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  1. As usual this group never ceases to amaze me! It was soooo great to see all of you again and a few that I met for the first time! There isn't a single Venturerider I don't like!! Having been around a while I prety much knew everybody but of course there were a couple of new faces, either newer members or in the case of Angel, people I haven't seen in person for the first time. The downside, with so many friends it's hard to spend quality time with everybody. Wish we had more time!! Even though I already knew, I was still astounded with the open hearts of the Pioneer crew! They treat us sooo wonderful it is amazing! While we are on the subject, I was ho9nored to see the Venturerider crew in action doing what they always do, help out en mass whenever anybody has a problem! Angel's bike was not the only bike that had a problem, there were a couple of other minor incidents that received the royal treatment as well! You guys amaze me!! Besides all the dedicated work that the entire rally crew did I also want to give a special kudos to Wizard765 in helping out with the last minute prep work on the shower. Wayne has many talents and was a joy to work with! As a team we work exceptionally well together! I also want to thank all the volunteers on Thursday afternoon who worked in the rain to get the shower torn down and the materials returned to my place! The lumber is also for a project happening at my place, a new storage closet and a half bath off the kitchen. All I know is I am exhausted today partially physically and partially emotionally. Can't wait for the next event...
  2. While the C-5 was turning over its engines, a female crewman gave the G.I.s on board the usual information regarding seat belts, emergency exits, etc. Finally, she said, 'Now sit back and enjoy your trip while your captain, Judith Campbell, and crew take you safely to Afghanistan ' An old Master Sergeant sitting in the eighth row thought to himself, 'Did I hear her right? Is the captain a woman?' When the attendant came by he said 'Did I understand you right? Is the captain a woman?' 'Yes,'! said the attendant, 'In fact, this entire crew is female.' 'My God,' he said, 'I wish I had two double scotch and sodas. I don't know what to think with only women up there in the cockpit.' 'That's another thing, Sergeant,' said the crew member, 'We No Longer Call It The Cockpit' 'It's The Box Office.' Quote of the day: 'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of ****.' Women are Angels. And when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly....on a broomstick. We are flexible like that.
  3. Saw this on the Trike talk fourm so wanted to share it here. Enjoy. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD78rTF0Rjo]YouTube - The "Jiffy" Crew[/ame]
  4. 11 hours later rain,rain Rain Im hitting the sack Give you high lights tomorrow And Example How in the world these 2 ever will set up a Tent ...one's sucking his thumb while the OTHER..Well Im not saying anything:rotfl::rotfl: and plenty more pictures to come PS Carl you and your crew did a wonderful presentation Brad and Lonna even if it was short Thank you again for yor hospitality
  5. Hello everyone, No on will remember me I used to hang out here close to 2.5 -3 years ago. Then I sold my bike and slumped into a deep dark depression...LOL My name is Art, I'm a medic up in Flushing Michigan, I rode with the VR crew out to Port Huron for a Eat and Greet. We also Met the crew in Frankinmuth for a luncheon ( I was leading the pack back to my place when one of the guys hit a dog...ring any bells?) Anyhow, I forgot my login info, so I started fresh. Monday I pick up my new bike.... 2004 Midnight VRS. She only has 24k miles on her and is in mint condition. I look forward to seeing everyone again ( Brad this means you) . Well I'm off the work at the Motocross track, y'all have a great day and we'll talk to you tonight. ArticusMedicus Have you seen me?/ LOL http://i645.photobucket.com/albums/uu178/Wheellock/GranpasXmaspresent091.jpg
  6. NASCAR NEWS...Jeff Gordon fires his entire pit crew This announcement followed Gordon's decision to take advantage of the government's scheme to employ Harlem youngsters. The decision to hire them was brought about by a recent documentary on how unemployed youths from Harlem were able to remove a set of wheels in less than 6 seconds without proper equipment, whereas Gordon's existing crew could only do it in 8 seconds with millions of dollars worth of high tech equipment. It was thought to be an excellent and bold move by Gordon's management team as most races are won or lost in the pits. However-Gordon got more than he bargained for! At the crew's first practice session, not only was the inexperienced crew able to change all 4 wheels in under 6 seconds, but within 12 seconds they had changed the paint scheme, altered the Vin number, and sold the car to Dale Jr. for 10 cases of Bud, a bag of weed, and some photos of Jeff Gordon's wife in the shower. :stickinouttounge:GOT YOU!!
