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  1. I'm looking at a 89 Venture at a dealer, and it seems everything on the bike works except for the cruise control. They called the guy who had the bike for a year prior to trading it in and he said it never worked for him either. Where would be the first places to start checking. Thanks
  2. Hey guys. I know that this has been brought up before and I wanted to share with ya'll what I just found. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-51I56E4bKZj/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?g=51000&I=105CSBB2 dimensions: 11-5/8"W x 2-1/2"H x 7-7/8"D It'd fit, I think, in a saddlebag, maybe in the trunk... would definately take up a bit of room, though... It comes with a wired volume control.
  3. Hi All, New hear, just purchased a 2007 Royal Star Venture, wow what a bike! Previous original owner said he never had any issue with cruise control, I tend to believe him, but when I turn it on the switch, it goes back to center position I believe like it should, but there are no dash lights at all. Haven't taken anything apart yet and am wondering if there is a fuse that could have blown or any suggestions as to where to start my trouble shooting. Thanks in advance, great forum!...Gorski
  4. made it one hour. New owner lost control and parked in some trees. RandyA UPDATED ? Highway to Hell(cat): Owner wrecks 707-hp Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat one hour after buying it | MotorSportsTalk
  5. Before I start, I have done a bit of seaching this site looking for the problem I am experiencing with my cruise control but have not been successful. Not that I use it much, I am a little anal about things and if it is there, I want it to work as designed. Anyway, my cruise has always functioned until this weekend. My cruise would set and all seemed fine except this time, and several attempts afterwards. It would set but the speed would very slowly decel and after about 7 or so mph, the cruise would simply disconnect; not turn off, just cancel. I am not very spun up on this system and thought I'd ask around first if anyone has experienced this same problem and what they may have done to fix theirs. If anyone has any advise, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all,
  6. I know it required to have safty chains on our trailers. But has anyone out there ever have a trailer come off while towing? Have they seen the results of this happening? My guess it would put the bike out of control, resulting it the drivers death, passenger and maybe others. What if the trailer released and there wrer no chains driver and passenger might control the bike. what are the odds of the small trailer killing someone, maybe a lot less if the were hit by bike and trailer. Just had this thought today. what do you guys think?
  7. Ok, my 2013 year resolution. Yep, the goal to reduce my weight. After all the Holiday eating, I have surpassed my all time weight of 182 lb (year 2009) for my 68 inch height frame. My new all time high is 183 lb now, and I can’t get into most of my pants without sucking in my gut, and then it is still a real tight challenge. My goal is to lose 20 lbs, to be 163 lbs, or reduce my weight by 11%, in 5 month (By 1 June). An average of 4 lbs per month or 1 lb per week. Looking at it that way the goal seems very reachable. No special diet fad or a book, just my own personal process. This is my plan. 1) No restriction as to what I consume just control the quantity. 2) I will scale weight every morning and chart it in Excel. In most business, goals are tracked and weekly reviewed by presenting measurable metrics. When the chart rises it will discipline me to control the quantity. 3) Retrain and control my mind on the feelings of hunger. Each time I experience hunger feelings in between meal times, I will verbally profess, “My body is converting stored fat into needed energy, and it feels Great!”. 4) I will use my wife’s Elliptical twice a week for 30 minutes watching a movie. Once on weekend & on Wednesday for 30 minutes each. I should have been doing this 2 years ago after my open heart surgery anyway. You can help by bumping this thread and asking for my progress, and keeping me accountable. I will respond with a copy of my Excel chart.
  8. I have a friend, Bro. Richard, A Baptist Minister and fellow CMA member who owns this Gold Wing. He has asked me a tech question and I don't knw but I assured him that I had other friends (namely youse guys) who might be able to help. He has added rear speakers with volume control and they work; but, now he has no intercom.........he can hear on the intercob but can not talk through it. Any ideas???
  9. 87 vr. My cruise control isn't working. Does anyone know the probable cause? When I turn it on, the 'set' and 'resume' lights turn on for about 3 seconds then back off. The 'on' light never turns on. I then turn it off and back on, same thing. I can here the relay clicking.
  10. What am I going to do with her??????
  11. the vac pump for cruise control on the 1300 venture royal will it work on the 1200 venture i found it on ebay no year given
  12. Anybody out there understand how the damping control works? What does it activate? Is it mechanical or electronic? Thanks Ed
  13. Can someone tell me what size the handlebars are for the cheap cruise control throttle locks on the 83 ventures? 7/8 or bigger.
  14. my throttle is very sticky for some reason and i get a clicky-crunchy noise from the cruise control box just before its returns to no throttle. Is there any way to get into the cruse control box to see it its working properly?
  15. Hi, As the new owner of a, somewhat neglected, 83 Venture I have been doing some fluid changes, cleaning etc. Well, I decided to take apart the left hand control to clean it as it was kinda "sticky". I got a little ahead of myself and took out the internal screws (before snapping a couple of pictures) and then proceeded to have a handful of parts. I've put it back together but I seem to have a spare piece. I have, historically, found that usually there aren't any spare parts. I have added some pictures. Can anyone tell me where this bit goes?
