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  1. I have an 06 Venture. Got on the bike yesterday and get 1 click at the starter. I charged the battery and still the same 1 click. Took the battery in and it checks out as good and fully charged. Checked battery connections and still only one click at the starter. Everything else works,lights are bright and etc. I am not sure where to look for the problem. Any advise is appreciated.
  2. Has anyone had any issues with intermittent play from the stereo? No matter what I have selected; CD Changer, AM, FM, Cassette (yes, I still have some), AUX (iPod)--nothing will play. If I leave the unit on as I'm riding down the road, the sound will come up to volume for a bit then go away again. It is not a connectivity issue because, if I turn up the volume all the way, I can hear the music on the selected source. The CB works just fine. I have the fairing split while I tourbleshoot this. I wiggled all the connections to make sure there isn't a loose connector. I put some dielectric grease on some of the connections that needed to be zip-tied before I resecured them. It's possible this problem came up since the last time I washed the bike. I was thinking possibly water got in somewhere and is grounding a connection??? I'm grasping at straws now. I've ridden this bike in torrential downpours and hailstorms in the high plains so it's seen its fair share of water. I would appreciate any help you can offer. BTW-I have a 2nd Gen '99... Thanks...
  3. I bought this 2006 Midnight RSV and the previous owner said he never used the CB, I have read all the threads on CB issues, the problem is the CB will come on and I get a CBERR message and it shuts off after about 15 seconds, I've checked all the connections as described on the forum and I do get 12 volts at the connector at the CB unit uder the trunk. Any Ideas?
  4. While on cycle trip, my mic mute is acting up. One day it works...the next it doesn't. When it does work, then it's been good for the day. when not working, neither ptt button has any affect...the mic is always live. I checked all connections under seat but don't have tools or desire to split fairing while on the road. Anyone ever had weird problem witn them before?
  5. I have been trying to put in place the airbox assembly into an 83 venture. I cannot get those blasted hoses that goes from the box into their proper places . Anybody have any ideas to make the connections? I've worked on this and I have gotten nowhere! Help!
  6. What is the thing with all the blue blade connections just below the fuse box? And while we are at it, what is just to the right of the fuse box? http://db.tt/mzfG4Eyb
  7. I just finished installing a 2nd gen starter on my 1st gen 86 VR. It clearly solved the slow cranking. I cant say that I enjoyed the job. It wasn't a difficult job but you have to remove a lot of parts to get to the starter. I purchased new O-rings for the connections at the thermostat housing. Is a good idea to lube the rings with anything to help with reassembly and sealing? Maybe water soluble Vaseline or silicone?
  8. the install of a Marks collector also with Jardine slipons. It arrived yesterday and I have her buffed out fairly well; just picked up the new exhaust gaskets from Stadium Yamaha in Irving. Have to stop by the Harley dealer on the way home to pick up some nice chrome exhaust clamps since the connections will now be visible. Hope everything lines up well. I will let everyone know how things go when this job is complete.
  9. After the past few fillups my fuel gauge never completely registers as full. It stays down by one bar. It may blip up to all bars but only for a few seconds. It seems to trend down O/K as the tank goes empty. I have not checked any connections yet and wonder if it a grounding problem. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Does anyone know how the sending unit works? Any help is always appreciated. Thanks JR
  10. Hi, I have an '07 RSV and after about 4 rides this spring the battery is almost dead. I purchased the bike used in August of '09 and so the last 2 winters it's been on a Battery Tender Junior. I went to go for a ride yesterday but it wouldn't turn over so I cleaned and tightened the battery connections under the seat and left it on the BTJ overnight but when I tried to start it the AM the lights come on but the battery only seems to have enough power to engage the starter but not turn the engine over. Thanks
  11. I have had this on the bike for about 3 years now. It worked fine until last year. When I have the turn signal going and hit the brake the light stops blinking but when I release the brake it starts right back up. I hooked the trailer to the car and it works fine. I have checked all the wiring connections and they all look good. We want to get everything working before we take our 10 day trip :biker:in October so am I over looking anything? If not I will just have to buy a new modulite. Thanks
  12. My tach is gone crazy runs like it's missing, removed TCI cleaned connections moving to top of air box. If I swap plug wire and connections to the left side coils will this let me know if the #2 coil is bad. Any one coming to Asheville have a good 83 TCI I could use to test. How do you get the cover off the TCI to get to the diodes to look for bad ones.
  13. I got to wondering why so many techs were having trouble diagnosing radio/audio related problems on RSV's. So I was looking through the service manual wiring diagrams thinking things should be pretty straight forward. What I discovered is a lot of missing information. Neither of the headset connections or the rear remote are shown on the diagram. None of the interconnect wiring for the CB or anything else is shown. Only some of the wires and connectors from the MCU are shown. No antenna connections are shown. None of the repair messages the radio presents were shown in the troubleshooter. No wonder this is such a 'guess how' fix area on these bikes. If anyone has a complete wiring diagram for the audio system on the RS Venture how about posting it. Mike
  14. Well - the 2nd gen radio went out again. Seems to happen every year now. Getting kinda expensive to listen to the tunes and talk to the truckers. Will split it open, exercise the plugs,and grease up the connections to see if that helps. If not, back to Ebay. Anybody have this type of failure - this often?
