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  1. As many of you already know I started making an auxiliary harness for the 2nd Gen Royal Star Ventures a few months ago. These plug in between the connectors under the seat that connect the main harness to the fender harness and allow you to easily make connections to the taillight, brake light and turn signal circuits for adding more lights or attaching to a trailer harness. I am happy to announce that with the help of some folks here and also over on Delphi that I can now expand the offering to include 1996 to 2001 original Royal Stars, 2005 and up Tour Deluxe, V-Stars and Road Stars. I was finally able to obtain the second style connector used by Yamaha. You can see a photo of the basic RS Venture harness in the Second Gen Parts Classified section. I am sorry to say that I still have not found the connectors for the GEN I Ventures and Venture Royales, but I am still looking. Thanks again to all that have purchased harnesses already and for all of the positive feed back I have received on them. Please do ride safe.
  2. Please, need some help. Got caught in a very heavy rain in the ozarks. Cars going by sent waves of water. Anyway, couldn't get the bike to run properly the next day. It would run on full choke only #1 & 4 were cool and not firing, pulled #1 plug it was wet with gas. Put the bike in my trailer and had to ride two up on my wife's bike, thank God she let me drive. Two days later when we got home the bike started okay and took it for a 1/2 hour ride. 4 days later I washed the bike it started but after about 30 seconds it started to miss and quit. About 15 minutes later I tried again and it seems to be running okay again. Looks to me like a moister problem. Not really sure where to start. I took the seat and side covers off and was thinking of misting around the coils and connectors with a spray bottle while it was running but thought I better check to see if anyone else has had this problem. Also thought of taking the connectors apart and use some dielectric grease on them. Not sure if it could be used on the coil wires? Thanks in advance
  3. This seems to be the correct forum to post this request. (If not, I apologise - so just respond, okay?) Seriously though folks, I have fitted a Voyager outfit to my 2004 RSV and now need to hook up the additional lights fitted thereto. The Voyager is obviously wired up, with a 7-pin flat plug and I have acquired the matching socket and cable to wire in to the bike. I've been told by other 'Voyagers' that the best place to do so is just aft of the battery. I would assume that would be correct, and I would just use normal 1-into-2 splicing connectors? I'm okay with doing it myself, having dabbled in auto wiring (and house wiring) for many years. The other option is to go to the harness and connectors beneath the tail light - the ones all curled up under the number plate bracket. Any clues, ideas, opinions and/or advice please? Thanks for your collective time. I know it's valuable.
  4. Greetings all. I have acquired and fitted a Voyager outrider to my 2004 RSV. It is fully wired but now I need to hook it up to the bike. Has a flat 7-pin plug ready to go into a 7-pin socket, the latter needing to be wired to the bike. I had a look at this post by Don http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=503 but it didn't really help me. I've trawled through the site looking for an answer prior to coming up here with my query. Don (and others) is it best to just tap in to the plethora of bullet connectors in the tail light support housing, of would you suggest that I run all the way back to the battery and associated connectors? I'm figuring that given the fact that I need tail light, brake light and both indicators - it's going to make sense to tap into the area of the tail light, where all those things are found. Sorry for being a nuisance, but I'm ready to do the job and just want to be sure. I have the socket, miles of three-strand, five-strand and seven-strand cable - as well as a bucket load of connectors of all shapes and sizes. Love to hear your collective thoughts and/or advice. Cheers. Spear
  5. OK, this may be "old news" but I found not fold over mounts for my antennas, but next best thing (thanks Highwayman!!! for the heads up).Flying J truck stop has twist off connectors for $9.99 each. All in all for antennas, mounts, co-ax connectors and the quick disconnects I spent about $30.00 per side, at Flying J to put new antennas on my scoot. I elected to use a CB antenna on both sides.
  6. I'm getting ready to add tail, brake, and turn signals to my Voyager kit. I have the lights (6" oval surface mount LED lights from Custom Dynamics...), and I can get a trailer harness and associated stuff locally. What I need to know is were are the connectors for the rear lights (tail, brake, and turn)? I know the rear turn signals have connectors, I saw a set on evil bay.... What I'd like to do is make up some y adapters so I don't have to butcher the stock harness (I'm kinda funny that way.....). Thanks! Y'All ride safe...
  7. Bought my ’08 RSV back in January. Runs great but has a few minor problems I’ve been getting to slowly. This weekend was cleaning and greasing the electrical connectors in the fairing. The audio has been cutting out intermittently – a problem well documented on this forum. I split the fairing OK but when I went to remove the light bar so I could remove the front portion of the fairing, saw that both 5 mm hex screws were completely rounded. Tried drilling one and using an extractor but broke it off (that’s never happened before:depressed:). I might be able to remove the fairing if I disassemble the running lights but that seems to be getting me further down that black hole I’m trying to avoid. The frustrating part – I can see the connectors I want to clean, just can’t get to them – all because of a couple buggered hex screws. Suggestions? It’s too early to drink.
