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  1. does anyone have a good kick stand sping I notice mine KS is starting to hit when i take sharp curves. Thanks
  2. After reading the post about the recent death on the Dragon I am going to confess. I had much rather ride roads where I can view the scenery than fight a bunch of curves. My style of riding is cruising and being able to see in the distance. When I ride curves such as the Dragon I don't enjoy it and get nothing out of it. I know it seems most riders like the curves and that is their world of motorcycling but it is not mine. Am I the oddball or are their others? Give me a straight road and a few sweeping curves are ok and elevation where I can see out and I am one happy rider. Leave the switchbacks to someone else. My2c. Bill
  3. I'm a control freak. There. I said it. This means I am not a good passenger, I want to be in control because then I cannot be mad at anyone but me if something untoward happens. I rode, for the first time, on the back of a moto with my husband. I have ridden behind before, but never with Tom. I'm not sure if it's a trust issue or what, but today I decided to give it a try and trust that he won't do stupid things and kill me. It was fun after about 20 minutes. There were some twisties and I've always thought he takes curves to fast, so I just closed my eyes and turned my head toward the curve, so I didn't try and correct with my body. Ended up being a nice ride, my weight on the bike allowed him to be closer to flat feet so he was stable at stops (my biggest concern). We might even do it again!
  4. Here's some roads that just scream for a slow and easy ride... http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/routes.pps
  5. I have a honest question, I have read in posts, most recently the darkside poll by captain Joe, that some who went back to the motorcycle tire did so because they pushed the limits of riding. Now I assume they mean in cornering, and curves. The question is how do you push it past the floorboards dragging the ground. I can easily drag my floor boards in sharps curves any most any speed. I have had to replace my right foot peg because of draging getting on and off I 75 at hwy 82 the cloverleaf ramp in Tifton. not being smart, I'm just asking, how can you ride harder than that. Gregg
  6. Here are the pics taken by Sleeperhawk Mechanic, not too many http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic/2010/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20N%20Georgia%20Halloween%2020101030/ As you will see, tuns of curves, by the end of the day, I am tired of curves, need some straight lines. :rotf:
  7. After all of the discussion of improved slow speed handling that leveling links provide I decided to make a set last Friday. Following the instruction posted in the technical section I made a set from 1/4 x 1 1/4 steel bar from Home Depot. After letting the paint on them dry I installed them and took slow trip around the neighborhood. Wow, they did improve the slow speed handling. Great! I thought. So yesterday I had a 300 mile ride planned with my riding buddies going over roads we've been on dozens of times. A lot of twisties and sweeping curves with good smooth pavement. We hit the curves and the bike was a handful to keep under control. It was extremely "twitchy" and required constant corrections. Without the links I could just set the bike up lay into the curves with a smooth transistion through them. I know it's contrary to popular opinon here, but I don't like them and I plan to go back to the stock links today. Dennis
  8. footsie


    I am going to post this because Craig is not interrested in joining our site. I went to ride the river road friday, stopped at Arrow head to get gas and a drink. There was a blue Venture there so naturally I walked over to talk with the owner. Name was Craig ( has visited our site but not a internet person, his statment) anyway Craig had the Kumho and the Cobra on his bike, per reading post here in the darkside. He stated he loved the ride but the bike wobbled through curves. My first thought was, here is one with the problem for me to try. I had told him I did not have a problem, and asked if he would let me ride his and him ride mine, he said "ok lets see if we can fix mine". We got on the bikes(me on his) and rode over to scenic drive, our version of the dragon. As soon as I went through the first curve I realized there was no problem with the bike, his handled just like mine. I went on through a few more curves and looked back Craig was way behind. I stopped and waited for him, he pulled up and asked " how did you do that, how did you ride my bike through the curves with no wobble and I'm wobbling on yours". He then made the statement, that he was wobbling on both, and I rode both with no problems, so it must be his ridding style. I asked how long had he been ridding, he said years but he was use to a cbr honda. We talked for a bit and switched bikes back, I told him to let me follow him thru a few, so we took off again, what I noticed was he seemed to have a white knuckle grip on the bars, sitting straight up, knees clamped to the tank, feet close in on the boards. He was wobbling through curves, after few I passed him and stayed at a speed he was running, when we stopped I told him my observations, he told me I looked like I was in a recliner, layed back against the backrest, feet out on the pegs, and he said I rode with one hand on the bars looking back at him in the mirrior. Did not realize I did that but. I told him that to me the RSV is a machine you don't man handle, you ride it. My valkyrie always went through curves in the exact line I wanted, you could hold it ridgid in line, even with the car tire no problems. The RSV I can't do it that way, have to pick a line and let the bike glide through it, like it has a mind of its own sometimes( don't know if that makes sense). He said he understood where I was coming from. He asked what tire pressures I was running, 36 frount, 32 in rear. He had 40 and 42, he said my bike road softer so we adjusted his like mine. I did notice his engine ran smoother than mine. We were at the end so we turned around and started back, Craig had stated he was going to change is position and relax. He first relaxed his arms and lighted his grip on the bars, each curve seemed to get better, by the time we reach the end of the road he was leaving me behind on a road I knew far better than him. I am sure this is not everyone's problem, but it is something to think about. Craig had made the statement to me that 2 bikes set up just alike, under the same conditions should handle the same, on the same road. I agreed with him but reconsidered that statement and it is not necessaraly true, if so the Nascar crews could make every car run the same, and they can not seem to do that. I hesitated to post this, ran it by Gunboat in PM first, did not want anyone to think I am impling they are poor riders, this is just what happened in this case. He felt it should be posted. Might help some. I thought may that some have tried the CT, have been told its not safe, maybe they can not ge that out of their mind, and are tensing up in the curves, or when ever a road characteristic moves the bike in an unual manner. Just a thought. Gregg
  9. This Sunday is Biker Sunday at our church. After church there will be a meal and some biker games. Afterwards there will be a 50 mile ride. The pastor has asked me to lead the ride. The route has been laid out. All two lane state hwy. The middle section has several 15 & 25 mph curves. We are expecting somewhere between 50 to 100 bikes. I've never road with a group before (let alone lead one). So what is a recomended speed to travel for the ride, and the curves? Thanks! for the help.
