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  1. Well, after owning the '99 since....'99, I think I am now done with the engine chrome. Unless something else shows up. Diamond cut fins, balled milled twinky covers, carb covers and air breather covers. The twinky covers were here when I got home today. I'm happy with it.
  2. I was at the Home Depot electrical dept. today and spotted these, and my first thought was they could be used as a replacement for the rubber straps that hold the side covers on the MkII Venture. It seems to be a small bungee cord with grommet, and about the perfect size for the application. -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA
  3. I'm wondering what effect this condition has on my poor gas mileage problem, and what it means. I took the diaphram covers off the carbs. All of the diaphrams had 2 to 5 pin holes in them, plus Carb 1 (left front), 2 (Left rear) and 3 (Right front) as your sitting on the bike, all had a film of dry dirty, greasy coating the inside surface of the covers, and the carb surface behind the diaphrams. The diaphram had a sticky feel to it like wet paint. ( probably partially disengrating rubber coating from previouse pin hole fixes with liquid rubber) [ATTACH]71649[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71650[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71651[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71652[/ATTACH] #4 (right rear) was cleaner and wet with gas:confused24:
  4. Got my new saddlebag lid covers week before last from Nanci at AceHighLeathers. Finally had time to install them today and I tell you, I couldn't be happier with them. Nanci does fantastic work and is a pleasure to work with. I can't tell you what they would cost because I bought the fabric and braid over a year ago. I was looking for something to closely match my Hopnel tank and trunk bibs and bought this material with plans of trying to make my own. Finally decided I wouldn't ever do it and sent the materials to Nanci. Here are a couple of pictures. I pretty much just told Nanci to do what she wanted with them because I knew that they would turn out great. Like I said, I couldn't be more pleased. She is a class act. Check out her other items for the RSV here: http://www.acehighleathers.com/motorcycle/other-cool-stuff/
  5. OK, I was going about the task of changing the clutch slave. Problem I am facing is taking the crankcase cover off. It looks like a bunch of gears are going to fall out with it, along with the case itself being very stubborn. Anyone in the Vegas area familiar with taking these covers off without destroying everything?
  6. Hey VR buddies!! Can someone please post pictures of their bike with the AD Chrome carb covers on it. Been lookin and lookin but can't find any? sorry. Thanks!!
  7. [attach]72992[/attach] [attach]72993[/attach] [attach]72994[/attach]
  8. OK folks, it's been a while since we have had a contest. Thanks to AdChrome, I think it's time that we do just that very thing. Now I realize that this is a second gen/RSTD specific item but that's just the way it goes sometimes. So....we are going to have a contest and give this beautiful set of carb covers away to some lucky winner. Now I just have to decide WHAT kind of contest it will be. I'll be getting back to you soon on that.
  9. Please join me in welcoming Ad Custom Chrome to the list of vendors who offer us a discount. Brian manufactures the carb covers for the RSV and RSTD. I had to give this one some serious thought because we already have a long time member here, slowrollwv, who makes and sells the carb covers and also twinky covers. Brian understood my hesitation and desire to be fair about this and offered the solution that he would not market the smooth finish covers here but only the ball milled and custom engraved covers that slowrollwv is not selling. I think that was very fair of him. He seems like a great guy and I have no problem welcoming him to our family. You can find his ad with links to his website here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=726638#post726638
  10. I just noticed my '89 VR is missing one of the bolts that holds the chrome covers over my brake reservour. Not sure of the thread size on that and could just go to the hardware store but would like a true chrome replacement. Anyone know the screw size and if I can find one somewhere? thanks. Gary
  11. I'm thinking about the BikeMaster seals. My dad used em in Lady Blue before me and before they started to leak, they did okay. Anyone with experience on em? Dust seals, oem as well? and to top it off... Covers. I love the fact my forks look good uncovered, but a little bit of protection couldn't hurt... If oem, can't someone point the seals out for me in the parts fisch -.-' every time I look at it, my head hurts.
  12. I've been doing some searching, but no luck yet, for a set of master cylinder covers. The only left-side I can find is in a set of Kuryakyn's for a VTX-1800. I have a set of aftermarket lids on both, but am looking for covers to hide the peeling/dull clearcoat on the reservoirs. I know I may have to do some "tweaking" because of the audio control mount. Here is what I've found so far.
  13. Sharing my new bling, just put them on. Chuck AKA (Slowrollwv) is making them now next door on the other site. I think he has 5 more sets made. Outstanding work on these carb covers and REALLY HARD to find anymore these days. Comes with all the hardware and sell for $ 85.00 shipped. Here are a couple pics Before and After. [ATTACH]71736[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71737[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71738[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71740[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71739[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]71741[/ATTACH]
  14. I cleaned it up a little, did some searching, in doing so I found a spare key under one of the side covers, and speaking of side covers, found 4 broken tabs, on the fix list, added seafoam to the tank, runs like crap on heavy concentration of sea foam......let it soak and try it again tomorrow, will be changing the plugs, check the diaphrams and replace if neccessary. I took it for about a 6 mile ride, it will take some getting used to. Going to replace the fuse box, pulled out 1 fuse and one of the spades that holds it in broke.........on the fix list too. Here are some pics just after the wash, still need to polish and clean up some of the alum and chrome. And the lovely couple who delivered the bike decked out in their St. Jude shirts..............