  8. I've read a few other threads but none gave me the specific answer other than applying dielectric grease to the connectors (which I haven't yet tried). However, here's the problem .... Right front speaker - no sound Left front and both rear have sound No sound in right headset speakers, front or rear. Any ideas other than cleaning the connectors inside the fairing?
  9. I put a new windshield on my bike this weekend and took the opportunity to split the faring for the first time. Figured since it's an '03 that all the connectors in there, etc would need some attention. The first surprise was the chrome windshield trim still had all the tabs intact, couldn't believe it after the stories I've read on here. Second surprise was that it was spotless inside, all of the connectors were clean and in great shape. I did hit all of them with a little dielectric grease since I was already in there. Needless to say, I was doing the happy dance.
  10. I just install a inline fuel filter below the front seat. The hose is 5/16 and I cut the fuel line at a good access point under the seat and installed. Note, be sure to give yourself lots of fuel hose as it will easily slide under the fuel tank. I left the orginal filter in there as I only have 14,500 miles on my bike. If ever I am in that area working I will remove the orginal filter completely but because its kinda hard to get to I am leaving it for now. I am going to get some flack over that!! ha ha, but I can take it. I used Napa, Part#730-9561. I like this fuel filter because it comes complete in that you do not have to screw in the fuel connectors on the ends. The fuel connectors are part of the end piece that spins off when replacing the fuel filter inside, (filter replacement # 750-9566) applies. Oh, by the way, I used my carbtune also and it was great and easy to use. Now I just have to get brave enough to do the valves seats. Gulp!!! See photo attached. DanC:cool10:
  11. I saw the weather report for Saturday morning (40?!) and looked for Big Bend (34 in Terlingua), and that made me realize that I needed to get going on the heated clothing purchase. My confusion now is on controllers. Do they all work on everyone's clothing? I see that the Tour Master Synergy jackets/vests come with controllers and harnesses, but they look cheap from the photos. The Firstgear Dual Portable controller looks well made, but will it work with Tour Master? EXO2 -- do I really have to mount it on my handle bars?? Are the plugs all compatible? Can I use a Firstgear controller with Tour Master products? What if I want to buy a Tour Master jacket now, and perhaps a different brand of gloves later? Will everything plug into each other? I am not installing the harness. Instead, I'll plug into my Powerlets -- it's one reason I installed them. I suppose I can lop off the fused connectors and use a right angle Powerlet plug. Unless they all come with SAE connectors?? Building some SAE connectors would be handy for when I need to charge my battery (Powerlets can transfer power both ways). What is all'y'all's experience with this stuff? Dave
  12. I checked, cleaned, greased all five front connectors and the two rear connectors on three different occassions and the CB still won't turn on with the front remote controller. I checked the controller on another Venture and it works perfectly. I removed the CB and found no user friendly options. I removed the amplifier and re-attached it and checked grounding. Soooo I buttoned up the bike and said that I can live without the CB. I have no more ways of checking it out. If anyone has additional thoughts please let me know.
  13. i have an 83 venture original Radio/intercom unit installed on my buke. i would like to get a headset to go with my radio however i dont know what cord to buy the opening on the console is square. so far all the headsets i have seen are round 5 pin connectors. can anyonec help me figure out what i need to complete my set. Thank for any help
  14. Sorry to repost this one folks.. My radio bit the dust the other week and still no dice trying to get it to work. I put my buddy's radio in it and that works.. so i know my unit it dead or something is amiss with that box. Does anyone know what the YELLOW banded cable does? When I pulled the connectors apart to take the radio out, the protective outter cap came off, so I'm wondering if perhaps I broke something in there etc etc..
  15. I Just completed the install on the addition of the two extra lights on the rear of my Hannigan like 1-UP and B2DAD had done, show here. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44683 It is a great addition to the trike and really lights up the rear even more. even looks like they belong in that spot. My FYI is that I noticed when taking the Adapters apart is how much dirt came out of them. So when I added the new lights I made two "Y" Adapters that I picked up at the computer store, as Hannigan uses the same connectors for that connection. I blew the dirt out of the original connectors cleaned them up and added die-electric grease on all the parts then connected the (y) adapters, then added silicon sealer to the top and bottom of all the wires going into each connector. Not sure if I ever would have noticed this if not adding the additional lights in the future. but seems it could be a problem of corrosion in the future. even if your not adding the extra lights I would check them and seal them a little better, Just my 2cents worth. (these connectors are the type that would be on your power supply in you computer) They had a strange look when I told them at the computer store I needed them for my motorcycle Happy Triking, Jeff
  16. It seems like the connection between my J&M headset and the lower cable (cable-to-headset) is misbehaving. If I just let the cable hang from the helmet, tunes work fine, but the intercomm is very intermittent. If I tuck the cable inside of my jacket, it seems to relieve the tension from the connectors, and every thing work fine. What kinds of ingenious ways have you all come up with to insure that the connections stay solid? ALmost seems like I should be able to replace the connectors with some type of twist-lock connector...I'm even considering a hook&loop (velcro) fix..
