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  1. Hi. This is a question mainly for those of you who live in hot areas, like 90 plus, regarding engine temp. Now I know the gage catches alot of flak for inaccuracy, but what I've noticed is consistent. If I'm riding at any kind of steady speed in cool weather, my 87's temp runs at about 1/3, where there's a little gap in the green line on the gage. I'm assuming this gap indicates "normal" which I think is 180, right? As the weather warms, it doesn't hold there. When the weather gets over 90 or 95 temp tends to run more like 2/3 or 3/4, right about where the fan kicks on. At mellow speeds, like 55, it might go a little lower like 1/2 plus, but on the Interstate the increased wind drag loading causes the temp to go up. In fact, it may be kicking the fan on and off, but it's hard to tell at those speeds. It does generally hold at that temp, not continuing to climb into the red. One time, in extended riding at 107 deg and 90 mph (we wanted to get it over with) the temp was getting close enough to the red to make me a little nervous. I know there's limits to everything, but if the cooling system and thermostat are effective, it really should be more steady regardless of the weather, methinks. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure I see a correllation between hotter temps and reduced gas mileage, by maybe 2 or 3 mpg. The one trip mentioned above was horrible, 26 mpg or so. I also notice a little ping here and there in hot temps, so I run higher octane gas in those times. Is my bike just like everyone else's, or should I look for trouble? I've flushed the cooling system but never replaced the t-stat or anything else cooling, for that matter. Jeremy
  2. Where is it located on a Gen2 anyone know?
  3. And hope it lasts all day. 108 degs predicted in NorCal today. Cooling off tomorrow.... down to 104.....
  4. Been tearing down the VR to get to the thermostat and have a few choice words for the engineers. Since this is a family oriented site I won't say them. Was the cooling system an afterthought or what?! If I didn't know any better I'd say this was designed by our government. One department designed the motor and another department designed the cooling system. Neither one consulted each other. Finished with my rant, thank you.
  5. A friend of mine here in Amarillo is looking for a 83-85 Venture stator cooling kit. If you have one and would be willing to part with it or know where we might find one please let me know. Thanks, Dean
  6. http://www.stacoolvest.com/index.php (StaCool Vest) Have any of our members tried this vest? After 25 days of 100+ temps here in Texas, and no relief in sight, I may be ready to make the investment. I would sure like to hear from other members that may have first hand knowledge of the effectiveness and ease of use of this cooling vest. The other vest I am considering is the CoolWing Rider Vest seen here http://www.coolwingrider.com/. I have tried and did not care for the evaporative cooling vest. Simple, inexpensive, but not very effective, uncomfortable, and butt-ugly. Thanks, and stay cool out there.
  7. http://www.coolwingrider.com/ OK I got my cooling vests in and tried them yesterday,102 degrees F , FANTASTIC but a little pricey,BUT worth it if you want to stay COOL AND DRY!!! I bought the 2 up special which includes 2 Vests and a set of cooling bags or whatever they are called PLUS they come with an additional set(2) that can be put in the cooler bag to change out later in the day. The thing I was afraid of is that the cooling gel packs would not do as they say BUT they do! In 20 minutes the gel packs are frozen in ice water,(It only takes 65 degrees water to refreeze)they say it will do it in a cooler with just ice,I dont know but I suspect it will. Now the cooler doesnt need to be that big,just a 6 pack cooler that fits on a luggage rack is good enough.The gel pacts DO NOT burn your skin even if placed against your skin in a frozen state..I dont know how..The best part of this whole thing is you stay TOTALLY DRY. TOTALLY!!!!! I felt like I was riding at 65-70 degrees for 2 hours then I changed them out,remember they recharge in 20 minutes. Quality is fantastic and IF ever the Gel bags break they are lifetime replacement. These folks have a 90 day return policy no questions ask if you do not like them for ANY reason,you just have to pay the freight back. This is my review,I am in no way affiliated with these folks,I just want to share what I think is the best of the best! Tom
  8. Trying to hook in a bypass switch for the cooling fan before buttoning her back up. I've put a splice in both the black and blue wire going to the fan but am not sure which one to connect to ground and which one to the battery. Would I need a inline fuse and if so what size? Thanks.
