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  1. Four Worms in Church http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3205%5fAIsIw0MAAI97Tr2TAA5oFGF5v3k&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 A Minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars. The first worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a container of good, clean soil. At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results: The first worm in alcohol ... Dead. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3205%5fAIsIw0MAAI97Tr2TAA5oFGF5v3k&pid=3&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The second worm in cigarette smoke ... Dead. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3205%5fAIsIw0MAAI97Tr2TAA5oFGF5v3k&pid=4&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The third worm in chocolate syrup ... Dead. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3205%5fAIsIw0MAAI97Tr2TAA5oFGF5v3k&pid=5&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The fourth worm in good, clean soil ... Alive . So the Minister asked the congregation, "What did you learn from this demonstration?" Maxine was sitting in the back and quickly raised her hand and said, http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3205%5fAIsIw0MAAI97Tr2TAA5oFGF5v3k&pid=6&fid=Inbox&inline=1 "As long as you drink, smoke, and eat chocolate, you won't have worms!" That pretty much ended the service !! Today is International Disturbed People's Day. Please send an encouraging message to a disturbed friend ... Just as I have done. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f3205%5fAIsIw0MAAI97Tr2TAA5oFGF5v3k&pid=7&fid=Inbox&inline=1
  2. just got an email to say that the trike didn't leave Portland till the 1st October!!!!! So probably won't have it here at home till near the end of November now :crying::bang head: Once the container of bikes is handed over to the shipping line, it's up to them when it sails apparently
  3. I have a simple pressure washer ?. It is related to using the soapy washer option. I thought that all one has to do is to fill a container with appropiate washer fluid and then put the little plastic tube with the nozzel in the container. Start up the pressure washer and when pressing the spray trigger the process will start to suck the washer fluid with the water. I also did make sure the adjustment at the plastic tube nozzel is open to suck up the soapy solution. Any suggestion ?
  4. This morning, while doing regular maintenance, I noticed a thick brown sludge in the coolant recovery container...smells like oil. Unfortuantely for me, I checked the coolant level approx 6 months ago, after doing a coolant flush and fill, so I don;t know exactly WHEN the oil started seeping into the coolant system. I've completely emptied and cleaned the recovery container...When I removed the radiator cap...yep....oily sludge. It's an 08 RSV so Im pretty sure it's under warranty. So...exactly "how screwed" am I? Any thoughts on where I should start? Funny thing is, the bike seems to be running fine... Thanks for any/all comments and suggestions.
  5. I'm a avid tea drinker and am constantly getting the urge to sip my tea going down the road. However since I purchased my Arai Full face Helmet I have found this to be almost impossible. Solution! Go to hunting section in Walmart. Look for 750 ML Sports bottle With lever sip cap BPA free. It's a 25 oz container that has a straw to the bottom and a 1 1/2" lever top that you flip open. Just open and hold upright and you can reach the top under your full face. No need to tilt your head back... Beside the bottles, are 4 Replacement straws for these containers. cut one in half and insert into your Sports bottle lever and it becomes even easier to drink. Note make sure you get the sports bottle with the round hole in the lever. Some of them are oval in shape... Enjoy your favorite beverage! "just as long as it's not carbonated"... Don't ask, cause I'm not tellin... If you need to know, dump 25 0z of carbonated pop in the container and take a drink as your travellin down the road... Good luck:buttkick:
  6. Got a Garmin 550 off of fleabay last night for $38.59! Now I am looking for handlebar mount and a waterproof container although I think someone mentioned that they are waterproof!? Thanks All!!
  7. I picked up the Oil this morning at Walmart for a nice price. It is Synthetic and the oil grade is recommended for our Venture as stated on the sticker in the trunk. T5 also has JASO certifications listed in the back of the container, but it does says Energy Conserving in front of the label. Has anybody used this in their Venture?
