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  1. If I turn on the key, and the run switch, the fuel pump will not cycle. I unplugged the connection to the pump, used a circuit tester, and confirmed it is getting power to the connection, and is cycling for about 5 seconds on start up. Plugged it back into the pump, and got nothing with cycling key and run switch off and on. However, did notice the connection started to get hot. Unplugged the connection, ran jumper wires straight to the fuel pump plug, and it just sparks, does not pump at all. Is there a way to rebuild these? Or just replace them? Thanks
  2. Anybody here watch tv over the internet. My nephew received some type of device that allows them to watch TV can't remember the name of it. I know you can somehow do it with a X-Box or Playstation but were not interested in that. This magic gizmo allows you to watch on your television and not the computer. We have a DSL connection not sure of speed or how to check it but it is a reliable connection. Any help would be appreciated I'm just tired of paying for a bunch of stuff I don't watch (dish network ) and looking for alternatives. thanks Vincent
  3. Linda has lost the ability to get on the internet with her laptop. It was working fine using her wireless and she moved from one room to another and now it will not work. Her wireless still works fine for mine and it even shows a connection on hers, but it will not come up. Even setting beside the wireless router, it will not do anything. I have even reset it to work in the wired configuration, but it still will not come up. I have gone into the internet connection and set the homepage on yahoo and other pages and it still will not do anything. Any suggestions? RandyA
  4. Every so often the oil warning (bottom left) symbol comes on. It stays on for a while, then goes off. Sometimes it does it a couple of times in a row, then goes off. No particular pattern. There is plenty of oil in the sight window. I do know how to check it. Oil can be new or old. Driving fast or slow. Short haul or long haul. Level or hill. Once it goes off I may not see it again for weeks. The rest of my computer is working. I have two theories based on the best source - near total ignorance. Some kind of electrical connection issue working up on me, or an actual issue with the sensor/sendor. My understanding is this isn't an oil pressure sensor, but something else. What else I don't know. It works like my toilet bowl for all I know. Any clues or suggestions you can send my way much appreciated. Thanks Tom
  5. So after putting the fairing back together after fixing the wiring to my horn. I went for a ride today and no radio. I thought I checked all my connections while I had things apart but I must have hit the radio connection. So I'll be taking it all back apart tomorrow. I guess there is nothing I can check with out taking the fairing apart.
  6. I have a 08 venture. Yesterday the radio started getting a noise in it. Then I see the display going on & off. It must be a bad connection? where do I start looking????????????
  7. Im curious if any riders are also coal burners? I'm going on season two with a coal fired stove that heats my house. On the Anthracite Coal forum I belong to there's enough rider members that I think there's some sort of coal-riding connection Just wondering.... here's my stoker stove on first burn last year! http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/SNegHs2W7SI/AAAAAAAABJY/v9TjKe_Pe6Y/s640/P9210007.JPG and the whole project: http://picasaweb.google.com/ablumny/CoalProject#
  8. My 2005 venture is a little quirky. Some times when I turn the bike on to start everything comes on but when I press the starter button............nothing. what I have to do is sit down on the bike and hit the seat hard when I sit down then all the electrics come on and it will start. I know it sounds like a loose connection and before I start wiggiling things I thought I would ake if anyone else has a similar experience.
