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  1. Moved this thread from the Watering Hole... Profiessional Input Please: I have read most of the threads regarding wiring of a Stebel Horn. I ordered one today so it will be on for a trip I am taking the end of May to Dragon/Cherohala area. I have decided to go with the "in cowling" mounting option. After reading Freebirds Tech article and others here on the forum I would like "confirmation" that I will be wiring it up correctly. 1. Mount horn vertically in cowling to frame. (Using pipe insulation to cushion per a suggestion on a thread and tie wraps) 2. Splice into hot wire from acc. plug and run wire to relay. ( Per Freebirds Tech article) (Increase size of fuse in lower fuse panel) 3. Wire from relay to horn positive. (Tech article) 4. Ground wire from horn to frame. ?????? 5. Splice into pink wire horn button and run wire to relay. (Threads tech article) What am I missing...anything. NOTE: I restored a 110 year old house here in Lynchburg. I did all restoration work "EXCEPT" electrical....Just not my thing..... Since I am under the cowling and want to keep the OEM horns active, do I need to deal with the "brown" wire everyone refers to in the mounting option on the lower right side of the bike?.... Long Tall in Lynchburg, VA
  2. Hola, My first post on this site. I am syre the air filter replacement procedures are not difficult on my 2008 RSTD but I am not sure of them. Do I need to remove the cowling? Are there any technical docs on this subject? Thanks:97: Knifeeven
  3. Hey everyone, I'm in the search for information regarding the cowling on a 1300 V-Star Deluxe. I like the new shape Yamaha has gone with, and considering the cowling on my '02 Venture has seen better days I decided to look into replacing it with a new one from a V-Star. I've contacted my local dealer for some schematics and called the corporate office but I haven't gotten too far. What I'm mostly trying to answer is: 1. How similar are the mounting screw positions for the two bikes? 2. Has anyone also looked into this, and received any better information? 3. Is the V-Star 1300 relatively the same as the Royal Star? That's all. Let me know your thoughts!
  4. Need a Right side lower cowling for 2000 RSV MM. Looked on Pinwall Cycle Parts with out any luck. Couple of web sites show they can get the part, but being a 12 year old bike I'm concerned that Yamaha would even have any of these left. Does anyone have any sugestions where I might look, or someone, on the outside chance, have one laying around they don't need?
  5. I bought a set of Burners high performance driving light kits QH-87CD which cost me only $18, and I mounted it on the edge of my Hoppe Quadzilla fairing on my 2006 Midnight RSTD. I wired it in to the CC port of the fuse box behind the lower front right cowling so that they come on with my headlight when I start the bike up. Check out my pix and here is the the link to the the lights on the Walmart website. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Driving-Light-Kit/16680058
  6. I'm at a loss regarding the mounting of the left cowling! There is a mount tab at the bottom rear that does not match any mounting point on the frame??? It's in line with the removable brace which goes across the side of the engine but there aint nuthin there to bolt to. The left cowling and front "tie-in" were missing when I bought her. Help!!
  7. Need to get to fuse panel. The inner cowling screw near the brake pedal just turns with no in or out movement no matter which way I turn screw.. Pressure against the cowling plastic doesn't help. Any trick to this? Seems like threads or nut? behind this is fubar. First time for me to try and remove. I guessing it has been off before since middle bottom push screw is missing. Wally
  8. I went to price some replacement parts for the upper right cowling on my 89 Venture Royale, YIKES! I am looking for 2 parts; 1 is the console panel that goes around the leveler, cb, speaker and air outlet part # 26h-2837m-01-00. The 2nd is the acutual grill cover that goes over the air outlet, part #26h-2837w-00-00. If anyone can help with either steering me in the right direction for finding these at a more reasonable price or has an alternative for what to do with the grill missing on the air outlet, I would be grateful. I am also missing a vent, others are broken or missing. The cost to replace what needs to be replaced is close to $600 from the Yamaha dealer. I hope this is the right place to post this and again thanks so much for your help and suggestions! Ed
  9. Replaced a burned out passing lamp on my RSV and now both lamps are not working. Put a voltmeter to the lamp connections and there is nothing so it must be a fuse (I hope!!!). Now the fun part. It looks like a dealer installation, but all other systems (At least those I can check.) are working. I thought it might be connected through the fuse for the accessory terminal under the seat so I tried to check that fuse. And here is where I have a problem. The owner's manual says to remove the upper and lower screws at the front of the right side cowling and "pull outwards" on the bottom to remove the cowling. However...mine seemed stuck and when I looked closely, it seemed that the screw on the housing at the back of the cowling was also holding the cowling. As well, the quick connect fastener on the lower part of the cowling is at the bottom and doesn't look like the push on type. It looks like the type that you have to push or screw in at the center to get it to release. Have I badly misread the instructions or are things not quite as described in the manual?
