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  1. It looks like my speedometer finally gave up the ghost. Anyone know what speedometers are compatible with an 84? I find everything from 83 to 91 but no 84s. I figure it would be easier to replace the whole instrument console than the speedometer itself but wanted to make sure everything would play well together before I buy a part from a different year. Thanks.
  2. Trader

    New boat!

    Noting to do with bikes....but FINALLY something seems to have gone right! I advertised the ATV that I had on this site's classified locally, and suggested I would be open to trades for a fishing boat. I got a phone call from a guy with a boat he was advertising for $4500...so I figured there was no way he would trade with me. I was asking $3000 but expected to get MAYBE $2500. But he did! It ended up I traded the ATV, a cheap flatbed trailer and set of ramps EVEN for his boat. So AT MOST I paid $3500 for the boat...but probably more like $3000. It is a 18' (I think...maybe 19?) Springbok aluminum fishing boat with a 112 hp Evenrude 2 stroke and a trailer. The motor has power trim and seems to run really well. The Boat is the style that has the forward mounted console (about 1/3 from the back) with a casting seat up front, a single bench in the center and a reversable bench at the console. The boat has 2 live wells with water and air pumps, lots of storage compartments, and came with a foot operated trolling motor, gas tanks, 2 batteries, paddles, stereo, fish finder, 2 power bilge pumps and air horns that scared the H### out of me when I hit the switch by mistake!!!!!! I'm thinking he wasn't too far off asking $4500. After my "issues" working on my blonde VR....I'm thrilled this seems to have been such a good deal! Especially that with trading it....it didn't cost me any CASH! We went on the water today and tried it out....not a hiccup to be seen. AND FAST!!!! The only downside is it seems it is a real pig for gas but I guess that is to be expected. Can you hear me???? "Here fishy fishy fishy!!!" Too Dark now...but I'll post pics tomorrow.
  3. Ok, I put some 1.5 inch risers on my bike this morning and it was a PITA to do. All the hoses and cables seem to be OK but I found that when I turn to near full lock on the bars, the handlebar clamps hit the center console next to the ignition switch. Does anyone have a remedy for this?? It has already marked the chrome in that area!! Pics below.
  4. Today I started fixing the one last thing that dose not work right on my 1985 VR, The gas light/guage & warning light always says that there is no gas. I took apart my front screen and everything to get at the back of the main console to clean the plugs and conections. now that everything is pluged back together the start up check list dose not come on and it will dimly flash upon key turn. Thanks,
  5. my 86 VR with all the factory stuff works just fine EXCEPT the right channel on the AM/FM radio ONLY (CB/intercom and fairing speakers all work fine) and ONLY on headsets, will come on and off with bumps. I can push on or hit the console at the bottom on the little bar, and the channel will come back on usually, till another big bump. I have removed the console, all the pins and connectors look shiny and new, none looked bent. I know it is probably a slightly loose connection on ONE pin, but I can find no way of tightening the connection, is there a way to maybe raise the connectors in the fairing or lower the ones in the removable console so they will be tighter? If anyone has solved this or has a suggestion, I would love to hear it.
  6. ... and need some ideas on what I could do. I believe the console is from an MKII and the Venture Cruise light is in the tach on my installed console. Why would I want to change tachs? Well, my installed speedo is irrepairable and need to replace it with the one I got from Poledar. The guage colors are different between both consoles (Poledars looks better too). So to match the guages, I would need to replace all the guages. Now since the Venture Cruise light location will need to be moved, will I need to add that center console (between the handlebars)? Will the current wiring on my 85 work with the center console? I do not even know what is on the center console as lights. So, what can I do y'all? Btw, Poledar is a great person to work with. Gotta give him some kuddos as he has been great with me. Thanks,
  7. ...for the console that I can buy that is in one piece? I have never had one and the console I got has one that is broken. It would be nice to see that button covered.
  8. Anybody on here bidding on this left side console cover? The bid at the moment is up to $227.00. That's a little pricey for me. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=008&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=180233622609&rd=1 RandyA
  9. My brother just gave me a 1986 Venture royale that's in rough shape 80% of the plastic is cracked or has broken tabs and most of the accessories don't work.I don't want to restore it to its original glory but rather I'd like to strip it down to a almost bare/naked bike.I want to ditch the instrument console and need to know if there is any problem with just mounting a different speedo & tach or does the bike need any signals from different components enable to start it?Can anyone think of any other obstacles I might encounter.Thanks
  10. Hey Y'all, I might be blind and my site searches are not working to well. I could have sworn that I saw posts on fixing a ribbon cable behind the console that gets messed up over time. I am doing the speedometer lube stuff (pulled the whole thing out and tore it down to the speedometer, I should have read the instructions better) as mine was squealing louder than the radio (iPod and Radio volume combined) this Friday (whew, was it cold that day). Since i was here already, i figured i would check it out. Can someone help me out on this? PS. JT, I am still here!
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