  15. I have an old Sanyo am/fm cd system in my garage and the speaker connections are about shot. What im looking for are 4 electrical connections (female pin type) to repair the ends of the speaker wires. The male pins located in the back of the box are about the thickness of a meduim sized paper clip. I tried radio shack but they dont carry them. So, if anyone has these type pins or can direct me to a source I would appreciate it.
  16. I have one little problem remaining with my 1st Gen. The CB was working when I took her down for the makeover, now it is not working,at least some of it isnt. It powers on, transmitt icon comes on when I push to talk, and when I adjust the squelch that icon shows loc/dis..........but I am not getting any sound out of the speakers. I have checked all the connections on the cb and all the connections where they plug into the amplifer. I am stumped,its not a big deal, but I would like it to work like it did before........anyone else ever have this problem? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. Hi there our bike will not stay running. have replaced the battery and it only runs for the amount of the charge and then dies. I have taken it apart examined the connections and everything looks good. Has anyone had to replace a stator. Also has anyone been able to get their hands on a repair manual for a 2006. Thanks in advance
  18. Looking for some help on my sound system. The bike is an 06 RSV and the sound from the system is intermintent in the left ear in the head set , both rider and passanger. I have two helmets and have eleminated any problem there. I do not know if the problem extends to the speaker and don't know if in fact the system is sterio when in the speaker mode. I have checked all obvious connections and applied dielectric grease to all connections and then taped them together. can anyone suggest where else I might look for the problem. If I don't find it I will take the bike to the stealer this winter (dread) I hate to let them near a fine motorcycle. thanks for you suggestions
  19. Hi there Guys: I've got a bud that has an 86 royal star and I'm not sure about this problem but think its his grounding for the bike volt meter rises or picks up to the normal running area when you put a slite pressure to the clutch handle. Let go of the clutch and the meter drops and at night you can see the head light dim down. He has checked most of the connections and cleaned with contact cleaner plus putting the elletrolite grease on connections.. I think it would be the ground from motor to frame. Does Anyone have any other ideas what this might be..
  21. Last year while riding the squelch on my CB quit working.Turning the squelch knob has no effect. Now when riding I have to either listen to radio or CB. If i turn on CB it over rides radio. Took CB out and checked all connections. Took bottom plate off CB to check internal connections all seemed good. Any ideas before I have to bite the bullet and buy another CB?
  22. After spending a good deal of my summer trying to figure out why my VR wasn't charging, and now that the riding season is over, I finally got her to charge properly again. I should have gone with what my first gut instinct told me and replaced the stator right from the start. I went through a flow chart I found somewhere on here to try and figure out where the problem was before tearing into the engine. I had stripped it down to the frame and pulled all the wiring to check and clean all the connections. I cut out the connector and hardwired the stator to the rectifier. But according to everything in the flowchart, the stator and rectifier were both fine and the problem had to be somewhere in the wiring. I finally cut the connections between the stator and rectifier and tested the stator again. The stator was definately the problem. Unless I'm illiterate or something, nowhere in the flowchart did it tell me that I needed to disconnect anything before testing it. My gut was telling me to do one thing but the books and flowcharts seemed to be telling be something else. I've worked on cages all my life but seldomly ever on bikes, so I was trying to follow the books as closely as possible. I realize noe that I've got it fixed that of course I would get false reading with everything plugged in. The power from the battery would feed back through all the wires and give me the false readings. I guess the books and such took it for cranted that I would just know to unplug things first. But then there are alot of things you have to leave plugged in to get an accurate reading. How was I to know? So to make a long story short, unplug the stator and rectifier before you test them in order to get an accurate reading.
  23. There have been many times here where somebody has had questions about the proper way to re-solder the class controller on the first gen or other soldering jobs. I ran across this pretty good page on how to properly re-solder connections on circuit boards. Hopefully it will help some of our members who have not done much soldering. http://www.streettech.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=68
  24. Hi fellow riders i need help P-L-E-A-S-E i have a 1999 RSV i have a cd player installed in my left sidebag it is about 2 years old i hade it installed by my local yamaha dealership up until august i had no problems now the cd player wont come on. I have removed my ft faring i have ckd all my connections & fuses i did not see any corosion in the connections but i went ahead and added dialetric grease but did not help.Any ideas or help would be appreciated. Thanks alot Tim I miss my music
  25. The last 2 times I have been on bike and had the radio on, it would drop to 89.7 FM from 107.5 FM by itself. Cannot be able to use preset to get back to 107.5. When I hit preset, it goes to 107.9, then have to use step down button to get back to 107.5. Early this summer took connections apart on sound system, used eletric spray cleaner and then put dieletric grease on all connections. Haven't had any problems up until now. Any ideas?? Don H.
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