  8. I had a few minutes of slack time today so I thought I'd go over some invoices. Parked my butt at my desk and was sorting things out and I noticed a movement coming towards me on the desk top. Stop...look again.....yep.....spider.....big one. Weird looking. Nothing new really, get them all the time. But this one looked a bit different. So I parked coffee cup over it and got a container. Slipped a piece of paper under the cup and went to flip in into the plastic container. All Heck broke loose when I dropped it in. I thought the dang thing blew up. Well......it didn't. It was female Wolf spider with a full load of lil ones......over a hundered of them as close as I can tell. Quick lil devils. I catch Wolf spiders all the time. I keep them in a 20 gallon tank and feed them crickets. If you have ever had a spider problem in your home......catch a Wolf and keep it fed. Any other spider will vacate the location el pronto!! But since I know everybody LOVES spiders.....here are a few pics of the lil sweety. Oh...and that is an 8" container. So...it's not a lil spider. LOL! Remember to show your wife or girlfriend. Entertainment value. Yes it is.
  9. Hey friends, I just wanted to share some pictures of my new "cooler rack" and share some info on it's use, fit, performance, etc. as I just used this rig on a 1,200 mile camping trip around lake Michigan. (we started in Chgo., crossed the "Mighty Mac" and camped in the UP then returned to Chgo, through Wisconsin) I hope it will be of some help to others, especially those who are new to using this type of gear. Also, I want to thank Sleeperhawk and Roadkill for taking the time to PM me with answers to some questions I had. I purchased the Venturedad trailer hitch http://www.venturedad.com/index.html (a fine product, and a fine gentleman, too) and installed that myself. Then I contacted Al's Motorcycle's http://www.alsmotorcycleaccessories.com/new_cooler_rack.html and asked him to build me a rack a little bigger then the size he offers. (Al too, is a great guy to do business with). My rack measures 18 x 20. I also purchased the optional tail lights and turn signals. Once I recieved those, I took them to a local auto shop where the owner is a rider, who has ridden with trailers and has a great deal of experience with motorcycles and trailers. He wired my RSV with a 5-Pin connector for the rack, and mounted it on to my bike. He then replaced the connector that Al provided with the corresponding plug. The result is a very neat, easy to use connection between the rack and my bike. In addition, I had the auto shop cut and weld a license plat holder, and add a plate lamp, to ensure the rack would be legal and visible. Loading the rack: I have many friends with a lot of riding experience, and as Al reccomends, they too, cautioned about overloading the rack. Not so much for strength concerns, but for the bikes performance and handling. As you can see in the photos, I used a large, Rubbermaid container to hold a cooler and grill. In addition, I also packed some basic condiments, and things I wanted to keep dry, like chips, and a 5lb bag of charcoal, etc. I did not pack ice, drinks, etc. as I knew those would be very heavy. The final weight on my rack was approx 20 - 25 lbs. RSV Performance: I test rode my bike the day before my trip, riding around town (countryside) and the bike performed and handled well. However, on the actual traveling day, I noticed that the front end had a little play in it, once I reached 80 mph, especially in the wind. I discussed this with my travel mates and concluded that my top cruising speed would be 70 - 75 mph. At that speed, the rack was not even noticable. Another word about wind, because I had that Rubbermaid container on, I definatley felt the cross winds a little more, when we were on open highways. In terms of cornering, at appropriate speeds, the bike felt fine. Using the Rack: The rack was a great purchase. Not only to haul gear for the trip, but once we were at our campsite, it was used to carry wood, ice, even haul garbage to the camp dumpster. Our last night, we went into town for pizza, which I strapped to the rack for my delivery back to the campsite! In addition, once at the campsite, the Rubbermaid container was emptied and used for additional storage. It was very useful. Final Thoughts: Using a cooler rack for travel was extremely useful. The guys I camped with have thousands of miles of experience (traveling all across the US and Mexico) and were a little leery of the rack set up, and it's effect on the RSV's performance however, they were soon sold on it's use and functionality. It is important to keep in mind weight. I STRONGLY reccomend that you keep weight to a minimum and test drive you bike, fully loaded before your trip, so you have a real sense of the bikes handling. Also, if you plan on ordering a rack of a custom size, I reccomend that you find your ideal container first, then have the rack built to accomodate it's size. Below is a link to some pics. If anyone has additional questions on my rig, send a PM and I'll try to answer your questions. http://s470.photobucket.com/albums/rr64/stayintune/Rack/
  10. Check out his handywork on his 2nd GEN Homemade adjustable lower vents Sun visor made out of a oil container And Bob himself
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