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OK folks, we are going to kick this contest off today. It will run for two weeks. I will draw the winning numbers two weeks from today at or around 6:00 PM. There will be two prizes and two winners. First prize will be a set of custom engraved VentureRider carb covers for the Royal Star Venture or Royal Star Tour Deluxe. This prize was generously donated by AdChrome. You can visit his webiste here: The second prize will be a brand new 4GB Ipod Shuffle. This prize was generously donated by BVinson. Here is a link to one just like it. [ame=] Apple iPod shuffle 4 GB Black (3rd Generation) OLD MODEL: MP3 Players & Accessories@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] So what is the contest? I'm going to make it very simple. In the spirit of the season, I will ask you to post to this thread about your most memorable Christmas. The one that you have the most joyous memories about. I like these kind of contests because I think they help us to get to know each other better and bring us closer as a family. Now because I realize that we are a diverse group here and I don't want to leave anybody out, I'm going to allow any of you who may not celebrate Christmas to substitute a similar holiday of your choice and if you don't celebrate any holidays at all, then just the most joyous event of your life will certainly suffice. Now I know that some folks are better writers than others so though I encourage you to take this seriously and write more than a two word post, the winner will again be chosen randomly from all the entries. Also, regardless of how many times you post to this thread, each person will receive only ONE chance. OH...and one last thing. Contest is open to supporting members only. So if you are not a supporting member, you still have time to take care of that little issue. So there you have it. On your mark, get set, GO. Good luck to all.
Today is the last day that you can enter the current contest for your chance to win either 2nd Gen Carb covers or an Ipod Shuffle. Contest ends later this afternoon and I'll draw a winner tonight. Here is the link if you somehow missed it.
OK folks, it's been a while since we have had a contest. Thanks to AdChrome, I think it's time that we do just that very thing. Now I realize that this is a second gen/RSTD specific item but that's just the way it goes sometimes. So....we are going to have a contest and give this beautiful set of carb covers away to some lucky winner. Now I just have to decide WHAT kind of contest it will be. I'll be getting back to you soon on that.
I hate advertising! Tim Horton's "Rrrrollup the Rim to win" campaign is on. Huge sign in the store with a rollup cup and writing below that. Very first sentence is.... "No purchase necessary." (see the pic below). So, I go over to the counter and ask for a rollup cup. "what size coffee you like sir?" ... no, I said, I don't want coffee ... I just want the cup. "oh no sir, you have to buy a coffee" ... course, I say "but your ad says no purchase necessary" ... "no sir, you have to purchase" ... get me a manager! ... out comes the manager "no sir, you have to purchase a coffee .... please call head office... they will explain ... blah blah" Ok, so I walk away (after causing a mini-scene with 20 customers lined up behind me). I go online and open their rules ... sure enough, you can get a rollup cup without making a purchase ..... 2. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO PLAY: In Canada, obtain a FREE Tim Hortons contest cup and/or a copy of the official rules, by writing to: Tim Hortons Contest Cup, P.O. Box 9162 Saint John, N.B. E2L 4Y2. In U.S.A., to receive a FREE contest cup and/or a copy of the official rules write to: Tim Hortons Contest Cup, P.O. Box 1315 Calais, ME 04619-6315. ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! The display ad (pic below) could have been a bit more informative and would have saved everyone a lot of wasted time and energy. I wonder how many other people have done what I just did... (or am I the only a-hole?) I also think the manager could have explained a bit better. [ATTACH]64651[/ATTACH]
OK is what I'm going to do. The prize will be a $159.00 gift certificate from Motorcycle Gear ( previously New Enough). You can check them out by clicking on their banner when it comes up at the top of the page. Please note, their program has changed and VentureRider ONLY gets credit from them IF you enter their site by clicking on the banner above when making your purchases. Now for the contest. We all know that we share a common interest in motorcycle riding. That is the one thing that brings us all together here. What else do we know about each other though? Some of us know each other better than others due to eats and meets, local rides, etc. There are some that we know hardly nothing about though. So, to be entered in the drawing the for gift certificate, all you have to do is reply to this thread and tell us ONE MORE hobby that you enjoy in addition to motorcycling. It could be gardening, bee keeping, guitar or other instruments, auto racing....whatever but you have to list at least ONE other interest. That's all there is to this one folks. The contest will run until next Friday at midnight. That is Friday the 25th. First thing on Saturday morning I will randomly draw a winner from all who post to this thread with their hobby or interest.
