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Hey David Hope you had a great day:thumbsup: Craig
Hope ya had a great day Randy, hard to believe its been 2 yrs since your 60th! Craig
Calling for a beautiful day in Pa tomorrow, anybody up for a ride-in to the Penn State Creamery. Central to most in Pa, all are welcome. We plan on being there around noon. Enjoy a little Ice Cream, a little BS and checkout the bikes! Craig
Hope ya had a Great day:thumbsup: Craig
Hope ya have a great day:thumbsup: Craig
Hope ya have a great day:thumbsup::thumbsup: Craig & Kim
So... I'm in a KOA in kopeke NY. It's karaoke night. Hmm. I left Winnipeg last Monday and have had my share of issues and have gained a large respect for the power of this site. Our members are awesome! Thank you Jay and Craig and families! I am on my way to Nova Scotia in 2 days to meet my better half. We are going to ride through the Canadian Maritimes and then to the international Maybe the tail of the dragon after. Depending on the weather. I left Craig this morning, became hypnotized by a winding road! And this is where it dropped me off Hey, I come from the land of right angles. It happens. I now have to push to Halifax. Now it's an Eagles duet at karaoke. Hmmm. That's it for now, I can't keep arguing with my playbook. It's winning.... Tom
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Happy Birthday Craig :Happy Birthday:
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Hope ya have a great day Don:thumbsup: Craig
Greetings fellow Venturers. As some of you might know me and Greta my wife are coming to USA the 11th. of June and had planned to use our USA based bike for the trip. My friend Lynn "pegscraper" has been working on some motor modifications on the bike but at the last minutes before getting the bike ready we had some unexpected technical issues that still remain to be resolved, but am sure that Lynn will figure out soon. But time is running out so I had a very difficult time figuring out what to do. So,,,,Did what we do here on the site when we have trouble = Screamed for help. Now Big Tom, The Great Old Canary (Freebird) and Cecdoo have been running around helping me buy a new bike and making all kind of plans to make this happen. Today the Old Canar,,,ehhh,, Freebird went to look at a bike for me that was for sale in Cleveland and to put the story short the bike has been bought and will be awaiting mine and Greta´s arrival at Craigs (cecdoos) home in East PA at our arrival. Freebird is going to pick up the bike and take it to his home in Oberlin. Big Tom has arranged pioneer Motorsports to bring new White Wall tires for the bike for Maintenance Day along with some other parts, fluid change etc, etc,,,, Craig and Kim are going to attend in a cage so Craig will be able to drive the bike back to East PA after Maintenance day to have it ready when we arrive. Quite frankly this group makes the Red Cross look like Cosa Nostra. I can never thank these guys enough for their unlimited helpfulness and kindness and their support throughout all this mess. Without them our trip would most likely have been canceled with a loss of thousands of dollars (flight tickets, prepaid hotels and so forth). Would like to add that Craig and Kim told me not to worry if I did not have a bike - I could always loan their second car for the trip - And the old can,,,sorry,,,Freebird said,,,Heck Jonas - You just take my bike,,,I will not need it that period you and Greta are staying,,,,,,,,, And I live in Iceland and I am not here in the US to help you guys out when you need help. So, with a humble heart and tears in my eyes I just want to say to all of you: Thank you from the bottom of my heart - I simply have no other words to express my feelings. Warmest regards to you all, Jonas and Greta
Hello Everyone: My wife and I got away for the long weekend. Left our home in Western NE. rode to Saratoga Wyoming then on to Craig CO, Steamboat Springs, Walden, Fort Collins, Cheyenne WY and home. Approx 800 miles. Witnessed a seasoned motorcyclist drift too close to the edge of the blacktop on a curve in downtown Craig CO. His tires rolled into the 4" deep gutter at about 30 MPH. Nasty spill. All over in 15 seconds. Thanks to a full face helmet, leather coat and full finger gloves he walked away with only bruised knuckles. It could happen to anyone of us at anytime.