  7. It's official folks and nothing we can do about it.It's tough economic times and winter is coming on. In less then two weeks this state will come to a crawl. All schools closed and businesses cut back to a skeleton crew. Only one thing left to do. Get the guns out and go hunting. Nov 24 begins WV Deer season a state holiday.
  8. It was 1:45 am when I was letting the crew in the warehouse and one of the bigshot executives was with them. Some of the girls on my crew had dressed up a bit for Halloween so Mr. Bigshot asks me what I was "going to be" for Halloween. The past few weeks have been a bit stressful at work so I half asleep replied,"Im going as a disgruntled worker who went on a shooting spree" OMFG! He about soiled himself! The executives all think Im a bit nuts anyway...which is good because it keeps them away from me and my crew. But he did bring me breakfast after kissing my butt all day!
  9. I just wanted to put this up incase anyone wanted to tag along. Lonna and I will be leaving my work in Pontiac at 11am on Friday morning. We will do a HARD 500 mile ride and make it down to Bowling Green KY. to spend the night. We will then leave there early Saturday Morning where we will catch up with Ebat somewhere around Nashville TN. and head towards Memphis and the meet up with Lewis and the crew at the Flying J. Unbfortunately this wont be as relaxing as I would like it to be and will be all super slab to make time. If anyone wants to hook up along the way give me a shout and we'll see what we can make of it....I'm pretty excited about getting there
  10. Had a great time, met some really nice folks and had a great breakfast!! here are a few pics I took of the crew, sorry if I missed on the names, but you know who you are.. Kreg
  11. Tomorrow, I am planning on heading up to meet up with the crew at the Rally in Kitchener. Anyone else from SW Ontario have similar plans? If so, post on here and maybe we can hook up. My plan is to be there around the time the crew sobers up ... I mean, around the time they finish breakfast (around 8 am). Cheers,
  12. Guest

    Laconia Trip Report

    For anyone who might be interested, here is the report on a trip I just completed down to Weir's Beach with a bunch of friends. WARNING: the report is long, so if you are just interested in the pictures, go right to the bottom and click on the link, but WARNING #2: there ARE a lot of pictures ... and WARNING #3, about halfway through the pictures, there are a couple of "R" rated pics. ** We left St. Thomas on Wednesday evening, and met up with Brian, Sharon and Derek at the Husky on Hwy 74 – saw Don and Pat Affleck leaving the station just as we were pulling in, likely headed to a chilly ice cream ride! The 401 was the route of choice to meet up with John at the Trafalgar Road Tim’s – with a slight detour onto Campbellville Road to avoid the long stretch of scarred tarmac on the 401 between Hwy 6 South and Hwy 25. After fueling up, we headed onto the 407 for the trip across the top of Toronto. Arrived at the hotel in Whitby at about 9:30 pm. We got an early start on Thursday after a nice breakfast at the Sunset Grill, and dropped onto Hwy around Port Hope. At Brighton, we headed towards the Loyalist Parkway and rode that all the way to the Glenora Ferry. Along the way, we detoured slightly to get up to Lake on The Mountain. After crossing on the ferry, we strayed on Hwy 33 until we arrived near Kingston, which was a good place to stop for lunch. After lunch, we headed to the 401 for a bit and then dropped back down onto the 1000 Islands Parkway. It is another nice scenic track, right along the lake shore, and some beautiful homes along the way. At Brockville, we headed back onto the 401. We had to stop and put on the rain gear around Prescott, and it did rain for about 30 – 45 minutes until we got to Cornwall. I thought that maybe crossing the river at Valleyfield would keep us away from the traffic of downtown Montreal … but I forgot about all the bridge repairs in the area, so once we hit the bridge, we hit one heck of a traffic jam! We wound up taking the “back roads” – Hwy 132 and 138 into our destination for the night – the Comfort Inn in Brossard. We wound up arriving there around 5:30. After a quick breakfast at the hotel on Friday, we met up with a large group from Montreal. We were presented with souvenir T-shirts for the event by the organizer, Daniel. Daniel and the rest of the Quebecois crew then led us on Hwy 10 out to Eastman, PQ to meet up with the last of the crew at Bernard and Mimi’s. After a pit stop, and a chance to do some repairs to one of the Harley Sportsters, the whole crew – 18 bikes and 22 people – headed out