  16. A huge thanks to SMSgt for this excellent article. Kent did a great job and it is much appreciated. Installing throttle cables on a Royal Star Venture. I did this project while I was doing a change over from RSV handle bars to RSTD bars. As with most jobs on the RSV you will need to remove the driver’s seat and gas tank. This not only protects the tank from damage but gives you access to the throttle/cruise control pulleys. After you have removed the tank remove the black plastic left frame neck cover then you will have complete access to the throttle cables and clutch hydraulic line. If you are doing the clutch it will need to take off the left side lower fairing and to take that off it will easier if you take off the right lower fairing as well. To make your job easier take off the left air cleaner and the mounting bracket. As far as break and clutch hoses are concerned it is a simple remove and replace. You will need to bleed the lines. If you don’t know how to do this you might seek a little help from your friends. Remove the clutch and front brake master cylinders. This is necessary to access the screws that secure the front controls and if you are doing a bar change you will need them off anyway to reinstall on the new bars. Once you have removed the master cylinders you are ready to split the throttle handle bar control/twist grip. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image001.jpg Remove the two screws securing the right handle bar control/throttle twist grip. It is easiest done with a stubbie phillips screw driver. Sometimes a long screwdriver will not fit between the fairing and the screw. I replaced my phillips screws with allen screws because they are less likely to strip out while loosening them. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image004.jpg This is showing the right control split. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image005.jpg You can take the aft (the half with the stop switch on the top) apart by just taking the wire bundle out of the slot on the side with the cables coming out of it. This will give you more working room. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image006.jpg With the control split you can slide the twist grip and all off the handlebar. If you don’t have enough slack you can loosen and rotate the handle bars down this should work for you if all else fails you may have to take the handlebars off. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image007.jpg Once the control is off the bar you can lift the grip up and out of the control giving you access to the cables. Simple rotate the cables to the slot and it will come from the grip. Note, I hadn’t separated the two halves at this point http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image008.jpg Once you have both cables loose you should feed them around the front of the triple tree so they are on the left side of the motorcycle. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image009.jpg On the left side of the motorcycle you will find the pulley assemble for the throttles and cruise control cable. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image013.jpg Slide the plastic cable guide back to give you room to work on the pulley assembly. It is the same kind as on the handlebars it should just slide one direction or the other then back. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image015.jpg Showing the cable clamp moved back to over the carburetors. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image017.jpg With the cable clamp pushed back and cables pulled to the left side of the motorcycle the pulley assembly will lay over without any trouble. This will expose the screws and make it easier to work on the cables. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image020.jpg Remove the two screws that are now on the top of the pulley case. (Picture shows screws already removed.) http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image023.jpg Opened cable pulley case. The Cruise control is the pulley on the top. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image024.jpg Another view showing the inside of the case. The one cable end in the front of the picture is the cruise control cable. Be careful not to let the spring not zing into space. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image026.jpg Lift up on the single piece of spring and the other end will come off and not be any problem. You will be able to see how it comes out once you look inside the case. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image028.jpg The hook end of the spring goes on the bottom, next to the pulley. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image030.jpg Inside of the cable case without the spring. The blue arrow is pointing at the place where the spring end will set when it is together. The red arrow is pointing where the hook end of the spring goes against the top pulley. Remember this is the cruise control pulley. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image033.jpg With the cruise control pulley removed you can see the cables going toward the carburetors and handle bars. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image034.jpg The two silver buttons are the cable ends for the throttle twist grip. Make sure you put the return in where the return cable came from and the pull where the pull cable belongs. This isn’t hard if you just pay attention. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image037.jpg Remove the screw and bracket that holds the return and pull cables going to the throttle twist grip. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image039.jpg This shows the screw and hold down bracket and the throttle cables going to the top of the last two pulleys in the case. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image040.jpg Remove the cables one at a time so as not to get mixed up. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image041.jpg Wrap the cable around the pulley the same way it came off. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image042.jpg Remove the return cable and install the new cable the same way the old cable came off. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image043.jpg Hold the new cables completely in the cable indentations. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image044.jpg Install the clamp and screw with the cables completely against the indent. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image045.jpg With both cables in and secure you will need to put the top, cruise, pulley in place. There are notches in the lower pulleys shown by the arrows and on the cruise control pulley shown by the small white squares inside the pulley. Make sure they are aligned correctly so your cruise control will work when you are done. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image050.jpg This is the bottom of the cruise control pulley. The arrows are pointing the notches that will go inside the notches in the lower pulley. Put the pulley in so at to allow it to pull the throttle open when the cruise control is set. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image053.jpg Showing the cruise control pulley in place. Notice position of cable end. It should be about the same position as when it came out. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image055.jpg Spring in place on pulley. Note position of “hook” as it fits in top pulley. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image057.jpg Spring pulled around to stop. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image059.jpg Cover back in place. Don’t forget to put the screws in. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image060.jpg Pulley case back in place with cables routed around front and cable clamp back in place. http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables_files/image061.jpg Replace all the parts you have taken off in reverse order and go for a ride. Disclaimer…… YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID. NOTE: This article was originally submitted in Microsoft Word format. Some of the formatting was lost when I converted it to htm format. Things like arrows, pointers, etc. If you have access to Microsoft Word and would like to view or download it in Word format with the original formatting, I have uploaded it here: http://www.venturerider.org/cables/cables.doc
  17. Hi everyone. In the process of a pretty stout going over of my wife and I's 86'. We've had those middle of the road IMC intercoms on our agv modulars for several years, maybe 30k through all the elements. THey still work great. They're the ones that have a firewire looking pinout to the coily 5pin. I would love to that pinout too, specifically if anyone's integrated those into a different configuration. Then I started thinking, Has anyone overhauled the entire audio/cb/intercom? Maybe out of a 2nd gen? My nightmare concern is maintaining all the ext. thumb button control and all. I'd love to drop another $100 mega flexible, bluetooth wal mart stereo in the hole but I want to be able to control with the existing. I like that my wife can adjust all her stuff and the radio as well. Then what about the CB? We live by that thing! Has anyone done an extensive audio/media (inc. CB) overhaul that would integrate nicely with the headsets? Great forum!!
