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  1. Of the place in Ohio that has salvage parts? I bought from them but can't remember it.
  2. Haven't seen anything on Ponch's recovery in a while. Any news??
  3. Ok Folks I need a little help from the vast knowledge base of the VetureRiders. Bike info: 2006 Venture Midnight I want to change out my Venture handle bars and replace them with RSTD bars which I got last fall. Since the RSTD bars are a little longer and more pull back…..here is what I need to know. a)Does the upper brake line have to be longer and if yes by how much I assume that the lowers do not have to be lengthened at all, correct me if I am wrong here. b)Does the clutch master cylinder hydraulic line have to be lengthened and if yes by how much? c)Do the throttle cables have to be lengthened and if yes by how much. d)Do the electrical wires have to be lengthened and by how much? Some have made the swap before so I am looking for the wisdom of the group to do mine. Should I put all braided stainless steel brake and clutch lines on or just the standard ones? What is the bang for the buck? I thought I would do an article on the project so that it was documented for any members wanting to do it in the future. So give me your if you would. Thanks Much!
  4. My sister living in Texas says it has been so dry they use this as a rain gauge.
  5. Two bikers died this weekend in Houston. In separate wrecks, both were caused by cages turning left into the path of the oncoming motorcycle...
  6. I have been offer a position in our fire department as Chief. I have many many years commited to the dept and feel like I am ready for it, but its a huge responsibility just the same. At least they gave me plenty of time to think it over. I was asked Monday, meeting is Wednesday I already have my business, I'm a board member for our 911 emergency services, member of the community betterment association, do all the presentations from the fire dept to daycares and home schooled children, have 4 children and a wife and now they want me to be Chief But other then that I dont have much going on so I am considering it.
  7. Do they make an adapter cord that will go from a standard earplug connector that go to the AUX jack of my '99??? Male on both ends. It's probably the same one everyone else is using to plug in their IPods into the system, and if it is, where do I find one??
  8. Every thing has been in the shop this week New shock and rear tire on the bike Thank You Warranty !!!!!! Any help with the following would be GREAT.... My 96 GMC Jimmy The dome light will not turn off - Usually there is a delay maybe a minute till it shuts off after closing the door,also the same if you lift on the handle I had notice on a few occasions I look up the dome light is on been driving 10 min or so Open an close the door it goes out .. The first thing I did was remove the switch still stays on No dome over ride as in some later models I came out to a dead Battery twice ,second time I noticed the dome light was on It does not shut off ( pulled the 3 bulbs ) The truck was in the shop They ordered the part ( delay Sensor) We were sent a diagram of were the sensor is located. We had almost all of the dash apart we never did find the delay sensor to replace it Any Ideas ..... Thanks in advance...
  9. Sometime back some one posted a simple quote on types of riders..Like There are those who ride, those who talk about riding....ect.....Anyone know where I can find it? Need to quote it to some who need refreshing on another site...Thanks for the help...
  10. Can you take off the 'Dog Bone' motor mounts without having to prop up the engine??? Basically I need to know if they're functional or cosmetic like the fins... Maybe one side at a time will be OK??
  11. When I bought my 2nd gen I rememeber having the warranty transferred but can not find that information now. Is there a web site or number where can find out when my warranty expires?
  12. I was in Ocean Park,Wa. over the forth and saw a silver RSV in front of the Dunes resturaunt on Saturday.It was parked with some Harley's. Was any of our guys down in Longbeach or Ocean Park,Wa over the 4th. Saw it again in Longbeach,Wa. Sunday when we was walking around town.
  13. Just looking at the items listed in the VR Store, was wondering what is still available and what has gone by the way side. Really need a new VR cap.
  14. OK folks...I am going to have to update the software here to address some recently discovered security holes. I am getting ready to do it now so if you see some minor hiccups...don't panic. I will be panicking enough for all of us.
  15. OK, I've got a problem with the clutch on my 86! I rebuilt the master cylinder and when I got it disassembled, I found that the kit that I got was the wrong one. I took that back to the shop I got it from (independent guy that I use) along with the old parts. He found what appeared to be right (Yami # 2KW-W0099-00) and swapped with me. I came home and put it back together. Now it won't build any pressure. I have tried: 1) Putting fluid in from bleeder with a syringe. At first I got a few little bubbles in the master, now it won't take it at all thru' the bleeder even with lots of pressure. 2) Cleaned and cleared the bleeder, then Teflon taped it. It didn't drip much with the bleeder out either. 3) Bleeding the old fashioned way, with LOTS of pumping. It will push a little thru but not much, and I have gone thru at least 5 reservoirs full. 4) Using a mighty vac to suck it thru the bleeder. 5) Disassembled and reassembled master to make sure all parts are in the right order. 6) Tied the clutch lever back overnight to allow air to come up. 7) Left clutch lever alone overnight to allow air to come up. 8) Pulled out some of what little hair I have left! :confused07: I've thought of getting all the fluid out that I can and then blowing air through it from both ends. That does sound messy though! Any ideas out there? (Relating to my clutch issue that is!) Does anyone recognize that part number? I'm wondering if the size is off just a fraction. It was snug going into the cylinder. Tuesday I'm gonna call my dealer and check their number. This problem is so bad that I had to borrow and ride a V-Rod to Hootor's Bike Night on Thursday night!
  16. Looking for a reasonable way to use a CB on my RSTD. The Midland 75-822 looks possible, but I use a half helmet and can't find any good way to mount it. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  17. :confused24: 1. Should I paint the bags to match the bike? 2. Should I paint the Ivory on the bike to match the Black Cherry? 3. Do neither and name my bike "The Coat of Many Colors"? 4. Anyone interested in the leather bags I took off?
  18. How many members would be interested in doing another fork brace group buy for the 1stGens. If there's enough interest we could do it again.....
  19. Has anyone ever purchased air deflectors for their rides from this dealer? I've been looking at them for my 88 VR and was wondering if the prices are resonable. Check the link out and see what you think. http://www.bakerbuilt.com/yamaha.htm
  20. az1103


    Question for those of you in wetter climates; Costco is advertising a four applicator pack for a windshield water beader and repellent called Aquapel. Does any one use this? Any good? Safe on the shield?
  21. Does anyone know where to get a lightbar spacer for a 2nd gen. besides BMW. He's doesn't have any at present and I'm lokking for one. Thanks, kenw
  22. Okay, here's a game that is "putting" my patience to test! Good luck! Bobbie http://www.matchpractice.com/game/
  23. Hey Guys & Gals, I need to remove and reinstall my left Kuryakyn grip. What is the best way to do this? I have got it to twist some, but it looks like it is pulling the rubber away from the grip. Thanks for any help.
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