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  1. Just curious. How did you find this site?
  2. Now that I have a Goldwing I've noticed a few more postings by wing riders. Does anyone know how many of us are on the site now? Just curious. Dennis
  3. Slow day at work so I went exploring. Is this the software's place for putting stuff like the tech library? Just curious.
  4. so i am just kinda curious as to how old the average venture rider is, most say i am too young to ride an "old man bike" since i am only 19 but im sure im not the only one out there.
  5. mag1101


    Has anyone heard from Skydoc? Hope he's ok. I know he was in the process of moving to his new home and shop. Just curious if anyone has talked to him lately.
  6. Have you been able to do anythings with those mufflers yet, just curious, I would be interested in seeing them mounted and how you did it.
  7. Curious as the pros and cons of one or the either.
  8. Hey everybody. I'm just curious if I'm getting good gas mileage on my 83. I'm averaging about 150 miles on a full tank of gas. Is that about average? Or can I do better?
  9. Stopped in the local Yammie shop yesterday to check on something and just happened to see an 08 Venture sitting amoung the other bikes. I thought it might be new until I got closer and saw it was an 08 with 23,000 miles on it. It was priced at $12,999 and I was just curious if that was a good price and if anyone might be interested. RandyA
  10. I added my RSTD on bike bandit and there are four RSTD for 2006. XVZ13CTMV, MVC, V, VC Is there somewhere I can check the vin and see which model I have? Just curious.
  11. I just bought an 88 venture which the previous owner said only sat for a month. Well, when the bike would only run on chock, i took of the carbs to clean them. Needless to say they were interesting inside. Now that I have them cleaned out, was curious to know what I should set the sync screws at so I can at least get it started and sync them properly. Any inout is greatly appreciated.
  12. I looked around in various areas on the site but didn't find the answer to my question. Does anybody happen to know the approximate weight/load bias on these bikes (in my case 1genMK2)? I'm real curious what % is up front vs. out back. I suppose I'd be interested in knowing both without a rider(s) and with.
  13. Was wondering if anyone had noticed a drop in gas mileage after putting a lower/wider windshield on thier Venture. Just got back from a trip and mileage dropped from normal around 40/42 to down around 33/34. Same driving style. Just curious before I start checking other things (not that I'm not going to check everything else anyways, lol). Thanks, Sam
  14. I have been looking and can not find this anywhere on the forum or online. so I will ask. Is there any difference in the cables and hoses on the venture vs the tour deluxe? Other than the deluxe are longer to accomadate the taller and more pullback the bars have compared to the venture. Just curious.
  15. belong to the Star Touring? Was just curious to see how many Venture riders are involved. :whistling: Joe
  16. as i am shifting thru the gears , either up or down i always count the gear i am in - does anyone else keep track this way....curious minds what to know !
  17. Anybody care to share pics of their dually install? I've ordered a set and will be installing shortly, just curious how others have installed. Thanks cs..
  18. I just saw this ad on E-Bay for a 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe Windshield with lowers, Starting bid is $499.99, and in his ad it says that it retails for $3000.00,... Is that actually possible..? Just curious.. Here is the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2005-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Tour-Deluxe-Windshield-/150559219954?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item230e0760f2
  19. When initially viewing "Active Threads From The Forums" there are 15 threads showing. In order to view the remaining 5 on the first page I have to click on "MORE". After getting a full 20 items on the first page, all of the following pages have all 20 items on them right away. I am curious about why all 20 items are not viewable right away when looking at the first page. Not a huge inconvenience, just curious. I'll bet someone has a very logical explanation. Probably the "boss".
  20. I got my hands on one of those carb synch tools with 4 gauages.. it came for a bunch of brass rods, with a threaded end with rubber o-ring and the other of the rod is a small hole.. They call these 'adapters' but doesn't say how they were to be used? The kit comes with the 4 rubber hoses and 4 valves used for restricting the air to smooth out the needles.. But are the rods for? Curious.. Cheers
  21. Hello all, I was just wondering where everyone is from. I live in dothan, alabama and own a 2000 millinium edition venture and a 2008 yamaha raider. I am just curious if anyone lives around here. originally from se ohio.
  22. Hi all..My wife and i are leaving the Edmonton,Alberta area in early September and would like to drive the coast highway from northern Washington to approximately San Francisco...we were curious about the typical weather that time of year...traffic...availabilty of moderate motels...etc. any advise would be appreciated...we are newbies to touring... Randy.
  23. Does anyone know how many Venture Royales 1300's were built during the entire run from 1986 - 1993? Just curious!
  24. Has anyone ever priced a Venture trunk new from Yamaha? I was just curious.
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