo until someone there decides to send one out? All she could do was apologize. Told her to refund me my money. Not a good way to do business. They made absolutely no effort to even try to correct this problem nor did they seem too concerned to keep me as a customer. No, I didnt even mention posting on this site. Last time it got me a full refund. This time since the part wasnt even available it would have served me no purpose. But I just thought id pass this onto you all. Let the buyer beware!! OK, im finished....just needed to get this off of my chest.
  17. i just got a call from the head parts man at the local Yamaha dealership. he had a question that he COULD NOT answer, for a prospective customer. the question was "do the new ventures have a reverse?". can you believe that? just jt.
  18. I don't usually write letters or post things like this but I have to this time. I purchased a Zumo 550 about 18 months ago and I've loved it. It's been great and done everything I could have wanted. A couple weeks ago I took a trip to Florida and on the trip I had my first problem. The unit locked up and I couldn't get it to do anything. I tried all the usual stuff like pulling the battery and doing a hard reset but nothing worked. When I got home I called Garmin for some help. We went through all the steps again and it was obvious I would have to send it in. The unit was out of warranty so I was just hoping it wouldn't cost too much. The Garmin rep. said she had heard of this happening before but it was very rare and she'd never heard of it with the Zumo. She said it was obvious I hadn't done anything wrong so she was going to cover the repair under warranty anyway. (I hadn't requested that, she just offered) I thanked her and sent it off last week. I expected to have a repaired unit some time around Christmas if I was lucky because of the season, vacations etc. I had no complaints because after all they were doing this for free when they didn't have to. When I got home yesterday I had a brand new unit waiting for me. They even loaded the most current version of maps so I don't have to purchase them. There and back in one week!! Over the holidays!!! FOR FREE!!!!! Now that's what I call customer service. The Zumo 550 is already the best bike GPS out there and with this type of service I have really become a loyal customer. With the differences in GPS systems becomming less and less, this is what will continue to keep Garmin as the leader. Just had to let you all know.
  19. I Just Called My Dealer That I Have Spent $32,000.00 At In The Last Four Years And Have Sent Countless Customers To And Ask How Much He Would Charge Me To Mount And Balance 2 New Tires For Me. He Tells Me "you Didn't Buy Them From Me So I Can't Do It" What The F*@! I Got Them For $65.00 Less So I Could Aford To Have Them Put On. What Ever Happend To Customer Service After The Sale?
  20. Posted on 7/29 about my electrical system gone whacko on the 02 RSV. After checking everyting I could, finally caved and took it in to the dealer. The good news is they found the problem, the Power Amp or MCU unit had failed. This is an audio component, but also has some of the guages and part of the starter system running through it. The bad news is this little beauty is over $1000.00 along with the starter relay that fried and labor, total $1500.00. I'm 4 months out of warranty so they said I had to eat it. Thought I would give customer service a call for giggles and lo and behold they agreed to cover the parts. Back on the road and so far so good. Of course the dealer had never heard of this happening before, sound familiar? Tony was the contact man at customer service and did a great job and quick. This is just for information in case anybody else has the problem. Thanks.
  21. Well, I took my bike into the dealer to have the clutch whine checked out and hopefully have it covered under warranty. After the dealer had it for 5 days they called me back and told me that Yamaha won't replace the clutch basket. Hearing this and reading the prior threads on the forum I called Yamaha customer service. In short, they are doing NOTHING to help me out. I even said to them, "So let me get this right, Yamaha's position is to do nothing in this situation - even though the company has paid to have this situation addressed previously." The customer service person agreed with my statement. Between the clutch whine and the HORRIBLE wobble in the front end (the dealer stated everything was tight and up to specs - even the tire balanced out perfectly) my enjoyment of riding this bike is going south very fast. Just a B*%&H sesstion here. Hope everyone's Venture is whine and wobble free.
  22. Just thought I'd take a few minutes to say something nice about the great customer service from New Enough. Ordered a jacket from them last week, and ordered the wrong size. They have an excellent exchange policy. Ordered the correct size on an exchange and they ship the replacement jacket out even before they got the original back. Now that is customer service.......... Highly recommend them. If anyone needs riding gear, check them out at www.newenough.com you won't be disappointed.
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