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  1. Hi all, I just got sticker shock from Allstate in CA. I was ok paying in the 3's but $437 WITH over $200 in "discounts"? time to shop. This is with perfect driving record and having my motorcycle license for 46 years. Who is your carrier and how much do you pay annually for full coverage as below: Coverage detail for 2007 Yamaha Xvz13tf Liability Insurance Bodily Injury $250,000 each person $500,000 each accident Property Damage $100,000 each accident Collision Insurance Actual cash value $250 Comprehensive Insurance Actual cash value $250 Uninsured Motorists Insurance for Bodily Injury $250,000 each person $500,000 each accident Total premium for 2007 Yamaha Xvz13tf $437.39 VentureFar...
  2. I have begun shopping for new MC insurance. I switched auto insurance companies last August. My MC insurance expired Sept 1'st of last year and I never renewed it. My question is shopping for coverage on my 89 gives me a No coverage option or a ACV option. The 84 lets me choose No coverage or Agreed Price for things like collision etc. The Agreed Price I like after all you know what your scoot is worth to you and the ACV value doesn't.The other option was for accessories but I don't reallly have any on the 89.So it seems to me the 84 can be insured for more then the 89? I probably won't make a move until about March 1'st just looking for now and monitoring the finances.Darn hip joint has been giving me some trouble to.
  3. Owen posted back in June about this, but I wanted to bring it up again. Much discussion in the LD community has been about the Medjet Assist program. It is required for most of the longer rallies (IBR, Buttlite VI, 10n10) and seems to be a good idea all around. Medjet Assist is an insurance/retainer program that will transport you from anywhere in the world to your home hospital (or whatever hospital you want). If you get the correct coverage, they will also transport your motorcycle from anywhere in North America (Cont. US, Alaska, Canada, Mexico - not sure about Hawaii) to your local dealer. Coverage is $250 annually and there is available short term contracts also. I believe some memberships (BMWMOA, IBA) provide some discounts. http://medjetassist.com/membership/motorcycleprotection.aspx I will be getting the annual this year. Mostly for the Alaska trip, but the incremental costs from a 3 week membership to annual makes it a no-brainer. RR
  4. I have both bikes insured through Geico, and while sitting here daydreaming.. when I do some of my best work.. .. I got to thinking about whether or not my new trailer was covered under my current policies like they are on an auto policy. So I called Geico. I found that it wasn't...per se'. At least not the value. So to prevent a wrestling match in the future I added the VIN #, and Value to the policies... There wasn't a change in the premium, but now if it's damaged or stolen it's covered. While on the subject, another insurance area that we've talked about in the past, but haven't seen anything lately, is uninsured AND underinsured coverage. Most MC policies have un-insured, but unless you ask for it, they don't have under-insured coverage. Get in an accident where you're not at fault, and the at fault drivers liability is the bare minium, your insurance company doesn't have to shell out a dime. In the state of California minium is 15/30. Hospital bills will wipe that out in a heart beat. So word to the wise. Check your coverage.
  5. Ok so while making the list of stuff we are taking on this ride I see the $$$ of the electronics we will have on board. The Zumo 550 I just bought,netbook,ipad,2 high end cell phones and ipod is almost 2800.00 in "stuff". Yes I am a geek and I consider these things NEEDED. So I called to check our coverage to see if I needed to change anything and was informed that everything but the GPS would be on my renters policy and the gps would go on the bike policy. So 1000.00 in deductibles!?!?! Remind me again why we even bother to carry insurance? I wonder if this is just State Farm or is every company like that? Maybe it's time to change companies? Thoughts? Frank
  6. Worth every stroke.......WOW!!.. It's worth looking around each year for better insurance( Canadian Quotes) $1,000,000 Liability Accident Benefits Uninsured Motorist,Family Protection Fire and Theft ...Included Collison coverage deductible...$1,000 Comprehensive Overage $1000 Rider Plus...$1435.00 Primmum....$836.00 Jevco........$733.00 TD Insurance...$642.00
  7. Anyone interested in these items....... The Headset is for a full coverage ...Just pay shipping
  8. I am looking to change carriers and was wondering what all I-Phone users think of the phone and service. I drive truck all over the country and need good coverage as well as all the goodies. Please tell me what you all think that use I-Phone. Star4772 :confused24:
  9. Ins. questions, Looking to change to Progressive. My question is how many carry PIP coverage. Is it worth what they want ( it is high) or do you just count on your medical coverage. Thanks for the input.
  10. To recap: I got my progressive insurance transferred to my newly acquired 2007 RSV from a V-star 650. $790 a year, and for minimal coverage! I have gone to AARP Foremost and got it for less than HALF!!! So-o-o I upgraded to much better coverage and still paying over $300 less than Progressive wanted. I think the Progressive agent could see my smile when I phoned her to cancel.