  17. I'm starting the slow process of reassembly (still waiting to finish paint before installing outer cowlings). The inner cowlings are attached and am slowing going through electrical (radio works, CB has issues)... Anyways, I'm curious about a little green connector on the left forward/upper side of the bike. It has two wires with the connectors that are 90 degrees from each other to form a "T" within the connector. What does this connector connect to? Thanks, WHCC
  18. I purchased a 87 VR with 68K on Friday. The bike has been sitting for 5 years or better, last registered in 99. Went through the carbs over the weekend and she fired right up, sorta. At first I thought I had a dead charging system. I cleaned the connectors and now have 13.63 V going to a new battery. However, after pulling and cleaning a bunch of connectors, I have a dead tach. Re-checked everything and no luck. I also have a number one cylinder that is not pulling its weight. I will check valve clearence and do a compression test on that issue at a later time. The tach was working before, and I can't get the engine to respond to throttle input, I know the cylinder dragging is part of the issue, however it should slowly gain RPM's. Are there known issues with ECM's on these bikes? Any input would be greatly appreciated. I was a BMW / Kawasaki tech in a former life, but that was eons ago. Yams are a little greek to me. Looking forward to a long relationship with this particular bike. Once again, thanks for any hints. Longrider805
  19. I just purchased an 89 Venture Royale. This is now my fourth Venture Royale so I do have some experience maintaining these bikes. However this is the 1st time I have had any problems with the computer monitor system. I researched this forum and found info on resoldering the boards and checking the fuses. My monitor is completely dead. Nothing shows on the screen at all. I removed the monitor last night. All the connections were clean and tight. The boards look good with no obvious signs of anything wrong with them. All fuses are ok with the mounting tangs in good shape and tight. Everything else electrical on this bike works fine. The only problem I have is the computer monitor is dead. Does anyone know what readings I should get on the pins in the connectors to the monitor? What the pinouts are for these connectors? Anything else I can check to figure out if it's the computer monitor or something else in the wiring? Anyone have a spare I can borrow to try or buy? Thanks in advance for any help.
  20. Is there a way to test a capacitor?? It had some dry white looking foam on it on the end that the connectors are on..... all I know is that I do not have any water!!! Thanks for any help....
  21. I need to pick the brains of the membership here. I am in the process of installing an LED brake/running light on my 84. I have removed the trunck, trunk mounting bracket, and the plastic cover under that. I discovered that some time in the past, someone wired in a trailer conector. The trouble I have is that they used the Scotch lock connectors. What would be a good way to remove these? When I get them removed, would a good spray of contact cleaner and then a covering of liquid tape be appropriate? I have used these connectors in the past, always with less that good results. Thanks to all, Dave
  22. Does anyone know where to get the same style of connector that comes stock on the RSV. I want to create a small custom patch cable in between the bikes connector (DIN-5) and my headset connector. (also DIN-5) I need both male and female connectors. I want the rubber shrouded style. I'll also take info on a non-rubber connector that will fit "completely" into the stock connectors (both male & female), but I prefer the rubber style. Thanks.
  23. Hello all, I'm in the process of documenting the install in a PDF document but here are the final pix for the installation. Based on GeorgeS' comments and feedback from the vendor I may revise the final wiring but all of the wiring is soldered and shrink wrapped at all connectors (including the 1/8" audio connectors) and run through the stock wiring locations. Due to the fact that there is very limited space I mounted the amp under the right side of the gas tank. All of the cabling is hidden as much as possible (or at least blended) with the speakers inside the windscreen on the bars. Once mounted the system works and sounds great, I'm very happy with it so far.
  24. my 86 VR with all the factory stuff works just fine EXCEPT the right channel on the AM/FM radio ONLY (CB/intercom and fairing speakers all work fine) and ONLY on headsets, will come on and off with bumps. I can push on or hit the console at the bottom on the little bar, and the channel will come back on usually, till another big bump. I have removed the console, all the pins and connectors look shiny and new, none looked bent. I know it is probably a slightly loose connection on ONE pin, but I can find no way of tightening the connection, is there a way to maybe raise the connectors in the fairing or lower the ones in the removable console so they will be tighter? If anyone has solved this or has a suggestion, I would love to hear it.
  25. My son works for a welding company and has access to #4 cable and connectors, they make there own welding cables. Can some one tell me the length one post has 33" another 36" is this cable length or cable length and connectors. I want to get them made before I take mine off. Thanks, Dale
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