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OK folks, here's the thing. Motorcycle Gear, previously New Enough, has changed the program that they have used for a long time. The old program allowed you to designate your "favorite club" and then they put a dollar in the clubs account that I could then use as prizes and etc. in contests. They have now discontinued that program. They are now using a "affiliates code" like many other online advertisers do. They will now pay a small fee if a buyer enters their site from clicking on a banner. So, I am asking you to please use the banner that rotates at the upper right of the forum and the home page if you go to Motorcycle Gear to place an order. If you go to their site via your own bookmarks and etc., VentureRider will get no credit for your purchases. The same is true of Jake Wilson and Motorcycle Superstore. If you don't go to their sites by clicking on the banner at the top of our site, we get no credit for your purchases there. I don't fill our site with a lot of banners because I don't want this site to be about bombarding you with advertisements but if you use the few that I have at the top, it does help to support the club. Also, we have $159.00 in our old account with them and we have to give it away now or will lose it. So, we need to have a contest and the winner will receive a $159.00 gift certificate from Motorcycle Gear. I will give it some thought and come up with something later today. I will make a new post when I decide what kind of contest it will be this time. It will be something simple though and probably run for a week.
was looking on another web forum and came across this picture that was in there contest here is the info with the pic Linton Indiana, old brick factory Submitted By: (dz302)
I entered a photo contest for a ridding jacket Votes if you feel the mind to.
Just recently I had submitted an entry to Niagara Contest and won a third place prize for a $100 gift certificate towards a local merchant here in Niagara. Fist place prize was a new furnace (installed), 2nd was a fridge and stove. Unfortunately (depending where you live) the contest was only open to Niagara residence. Well, they’re hosting another contest and this one is open to whoever wants to apply! All you have to do is to write a little blurb about ‘What you are doing to beat the winter blahs’! Submit your stories and 'you' will have a chance to win! Stories will be published online and will not include any personal information (name, phone number, email, addresses, etc) and will be assigned a contest number, they will reply with your entry number. I have talked with Walter, the CEO of Shop Niagara and he has informed me that you do not have to live in Niagara to submit an entry. So who better to write about "Winter Bla-ahs" then motorcycle enthusiasts!! Simply go to and click on ‘CONTEST’, it’s near the top right of the page. Once you’re there click on ‘Contest rules’ and it will give you details such as prizes and contact information for any questions. First prize is dinner for eight at ‘Oh Canada eh’ (dinner theater/comedy). Get your stories in, have some fun with it and good luck!! Perhaps you’ll win and the weather will be nice enough to ride in to beautiful Niagara Falls with your scoot to claim your prize! You folks in the 'sunny south' might struggle a bit with this!
OK I have 6 months left on my VR calendar. Does anyone have any plans for the next one? Will there be another contest? If not I'm going to have a bare spot on the fridge!
I have one set of MAC's left. I've gone thru the list of members that had indicated they were interested in an extra set, and still have this one set left. I thought I'd saved all the PM's and Emails, so if I missed you I apologize. Anyway, here's the deal. I figure the only equitable way to find a new home for the last set, and not offend anyone.... is to have a contest for all those that might be interested, So, I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 50. To keep things on the up and up, only myself and Freebird know what that number is. The one coming the closest to that number gets the MAC's. The price will be $275 delivered to your door, which is still a pretty good deal as the new retail is $319+ shipping. The contest will run for a week. So for those of you that are interested, get your ESP hats on, and post your number, and good luck. BTW, only one number per member...
OK folks...a while back...I ran across this hat/lapel pin on Ebay. I thought that it might make a nice prize for a little contest here so I started bidding and ended up with it. Now I assume that this is pretty rare because I've seen a few first gen pins but never one like this. It says "South Daytona" "Lions" on it and then "Bike Week 1992" at the bottom. Now the cool thing is that I bought it from a seller in Germany so this pin has seen more traveling that a lot of actual riders. Anyway, it's in great shape. I didn't put a ruler next to it but it's a pretty good sized pin...probably 2 1/2" across. I'm going to make this contest very easy to enter. All you have to do is post to this thread about your first introduction to the Yamaha Venture motorcycle. Whether it was a first gen, second gen...heck even a Royal Star...tell us about it. Was in an '83 that you never owned but always wanted or a new '99 RSV? Now if you don't WANT the pin....enter anyway. I'm sure you can find somebody that would love to have it. The winner will be chosen by random selection from all entries one week from today.