  9. I have acquired a replacement for the plug in connector at the stator (generator, alternator, magneto etc.) These are a direct replacement for what is on the 1st gen bike from the factory. Not sure about the RSV's. General recommendation is to eliminate this connection, I am aware of that. However, I prefer to have mine unplug-able. The connection is a problem if the pins become corroded or fatigued with age. A new replacement set will be good for a long time if soldered in place. This is a direct replacement for the existing plug so it is possible to only replace one side of connection if desired, not recommended. A set of these is $12.00 including US & Canada first class shipping. This includes the male & female side of the plug and 3 each male & female connector pins. From experience, Canadian postal service takes at least 10 days and at times 20 or more. Picture shows several sets of connectors, so they can be seen from different sides. Paypal is gary(at)dinges.com replace (at) with @ They will also be in classifieds. Gary http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/DSC02347.jpg
  10. Had never heard of 'em, but found this at Fry's Electronics store, Fishers, Indiana (just outside Indianapolis). This one was open box resale, only $84.55 plus an extension cable for audio out to AUX connection in left fairing pocket. http://www.maylonggroup.com/ML-500_PND.htm I knew that mounting it would be a challenge, but I felt creative. The pics show what I did. Using "stuff" I already had to make the mount, and buying the spacer bushings and longer screws, plus the GPS, extension audio cable, and sales tax, I've got about $100 in the whole thing. 1) 1/8" X 1 1/2" strap metal, cut, shaped, drilled, painted. Some reflections make the paint look damaged. Used a pair of spacer bushings and longer screws, mounted it to the clutch lever clamp. 2) Part of the OEM mount installed. This is the piece that would normally fit onto the ball, making an adjustable ball and socket set-up. I modified it slightly so that I could tighten the nut on the back, holding it in place. 3) Front view of the same stage of assembly as number 2 4) Mounting bracket slides down onto the piece already mounted to the metal bracket and "clicks" into place. 5) GPS snapped into position, showing cable connections made. Top cable is audio out, lower cable is for power (12V from left fairing pocket). Lower connection is also for USB computer connection. There is also a micro SD slot in the left end. I ran the cables to the fairing pocket, routing them through the same opening as the headset connector cable (had to make a little more clearance). Lower left corner of the GPS shows a safety lanyard installed in case the GPS gets jolted out of the mount. I used an old camera wrist strap, drilled a small hole through the GPS molded frame. 6) Another view of the completed installation.
  11. Anyone have a wiring diagram for audio for 06 RSV? I have nothing in L headset. Intercom between wife and I does not work(a blessing?). Recently had it triked and thinking it might be a loose/broken connection but need help tracing circuit. Its not the headsets. The old JM and new Chatterbox have exact same symptoms.
  12. 2007 GL1800 Audio--- Asking for recommendations for GPS with external audio connection so I can connect it to the Auxillary lead cord in the left fairing pocket. I have installed the power outlet, and have the aux. connector lead wire in the pocket. So-o-o-o I should have all the necessary hook-ups available, just need to know what to shop for so it can be connected for us to hear it through our headsets. Oh yeh, and to mount it. I have Garmin 255W for the truck and car and it works fine for us, but has no connection for external speakers. Thanks.
  13. Well on of my biggest fears of owning an old motorcycle has come true. I have a melting wire connection. I am hoping this is or can be an easy fix. This is the Left side of the bike. As you can see from the picture its is melting the plug and attached wires. from what I have been able to see the lower connection of the plug goes down to some kind of vented box mounted behind the rear foot peg and above the exhaust pipe. The upper connection loops up and then down with a group of wires that shoot into the case going forward of the bike. The wires are only hot and smooking when motor is running. I tested with key on and it was cool, tested with key on and run switch on and it was cool. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is going to be an easy and fix. http://i906.photobucket.com/albums/ac264/bobandlou3/IMG00085.jpg
  14. Is it supposed to be possible for the trany to go directly from any gear to neutral? This has happened on this bike about twice a year, where while during somewhat aggressive acceleration, I will suddenly find the bike in neutral, no connection between the engine and rear wheel and the neutral light on the dash is illuminated and the "N" is displayed on the gear indicator. I can understand it happening between 1st and 2nd if you short stroke the shifter since you are going thru neutral on the way to second. But I have also had this happen when going from 2nd to 3rd and 3rd to 4th. I look down and the gear indicator shows "N", the green light is on. There are never any kind of grinding or other strange noises other than a very high engine rpm due to lack of connection to rear wheel. Is this an indicator of some major trany problems coming down the line in my near future, or just a glitch in the system. I am posting because this happened 3 times on the way in to work today. All three today were going from 2nd to 3rd, no drive connection, "N" showing and green light on. Lifting up on the shifter again, and it went into 3rd like it should have done the first time one time it went to 2nd. I may be short stroking the shifter a little since I am getting used to some new riding shoes that are thinner on top that what I had before. but I still did not think there should be a full and indicated neutral between 2nd and 3rd or 3rd and 4th.
  15. Guest


    I have a Megellan GPS, does anyone know if I can get a plug in for my new 2010 Venture S that will work with the AUX, MP3 connection.
  16. Any reason to believe the Buddy Rich cable won't work with a Streetpilot 2820? I could be wrong but the connection to the GPS seem to be the same as a Zumo 550
  17. I'm not getting any sound out of my left side speakers. Haven't split the fairing yet but, you guys that have had the same problem, am I looking at a bad connection or is it likely a radio issue?
