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  1. This list has been a real help as I struggled to get my 92 Venture back up and running. Starter Clutch replaced, Carbs redone and sync. changed all fluids out, all with help or advise from this list. The results is about 700 miles so far on the best riding for comfort bike I have ever ridden. I have had goldwings and Harleys and none of them takes a pot hole or railroad crossing or that invisable bump like the Venture. Even my Harley die hard was blown away with a RR crossing I dared him to take. The bike matching the feeling in new car (well ok close real close) For a guy with a bad back that is a must. It cost a lot of time and money to get the bike running and I hope I avoid any more trouble but for the ride I will just continue to throw money at the bike to fix it when the problem comes up. Thanks to all on this list who post and help others. My abilities and knowledge is limited at best so about all I can do is say thanks you guys make a difference.
  2. need a little help on finding where this hose goes. i thought it would be simple do to the fact the hose is short i would just hold it in everywhere the hose would fit and find it, not so. i hope its not just a vent hose. i looked in the manual but after my eyes started crossing i thought I'd go to the pros, thanks. hope the pic is good enough. o, my bad, its the hose just above the oil sight glass. its hooked to a nipple coming out of the bottom of the casing.
  3. In June I'll by crossing into Canada with a friend. I have crossed before on bikes but that was well before 9/11. Back then we just pulled up to the customs booth together. Can we still do that or do they want one bike at a time?
  4. The genius of German engineering. Very impressive! But, just remember what your parents taught you about looking both ways when crossing a street. Check this link out, English captions included .. http://biertijd.com/mediaplayer/?itemid=21816
  5. Went for a country road ride yesterday, on my Vulcan, ran about 120 miles or so, never more than40 miles from home at any given point, sort of a big semi-circle. Last leg of the ride i was on a road that 2 bicycles would have trouble passing each other on. I rounded a curve, came upon a low water crossing. I stopped before I even got to the edge of the water, could see easily see it was no more than a couple inches deep. I started across, being cautious, knowing it was likely somewhat slippery. I had no idea just how slippery though. 15 foot onto the crossing the rear went north, the front went south, and I landed on my side with the 800 on top of me, it happened so fast that I was still holding onto the handlebars and looking at water running in my helmet. I mean, it was literally a blink of the eye and I was down. I scurried out from under it and hit the kill button, I then reached down and picked it up with my left hand, sat it on the kickstand. I took my helmet off and sat it on my sissybar, it was then I noticed my bike was moving! Sideways! the current was pushing my bike sideways while it was on the sidestand. Water was only a couple inches deep, not even over my shoes. I jumped on and fired it back up, and surprisingly it fired easily, I was already still in first gear so I eased the clutch out, not giving any gas. It started spinning! Even more sideways now, almost pointing straight into the flow of the water. It started to move forward, idling, pointing at a 45ºangle to the flow/direction I wanted to go. Yep, I had to "drift" it across. When I got to the other side and stopped on dry pavement is when I noticed the pain. At least one broken rib, sticking out about 2" from my ribcage, and at least 5 or more ribs bruised badly. Not a scratch or a mark on my bike. Nothing. Not even a scratch on my windshield. In the blink of an eye, and going less than idle speed in first gear! Yea, wife wanted to see the spot that finally put me down. I've been riding since 1968 and that is my first down on a street bike, that is her in the Jeep crossing the crossing
  6. I been out car shopping with the oldest daughter.Car dealers thought we were crazy. We want to buy this much car $$$$ for this much money $$. It must have ground clearance and be AWD. They all went HUH WHY? CREEK crossing gets them every time.We finally found a usable SUBARU. How many cars does it take to get through college? This is number 6.
  7. I had to go through a water crossing today at Palo Duro Canyon. I guess Ventures really do handle like a boat!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwcpStxcv2E]YouTube - watercrossing[/ame]
  8. Geez, almost got taken out twice today! Incident #1 - I was riding in the right lane of a four lane divided highway. Coming the other direction was a funeral procession. The lead car in our group in the left lane figured they had to stop. The car right behind couldn't brake quick enough so they swerved into my lane causing me to go onto the shoulder to avoid getting hit. Incident #2 - Minutes later, I rolled into town and was following a car. A school bus was coming the other way and stopped at a railroad crossing. They always stop and turn on their lights before crossing the tracks. For some reason, the car in front of me slammed on their brakes and stopped as well. I had to swerve around the car to avoid rear ending it. Lucky I had left enough room to do this. Needless to say, I feel pretty lucky. Be careful out there.
  9. Last weekend...a couple of our sons, friends, my brother and his wife took a 3 day Winery tour! Have never posted pix before, but wanted to try it. The one is at New Diggins, WI and the other is crossing the ferry at Cassville IA. I just got the digital camera so I'm not very good at taking pix or downloading them yet.
  10. Okay now there is a few tricks when trying to cross the CDN - US border, which some of this applies to other border crossings as well. Firstly make sure you have a license plate, for some reason they want to see one to determine what Country you live. This past weekend we were heading off to Squidleys then to Floyds for the Maintenance BBQ. AS I was getting things ready, I grabbed my wifes ID and mine, packed the bike and we were off. We get to the Ferry with about 15 minutes before it stopped for the evening. While crossing and I grabbed the ID's, and looking at it I realized I grabbed the kids ID not Rhonda's. Oh know. Well the border guy advises us what we already knew, that you have to have ID. After being puled over the fellow brought Rhonda into the customs and asked her a bunch of questions. He was very abrupt and not nice at all actually called her stupid twice, but then let us carry on. Had great evening and day today and when we got to Canada the lady crossing guard wondered how we got into the states, and let us go. I guess the main point is to always carry you ID. By the way I was not in the dog house too long. Brad
  11. The latest scheme to cut time crossing the Mexico border. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20080619/news_1m19scooter.html I wonder how many students we will get because of this. Rod
  12. I knew is was in trouble when I went out this morning. I slid the front end of the 89 crossing the creek. Leaving the house going out is the easiest way because the bike is squared up going out. Crossing coming back is a slight down hill right turn then square up when your in the creek if your lucky. Last year I dropped the 89 with MamaMo on it coming back from Freebirds maint day event. This was the first ride of the year on the 89 so I chanced it. I had a nice ride but crossing back to the house I lost control of the front end before I could get the bike squared up. I had to put the feet down in the water to balance the bike and there I was. Stopped in the middle of the creek with water over both boots. The creek is so slick I'm sliding my feet on the glassy algie covered rock surface just setting still. Let the clutch out to ease across the creek dragging my feet and the scoot won't move. The rear tires is spinning just setting still. At a moment like this you ask your self what would a more experienced rider like Muffinman,Skid, or Yammer Dan do? Probably the same thing dad and my brother is doing (watching laughing there a## off).After about 5 minutes of inching the scoot forward trying to keep it balanced I made it out without dropping it. Tune in next week when Froggy's new camp gets a 60 inch wide side door. I'm tired of this #@*^.
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