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  1. I got to take a ride on a leer like jet today just for the Joy of it!.We flew to Birmingham, Al. then to Nashville,Tn. Then Back to Cartersville, Ga. Topped out at 34,000 ft. Had a leer flying with us too it was very cool to look out and see him off our wing tip. It was one of the best days of my life!
  2. This is pretty cool. Wonder if it would work on the Venture? http://www.webbikeworld.com/r3/spider-led-light/
  3. I so want to ride one of these ! https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=841436165889389 It's gotta be a 1st Gen because it's fast and fun....
  4. Just got a text message from Ponch. He send me some pictures from a place, restaurant or something, named "Freebirds". It was pretty cool. What was REALLY cool though was just hearing from Ponch. I sure miss that guy. He included a message that he misses all of us too.
  5. I know this is probably a stupid question, but does anybody need (or want) a stock CD changer? I really have no use for the thing. Don't necessarily care if I get money for it, wouldn't bother me if somebody just wanted to swap me something cool for it. Let me know, I'm afraid the shipping will get more expensive because of the weight of all the dust it's collecting.
  6. Just on local news in Oklahoma, it's 120 to 130 degrees in Australia!!!! Hydrate!!!!!! Best from the states!!! Stay cool :scorched:
  7. T'was the night before Christmas and all through the towns, the boys were waitin for the countdown. The fireplace was full of that stocking routine, in hopes the big boy would make the scene. With our stomachs full of paninis and beer we headed for the bedroom for some special cheer. When out in the yard there arose such a racket, I ran for the door and pull on my motorcycle jacket. I saw a large Bro on a 56 Pan, wearin' black leathers, a cool biker man. ... ... He hauled back the bars on that bike full of sacks, and it hit the roof like it was running on tracks. I couldn't stop gawking, the old guy had class, but I had to go in I was freezing my ass. Down through the chiminey he fell with a crash,and out of the fireplace he came dragging his stash. With a smile and a glee he passed out the loot, a new jacket for her and some parts for my scoot. He padded her ass and shook my right hand, turned on his heels and up the chimney he ran. From upon the roof came a great deal of thunder. As the massive V-Quad ripped the silence asunder. With beard in the wind he roared off in the night shouting "have a cool yule, and to all have a good ride."
  8. Hey guys and gals, Back in May Wanderer created and posted this cool theme for the top of Firefox or Explorer. I had an (unrelated) issue with my Firefox and lost it yesterday. Finally after searching and searching I found the link: I have always loved turning on my Firefox and having a 1st Gen on my upper right screen. http://gallery.brandthunder.com/en-US/theme/436aaee9-b06e-45a6-bae6-1996dee6fd1f Original Thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-69723.html
  9. I can't remeber if this was posted before but I think it is fairly cool. http://autos.yahoo.com/blogs/motoramic/lit-c1-bets-future-driving-gyro-balanced-two-212825259.html
  10. I have a number of old scoots in the basement and thought I drag would something out while waiting for the turkey to finish cookin.. Thought you all might enjoy a trip down memory lane.. Anyone ever have one of these back in the day?? Its actually later than my early years BUT I realize not everyone on here grew up in the 60's like me hahaha.. Anyway, pretty cool lil bike, I would say the neatest moped ever made.. Course, I love anything on two wheels - old new or in between - they are all fun!! Scott:mustache:
  11. I think this is just pretty darn cool. http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2012/10/02/world-smallest-supercharged-v8-enters-production/?intcmp=features
  12. Always check your bike when your "Friends" have been around it! I have no idea when it happened but a "friend" (AKA KEN) was showing me his NEW chrome tail light frame and I thought it was like COOL! Well that was a week ago at the IA, IL, WI, MO, MN M&E. And I have walked past MY bike in the garage at least 20 times since then. I can spot a dust bunny or a hair on it (thinking it's a scratch) at 50 feet! Well then today I was heading out to grill, looked down at my tail light and said "WHAT THE #$LL" is that? Looked closer and low and behold my "friend's" chrome piece is on MY bike!!! How cool is that to have such good friends? And what do you want to bet they are all LAUGHING at me cause I never noticed! :banana:YA, you all know who you are, Ken (920shrek1), Mike (Eusa1 + Cheri) And last but not least Rick (Rick Haywood + Shirley), even my wife Lisa never said anything!. You all did good not letting on! Sorry it took so long for me to OPEN my eyes!! Thank you! It's good to have friends! Bryan
  13. Somebody posted a pic here a while back of an inverted copter drawn on a ceiling around a ceiling fan. Had to admit.... kinda cool looking. Pic #1 Now, it seems that dream is a reality. I ran across this the other day. An actual ceiling fan copter with a 3 speed motor, a remote control and it's own heli-pad. Pic #2 It might not actualy be all the great for cooling but you got to admit.....it's got a certain cool factor. Flyinfool? You been busy? Mike
  14. Don't know what gas mileage you'll get, But real cool
  15. Just in case you are having a rough day, here's a stress management technique recommended in all the latest psychological journals. The funny thing is that it really does work and will make you smile: 1. Picture yourself lying on your belly on a warm rock that hangs out over a crystal clear stream. 2. Picture yourself with both your hands dangling in the cool running water. 3. Birds are sweetly singing in the cool mountain air. 4. No one knows your secret place. 5. You are in total seclusion from that hectic place called the world. 6. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity. 7. The water is so clear that you can easily make out the face of the Politician you're holding underwater. There!! See? It really does work. You're smiling already.