  18. I have two different problems on my 2005 RSV. 1. When I plug my MP3 Player into the Aux Jack it seems that something inside is loose and I loose the connection. If I jiggle the wire a bit I get the connection back. Bumps also effect the connection. How do I tighten things up inside of the Aux Jack ? 2.Separate from that my entire sound systems locks up every now and then and I have to shut it down and turn it back on to unlock. At the same time my transmit button sticks on the CB and stops the system form working. I sprayed in electric contact spray and that stopped the PTT button problem but the system still locks up every now and then. I do have my Garmin Street Pilot III hooked up to the sound system inside of the fairing but dont remember if the system locked up or not before that.
  19. I am looking for a simple way to transfer the pillion passenger audio controls remotely to my sidecar (PTT for CB, Volume and Headset connection). Any suggestions welcome Thanks Pete:puzzled:
  20. My 87 Venture's speedometer just stopped working. I have checked the connections and when I checked the cable on the front wheel I spun the cable manually and it changed the odometer so it is apparently connected at the top. I was on the highway today and when I tried to engage the cruise the power light came on but I could not "set" a speed. Does the cruise control work off the speedo cable? Could something at the front wheel connection be loose or broken? I have the rotor covers so it is somewhat of a problem getting at the connection. Thanks for any help.
  21. This is good for today only - but the price is right. All you have to do is pay $3.98 for shipping. I thought for that price I would try it. http://wireless.1saleaday.com/
  22. My Bike, being an 83 Standard, did not have the factory intercom or CB, and I picked up an Autocom Active Duo system last year from a friend who hardly ever used it. The intercom works flawlessly, and as well as connecting the MP3 player and cell phone, with seamless VOX operation for both driver and passenger. The Autocom has an additional Aux 4 connection for bike-to-bike communication, primarily for CB or other radio. The standard VOX operation applies to the CB as well, which is a bit of a pain, as the driver and passenger would be merrily sharing their conversation with everyone within CB range. Acknowledging in hindsight that this may be inconvenient, Autocom offered optional Push to Talk (PTT) cables for a fee. Long story short – as I have used it so far, my system works wonderfully and I am very happy with it, but I would now like to connect a CB for bike-to-bike... primarily so Marcarl can let me know when the next coffee/ice cream stop is coming up. The crux is that Autocom seems to have temporarily suspended business while new ownership takes over and their days of creating custom cables tailored to the specific CB (or other) radio you wish to connect to are over. However, how hard can it be ? I have the pinouts for the Aux 4 connection from the Autocom system, and I have the pinouts from the mic connection from the Uniden 510XL CB that I wish to use. The Uniden uses the mic button to switch the radio from “Receive” to “Transmit”, so I am thinking I need a Double Pole, Double Throw Push button to select between the two (using the COMMON or Screen), with Receive being the Normal position. The VOX on the Autocom should take care of providing the input from my headset to the MIC OUT pin which needs to go to the MIC pin on the CB. The CB has a connection for an external speaker at the rear... a 2.5 mm jack, which I need to connect to the SPEAKER IN on the Autocom. Can I do this ? At first glance, 2 output wires cannot both go to one pin. However, if one is a common or ground, then I only need to determine the hot wire, and connect it to the SPEAKER IN, correct ? Secondly, if the output of the CB through that jack is 7 watts, is there anything I can do to limit that so that the Autocom system does not get overloaded ? Sorry for not providing a wiring diagram but electrical drawings are not my forte... I can usually read them, but creating them is a whole other issue. Any input/advice would be greatly welcomed.
  23. On my way to work, I noticed my dash lights weren't workin then I pulled over & saw my head light & Signal lts weren't working. I got to work and when I turned the bars to the left it all came back on. Is there a connection I should look at to find the problem?
  24. So I bought some of those cheap driving lights at WalMart...Blazers I think. They're 50 watt...nice bright lights. I ordered a switch and relay from Electrical Connection and wired it up. I did a good job of wiring and figured I would replace the lights at some point with something better and keep the wiring, switch and relay. So the issue is that if the bike is idling and I switch the lights on, they don't always come on. But if I start riding, they will come on, then sometimes go out and come back on intermittently. Is it the lights, the switch, or the relay? Or is it the stator? Or, is it possible I have a loose connection or ground? Has anyone experienced anything like this on a 1st Gen Venture?
  25. http://www.gvmc.ca/classifieddetails.asp?ID=170 came across this parts bike for sale. i,ve got no connection to this .
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