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  1. My good friend, Cowboy, has a 2001 Yamaha 1600. He is starting to have some slippage in the clutch. I went on a search on the internet and found the Service Manual for his bike as well as a great write up on changing out the clutch springs, clutch disk and oil pump gear. (On some of the older 1600’s there was a weakness in the oil pump gear and many folks swapped them out when they did the clutch springs.) My friend looked at everything I sent him, including a website to get the parts he would need. He traded emails with the parts manufacturer with some technical questions he had and the direction it took cracked me up so much I just had to share it with you. I have edited out non- pertinent stuff to shorten it and redacted company names to protect the guilty. Here is the email thread. Enjoy: The Cast: Cowboy – My friend Max - President/Product Design AKRefugee - Me COWBOY: Hi Max, I sent a email yesterday about replacing the oil pump gear at the same time. Did you ask your fiend what he recommends? Hollerback Yah'll, Cowboy MAX: This is all I could get: “Some earlier years had a weak oil pump shaft that could be upgraded.” COWBOY: Max, Thank you very much for your quick response I'm going to do more research about that pump shaft. I've got the feeling that I'm going to replace that while I'm in there to do it right. Meanwhile if someone tells you of a recommended replacement pump shaft, manufacturer and part number, kindly pass it along to me. That would be much appreciated. Meanwhile I will be calling to do business with you within the next 3 weeks. You will be hearing from me. I'm impressed with your timeliness. Till then, Happy Trails, Cowboy MAX: My brother is being a little thick headed…He does that If I get more I will forward it along. Meanwhile YES replace it. COWBOY: FYI, The engine oil pump drive shaft was not part of the transmission recall for 2001 Roadstars. There is superseded part # on this component meaning that Yamaha engineers did improvements to this part. I got this Information from a very reputable service shop manager and parts manager (redacted), (Service is Joe, and Parts is Steve). This is a bonafide Yamaha Retailer. So if anybody calls about all Roadstars up to 2001 (V1600's) and asks about this oil pump shaft it is recommended by many of the Yamaha Roadstar forums. The part costs $68.97 COWBOY: Max, Can you look into this because I need an answer from you or your engineers on this subject that has just come to my attention. Steve at (redacted) said something about clutch "cork" degradation as the clutches wear vs. Kevlar degradation. He said the stock clutches as they wear the cork sludge doesn't hurt the tranny but that the Kevlar degradation or sludge does. What's the skinny on this? Please reply. THIS IS WHERE THE FUN BEGINS MAX: My answer is simple- Stop listening to those nitwits COWBOY: I hear you but I would like a technical answer to this. I know that they're trying to steer me away from your product. I am convinced that yours is a far superior product as far as performance is concerned but the affect on the wearability on the tranny in the long run is a concern to me as a consumer as well. I was a Senior Product Designer for 14 years in the defense industry so I do have a technical background. Please look into this for me. A plausible explanation of why this is not true is all I ask for. Thanks Cowboy MAX: It’s a false negative. It is simply NOT true! o The moon is made of cheese. o “Not its not!” (max) o How do you know you have never been there….! COWBOY: Max, Please respond technically. I respect you, please respect my request. At this point my friend sent it to me saying you won’t believe this you have to read this. COWBOY: AKRefugee. I'm sending you this discourse that I had with the president of (redacted). Can you believe his responses ! Read Below. Unbelievable !!!!! AKRefugee: Wow, that was an "interesting" response. One of those "trust me I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express" moments. I will check my sources and see what they have to say. My gut feeling thought is that the Yammi guy really doesn't know s**t from shinola on the subject so he pulled something out of his a** that he heard someone else say one time. Remember this is the same shop that sent me out the door with rear brake pads that were so worn that they could have flipped in the caliper and killed me so I am a bit leery of their shops folks anyway. As far as I know, oil degradation is what causes sludge and that has nothing to do with the material being lubricated, only the operating temps and outside contaminants, but remember I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night so I might be pulling something out of my butt as well ;-). I have asked my friend to keep me updated on any additional responses and will post them here if he sends me anymore of this conversation. I just hope that the future responses as as funny as these last ones,
  2. A cowboy named Bud was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in Montana when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust. The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?" Bud looks at the man, who obviously is a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, why not?" The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo. The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg , Germany .... Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer, turns to the cowboy and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves." "That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says Bud. He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car. Then Bud says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?" The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?" "You're a Congressman for the U.S. Government", says Bud. "Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?" "No guessing required." answered the cowboy. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of dollars worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you don't know a thing about how working people make a living - or about cows, for that matter. This is a herd of sheep. Now give me back my dog". AND THAT FOLKS IS WHAT THE PROBLEM IS ALL ABOUT. Fuzzy
  3. A Cowboy from Sweetwater, Texas walked into a bank in New York City and asked for the Loan Officer. He told the Loan Officer that he was going to Paris for an International Rodeo for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000.00 and that he was not a depositor of this bank. The bank Officer told him that the bank would need some form of security for the loan, so the Cowboy handed over the keys to a new Ferrari. The car was parked on the street in front of the bank. The Cowboy produced the title and everything checked out. The Loan Officer agreed to hold the car as collateral for the loan and apologized for having to charge him a 12% interest. Later, the bank's President and it's officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the Cowboy from Texas for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral for a $5,000 loan. An employee of the bank then drove the Ferrari into the bank's private underground garage and parked it. Two weeks later, the Cowboy returned, repaid the $5,000 and the interest of $23.07. The LoanOfficer said, "Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very well, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out on Dunn and Bradstreet and found that you are a highly sophisticated investor and a multi millionaire with real estate and financial interests all over the world. Your investments include a large number of wind turbines around Sweetwater Texas. What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrrow $5,000?" The good ole' Texas boy replied, "Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $23.07 and expect it to be there when I return?" Don't mess with TEXANS!
  4. A cowboy appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. 'Have you ever done anything of particular merit?' St. Peter asked. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f4887%5fAIkIw0MAABb0TSJiaQOzx05fcK8&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 'Well, I can think of one thing,' the cowboy said. 'On a trip to the Black Hills out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of bikers who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So, I approached the largest and most tattooed biker and smacked him in the face, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground. I yelled, 'Now, back off or I'll kick the **** out of all of you!' St. Peter was impressed, 'When did this happen?' 'A couple of minutes ago.'
  5. An old, blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?' The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.... In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, 'Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things: 1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat. 2. The bouncer is a blonde girl. 3. I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate. 4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter. 5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler. Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy. Do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?' The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, 'No...not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times.'
  6. It's taking me a little bit of effort to get used to the heel-toe shifter. Plus, my current riding boots are worn out and it is time tor eplace. I am thinking about getting a set of cowboy boots, but I am wondering how well the work with the controls. My size 12 foot barely fits between the two shifter pegs as it is. Anyone else ride with forward controls and cowboy boots?
  7. What happens in Georgia stays in Georgia...and Rick "Sarges46" will never know what happened to his wife on a winding road to Suches when she met up with the cowboy and the teacherman...if ya know what I mean...she couldn't have found a better duo to TEACH her how to RIDE her stallion...if ya know what I mean.
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