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  1. Sorry to ask this and yes I know there is a sheet but for some reason my Microsoft Office has a problem and will not open it. Anyway I need the filter number for a RSV I wanted to cross it over but can't so if someone could give me maybe the Napa # and maybe a couple more I would appreciate it. Thanks Rick
  2. In your Venture. Would you ride it cross country tomorrow....???
  3. Thank you Lord for living a life only God could live. You touched the lives of so many while you were on this earth a short 33 years. Thank you for having love and grace on the souls of all humankind. You gave your life on that cross even though you didn't deserve to die. You did it so that all could have the chance to know their Creator. Thank you Lord for forgiving my many deeds that caused your painful death. I love you Lord. Help me love the way you loved. I am indebted to you for life so please use me for your will. On this day many years ago Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross. He did for all humankid. He cares for and loves all. He wants to know you on a personal level. If you want to know him you just need to talk to him. He's listening. Prayer is simply talking with God. May the Lord's forgiveness be celebrated this Easter season. His grace and peace are real and attainable by all.
  4. Here is how I plan on mounting my accessories. Your Thoughts?
  5. Went to look at the new Cross Country tourer yesterday. Took a ride and WOW. Very nice machine. The dealer told me to come back and take it for an afternoon. Now that is good relations. The dealer is an Indian dealer also and I have known him for a couple years. I will take him up on that when the weather improves.
  6. I got some filters from my Dad after he died. I'm not sure if they fit anything that I got. I tried to cross reference but didn't get anywhere after 90+ minutes. How do I find out if the filters that I have fit the vehicles that I own? Got filters: Fram: PH3600, PH2, PH9A, Motorcraft FL-820S How do I find out if I have vehicles to match these filters?
  7. Anyone made a handle bar cross bar for our 1st Gen?
  8. I have an oppurtunity for a cross country ride from (San Jose)California to (Baton Rouge)Louisiana in april. Do you think an '83 Venture can make that trip? My bike has no issues right now and i do have some spare parts (TCI, voltage regulator, and CMS etc.) that would join me on the trip. My bike has around 46k miles on it right now, new tires, new stator, and front progressive springs. Any Suggestions on things that i should do before the spring trip? Correction, it has 36K on it. Has anyone done this trip before? I have 14 days for my trip.
  9. I have an oppurtunity for a cross country ride from (San Jose)California to (Baton Rouge)Louisiana in april. Do you think an '83 Venture can make that trip? My bike has no issues right now and i do have some spare parts (TCI, voltage regulator, and CMS etc.) that would join me on the trip. My bike has around 46k miles on it right now, new tires, new stator, and front progressive springs. Any Suggestions on things that i should do before the spring trip? Correction, it has 36k on it. Has anyone done this trip before? I have 14 days for my trip.
  10. I am in no way ready to ride again and would love to get another Venture but I don't think I could ever handle the weight of one with my shoulder the way it was reconstructed, so I found this 79 XS Eleven special. I have owned 2 one 79 and one 82 the 82 I took cross country. This one looks like showroom condition and is not far from me. What do you folks think. Tom http://spacecoast.craigslist.org/mcy/2660049568.html
  11. Looking at M/C 1/2 covers and have my eye on these two so far http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/13/117/36883/ITEM/Show-Chrome-Ultragard-Classic-Half-Cover.aspx http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/13/117/1471/ITEM/Dowco-Guardian-Traveler-Cover.aspx Both are sold by Motorcycle Super Store. The price looks not bad and the reviews are pretty positive. Has any one had any experience with these or the store itself. Have any Canadian members purchased from this company and what was your experience in dealing with them with regards to cross border shipping.
  12. Does anyone know what size tap I would need to retap a hole in my windsheld bracket I have one that seems cross threaded? Thanks
  13. Ok short story is the gentleman that bought my silverwing flew in today to pick it up and ride it to Indiana and then on to Arizona. The plan went as it was supposed to except one thing, he is inexperienced and in ten blocks has already has several mishaps. What do I do now? I am not comfortable in letting him take it on a cross country trip when he cant get it across town!! Legally i cant stop him. But morally it aint right for me to let him go. Any and all help appreciated. Shaun
  14. I ran a cross this today. The Ladys has a heart. http://www.militarytimes.com/multimedia/video/?bcrefid=866157386#/Portraits+of++the+Fallen/51748824001
  15. In my dark storage area I cross jumped my 2003 Midnight Venture. The main fuse blew the instant I touched the terminal. I changed the 30A fuse and installed a new battery.I now have no audio at all not even a display. Now my clock and trip meters work only when the ignition is on. When I stop and restart the engine the trips are at zero and the clock is at 12:00. The audio doesn't work with the key in any position, I can't find any bad fuses. I'm so bummed I can't blame somebody for my carelessness. This is my third Venture '88, '99, '03, I feel so guilty, I've hurt the best scooter I've ever had. Thanks for any help, David
  16. I am thinking of leading a group of Arkansas Riders on a longer ride and have been wondering about Ontario, Canada. Someone educate me on a couple of things regarding Ontario (sorry for my ignorance). I know we'll all need to have passports, but where or what is the best place to cross the border? What is the best time of the year to make a 14-21 day trip like this? What are some MUST SEE sites and things to see in Ontario? Thanks for any information. Wally
  17. Nina & I are considering getting a small dog. Looking for ideas & pics if possible on how to set things up so the dog can ride on the bike with us. The dog we're considering will be less than 15 lbs when full grown. It's a Shih-tzu cross. Also, anyone with this breed of dog, can you shed any light on problems, issues, temperament, etc. They seem to be very popular. Here's a pic of the one we're hoping to get... [ATTACH]54336[/ATTACH]
  18. I'm watching Wild Hogs (again). It's an excellent movie that someone that hasn't completed a cross country motorcycle ride would not understand.