I am going to post this because Craig is not interrested in joining our site. I went to ride the river road friday, stopped at Arrow head to get gas and a drink. There was a blue Venture there so naturally I walked over to talk with the owner. Name was Craig ( has visited our site but not a internet person, his statment) anyway Craig had the Kumho and the Cobra on his bike, per reading post here in the darkside. He stated he loved the ride but the bike wobbled through curves. My first thought was, here is one with the problem for me to try. I had told him I did not have a problem, and asked if he would let me ride his and him ride mine, he said "ok lets see if we can fix mine". We got on the bikes(me on his) and rode over to scenic drive, our version of the dragon. As soon as I went through the first curve I realized there was no problem with the bike, his handled just like mine. I went on through a few more curves and looked back Craig was way behind. I stopped and waited for him, he pulled up and asked " how did you do that, how did you ride my bike through the curves with no wobble and I'm wobbling on yours". He then made the statement, that he was wobbling on both, and I rode both with no problems, so it must be his ridding style. I asked how long had he been ridding, he said years but he was use to a cbr honda. We talked for a bit and switched bikes back, I told him to let me follow him thru a few, so we took off again, what I noticed was he seemed to have a white knuckle grip on the bars, sitting straight up, knees clamped to the tank, feet close in on the boards. He was wobbling through curves, after few I passed him and stayed at a speed he was running, when we stopped I told him my observations, he told me I looked like I was in a recliner, layed back against the backrest, feet out on the pegs, and he said I rode with one hand on the bars looking back at him in the mirrior. Did not realize I did that but. I told him that to me the RSV is a machine you don't man handle, you ride it. My valkyrie always went through curves in the exact line I wanted, you could hold it ridgid in line, even with the car tire no problems. The RSV I can't do it that way, have to pick a line and let the bike glide through it, like it has a mind of its own sometimes( don't know if that makes sense). He said he understood where I was coming from. He asked what tire pressures I was running, 36 frount, 32 in rear. He had 40 and 42, he said my bike road softer so we adjusted his like mine. I did notice his engine ran smoother than mine. We were at the end so we turned around and started back, Craig had stated he was going to change is position and relax. He first relaxed his arms and lighted his grip on the bars, each curve seemed to get better, by the time we reach the end of the road he was leaving me behind on a road I knew far better than him. I am sure this is not everyone's problem, but it is something to think about. Craig had made the statement to me that 2 bikes set up just alike, under the same conditions should handle the same, on the same road. I agreed with him but reconsidered that statement and it is not necessaraly true, if so the Nascar crews could make every car run the same, and they can not seem to do that. I hesitated to post this, ran it by Gunboat in PM first, did not want anyone to think I am impling they are poor riders, this is just what happened in this case. He felt it should be posted. Might help some. I thought may that some have tried the CT, have been told its not safe, maybe they can not ge that out of their mind, and are tensing up in the curves, or when ever a road characteristic moves the bike in an unual manner. Just a thought. Gregg
Have the day off tomorrow supposed to be beautiful any Pa riders want to meet up for lunch or a ride? Let me know, plan on heading out about 8am. Craig
Anybody traveling or doing anything special this weekend? I can't believe it forecast says sunny and 80's all weekend.Were heading to the camp and I might take a scoot.Just got to load it on the trailer.Hey Craig MamaMo is in the mood for shinning up the 89. Does this mean we might be ready for Maint Day?:banana:
A friend of mine has a 03 Goldwing and his wife wants to buy him some chrome , a luggage rack, and a spoiler with the led lights. I have been given the job to find these items and I need the help of the Goldwing owners , I know there are a few in here. I would like to find the best place and best price to get them. Thanks Craig
Buddy of mine picked up a 99 Road Star in beautiful cond. he is looking for a passenger backrest, anybody have one laying around they are looking to sell? Thanks Craig
Greetings all! Last Saturday I spent all day with Craig at "Clearview." His main objective was to get to the bottom of your "shield" problem. I can assure you all that Craig has taken this incident very seriously! With my bike as the test sample, (2007 RSV) we removed the parts & windshield. When we removed the chrome piece covering the windshield screws, we found one of the center screws very loose & about to fall out. The stock shield has only one hole & 5 slots. Craig's original design added another hole in the middle & had 4 slots. Craig came up with a new design that eliminated the slots & added more material to better stabilize the "Shield." I think it would be next to impossible to ever loose a "Shield" with Craig's new design. The new design will be incorporated immediately. No old style "Shields" will be shipped is what Craig said. We also looked at ways of improving the shield support particularly the two outside screw locations. This seems to be a Yamaha idea in need of improvement. More later on this issue. Once again, rest assured that Craig took this mishap very seriously! Thanks, DNB
Leaving from SE Pa to Asheville tomorrow 8am, probably get a room around Wytheville Va for the nite, anyone want to meet or ride along? Craig
Looks like a beautiful weekend in Pa. anyone want to get together for lunch or a ride. Could probably do sat. sun. or monday. Not all three, any interest out there?? Craig
They are calling for beautiful weather in Pa. tomorrow, anybody want to get together for lunch or a ride? I am in So East Pa. and would ride 3-4 hrs for lunch?? I am up for anything, anybody interested? Craig
I did the stebel horn upgrade, Thanks to all the help on this site it went great, also Thanks to Larry, his bracket is perfect for the job fits and looks great!! I removed the chrome cover from the rear as recommended and put a big dab of clear silicone on the top of the unit and stuck that cover rite on top, it looks great, also siliconed the side chrome cover on, my question, do you guys use some kind of covering over the wires, like a rub guard, to keep the insulation from wearing off? or is that overkill, also the connections seem dangerously close to the tail pipe, is that going to cause a problem? I have visions of those air-horns going off because of a short somewhere, and not being able to shut them off. Thanks Craig