  9. Just got done relocating the TCI to the top of the airbox and while I was at it found the boost sensor to be bad and replaced it. Thanks to a popular member here, I was able to do so fairly quickly. Anyhow, now that the TCI is on top of the airbox, I am concerned with it getting hot due to the lack of cooling airflow around it. In its original location, while moving forward at any speed, air flow I think flowed around the TCI providing a cooling effect. Even though that air had passed through the radiator, I am pretty sure it was a lot cooler than the air that will now surround it being on top of the airbox. If this is correct, what would be the effect? Could that hotter air lessen the longevity of the TCI? Or am just one of those Mr. Fulla Schitt that I was reading about a few minutes ago?
  10. To my knowledge, my cooling fan has never activated. Is it just not getting hot enough or is there a malfuntion? How can you test it? Thanks
  11. A couple of weeks back, I had the water pump inner seal leaking oil into the cooling system (2008 RSV). No problem...took it to the dealer, and they warrantied the entire repair. The tech told me that he flushed the entire cooling system twice. Thanked them kindly, and rode home (approx 50 miles). I got home and pulled the side panel off to insure the dealer did a good job flushing the cooling system....as I suspected, there appears to be a cream-color sludge in the reservoir. I have used radiator flush in cars to clean and flush a car's cooling system. Should the dealer have used a chemical flush to remove the oil from the cooling system? Seems to me, just filling the cooling system, then draining it (twice) isn't going to remove the oily sludge. Your comments would be greatly appreciated...dealer opens on Tuesday...gonna give them an earful..
  12. It's been several years since I've seen or heard my cooling fan come on. I've been kind of concerned about it since I'm making trips to see my son, about 260 miles round trip, most weekends. I've been trying to catch it running for some time now and finally today, I cranked it up and just let it idle for about 20 minutes, without hearing it come on. Just when I was going to give up, I felt a blast of hot air coming out near the front cylinder on the side I was standing on, looked at it because it was almost too quiet to hear it but it was running. Only ran about 30 seconds then shut off again. My temp gauge hangs around in the coldest part of the scale all the time even when it's fully warm so it doesn't help very much. Besides replacing my temp gauge, I wonder if it might be worth it to put an LED on that fan circuit so you know it's working on hot days.?
  13. After research, debating, researching and more debating, I finally bought cooling vests for the wife and I. I bought the CoolVests from: http://www.glaciertek.com/ A little pricey...but... We put the vests on under our riding gear and went for a 4 hour ride during the heat of the day in Florida. Gotta say...I am impressed! Even when stopped at stoplights we stayed pretty cool. The vests stayed "charged" for the entire ride. We put the PCM (Phase Change Material) in a cooler put in some water, put in some ice, and in about 20 minutes they were frozen solid....ready for another ride! Now...we are ready for our roadtrip to Charlotte & the Smokey Mountains!
  14. I was reading the Cooling Fan thread in the Watering Hole and it got me to thinking. Of course I never hear my fan come on when I'm on the bike but it never overheats and consistently keeps the needle in the middle of the Green area. Here's the odd part...when I stop and park the bike the fan isn't running when I'm sitting at idle, but it will start running a few seconds after I hit the kill switch. If I leave the key on, it'll go for a minute or two before it turns off. Is this anything close to normal??
  15. Guys, I just got back from a 150 mile ride where I tried out a new (to me) cooling product. I bought a Silver Eagle cooling vest. (saw it advertised in Cycle World) Basically you soak it in water and then, when the temps get too high while riding, you put this on UNDER your jacket and it will help keep you cool. Well today after about 50 miles the thermometer on my bike was showing 102F and I was getting pretty warm. Stopped and took the vest out of the trunk, put it on and replaced my jacket. I was immediately a whole lot cooler than I'd been before, and the cooling lasted 'till I was back home. It REALLY made a difference and was well worth the money IMHO. Makes hot weather riding a lot more pleasant, especially when wearing full gear. I'd never tried this type of thing before, but it REALLY helped me, and it is hot and humid here in Kentucky. If you ride ATGATT in hot weather it's worth a shot....