through Magog and into Vermont. Because the skies had begun to turn, we wound up putting on our rain gear, but as it turned out, it really wasn’t needed. Although Provincial Route 141 is a quite a scenic ride, the road itself is not in really good repair. There are lots of potholes, and lots of uneven pavement. But, after awhile, you get used to it, relax on the handlebars and try to enjoy the scenery. We crossed into Vermont at Stanhope, VT – it is a very different kind of border crossing. The guards are actually quite friendly, and they took the whole group more or less through all at once. From there, we made our way along some nice, gentle twisties and dips into Colebrook, NH. That was the scheduled fueling and lunch stop. By that time, the skies had totally cleared up and so off came the rain gear. About 130 km later, we made it into North Conway, NH. The crew was split into a couple of the different hotels, but we all got together to trade some stories in “franglais” and introduce one another and then went for dinner at a steak house (called 99) for dinner. The hotel we stayed at was teaming with bikes and bikers, and let’s just say that the majority of them were in a “festive” mood! The next morning (Saturday), Brian noticed that the headlamp on Sharon’s VStar was “sagging”. Once we took it apart, we noted that one of the support brackets was actually broken, so thanks to some ingenuity from Derek, a “bucksheet” repair was done using – no, not duct tape – but tie wraps. However, because of the repair work, we missed the departure time that the rest of the crew had set. No troubles, with Gidget in hand, she programmed us a nice scenic route to get us into Weir’s Beach. As it turned out, we were probably only 5-10 minutes behind the crew from Quebec, We met up with the Quebec crew around 11 am and had the group shots taken. Since they are frequent visitors to the event, and it was the first time for most of the Ontario crew, they left Weir’s Beach ahead of us and went on into Laconia itself to pick up their Harley pins. The Ontario crew decided to linger a bit longer at Weir’s Beach to check out the sites and the vendors. We bought the customary T-shirts, patches and pins, of course! We headed out just shortly after noon, and decided to take the lake route (Daniel Webster Hwy – 11B) out towards the coast. The lake route was a beautiful drive, although it did mean that to get to it, we needed to go back through the mess (i.e. huge traffic) at the entrance to Weir’s Beach. After a lunch stop, we headed back onto Hwy 11 and 16 into Hampton Beach, arriving at our motel (the Main Sail Motel & Cottages) at about 3:30 pm (about 45 minutes ahead of the crew from Quebec). We got there early enough to do some sigh seeing along the boardwalk and for the ladies to check out some of the shops. Dinner was at the Sea Ketch restaurant, overlooking the beach. Afterwards, we went down to the water, and everyone dipped their toes in the Atlantic! The beach was having a Sandcastle building contest and the entries were all so good, I don’t know how the judges made the final decision. At 9:30 there was a fireworks display to rival any other that I’ve seen or heard (I think they were celebrating the arrival of the canuck bikers … or was it more like a celebration of their imminent departure??!!). We left Hampton Beach at 7:30 on Sunday morning and wound our way east along NH101, 107, 111 and 101 – all of them beautiful roads with lots of gentle twists and dips, and all with lots of great scenery along the way. Along the way, the speedo cable on Sharon’s bike came loose – a quick repair job (it just needed to be reconnected) and we were back on the road. We’re blaming the Yamaha problems that Sharon encountered on the rough roads in Quebec. At Keene, NH, after a pit stop, we picked up VT9 – another beautiful road that crosses the state of Vermont from east to west. From there, we crossed into NY state and picked up NY7, which brought us to the “home of Uncle Sam”, Troy, NY. Lunch was at a village by the name of Duanesburg, along US20 – another long, mostly 2 lane, mostly scenic track. At some points, it becomes 4 lanes, which gives the “speed demons” like John a chance to open her up. For many a mile, we met no other traffic on the road, and every once in a while we came upon yet another quaint little town (e.g. Morrisville, Cazenovia, Skaneateles. The final destination – at about 4 pm – was the town of Auburn, NY. The Days Inn was where we stayed … along with the Class A affiliate of the Cleveland Indians baseball team. We wound up having dinner in a little pub just down from the hotel, and after trying some Blue Moon beer and some local product