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  1. How can I copy a video from youtube to a cd or is that illegal?
  2. I saw this on ebay....just exactly what is it and do we have a copy on the site? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/USED-86-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-XVZ13DS-XVZ-13-DS-XVZ13DSC-Assembly-Manual-/270944733172?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f159087f4&vxp=mtr&_uhb=1#ht_859wt_1178
  3. Someone here on the site was I think looking for these ITEM on E-Bay 300738041812 Copy and paste in ebay search. :080402gudl_prv: Joe
  4. Does anybody have a copy of Jim Glaser's Man in the mirror? This is one of mine and the wifes favorite albums. We used to have it on cassett but cant find it. It is no longer being produced. If some one would burn me a copy I will gladly pay.
  5. Hi; Does anyone have an electronic copy of the Voyager RSV Installation Manual? If so, could you send me a copy. I've got a used Voyager kit which came off a HD & need to check over installation before I spend $660 for the hardware & manual from mtcVoyager. In there great wisdom, their support wants me to pay for a copy of the manual, even though I will get a printed copy when I buy the kit in two weeks (when I have the kit money). BTW... anyone have a mounting kit to sell? Anyone? JohnB
  6. I am a proud member or the Ohio Patriot Guard Riders. I would like to mount a 3x5 flag on my 2006 RSTD. I have seen other mounts that are all homemade. Does anyone have a mount on their bike I could copy for dimentions? TY for you input folks. MoS
  7. Ok, I must just be stupid. I have tried searching for the TSB or letter that has been discussed here. (so I can show it to my dealer that says no to the replacement of the clutch basket.0 I want to take them a copy so I can get the I basket change before warranty runs out. Can anyone that knows where it is send it to me or provide a link. Thank you greatly in advance. Signed "Search Challenged and bug-eyed" :confused24:
  8. Anybody seen a copy of one of these videos lately? Trying to figure out where these two (or three?) disks currently reside is confusing, to say the least.....so I thought, out of purely selfish interests, I'd figure out where the one that used to be in Canada went. I went through all the posts (all 340 of them) and determined that the copy that was in Canada back in 2008 was mailed to Australia to a guy named "spear"(Steve Pearson)....(by a guy named Lepapehermann.) Spear mailed it all the way back to "spankym" (Craig MacFarlane, in Buffalo....wow, what a trip), who posted that he received it on April 28th, 2009. Craig/spankym is then instructed by KiteSquid in a post dated May 7, 2009 to send his copy to r12guy...which seems a little strange since there is nobody listed with that name anywhere on "The List" (nor does he exist on the membership list now.) Then, on May 18th, 2009, Craig posts that he "Sent my copy on to r12guy.....hope he enjoys it." (So, apparently there WAS an r12guy back then.) Then, next day, May 19th, Kitesquid instructs r12guy to send his copy "to Annie in Rockingham, Perth Australia". (Wow....this video would really be racking up frequent flyer miles if it HAD been shipped back to Oz"!) However, that's the last we ever hear of this copy of the DVD......or r12guy......or Annie. There is no one listed in the club membership named r12guy. There is no one listed in the club membership named Annie, in Rockingham, Perth Australia. So, I guess whoever r12guy is/was, he has our copy of Ride Like a Pro. Anybody know who he is/was? Thanks for any helpful detective teamwork! Mike
  9. barend


    Dingbat here must have throw away the wrong set of disks for re-installing software in case of a "problem"; so now that I have purchased a new hard drive I can't re-install windows XP Tablet (OS). I've been trying to find a place where to get it (free would be nice) but am having no luck. Any of you Techies know where to pick a copy up?? Thanks
  10. Okay folks, for the last couple of months I have been swamped with work/travel (mostly for work) so I started slacking off on my attempts to locate these videos and keep them moving. But to be quite honest with ya'll, un-answered PMs, e-mails and phone calls weren't helping either. For those of you that got back to me with the information you did have, THANK YOU VERY MUCH, as for the rest of you that I contacted - I am rather disappointed that you could not take the time to send me a quick note back. Regardless, out of respect for the folks that have been on this list for a ridiculously long time, patiently waiting to view and pass on as agreed by requesting to be on this list, I would appreciate if whoever currently has copies of these would do the following: 1) First and foremost - POST TO THE ORIGINAL THREAD (HERE... CLICK ME CLICK ME!) indicating that you have a copy of the video and when you will be passing it on. 2) Look at the list and figure out if it is accurate as to where you are on it - if not, then in the post that you make for #1, indicate how it ought to be changed (that is either: (a) You have seen the video and passed it on (note who you passed it to as well), (b) you HAVE a copy of the video, © have been contacted by the previous viewer and will receive it). 3) Please be considerate and follow these simple guidelines to be fair to everyone else. What I really hope is that the videos have been making their rounds according to the order listed on the original thread and that folks have just not been updating that they have it and have sent it to **whomever you sent it to**, and that we are making our way through it - but don't worry, I'm not holding my breath on that one. Thanks for your time - thank yous ESPECIALLY to those of you that donated your copy of the video for everyone to learn from :happy65: So again, c'mon folks - lets get these moving again.
