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  1. OK, i've read every post on the site regarding rear shocks, and they vary from 2005 to the present. Right now i'm looking for current info, based on opinion or actual experience--either will do...So of the three readily available aftermarket shocks, (not counting OEM, which is a piece of dog crap, no intent to insult dog crap) which is the best, and why? My research has revealed the following: Hagon. $469 YSS. $499 Works. $879 Figure $30 for shipping...OK, except for the obvious (hint, involves greenbacks) what breaks out one shock from the other? Why does the Works cost so damned much? Anyone have anything good or bad to say about any of these? Anyone know of any other shocks on the market? Thanks for the help, Fred
  2. I just talked with the guy who bought my 84, seems like as long as the TCI (relocated on top of the air box) is cool, bike runs great. As soon as it warms up, bike runs like crap. I let him use one of my extra 1st gen TCI boxes and it acts the same but just takes longer to heat up and then start running like crap. Anybody have any experience with this? Anybody repair these PIA TCI's? Or is the new programmable box from Czechoslovakia the only real way to fix it?
  3. This morning I was in the middle of replacing my clutch bearing on my 86 engine in my 83 Venture. I took the entire clutch basket out, which is a very good thing. On the very back of the clutch basket there is a gear, it drives a plastic gear on a keyed shaft going through the case. a screw had broken that holds the retaining piece for the shaft, so it was floating. On the other side of the case, where there is a gear on the other end of the shaft, that gear meshes with a plastic gear that drives the oil pump. that plastic gear was stripped. So my engines been running without oil supply probably for 150 miles this week. crap, crap, crap. I need an engine, a different bike, a new bike, ...no money. crap, crap, crap. Doug
  4. We have had no power for just over 24 hours!! finally back on. We lost our side fence, but everything else is okay. We have a big water geyser coming over the fence from next door... so guess everything in our storage shed is now crap Wind still very strong, and they say we have this weather for two more days
  5. Found just what we were looking for,,, still some work to be done,,,,,OH crap!!! it's sold!!!
  6. Had nothing to do and while I was surfing ebay I typed in Stuff in the search column, just to see what came up. Seems that there is over 700 pages of stuff available. Wonder what would come up if I typed in crap?
  7. Geez, trying to breathe isn't easy Have had a chest infection for about five days, and now I'm using a puffer Looks like the dreaded family asthma thing has caught me If ya miss it as a kid it can get ya later in life AAWWW Crap!! My Mother had senior onset asthma in her 70's, my sister got it at 30, and my cousin at 76. ........... and I'm still waiting for my trike :crying:
  8. Awwww CRAP! It's snowing...
  9. I used to have an awesome tire gauge purchased years ago from Roadgear.. http://roadgear.com//ready-digital-tire-gauge-p-39.html?osCsid=511f930054c43a7b8504bb4dc4a73edd Unfortunately, I lost mine on an earlier road trip this year and bought a replacement and one for my buddy.. Unfortunately, the new version has turned out to be nothing but crap crap and more crap.. The company has been good enough to issue out new replacements without charge.. But those were not working properly either.. bad electronics in them like the previous ones.. then they sent again NEW gauges but those too were crap.. They acknowledged they discovered a bad production batch, either bad integrated circuit boards or bad batteries or both festering their stock.. So they sent me new gauges again (4th time now) and though one of the pair works, one of them failed miserably.. The alert is about how the seemingly working gauges reads 10 PSI too high of what the pressure actually is.. Every dead gauge that worked for a while then failed would read 10 PSI too high. My worry is that there might be a lot of people using these gauges and running around with too high of pressures in their tires.. Since some of us run our tires at the maximum ratings as it is, I would have to think what would happen on a long highway trip with 50 or 55 PSI in your tires? So if you have one of these gauges, do yourself the favour and double check them against another gauge to make sure you're not inadvertently heading for a dangerous situation..
  10. Well Friday is another biopsy, 6th since 11/08 they'll be taking a chunk of lymph node out of my neck. Not so worried about the surgery but the results will determine the length and strength of my future treatment (for non-hodgkins lymphoma) chemo and radiation scare the crap out of me. when Diagnosed the Dr. said I'll die with it not from it. Now things are changing. so put a good word in with our Lord. I believe in the power of prayer, so all will be appreciated
  11. Yesterday morning when I was waking up, I could hear this "beeping" sound. Definately not a sound that I'd normally hear and it was inconsistent. At first, I thought I was still dreaming as the sound seemed "far away". As I slowly woke up, I realized I wasn't dreaming so I got up and went looking for the source of the sound .... I found it in the garage. It was my GPS ... crap! I thought... why is that on?? I discovered, after running the scoot for a while on Sunday that I'd left the key on and in so doing, totally drained the battery. Crap!!! I'd just charged it all up the day before, now I have to do it again.... probably not a good thing for this 2 yr old battery... but we'll see.... For a while I couldn't figgure out how I'd managed to leave the key on .... then it dawned on me... I flipped it on after shutting the bike off to see if the fan was coming on and forgot to flip it off again .... DOH Last Friday, I forgot to put my bottom teef (teeth) in and didn't realize it until I was part way enroute to work. Now, this is not like me at all ... I'm a "spectacles testicles wallet watch" person ... (guess I better add "teef" to that... ) Other examples....I also find that I can't remember jokes anymore. I stumble when trying to remember names of actors I should never be forgetting. etc, etc The whole point of all of this is .... are the years finally catching up to me? .... is my mind starting to falter? .... am I losing my mind? aarrrrggghhhhhhhhhh.... I'm growing OLD!!! :crying: (dang, hope I don't have to buy a new ....... what??)