I was sent this, and have not verified as to whether it is true or not. Regardless, whoever made the video should be commended for a job well done, IMHO. *** At a meeting of the AARP (American Association of Retired People) they showed a video that was submitted in a contest by a 20 year old. The contest was Titled 'u @ 50'. This video won second place. When they showed it , everyone in the room was awe-struck and broke into spontaneous applause. So simple and yet so brilliant. Take a minute and watch it. [ame=]YouTube - Lost Generation[/ame] Cheers,
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OK folks, I know that I'm WAY late in finally getting this contest started but it's just been very busy lately. So I am going to keep it simple. I REALLY need your input as to where you would like to see the 2009 International Rally held. So, all you have to do is reply to this thread as to WHERE the rally should be held and WHY you would like to see it held there. Now I know that some of you will agree on certain places and that is fine, your recommendation does not need to be unique but you DO need to at least briefly explain your reason. Now this does not mean that the rally will be held at any particular place. Even if many of you agree on a location, we still need folks from any given area to step up and take charge of it and if nobody does, then we have to look elsewhere. So, this contest will run for 1 week. The winner will be randomly selected from all of you who post your recommendations to this thread. The winner will receive a $100.00 gift certificate from New Enough.
Did I not see a post in regards to a contest for designing a T-Shirt for next years rally? Is it done and over with? Is it still possible to send in a design? Did it get squashed???
OK folks....we have a winner of the contest. As stated, the winner will receive a $100.00 gift certificate courtesy of New Enough at I used a random number generator to select a winner from all who replied to the thread with their suggestion of a Rally Site or their support of a previous suggestion. I said...we NOW have a winner. Does anybody wish to know who that winner IS?
Just thought seeing as it's been a while since we had a contest, I'd start one. The contest is to guess which member is under the red helmet trying out a Can Am Spyder. Winner gets a weekend vacation in their own back yard (Food and drinks not included) as well as a free beer whenever they visit me. Actual member and family members involved in the photo not eligible for contest. Contest is over whenever someone actually guesses who it is (Hint: it is NOT me!).
I was :think:ing. Over a that a while back our leader had said that it was time for a contest. So I've been doing nothing but :fiddle:ing around lately ing my head in anticipation of :draming:ing of winning big. But I'm . Because I used to be:happy65:when I entered even if I was that I lost. Anyway it doesn't have to be any big:mo money:to win. Any will tell you its not how you:stirthepot: its how you keep your that makes the days go by. Heck, right now I could win and be one .
As we approach the 5,000 member mark, I think it's time that we think about a contest. How about a $100.00 gift certificate from New Enough? As you know, they contribute $1.00 per sale when one of our members buys from them and chooses VentureRider as the sponsor club. We have already given away one prize from there and we have enough in the account there now to give away another one. So.....put your thinking caps on and let's decide how to do this one.
C'mon people, we have what....almost 4,000 members and we don't even have 100 votes in yet on the patch design contest. EVERYONE can vote...whether or not you're going to the event.
OK folks...I want to thank all of you for your suggestions about the type of contest to hold but I have made a decision and it starts NOW. As you know, we are presently seeking photo submissions for the 2008 VentureRider calendar. So, each of you who submits a picture for the calendar will be entered into the drawing to win a $100.00 gift certificate from New Enough. You can go there now and be deciding what you want to spend it on. Here is the thread that explains what type of photos needs to be submitted and how to submit them. No whining about "I don't have a digital camera" and etc....if you don't have a camera, I'm sure that somebody you know does. This contest will run until October 14th which is the deadline for submissions.
Well, I guess one of the many things that need doing for the 2008 VentureRider International Rally is to design a patch and t-shirt design. For those that don't know, here are the facts: Date: July 7-10, 2008 Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Let's get those creative juices flowing and see what we can come up with for designs. I would suggest we give this contest a few weeks at least for those who might suffer from temporary "designer's block".
Did I some how miss the calender contest results? Or is it to early? I just haven't seen anything on it!
I'm thinking that maybe it's time for another contest. What do you think? Any ideas? As you know, we are a listed club at the New Enough website. Not only do they have great products, service and prices but when you buy from them, you have the option during checkout to choose VentureRiders as your club of choice. Every time you do that, they make a small donation into our account there. Over time it does add up a bit and then we can use it for rally prizes, contests, etc. So, it's time for a contest to give away some of the money...most of the money...that we have in our account there. So, how about a $100.00 gift certificate from New Enough for a lucky winner. So....all we have to do is come up with a contest. I've had a few thoughts but am open to your suggestions. What do you think?