  10. Layed the bike down recently on Lt side in gravel and not much cosmetic damage, but this plastic screw mount TAB broke off inside the front cowling. So I plastic soldered it back on.... Used heavy soldering iron and cut strips of some black plastic I found laying around to ‘plastic solder’ the mount back together (w/ tywrap support) and to solder it back in place on the cowling. Worked good. All looked great, then I had the wonderful idea of adding some contact adhesive/sealer, that I had, to help reinforce it. FAIL!!!! It seems that adhesive has a negative reaction to the plastic that the front cowling is made of and caused a soft spot/wrinkle all the way through the front. Tube didn’t say what is was good to use on or not… so tried it. Web site says good on MOST plastics.. ugghh Depressing because the plastic welding seemed to do pretty good.. Oh well, Live and Learn.. *** Dont use SealAll on plastic w/o testing it first. (Its probably real good for its true purpose..) www.seal-all.com Tried to remove as much of the adhesive as possible but afraid I will do more harm now.. Hope it stabilizes and hardens back up… May have to add some chrome to cover it OF COURSE now I see the posts about Plastex for broken Tabs on RSV fairings... that prob would have worked just fine..
  11. :Im not listening toI am somewhat embarrassed to ask this question but I have all you members out there that could help me with this problem. I bought the Yamaha Light covers for the running lights and the headlight. I installed the running lights with no problem. I took the bolt off of the headlight thinking that the chrome ring would come off but its refusing to come off the cowling. My question is, do I have to remove the complete front cowling to get the chrome cover off so as I can lock the visor in place?? I have a maintenance manual and it does not cover anything about removing the front chrome covering on the headlight. My owners manual also does not cover this area. Thanks in advance. Dan
  12. when replacing the air filters, does any one just remove the top cowling screw and slightly bend the top of cowling to gain access to the screws and bolts to get to filters?? read online this is one way to do it ? seems like K&N is to way to go for filters?!
  13. Had a little incident with my bike & need to replace the fairing, maybe both the front cowling and the front panel (or inner piece). The front cowling comes off easy by just removing a bunch of screws, no problem. How about the front panel inside piece? How much of the wiring has to be disconnected to remove that piece? I could run out & take a look but it's late & I'm here so thought I'd ask! Is it just a matter of unscrewing the headlight, tape deck, etc and then lifting it off over all the wiring while still connected? Or does the wiring have to be disconnected one by one and fed thru holes in that piece? Just wondering how big of a job that would be ...of course if I do it, the tape deck will NOT be reinstalled!...I'll be hitting up Ponch for a set of gauges instead!
  14. Has anyone else had problems with the lower cowling cracking?I have a 2007 midnight venture and I have replaced the lower left cowling twice.
  15. I will be installing a GPS unit next week on my '05 RSV. I am looking for the Auxiliary DC jack that the owners manual (3-21) says is "at the front". Is this jack located under a cowling somewhere? The manual shows a picture, but not a good one. Another question is do I want to use that jack or just run the GPS from the battery? Thanks.
  16. Anyone know where I can find a lower right cowling from a 2006 Black Cherry RSV? Tonight I hit some piece of metal with the front tire & it ended up knocking a 2" diameter chunk out of of the bottom of the cowling, to the right of the radiator. Thought I had swung around it but apparently not! Hope to find the same color so I don't have to paint it, but am guessing that won't happen so probably will settle for any color I can get and have it painted. But if I have to do that, I might as well paint the whole bike...hmmm...
