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Found 20 results

  1. Here is a short video that I ran across on youtube that gives just a little taste of my favorite ride. This video shows only one of the three pigtail bridges. [ame=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3718826354166885858&q=black+hills+iron+mountain+road&total=12&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0]Iron Mountain Road[/ame] The last time that I rode it, I tried to count the curves to see how it compared to the Tail of the Dragon, I lost count at around 250 and was only about 2/3 of the way through the road. I think the road is about 18 miles long.
  2. Time to start planning on making the trip to Memphis, Tn, to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. We will be making our presentation to the hospital of the monies we have raised this year. I need to get a count of how many are going and which facility they want to tour, the hospital or The Ronald Mc Donald House, both are fantastic places to see.
  3. Hey folks...the meet n eat is just over 2 weeks away. I need a head count so we know how much food to have. If you prefer bar.b.q over fish, let me know that too. also need to know if you are going to make it for dinner Friday night so we can give the restaurant a head count. You can post here or on the calendar. If you have already posted that you are coming and if you are going to dinner Fri, then you don't have to post again. can't wait to see everyone! Don and Patti
  4. I would like to get a head count on how many people we have coming to St. Jude on Oct. 1. So if you are coming and bringing guest, which I know some are, please post how many you plan or might have. Jason, if you could get me a count on how many NARR riders will be there, that would be great, because we may have to have more than one guide for the tour.
  5. My trike [07 Venture with a hannigan kit] at around 110 miles or one,two bars on the gas gauge starts to count down.Is this normal? How far can you go [on the countdown] before you have to switch to reserve?
  6. as i am shifting thru the gears , either up or down i always count the gear i am in - does anyone else keep track this way....curious minds what to know !
  7. I've had some emails about the big patches, I can get an order in with a 25 count. That's where the break is.
  8. Ins. questions, Looking to change to Progressive. My question is how many carry PIP coverage. Is it worth what they want ( it is high) or do you just count on your medical coverage. Thanks for the input.
  9. This week, Eileen will order the food for Maintenance Day and it is much easier if we have a fairly close count. So again, please go to the calendar and update your RSVP if it has changed. If you had checked YES but are now unable to make it, please remove your name. If you had checked MAYBE but now know for sure, please delete the MAYBE and add YES. This link will take you right to the page on the calendar. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=153&day=2010-6-19&c=1 In the next 3 or 4 days, she will place the order. We always try to order a bit extra but the closer the count the better it works.
  10. Looks like Monday is the day Teri finally finishes up her Masters Degree in Psychology. She has been working hard on this along with every thing else she does and has come out with all A's to boot. She has been scouting a Doctorate and I hope like hell she takes a year off...we got bikes to ride! Places to see! Good folks to meet! We will be celebrating her accomplishments along with our Memorial Day "Spud Run" and hope at least a few of you will be able to show. She intends to put out a head count thread in the next day or so. I just wanted to shout to the world that my Best Friend has made a super accomplishment so don't be shy to tell her what a good Master she is and will continue to be. Thanks, Erv
  11. Ok it looks like it's official and this is short notice, but we will be hosting a get together for maintenance and eating and whatever at my house in Bogalusa, La. next saturday, Feb 27th. Boomer and squidly have said they would be comming, maybe Wes? if anyone else is planning please let me know. The wife said she would cook so need a head count. If you would like to come friday that's fine, we have plenty camping space and there is a hotel in town (Travlers Rest and Sportsman Inn). Original thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=45439 Look forward to all who could make it.
  12. We need to get as close a final count for the rallys big dinner on wed night into the Hub the beginning of next week...... anyone who is going to be attending the dinner that DID NOT register, it would be great if you added a post to this thread with the number who will be attending and paying us there for your dinner. We have 88 registered people for dinner as of right now Thanks guys, we appreciate your help on this so the Hub can plan accordingly
  13. As some of you know, we, the local butchers in Ontario are having a struggle with our government. I was interviewed with Alison Crawford from the CBC and that was aired on Tuesday last week. http://podcast.cbc.ca/w6_20090714_2100.mp3 She also did a pod cast which you can read and comment on. I would sure love to see as many comments as possible, doesn't matter that you live in Austrailia or the north pole, I don't think that they check that close, but numbers count. I should have posted this sooner, but it just accured to me now, so better late than never I suppose. We have one day left to send the numbers over board. Thanks for your help,, I hope they have room for 6000 comments. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/07/15/f-meat-inspection.html
  14. Are any of you going out to St. Judes? Mechanic and I are kind of open as to when we leave Friday afternoon/evening going through Ashville, NC or going to Atlanta. Need to get a count going to let Dragonrider know. Oh Yeah, Mechanic is sweating it out big time now. :crying::rotf:
  15. OK , I finally stopped in to talk to the guy that makes up our large patches, he also does my company stuff so I get a little break on these, at least that's what he tells me. The price is going to stay the same at 15.00 to your door except for the Canada group. You guys have to pay a little more. Ive had a few emails about these so lets get a count and I will get the order in on Monday the 30th.
  16. Ive been getting emails about the big patches . I sent out the last three I had. I can get the same deal from my guy that we been getting as long as I order 25 . So with that, who needs one or more . Lets try and get a count on this thread. 15.00 to your door. This is cost on these no one is making any money on these. The cost to ship out of the U.S will be more.
  17. on Ebay lately. A month ago there were 2-3 complete bikes listed and an item count in the 700's, and now it's hovering around 200 with one seller keeping the count up with his listings of sub-parts. Case.... a side shift assembly torn down to the pedal and mount, or a clutch master listed as lever and reserve.... Doesn't sound too smart.... Anyway it's like the Sahara Dessert. I usually watch 20-30 items, and when things are really good it's up into the mid 40's. This morning's count... 9.... I guess 1stGen riders are keeping there bikes instead of selling them to VR killers.....
  18. The "unofficial" count for T-shirt sales so far is approx. 78....we need to hit 100 to get the order and the cutoff to get the order in to our supplier would be Friday June 13th...which means I need to have a firm final count ( sounds a bit kinky.....) by say....9:00PM on Thursday June 12th so I can call in the order on the 13th. We just need 22 more orders folks.......can we make it happen? Contact Al at: Venture_rally_stuff@yahoo.com for t-shirt orders. Our count so far for people registered for the 2008 International Venture Rally is 49.
  19. It seems that every year, more things seem to slip past me..... Must be that CRS thing. So, if I could get everyone to print off the below attachment and stick it on their fridge, I wouldn't have to be concerned about slighting anyone any more. Thanks much. I know I can count on you folks.......
  20. Condor sent this too me today - and I thought I would share with everyone. A nice touch. A Poem For Thanksgiving Count Your Blessings Count your blessings instead of your crosses; Count your gains instead of your losses. Count your joys instead of your woes; Count your friends instead of your foes. Count your smiles instead of your tears; Count your courage instead of your fears. Count your full years instead of your lean; Count your kind deeds instead of your mean. Count on God instead of yourself. May Your Stuffing Be Tasty, May Your Turkey Be Plump, May Your Potatoes N Gravy Have Not A Lump, May Your Yams Be Delicious, May Your Pies Take The Prize, May Your Thanksgiving Dinner Stay Off Of Your Thighs! AND be ye THANKFUL!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
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