  10. After reading all lot of posts here, I noticed that a lot of you with maps of places ridden have been everywhere in the southeast except Florida. Why not cross over that state line? Think of us as a mirror to Deals Gap. They have 386 curves in 11 miles. We have 11 curves in 386 miles. So, c'mon down!! The waters fine.
  11. hi all while we were at the hub last month. found this guide at the hub put out by the harrison convention & vistors bureau. you can download it www.MotorcycleArkansas.com. it has 7 different rides in & around the harrison,ark area. 1. the ozarkmoonshine run 110 miles with 662 curves about 3 hrs & 45 minutes. 2. bull shoals dam route 100 miles with 326 curves about 3 hours. 3. peel's ferry 110 miles with 378 curves about 3 hours & 30 minutes. 4. mountain view run 168 miles with 602 curves about 4 hours & 30 minutes. 5. jasper disaster 56 miles with 316 curves about 2 hours 6. eureka springs backroads route 132 miles with 571 curves about 4hours & 50 minutes. 7. push mountain 146 miles and 342 curves dosn't say how long a ride but i would say aleast 3-4 hours. all of these routs have gas stops stated for each ride. i see the eureka springs backroad route goes thru huntsville, ark so i will ride that route one day. ( i was born in huntsville, texas ) and am trying to go thru every huntsville in the united states. sorry i have not posted anyting about this guide,i had it mixed up with other state maps. if you do not want to download it you can request it to be mailed to you. but ya better hurry time is running out. best reguards don c.
  12. kbran


    My son traded his Honda VTX 1800 for this Friday. I rode it yesterday. Wow this thing is fast and really likes the curves, but I don't like the bent over ride with the head back. Too old for this but it was fun. http://www.suzukicycles.com/images/ProductImages/colorVariations/500/GSXR1000K8_matteBlack_000000.jpg
  13. Saw the new Voyagers at the Long Beach show this weekend.... Not what I expected at all. The bags look strangely separated from the bike when viewed from the front. No intercom or connections visible. The steering is heavier than Venture, my wife can get the Venture and virtually all other bikes off the stand but couldn't get the Voyager up..... Too many odd curves in that fairing. Also tank hardware kind of odd and chintzy. In a way it's a relief, I won't be lusting for one. Seats comfortably but a bit tight. Good looking from back.
  14. OK....I finally got my new tires mounted today. Local Honda shop is open until 8:00 and I managed to get home early enough to get the wheels off and get them over there, mounted and balanced and then got them back home and the bike is ready again. This will be my test of the Avon's versus the Michelin's. I have been very pleased with the Michelin Commanders with my only very small complaint being that they did howl just a bit in the long curves. I liked them so much that deciding to try the Avon's was a tough decision for me. I've heard so many good reviews though that I decided to give them a try. If they grip as well on the wet roads and give me decent mileage then that will be fine. If they are quiet in the curves also, that will be icing on the cake. We'll see. By the way, I do have the leveling links and once again went with the 150 (stock) size tire on the front.
  15. I have noticed recently a whine coming from the rear end when going through left curves. It seems most noticable when the bike is in 4th and 5th gear. I do not hear it when going through right hand curves. I have read about clicking noises in earlier posts but this is a loud whine. I also am certain that it is not the tranny whine you hear on metric bikes. Anyone got any ideas? Is it a bad bearing? I have not been able to get to the shop yet to have it checked out.
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