  15. Looking for a little help. I am to the point where I need to check the cam timing on my 87 to make sure it is correct. Been working on this project all summer now and the bike is still running lean. I am sure there is someone out there that can guide me through this process rather than trying to figure out the complicated procedure axplained in the Yamaha Service Manual. I already have the carbs and valve covers off. A diagram would be great, even a hand sketch. Is there any way that the TCI unit could be causing a lean condition ????? Thanks for such a great site. Mike Allen
  16. Can someone tell me where the anti tamper covers for the air adjustment are located or post a pic of them. Been looking in the service and parts manuals but they must be under a different name or terminology for me to find them. And what is the best way to remove them when I find them.
  17. It appears that Wagner is temp on hold until Sept 1, for taking more orders on his Radiator Grill covers. They look great, but can't order one right now. I am NOT into chrome, but want to protect my radiator, so...I made one myself today, and it cost me less than $ 13.00, including tax. Okay, this thread is no good without pictures. Yes, I know that. My question is...other than the Wagner Grill cover, and the chrome one from Diamond, are there any other radiator grill covers out there already available for the Venture/RSTD ??? I am happy with the one I made, but want to check out others. Secondly, does anyone already make a Belly Pan for the Venture/RSTD ??? I was so used to having one on each of my last 5 Goldwings (2 1500's and 3 1800's) that I would like to put one on my RSMTD. I can see that the oil filter and engine cases could really use some protection. I did go to the extent of attempting to fabricate one for myself today, but I was not pleased with the final product. I will continue to research and fabricate, and my end prodcut will be vented via stamped louvers. So, if anyone has info on already made Belly Pans for our bikes, please let me know. Miles
  18. I need the part number for the rear Arm rest covers on my 2nd gen. I'm going to change out the rear speakers tomorrow and want to be prepared if I need new ones. What is the best way to remove the vinyl covers without destroying them ?
  19. Has anyone in the last couple of years purchased a set of Chrome Roto Covers for an MKII on ebay? If so could you tell me what you paid for them. I need some reasonable price comparions for an insurance claim.
  20. Has anyone in the last couple of years purchased a set of Chrome Caliper Covers for an MKII on ebay? If so could you tell me what you paid for them. I need some reasonable price comparions for an insurance claim.
  21. How would you go about getting some allowances for an insurance claim with no receipts. However I do have very recent pictures of the accessories on the Venture. These are accessories that I bought from Craigs list or was transfered from my other Venture. For examples Lighted Chrome Rotor Covers Chrome Caliper Covers Markland Heel/Toe Shifter & Floorboards Markland Highway Floorboards Chrome Air Vents Rear Cylinder Chrome Highly Polished Side Covers Thanks for you help.
  22. Hello all, new guy here with an 83 xvz12 I have had for about 15 years now. Great site, wealth of information here. Quick question, I am planning a styling change, based on a couple of bikes I have seen here which I call "semi-bobbed", basically I want to expose the engine more (it's a great looking engine, why keep it covered?) and remove the trunk, etc... Make it look a little more like a fairinged cruiser than a full dress tourer. My question is: Before I cut the side covers down, is there anything I should consider, best method for cutting, tips, tricks, etc? Thank you, Johnny.
  23. Probably a one off, but if a heads up helps anyone .. Had a meltdown couple of weeks ago (the 87 VR & me). Noticed the back half plastic fins on the right side-vent were warped. man was I pi@@ed, anyhoo, this was the only symptom of the motor overheating. it was extremely hot combined with city driving must have launched the motor temp. Temp gauge held steady slightly above normal on the green entire trip. (still don't understand why the temp gauge didn't redline) Didn't notice the fan cut in at any time, not to say it didn't, it is functional. There doesn't appear to be engine damage. Long and short of it, found the top of the 2 part front cylinder head cover/heat deflector had come apart and partially slipped forward between the front cylinders and the rad fan. The upper cover is secured to chassis frame by friction fit and connect to each other by a rubber channel and a dozen interlocking male/female rubber prongs. Repositioned covers and end of problem methinks. Checked front cylinder head covers this morning. Sure enough, they're separating slightly at the rubber channel. Reseated again, maybe zip tying them together would be one fix. Hope I'm on the right track here. left fin in image is normal. tough getting decent pics of the cyl covers.
  24. While changing plugs yesterday, I removed some of these covers. While doing so, I wondered what function they provide other than just being nice & shiny. On both left & right, the front covers are similar. But the back ones are different than the fronts...and different from each other. The back left is 3 pieces, with the top piece having a swoop in it. The back right is 2 pieces..no swooping 3rd piece. Why not? Am I supposed to have 3 pieces on both sides? What's the purpose of the back covers?...why not just a single piece like the front covers? They don't seem to serve any purpose that I can see...unless it's just to keep the plug wires elevated a bit. Any ideas?
  25. I just received my Russell Day Long seat. My wife and I have a trip to North Carolina planned in July - we live in Delaware. Nanci over at Ace High Leathers is making a set of saddle bag lid covers for me. Once all is done I'll post a picture. I had a trunk project started but didn't finish until I saved the money for the seat. Trunk has a back rest so wanted to be able to align with Mama's needs for comfort. Anyone have experience with Ace High? Thus far they have been very cooperative trying to coordinate with Russell to get a color / texture match.
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