  11. I am in possession of a copy of documents setting out the pay and allowances and health insurance benefirts for our federal legislators. If anyone would like a copy send me an E-mail to CFAS4U@Charter.net and I will make them available. I have locked this thread to preclude any political discussions This is simply to let those who may be interested in getting some facts that I can E-mail the documents to them.
  12. im in need of a name for this part the fist pic shows the part and the second shows where it goes.. and if you can tell me what they sold for that would be great as im looking to sell theses and lost my paper back copy of the book and they seem to be discontinued on the net. thanks for your help. Ron
  13. At one time there was a print of all the dimensions for the solid motor mounts noted on here. I made a copy of it, but I not only can I not find the copy I made, but I also can not find the post that had the print noted. Does anyone have a copy of the print that has the dimensions noted? Thanks, RandyA
  14. I will need to get your emergency info if you want to be listed on the ICE list and get a copy. I will need it it before I go to bed tonight. PM me here. RandyA
  15. A couple of years ago, someone posted a copy of the VR Assistance List as either a .pdf file or as a Word Doc. this made it easy to download to a PDA and to easily print so I could carry a hard copy of it on our trip. Well, we have another big trip coming up in a few weeks, and it would be nice to have a copy of it on my Droid cell phone. Anyone have a suggestion on the easiest way to do this? Thanks & Be Safe! Pete. _______________ Oops! Never mind. I just found it. Just like my keys. I gotta ask first.
  16. Hauled daughter's boyfriend's VTX1300 over to my "shop" today. Hasn't been run much for a couple years so am going to service it, get it running, clean it all up and make it purr and look purdy. Anyone know where I can get an electonic copy of a maintenance manual for it? Where the heck is the oil filter on these thangs? (I haven't looked too hard...prolly right in front of my eyes) [ATTACH]43612[/ATTACH]
  17. I have a nearly new E-Bay found Progerssive rear shock and spring assembly ready for installation in my 86 Royale. Does anyone have access to a copy of the original paperwork that would have been included with the shock when new?
  18. When I copy and paste a picture it always shows up great at the time, but the next day all you see is a big red x :think: :think: :think: :think:
  19. Below is a link to a site were I put a copy of the 1983-1985 Service manual. This copy of the manual has the pages in it that are missing from many of the other online 83 service manuals. I rearranged PDF to put supplementary chapters to rear of manual, Layout of manual now makes more sense. 1/25/2010 I also put in the back a copy of the wiring diagrams I did for the 83-85's. About 45 meg in size. User ID and password below. username=venturerider, password=venturerider Click on blue heading at top of window below to download. [ame=http://www.scribd.com/doc/25798403/1983-1985-Yamaha-Venture-Manual]1983-1985 Yamaha Venture Manual[/ame] Gary
  20. I've been trying to place the weather sticker on my email. I go to the wondermap, click on the sticker I want to use. It gives the the URL, I copy it and place in the my signature and upload and I get "invalid URL".... what could I be doing wrong!
  21. I have been trying to get the weather sticker within my signiture. I go to Weatherunder ground, I see the ULR, I copy it into my signatur, and it say none vaild? What am I'm doing wrong?
  22. Is it possible to send an attachment via the built in Email function on this site? There have been a few people that have had difficulty opening the PDF files that I have posted in the past from the site. When I email them a copy it seems to work fine. An example is today Jimbob5 can not open the files in the Starting circuit thread I posted last night, but others can. I would email him a copy but first need to PM or email him for his email address rather than just being able to send it to him first time. Gary
  23. As promised.....I have downloaded Cody pictures and promised all of you a copy. If you would like a copy/dvd I will send it to you free of charge. I have taken out most of our family (Gary, Deb & Dane) and there is 125 pix of the sites we saw, Cody Venture riders, buffalo, landscape, etc. on it. If you would like a copy, please pm me your : Name Address City ST Zip and I will get it to you in the next couple of weeks!
  24. Copy with West Virginia featured. The secret is out!!
  25. Does anyone know how this program works for getting and burning movies? http://www.themoviedownloads.com/ Might have to copy and paste the link? Joe
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