  18. Greetings! Just traded my 05 V-Star 1100 Silverado in on a 07 Royal Star Tour Deluxe, my dream bike! One problem, when I test drove the RSTD, I was in traffic so didn't test the cruise control. Then my husband goes up and buys it for me (a total surprise!), and he didn't try it either! So now I finally get it out on the open highway and when I slide the control up and push the set button, nothing happens. The indicator light does come on, but that's it. And to keep the payments down, we bought this without a warranty. I know...live and learn. Any ideas? I also didn't get an owners manual, so any leads on obtaining one would be helpful.
  19. I'm in the market for purchasing a Radio Remote Control Unit for a 2nd Gen RSV. I've tried Pinwall, eBay and thought I'd try here as well. They're quite expensive new so I'm looking used first. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jakbag
  20. We just got back from a trip and the cruise control is getting a little lazy. Works, but not quite as responsive as it used to be. Has anybody tried replacing the vacuum pump or maybe reworking it? Since it's on all the time the bike's running, it got a lot of time on it.
  21. Can somebody scan the pages of the cruise control operation from the owners manual? I have a scan from an 83 but not a Royale. The cruise on my 84 works fine but since I don't have an owners manual for it I don't really know the limitations. I did read here that it won't work over 80mph & I also read it takes a bit to engage (1 to 1.5 mile). Does it work in EVERY gear or just when in 5th? I finally have the bike running great with no smells or issues & the wife & I are making plans for longer road trips. Would be nice to know exactly how this thing should work. Andy help would be appreciated.
  22. Hello Everyone: I recently learned from a close friend that if your third brake light bulb burns out it will cause your cruise control to not function. He had it happen on his Chevy/GMC Colorado Pickup last week. I used the cruise yesterday morning on the way to my parents home about an hour away. It worked fine on the trip down, however it did not work on the way home. I remembered the tip and checked the brake lights on my 06 Dodge Ram 1500 and sure enough the 3rd brake light at the top rear cab was out. I purchased a new bulb and now the cruise works again. Not sure how many makes and models of vehicles this happens to, but I wanted to pass the info along.
  23. This is too good not to share! And I can do this on the Venture. I don't usually use cruise control, but it would free up my right hand for vengeance! [ame] [/ame]
  24. Last season the cruise control worked great. Today was the first time out this year, And the cruise didn't want to work. When I left this morning the cruise did work going in to town. We left on our STAR chapter ride, and the cruise would turn on but the set button would not work. After about 75 miles we stopped, and when we started again the cruise worked until the first time I disengaged it, the RES light came on came on as it should, but then nothing. Hit the RES button nothing, hit the SET button nothing. I shut the cruise control off and turned it back on and and the on light comes on, but SET button doesn't work. Though out the day it worked about 4 times with me messing with it, trying to figure it out while on a 400 mile ride. Everything else is working perfectly. When I got home this evening I checked brake switches, clutch switch, and wiring. Went for a ride to see if anything helped, and no go. Got home from the test ride, and decided to check the switches on control switches on the handle bars. Took those apart and cleaned and checked the contacts in them. Everything looked good there. Haven't a chance to try it again. But I don't think that was the problem either. Over the winter I changed the motor oil & oil in the final drive, replace the rear tire, put chrome side covers on, serviced air filters, put billet air filter covers on, put chrome clutch & brake levers on. Any ideas on what & where to check next. Help is always appreciated. Thanks, Ron
  25. I have an 05 tour deluxe,wondering what is most common cause of cruise control failure?
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