  16. Title sums it up! I just sold my suzuki GSXR in favor of what I like to think of as a limo on two wheels. Picked up my 2005 RSTD 2 nights ago and I am in LOVE. My girl loves to ride as well but hated the back of the GSXR. After one quick trip to get acquainted we are both hooked. Look forward to learning as much as I can here and more important find some cool people to ride with. We are located on LI but ride all over the Pocono /Catskill area. Have a feeling this forum is the best $12 accessory ill get for my rstd.
  17. This would be way to far for me to ride, but I bet there is a member in Texas who could help this young lady out. Avery is 5 months old and is not expected to live past 2. Her parents have started a bucket list for her here. One of the things that caught my eye was "Ride a Motorcycle". I think it would be cool to do this and only wish I lived closer. The PO Box for the charity is in Bellair, TX. Anyone able to step up and make this happen?
  18. I might be one of the few people who have vents on side covers and fairings that are still intact. My question is what did Yamaha do to create some resistance on the vents to hold them in place? It seems the vents have a mind of their own. When I don't want heat, those open. When I want some cool air, those ones shut on me. Any help would be appreciated before I try to rig something up.
  19. I haven't watched anime in years, but this bike is cool IMO http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/unplugged/akira-superfan-builds-iconic-bike-charity-000959542.html
  20. http://www.classifiedads.com/items_for_sale-ad8184569.htm Is it just me, or does this seem a bit excessive? At first glance I think, COOL! But then I factor in the added weight and rolling resistance of the second axle. The add doesn't state how much weight it will carry, but I imagine if ya need to haul enough to need the second axle, wouldn't you be pushing the limits if the bikes capabilities? Perhaps if you had one of those Boss Hogs with the 350 V8's or a good sized trike, I could see it. I do like the looks of it, and the "cool" factor though. Certainly one of a kind... maybe. Bill
  21. Has anyone ever seen where someone has changed a RSV trans to chain drive? I think the v4 would make a cool engine for a project bike.
  22. LOL!!! So we sold our Honda yesterday Got what we wanted for it so that's great. Got my armrests from Diamond R Friday and got them installed. They're great. Got something rigged up for my boards (passenger) so that I basically have highway pegs as a passenger. I can put my feet out to cool them off in the breeze as well as basically have more room to have different positions for my feet to help shift around as we go. So now I'm all set!!! Thanks for everyone's patience helping me figure things out, where to get stuff, etc. We went for a seven hour ride yesterday and it was AWESOME!! Beautiful weather and, now that I have all my accessories, cool feet! It was great!! My back was bugging me, too, without the armrests for support, especially in rough areas, so I'm happy now!!
  23. Cool old video describing how differential works with a neat motorcycle opening. http://wimp.com/differentialsteering/
  24. http://scaleofuniverse.com/ Slide the slider left or right ... very cool !
  25. I saw this when I was checking out the link provided about the 12 cycl motor in the other thread. There are more cool bikes and helmets etc at the bottom of the page too. I kind of liked the Jaguar bike http://www.xoxobook.com/automobile/awesome-motorcycle-concepts/?utm_source=wahoha.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=wahoha
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