Ithaca Apple-something, the Portuguese guy hoisted a pint of Guinness with two brits that were along on the trip. The other good news was that the rain held off for the entire day, even though they had been calling for some nasty weather. We weren’t back in the hotels for more than 15 minutes after dinner, than the skies opened up and the rain, thunder and lightning started. Monday morning looked as if it was going to be a nasty day. We decided to leave Auburn at 7 am, and make our last leg of the trip. As soon as we left town, the dark skies disappeared and we had great sunshine all the way. The plan was to stay on US 20, and so we did. After having breakfast in Geneva, we continued along 20 all the way into Depew, NY and then made it into Buffalo and across the Peace Bridge at about 11 am. At that time, we said goodbye to John, who headed home to Burlington, no doubt in 5th gear all the way, and just smiling at the thought of riding the 4 lane tarmac once again! The rest of us headed out on Hwy 3 (with a couple of detours – the Forks Rd north of Pt Colborne and CR17 from Dunville to Cayuga). After lunch in Pt Colborne, we could see that the skies to the west were starting to get a bit darker. As we gassed up in Cayuga, some put on their rain gear. As we got into Courtland, we started to see lighting to the west, so we decided to stop in Tillsonburg and let it pass over us – except for Derek, who obviously doesn’t think that his Honda attracts lightning (or maybe he thinks that his pipes are so loud that it drown out the thunder and scare the lightning away). In any case, after an hour’s wait, we decided that the storm had passed by and it was ok to head home. Vicki and I and the RoadSofa hightailed it on Hwy 3 and by the time we hit the Eden Line, we were back into sunshine. Brian and Sharon headed north and did get a bit of rain along the way, but they too made it home safe. So … in total, a little over 2,400 kms were travelled. A few beers were hoisted. There were smiles and stories all around. There were a bunch of neat roads to travel, there was a lot of great scenery along the way. All in all, I’d have to say … it was yet another great adVenture! A great thanks to Brian, Sharon, Derek and John for the camaraderie and fun throughout the trip and for putting up with my – as always – excessive (obsessive?) planning. And an even greater thanks to my beautiful Vicki – what a great way to spend our 27th wedding anniversary! Pictures – as always, there are quite a few – can be found at: http://s22.photobucket.com/albums/b320/BluesLover55/2008%20trips/Laconia/ Cheers,
  13. Last chance, is anybody going thru Indy to Dons tomorrow? If not, I'm going to hookup with Eck and his crew coming up thru Ohio. See ya there! Dan
  14. I would like to formally introduce to you the Vroom Vroom Crew. This is a newly formed group operating out of Laporte, MN. Coordinating this fine crew of professionals (cough...cough....BS....cough...cough) is Mr. Owl. Diligent and persistant this gentleman (cough...cough....BS....cough...cough) is, and a champion at multi-tasking. He can work on 2 bikes at one time while smoking a cig and drinking a Ginger Ale and bandaging a cut finger! Secondly we have Mr. Gary. His hospitalty is immeasurable and candid humor is remarkable. Working side by side with Mr. Owl, these two are a dynamic duo in every sense of the phrase. They assess your problem and incoporate an intense system of research to find methods of correcting that problem. When the challenges before them prove to be too tough, they call in reinforcements from their Canadian Team, Rick & Marilyn. Though a little OCD over clean hands before touching, they get down in the dirt and get down to business. Watching this team of experts (cough...cough....BS....cough...cough...) is truly a sight to behold. Crow & I were inoccent (cough...cough....BS....cough...cough) bystanders in this menagerie of talent but I have to tell ya, if you want to spend the day sitting in front of your TV watching the big game or on the lake waiting for that great catch, go on, do that. But I have to tell you, watching this great team go through 4 pots of coffee, ponder an issue for hours at a time, render potshots that will leave you speechless or wet from laughing so hard. then add at the end of the day, well, okay, 11:00pm, hugs all around before saying good-bye, there's nothing better than that! Thanks guys for trying to fix Ol' Girl. It wasn't meant to be but we had an awesome time trying! By the way folks.......... Windshields, bolts, brakes, and whatever else they came up with..........are overated! Love y'all, Brandi
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