  17. I am looking for anyone with a metal chin cowling, willing to take a few detailed pictures of it for me. I am doing some metal fabrication at work, and I thought it would be great to fabricate one for my bike, which is a '84. I thought I could fit a MKII cowling, but was told I have to change the engine guards. I have access to some Stainless Steel sheet metal and thought it shouldn't be too hard to fab one up. If you could you send me a PM with the pictures and some rough measurements that would be great. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!!
  18. have a 2008 rsv with 4500 miles I was removeing the lower left cowling and found some corosion or melting on the back side where the what i belive to be the carborater air vent hose is. some thing ran down the cowling and corodid it. it even melted of the two little tabs on the back any ideas what this was
  19. Profiessional Input Please: I have read most of the threads regarding wiring of a Stebel Horn. I ordered one today so it will be on for a trip I am taking the end of May to Dragon/Cherohala area. I have decided to go with the "in cowling" mounting option. After reading Freebirds Tech article and others here on the forum I would like "confirmation" that I will be wiring it up correctly. 1. Mount horn vertically in cowling to frame. (Using pipe insulation to cushion per a suggestion on a thread and tie wraps) 2. Splice into hot wire from acc. plug and run wire to relay. ( Per Freebirds Tech article) (Increase size of fuse in lower fuse panel) 3. Wire from relay to horn positive. (Tech article) 4. Ground wire from horn to frame. ?????? 5. Splice into pink wire horn button and run wire to relay. (Threads tech article) What am I missing...anything. NOTE: I restored a 110 year old house here in Lynchburg. I did all restoration work "EXCEPT" electrical....Just not my thing..... Since I am under the cowling and want to keep the OEM horns active, do I need to deal with the "brown" wire everyone refers to in the mounting option on the lower right side of the bike?.... Long Tall in Lynchburg, VA
  20. Any advice on where I can come up with a lower right cowling. After hitting that gator the other day, I've been riding with it cracked and it's driving me nuts. I gotta get it fixed.
  21. I had a pair of these on my Vstar 650. Lots of open places to mount them, and they were LOUD at 109 Db. Reasonably priced and the pair only draws 6 amps. I'm thinking about trying to install a pair in the passing lamp light bar area or near the air deflectors on the forks where they would be out in the open and not muffled by a fairing or cowling. It may take fabricating some different mounting brackets, but it looks like it's doable. Comments? http://www.wholesalemarine.com/p/AFI-10001/ Oops, tried to insert a pic but it didn't work. :Venture:http://www.wholesalemarine.com/p/AFI-10001/graphics/00000001/AFI-10001_med.jpg
  22. Was wondering if any of you have had this issue... i have a 2007 RSV I was looking at the bike last weekend and noticed the lower cowling on the Left side of the bike (as your sitting on it) was cracked in several places. ~2" long total, 2 or 3 cracks where the plastic screw in piece/protrusion joins the cowling. I took the cowling off and found the vent tube that is mounted near the back of the air intake was dripping oil down into the cowling. Not enought to have it run out the bottom of the cowling, but enought that it pooled a bit by the plastic mounting bracket on the cowling. The bracket/protrusion was broken clean off. So, couple of questions.. what is it venting and why would there be that much oil? I've had the bike for about a month, have had the cowling off to install some chrome, and this is the first time I've had oil leaking. The vent tube did appear to be butted square against the air intake (so it wasn't venting freely) if that make a difference... If the oil was sitting on the abs cowling, would that weaken the plastic enough to have normal vibration cause the cracks? I didn't drop it or bang it against anything, its almost as if the cracks came from stress of the cowling nuts being over tightened? Just to make it fun, the dealer was the last one to take the cowling off and re-install it. I'd appreciate any thoughts... Bob
  23. I recently aquired a 1996 RSTC and have a couple of questions. 1. Did the '96 RSTC come with the lower cowling? 2. Anyone know where I can aquire a set? Mine does not have them and I would like to add them. Any advise appreiciated, also I get quite a bit of wind noise and buffeting at highway speeds do the lower wind deflectors help with this? Jim
  24. I'm thinking about trying to put a Venture cowling on my 2005 Royal Star Tour Delux. Anyone know if it will fit. If so where could I find one uesd . Also on some on these threads I see a map of the USA looks like you can mark the States that you have been to. How do I get one??
  25. Will a '86 chin cowling fit an '84 VR?
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