  19. A buddy and I plan to head out on June 29 and head into Canada for a four day trip. We will cross in Windsor and take rt3 (Talbott Trail) to Niagara Falls the first day and then wing it from there. We plan to go north from the falls to a little town called McDougal, and them toward Sault St Marie where we'll cross back in to Michigan. I do hope to have time to make it the the PIE CO. in Traveres City MI. From anyone up there are there any must sees or roads to ride?
  20. I was looking at a map of Indiana and seen this road of 446. It is south of where you go a cross Lake Monroe and where comes in to a town of Meumee. Then you could take W CR 1000 to Houston then Huston road to 135 and come out above Freetown. Anyone from Indiana been a cross this road. If so how is it ?
  21. I found a pretty neat motorcycle oil filter cross reference for most bikes. I find it interesting that the Honda 1500 & 1800 use the same filter as our Ventures. It coincides with my latest acquisition of 8 factory Honda 1500 filters. I shouldn't have to buy any oil filters for at least 8 years - http://www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/FilterXRef.html
  22. Sailor


    There is another scam going around. If you get a request for donations to a cross country bike ride called "Bikes for Tots" it is false. It has the Royal Canadian Legion crest on it but the Legion has nothing to do with it. It seems to have originated in Regina. It has been reported to the cops. At the same time the "Ride for Dad" is organizing a cross Canada ride for later this year to raise funds for prostate cancer research. This is legitimate.
  23. I was on ebay and found this software that is supposed to cross reference parts for yamaha models. Has anyone used this and would it be beneficial for finding xref parts for my 83'? Yamaha XVZ1200 XVZ1200A Venture Royale Part XRef Manual What fits what software 3117 models 187,770 part #s Thanks
  24. Charlene is devastated, I am mad beyond reason........I will give you the short version. As most of you that know Charlene, she has been waiting to have her back surgery now for over 2 years, it was scheduled for Mon. Jan, 4 2010. This morning at 10:45 am she gets a call from the Dr.'s office saying they have to cancel her surgery for reasons we still dont understand and agree with. The insurance company, Blue Cross Anthem faxed them and said they couldnt authorize it, the reason, new coverage, my company changed insurers, from BC/BS of Texas to Blue Cross Anthem. The coverage could not be verified before Jan. 1,(New Years Day). We just got all the info from them on Mon, Jan 28, so they got it as soon as we did. They are putting her file under medical review, could take up to 15 days or more to get it approved..........BC/BS had already authorized it and told us even though the coverage changed it wouldnt be a problem. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone this moring with both insurance companies and every time I got put on hold after about 5 minutes I got disconnected and had to call back and start all over and when I finally got to someone every story was different to no problem to just a small problem, to sorry nothing we can do at this time........the nurses that review the files will not talk to anyone so we couldnt get them on the line.......I am so fed up with Blue Cross if I could find an office I would likely do something I would regret. Charlene is taking it better than I am, but thats not saying much, everytime she tells someone about it she ends up crying. We had a lot of people that were going to help us out and now they have to put those plans on hold till we get the approval. I was supposed to be on vacation till the 18th of Jan, now I have to go back to work till they approve it and hope my company understands what is happening and will let me reschedule it........... Our HR person is going to get an earful from me because we were told everything was ok to proceed, so I will be spending a lot to time in her office on Monday till we get some resolution. Luckily I was able to go to the ABC store and get some adult beverage, cause I am going to need it............ All I can say is, if anyone else has Blue Cross Anthem, better be prepared to go to battle with them if you need something covered by them........this is the third time in 4 years our coverage has changed and everytime it keeps getting worse, for 2010 our deductable went up by 50% and our out of pocket expenses went up by 50%.................... Well this helped a little to vent....... Hope everyone else has a great New Year!!!!!
  25. would make a great meet and be one of the first to cross the new bridge,sume time in 2010
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