  11. Charlene is devastated, I am mad beyond reason........I will give you the short version. As most of you that know Charlene, she has been waiting to have her back surgery now for over 2 years, it was scheduled for Mon. Jan, 4 2010. This morning at 10:45 am she gets a call from the Dr.'s office saying they have to cancel her surgery for reasons we still dont understand and agree with. The insurance company, Blue Cross Anthem faxed them and said they couldnt authorize it, the reason, new coverage, my company changed insurers, from BC/BS of Texas to Blue Cross Anthem. The coverage could not be verified before Jan. 1,(New Years Day). We just got all the info from them on Mon, Jan 28, so they got it as soon as we did. They are putting her file under medical review, could take up to 15 days or more to get it approved..........BC/BS had already authorized it and told us even though the coverage changed it wouldnt be a problem. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone this moring with both insurance companies and every time I got put on hold after about 5 minutes I got disconnected and had to call back and start all over and when I finally got to someone every story was different to no problem to just a small problem, to sorry nothing we can do at this time........the nurses that review the files will not talk to anyone so we couldnt get them on the line.......I am so fed up with Blue Cross if I could find an office I would likely do something I would regret. Charlene is taking it better than I am, but thats not saying much, everytime she tells someone about it she ends up crying. We had a lot of people that were going to help us out and now they have to put those plans on hold till we get the approval. I was supposed to be on vacation till the 18th of Jan, now I have to go back to work till they approve it and hope my company understands what is happening and will let me reschedule it........... Our HR person is going to get an earful from me because we were told everything was ok to proceed, so I will be spending a lot to time in her office on Monday till we get some resolution. Luckily I was able to go to the ABC store and get some adult beverage, cause I am going to need it............ All I can say is, if anyone else has Blue Cross Anthem, better be prepared to go to battle with them if you need something covered by them........this is the third time in 4 years our coverage has changed and everytime it keeps getting worse, for 2010 our deductable went up by 50% and our out of pocket expenses went up by 50%.................... Well this helped a little to vent....... Hope everyone else has a great New Year!!!!!
  12. I am thinking about going back to full coverage insurance on my 83 Venture, especially since I have fixed all the plastic and repainted it, just wondering how many people are carrying full coverage insurance on their 1st Gen. I know the blue book value isnt very high, but if it does get totaled by me, I want to get a little cash for it, dont want to write off the whole bike...............
  13. One of my coworkers just called and asked about the warrenty on a Star bike. He knew I try to keep up on stuff and we had talked in the past about the RSV and the 5 year coverage on it. He's looking at the 900cc to 950cc range models and is getting two different stories on them from two different dealers. One said one year and the other said two years. And of course they were both pushing the extended coverage. I'm not up to date on the other models and I can't find what I'm looking for on the net yet. Anybody got an answer?
  14. Have you ever camped on the BRP? I'm talking about the primitive No Water or Electricity Camps etc. Sounds like a different experience for the kids. Are the higher elevation temperatures cool at nights even in August? What about cell phone coverage along the Parkway?Mamamo is making a menu and packing the Coleman tent and stove.She might even take a dutch oven.:cool10:
  15. I checked into 7 insurance companies on the web in Ontario for my scoot The price ranges from $729.00 - $1149.00 and that $1149 was just for Pl and PD The $ 729.00 Full Coverage from TD Insurance witha $1000.00 deductible ,Primmum Insurance Company,Etobicoke, Ontario Riders Plus was $919.00 full Coverage
  16. what if any do you carry in a road side kit i.e tire patch, flairs, hand pump, fuel line, spark pluk stuff like that just courious on what i might need out on the road one day. the reason i am asking is the other day on a ride we had no cell phone coverage where we were at and i only seen three cars the whole stretch of road i was on passed and passed a couple of houses so that got me thinking about this problem.
  17. I submitted paperwork today to try to get on VA health & medical coverage. Since the eligibility is being relaxed (slightly) and our income is down from last year, the Rep. thinks there is a good shot of my getting on the system based on the numbers. The question that neither the rep. nor the patient advocate I spoke with could answer was this: If I'm able to qualify and get on the VA system now, what happens if our income goes back up (especially if it goes up a lot)? Will the VA disqualify me from the system...ie.. will they kick me out because of it?????? They said they had never heard of it ever happening and didn't believe that they would. I said I sure would like to see that in writing some where! I know that the co-pays would change and I would gladly pay them, as long as I can still be covered. My problem is I need absolute confirmation that would be the case. I could not give up my existing (expensive) health insurance coverage otherwise; Once I get off of it there won't be any getting back on and I have to have coverage. I'm still a couple of years out for social security (assuming it's still there, when I get there) So, my Venturerider friends, if you know with some level of certainty, the answer, please let me know. If you know a reg. reference I can go to and look it up, that would be good, too! I've been looking, but no joy as yet. Thanks for any assist or info.
  18. Guest

    Venture 2000

    I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Hazen got in a accident with his bike "deer vs Hazen" deer won but good news is Hazen is going to be. Bad news I thought I had put the full coverage back on it and I did not so it only had storage (: So what I would like to do is start looking for replacement parts without him knowing so I could suprise him.
  19. My wife and I took a ride this last summer up, into SD and ND, through WY. We live in Colorado and have lots of roads to look at here. This next summer we plan on Yellowstone and a bunch of Id. My question is about roadside coverage for a problem. AAA has it as part of a RV package but I don't have a RV. Is there any thing else out there that is reliable. Look forward to hearing from you guys. This site is the best for working out questions that come up. Thanks.
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