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  1. Freebird's Maintenance Day is closer than you think. Please take the time to signup on the Calendar if you plan to be here. I know that some of you may not have confirmed your schedules yet but please signup as soon as you know. It helps me to know how much food to order for Saturday. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=220&day=2011-6-4&c=1
  2. Is there a way to delete all the confirmed messages at one time instead of one page at a time ? Brad
  3. Ok I'm getting worried now.. No joke, no fabrication here, but this evening I've had my 17th confirmed bird strike while riding my 2006 Midnight Venture this year. By confirmed I mean someone else saw it happen as well.. I've taken crows to the helmet, woodpeckers to the knee cap, various small birds through the front wheel.. pigeons exploding off my shoulder, etc etc.. this evening, a large white bird zoomed out of the woods and nailed my foot in such a manner as to twist my foot off the highway peg.. OUCH!! I had to pull over as my knee was pooched from the twisting.. My ride buddy saw it happen but couldn't ID the type of bird but all he saw was a big poof of feathers from the impact.. I ride my bike a lot, so compared to the average person, I should actually see more hazards than the guy / gal who goes from their home out to the coffee shop and back but this thing about bird strikes has me worried.. with over 30,000 miles since last summer.. My buddy, who's witnessed close to 10 of these bird strikes can't believe it but the blood and guts and bruises are not fantasy.. it hurts! He thinks it might be possible that there is something on the bike causing these birds to have a suicidal tendency.. Is it just me and my bike or is this common to get so many bird strikes on a bike?
  4. I am having problems with my clutch and hope someone can give me advice on how to address the problem. The clutch starting functioning poorly on a ride a few days ago. I checked the fluid level and it was low. Added some fluid and the clutch started working well. A fews days later, on another ride, I encounterred the same problem. The fluid reservoir was almost empty. I placed a piece of cardboard under the bike when I parked it and my suspicions were confirmed. There is a fluid leak that is causing me to lose brake fluid. Has anyone encountered this problem before and what are some things I should know in resolving this issue? Rick
  5. Hi, My bike been running perfect for a long time until #4 cyl suddenly became a bit rough. A check of the exhaust temps confirmed the weak cylinder (not hot compared to other cyls). Problem seems to be from the idle mixture circuit, which was not responding to any adjustment. Avoiding to pull down the carbs, I sprayed carb cleaner on both the pilot jet and idle mixture orifice hoping to get lucky. It improved and the cylinder started firing again. Just to be sure, I used colortune and confirmed the correct mixture was there. Unfortunately that was good for about 15 miles only and the problem came back . Note that the basics checked out : compression, ignition, fuel, vac leaks. Would appreciate any input on this. Thanks.
  6. Just received this................. You can read about it on www.snopes.com Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled 'Mail Server Report' If you open either file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful.' Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC, And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your name, e-mail and password. This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the anti virus software's are not capable of destroying it. The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'. PLEASE SEND A COPY OF THIS E-MAIL TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS, And ask them to PASS IT ON IMMEDIATELY! THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY SNOPES http://www.snopes.com/computer/virus/mailserver.asp
  7. Got about 60k miles on the bike, a vague knock started developing. Wishful thinking it could be exhaust gaskets, sucked a little atf & confirmed the leak. After replacing the gaskets on the # 1 & 3 cyl, engine became quieter but the dreaded knock remained. The knock initially seemed to be coming from either the #3 cyl or clutch basket area. Also noticed the idle became a little rough and a fine vibration can be felt on the right footpeg. Checked carb synch and they were. Pulling the clutch in didnt change the noise. Ultimately I shorted out the cylinders and confirmed the knock came from the #3 cylinder. Rod knock. I'm wondering if it is possible to replace the bearing without the pulling the engine out of the bike? How much incidental parts are involved asidede from the gaskets and bearings? Or are we talking about a complete A-Z rebuild Any input would be appreciated.
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