  16. I have noticed a couple of times the past 2 weeks that my cooling fan will just arbitrarily come on while my bike has been sitting in the garage for a couple days--If I disconnect the battery ground and reconnect everything is fine (the fan shuts off)---Do I have a bad relay or am I missing something??
  17. Any ides on alternate cooling hose sections (there sure are a lot of em!) while I have my scoot apart vs buying expensive OEM parts. How many have had problems with coolant hoses or am I Just being anal. They look fine but are over 20 years old now.
  18. Monty

    Proud Papa

    Well, my youngest arrived at Ft. Sill yesterday, to start his basic training. That's the same place I went for my basic and AIT. At least it should be cooling off there a little bit. Bet he's lovin' life by now....lol:scared:
  19. Don't bother wasting your money on a cooling vest. If you wear anything other than a mesh jacket they are a waste of money. I've tried two now and the one I just tried is being shipped back home. I'm on my 30 day ride and using a textile jacket. The vest is supposed to be a 2 day vest but within an hour I took it off. It was nothing but damp and clammy. No cooling effect whatsoever. I was dying today in the 90 degree weather with the textile but the textile is also waterproof so I'll stick with it. I'm assuming the vest will work with the mesh but not certain as I don't have it with me.
  20. I've noticed the different looks between the cylinders on the Gen1 & Gen2 Ventures. Are the Gen2 cylinders still liquid cooled like the Gen1's? I know Kawasaki changed to only cooling the cylinder heads and not the cylinders on the 1700cc and 2000cc Vulcans for some strange reason. This is the main reason I wouldn't have a new Kawasaki. Thanks , Mike
  21. On my way home yesterday I noticed the back of my legs were getting cooked, I attributed it to a suspected leak in the exhaust possibly dumping more hot air into the engine compartment. Rode a little this evening and same thing happened except that all of a sudden it would disappear, and come back, and disappear, and ... you get the picture. The temp gauge did not waiver from well in the green (one width above horizontal), yet it would seem that I am only getting intermittent cooling, yet the cooling reservoir is full. Is it possible to not have coolant flow through the engine, without it showing on the gauge? Where would I have a blockage for this to happen? What other cause could there be for this excess heat build up?
  22. Any one ever think of trying to put a peltier junction in a helmet for cooling? Or maybe put one (or more) in a vest? I know they are rigid and won't comform to any radius but I found some that are only 40mm sq. Sounds like a good size to put top center of a helmet. Ones on market now are pretty low current draw compared to ones I played with several years ago.
  23. Before all you comedians comment, I mean flushing a motorcycle cooling system, with chemicals. Just thought I'd throw that in first. Ha Ha! Now then, has anyone ever done this and what did they use? Did you use regular automotive cooling system flush formulated and safe for aluminum or was it bike specific? I don't really believe mine needs it but I am going to do it anyway. Just looking for some advise and experienced guidance.
  24. Anyone have a recommendation for a cooling vest? I'd like to find one for my 30-day ride this August. I read somewhere a great review of a vest that can last up to two days but not certain where. Any thoughts?
  25. Sunday I was out for a ride with another couple, I was on my 06 Venture they were 2 up on a RSTD. It was sunny and 24 degrees Celsius. We rode for a good hour before stopping and when we did I could hear a noise coming from his bike. I asked him what the noise was and he said the cooling fan. It then occurred to me that I have never heard my fan come on and it got me wondering. So today I checked the fuse and it was ok, so I asked a Yamaha service manager and he told me that’s not unusual and that it takes a lot before the fan comes on. I’m wondering what other 2nd gen riders experience with your bikes, do you hear your cooling fan kick in and what’s the temperature around the engine like when it does? Does it make a difference when you ride 2up? When you stop after a run is your fan running? Perhaps I should test my thermostat and temperature sensor??
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