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  1. For the last week I've been on vacation and have done quite a bit of riding and I have been observing the water temperature guage that I recently installed. The temperature doesn't seem to be very stable. Sometimes when cruising 60 mph it will hold at 185 and a while later it will be at 200, cruise on a while longer and it will drop back to 190. At first I just thought it was the thermostat cycling but it may hold the temperatures for 30 minutes or more. In the cars and trucks that I have owned the temperature is always very stable at cruising speeds. Have any of you with guages noticed this type of temperature swings? My guage is an electrical guage. Dennis
  2. Not the kind of cruising I am used to, we are finally going on a Caribbean cruise, well not exactly the cruise I wanted, which was an Alaskan cruise, but a cruise to test the waters to see if we like it. We are booked on the Carnival Conquest for a 7 day cruise. Many thanks to Eck and the members that contributed to the cause (cruise) at Vogel. It didnt quite cover all of it, but it helped. Thanks again to all, and especially Eck. In doing so he also assured that there will be more Vogel's to come, I don't know what ever gave him the idea that there wouldn't be................:think:. We will be leaving out of New Orleans Feb 12, and when we get back it will be Mardi Gras, we might even extend our vacation by a couple of days for that.
  3. got to looking at my winter project yesterday (a 1959 cushman pacemaker), and it looked so pathetic i just had to tear into it. tore it all apart and it's ready to sandblast, went to harbor freight and bought a 13 hp, motor, so it looks like all systems are go. it will have a comet cv automatic which i had in stock, and i'm planning on painting it medium metallic blue and silver to match my nomad. hoping for a cruising speed around 65 so i can keep up with traffic. since i'm working towards my second retirement, i just had to come up with another hobby so i'm back in the cushman gang.
  4. Those who have added the Water/Volt or Amp/Oil press gauge set to your RSV, what does your temp gauge read under the following conditions... (Bike is all warmed up and you've been riding for a while) During normal hwy cruising on a warm summer day?? During normal hwy cruising on a HOT summer day?? During extended stop & go city traffic on a warm or even hot summer day?? Reason I asked is I noticed mine was hitting the 230 mark while we were backed up in a long, long line traffic as it slowly merged from 3 lanes to 1 in a construction zone last evening... temps outside weren't hot at all ... in fact, Nina was wearing her leather jacket and was mentioning she felt a bit cold not long prior to that. Generally while cruising on a warm day the gauge will read around 215. Granted, these are pretty cheap gauges so no doubt they're not very accurate... but I'm just curious...
  5. Today I got my '89 VR out on the road for the first time since I bought it back in August. I did notice she's a little stiff in the turns (maybe it's me..or the new tires or the fork brace). Anyways, what's getting me is that my bike is really backfiring (frequently) while I'm cruising at around 25-35 mph at approximately 3-4K RPM. She doesn't backfire while accelerating, while decelerating (using either brake or engine/transmission), or while idling. Even though I adjusted the idle knob and throttle cable before riding, she tends to run up to 2K RPM while stopped. I have cleaned out the carbs completely, have replaced the carb intake boots, the carb diaphragm, spark plugs, and doesn't appear to have any exhaust leaks. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  6. What cruising speed are you comfortable with? When I had my 1st Gen's, I enjoyed a steady speed of 70 mph and Now with my 2009 Klr 650 I found that crusing at 65 mph feels just right
  7. This is why I moved to flyover country. I dubbed a few of my favorite "Folsum Prison Blues" tracks onto one of my wife's Brittany Spears tapes. (She didn't need it anyways) Cruising into work, how else would I want to start and end my work day? Don't pay any attention to the speedometer needle, it's not accurate anyways... http://video.yahoo.com/watch/5215301?fr=yvmtf
  8. I have just purchased one with 15k on it. It has the Jardine pipes. We just went to thunder beach and wow what a time. The bike on acceleration in all gears, until cruising, has a vibration on acceleration. I know it could be a hundred things, but is there a quick and dirty list I could check? I put new plugs in it. Thanks for the help.
  9. Hello everyone, I'm new to the RSV world. I just bought my '05 midnight special two weeks ago(traded in an '03 Valkyrie for it) and love it. I've already put 800 miles on it. I've noticed this chirping sound in it and have read some of the threads on here about it. It is pretty annoying. What is it? On my bike it starts at about 50 and gets louder all the way through any reasonable cruising speeds up to 75(I haven't tried cruising above that and don't intend to). The salesman I bought it from rides an '01 and he said his does it too, that it was normal. Is that true or is there something that I need to have done to it?
  10. Hello everyone, I'm new to the RSV world. I just bought my '05 midnight special two weeks ago(traded in an '03 Valkyrie for it) and love it. I've already put 800 miles on it. I've noticed this chirping sound in it that resembles the turbo charger whistle from an old military truck and have read some of the threads on here about it. It is pretty annoying. What is it? On my bike it starts at about 50 and gets louder all the way through any reasonable cruising speeds up to 75(I haven't tried cruising above that and don't intend to). The salesman I bought it from rides an '01 and he said his does it too, that it was normal. Is that true or is there something that I need to have done to it?
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