  12. Which Branch of the Service Do Your Prefer? An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 35 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having marched 12 miles, and says, "This is crap!" An Army Airborne Ranger stands in the rain with a 45 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having jumped from an airplane and marched 18 miles, and says with a smile, "This is good crap!" A Navy SEAL lies in the mud, 55 pound pack on his back, 15 pound weapon in hand, after having had a 10 mile swim to shore, a five crawl through swamps, and a 25 mile march in jungle, at night, through enemy positions, says with a grin, "This really is great crap." A Marine, up to his nose in the stinking, bug-infested mud of a swamp with a 65 pound pack on his back and a 15 pound weapon in each hand, after jumping from an aircraft at high altitude, into the ocean, swimming 12 miles to the shore, killing several alligators to enter the swamp, then crawling 30 miles through the brush to assault an enemy camp, says, "I love this crap." An Air Force NCO sits in an easy chair in an air conditioned, carpeted office and says, "My e-mail's out? What kind of crap is this?"
  13. with out a doubt this is the worst piece of crap i have ever worked on. i got all the major welding and panel replacement done on the body, and it is at the paint shop. i would have painted it myself, but i'm kind of new to clear coat and i wanted a show job. i painted the frame and started the final assembly this morning. i am having a major delema on whether or not to build the motor. i found a website that has all kinds of race parts for these harbor freight motors. billet rods, roller rockers, cams, etc.. i,m talking serious horse power for a light weight scooter. i,m not sure how it will handle speeds over 80 or 90 mph. so far it looks like a brand new scooter. i was'nt planning on this big of an investment. it's all the little crap that eats you up, hardware, and many other odds and ends. linda asked me how much for the paint job. i never asked. i figure a couple of grand. if it's less i won't feel so bad. there just ain't no cheap cushmans. i sure do love them no matter what the cost. pictures to come. i'm taking alot of them.
  14. i kind of don't like this era to much. it's a world made out of plastic throwaway crap. i think i will finish up my years enjoying the neat collector stuff i had when i was a kid, and things were high quaility, and hand made out of real metal and wood. since i won't be able to ride much longer, i think i'm going to start collecting and fixing up some of the neat things i had. i think i was awful lucky to live in the days when folks valued the neat things they had to work so hard to get. i feel sorry for the next generation that will have nothing but cheap plastic crap to fall back on.
  15. I don't think I have a problem, but if I start to I want to know it. The Yamaha dealer told me that "if it holds air, it's fine". Is that completly true? I am gonna crawl undernear and look for oil before the riding season and keep a close eye on it. I would honestly rather pay to have a new one than have a problem on a trip....which brings me to.... If the rear shock went out, other than riding like crap, can you still ride it? (I would have it replaced, but would rather have it done local than having to go back and get it. Thanks (hope this isn't too much of a repeat question) Ben
  16. The paint on my Tarus is scratched all over. Like someone had washed it and used a scouring pad on it. She was only trying to help and I wasn't home!! They aren't deep but it looks like crap. What do I use to buff these things out?? I have 2000 I think wet paper and polishing compound. And a buffer. Just not sure what I need and how to go about it.
  17. My new Steibel horn that is. Just had it installed and I can't believe how loud it is. Should get someones attention now.
  18. just went on highspeed again. yahoo now i can give you all lots of crap real fast. :clap2: snarley bill
  19. I may be purchasing a bike that has sat for 3 years. I am sure I should do something before trying to crank it. I was thinking of poping out the plugs and spraying some type of oil in the cylinders. And of course cleaning out the carbs and all the normal crap. but I am worried about the rings after sitting so long.. BTW, its not a venture, I will be keeping my venture, this is just a toy! Thanks
  20. well, took a week and 2 days vacation, bought a tent and sleeping bag today, going to change oil in the v-star, got my satilite radio intune and working great,got rain gear, and my wife says i'm one brick short of a load, and don't let the door hit you in the ass. so i guess i'm all set for the final countdown. now i have to figure out where to put all this crap on the bike. i'm going to look like the beverly hillbillies when i pull in on friday, so don't laugh. hope this is'nt a dry county. no room for the cooler and beer. bill :clap2:
  21. Please excuse me for saying , but sounds like we have crisis at the present time . Fund raisers ....raffles and all good deeds are great for the future , but the problem is now ! Everyone is saying they are willing to pay ....."well crap or get of the pot !" is what my grandpa used to tell me put in a nicer way . I know Don is doing the best he can , more panic over anything and he doesn't ask for anything or much at all . But it time for us that say they are willing to commit , then please do so . This our home , just need to pay the rent somewhat . i put this in its own thread because it needs to said and Beer said it perfect , Don is gonna to hate me and he has never ask us for a dime ! sometimes it feels so good to take a crap so everybody that can try it and see how goood it feels !!! i feel a lot better now that i did !!! thom
  22. Hi All, I have a luggage rack on my 04 Venture. Problem is the acorn nuts that secure it are scratching the crap out of our (mine and wife's) helmets. Anyone know how to stop this or fix it? Thanks, Doc_R
  23. Guest

    Stock Pipes ?

    Just wondering if anyone tried to take out the stock pipe baffels ?? If it sounds like crap or not ? Anywho thanks all ! Jon Flanagan
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