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  1. well the new grandbaby is home, after spending a few weeks in childerens hospital in cinn. and appears to be doing very well she has even gained 7oz. thanks for all concerns and prayers they do work. papaw steve
  2. Sorry to start this again but found out my dealer has been using Spectro 10w40 for oil changes. So far I haven't had a problem with it and there's very little whine. Anyone else use it. I would like some thoughts or concerns with the oil since I can't find much info on the web about it. I'm thinking of changing to Rotella 15w40 and doing the changes myself. Thanks in advance John
  3. I'm heading out tomorrow A.M. to pick up my "New to Me" 2005 Venture. I'll be going to Youngstown to see Randy (Crash) and picking her up. I've never ridden a Venture but I have ridden a Tour Deluxe. Is there a lot of difference in handling? I know that the Venture is a bit top heavy and that concerns me a little. I've been riding for over 30 years and I've learned that if your not a little nervous on a new bike there's something wrong. I was just wondering if there was any advice that you guys would give to a "Venture NewB"?
  4. Thanks to ALL fellow Venturers for your prayers/thoughts and concerns for my health and suggestions on bike repairs---all-tho after looking bike over and taking pictures it doesn't look promising. Still waiting to get police report so I can give to insurance and also waiting to hear from insurance also.(don't seem to be in hurry to discuss bike). No I wasn't towing my trailer as someone asked me.
  5. Has anyone ever seen or used one of these trailers? http://www.discount-trailers.com/motorcycle_trailer.htm I've been thinking about either building or buying a 5x10 trailer. I saw this and it interests me because it would fit through my basement door (60" width) for storage. My concerns with the design are the relatively narrow track which may be mitigated by the low center of gravity. Also, I don't know how sturdy the trailer would be without a full frame. Would the diamond plate flex? Just curious. DT
  6. I sent an email to Yamaha Canada. It is the only one I could find a way to send something to. I called Yamaha in the USA and they told me they don't have an email address (ya right). I went to Yamaha Japan web site and there is no email address there either. If anyone has an email address for Yamaha Japan, I would like to get it. Anyway, here is what I sent to Yamaha Canada. What do you think? ------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to know why Yamaha doesn't listen to, or address, their customers concerns. Just myself, I know 5 people that are no longer Yamaha customers. A president in one of our provinces, in a Star group that fully supports Yamaha has stepped down because he has gone the HD way. I am sure that others have emailed you and you may or may not have replied. I don't know because I never see or hear Yamaha bring up concerns brought up from their customers. I just bought my 2nd Yamaha. It is a 2007 Venture. I must say that it is a very comfortable ride and my wife loves it. However, so many of us want to know a few things. And I, as a customer, would appreciate the courtesy of you answering each of these questions / concerns. I am going to rant on, but again, as a customer that has spent a lot of money on your product, has been loyal, and hopes that you want me to continue to be loyal, will address these questions and concerns. Why are you still using OLD technology on this bike? Why have you not gone to Fuel Injection on the Venture? Why still a cassette player and not a CD? Do you still buy cassettes?????????????? Why no tachometer? Other gauges?????? Why don't you take a look at a Harley dash on their touring bikes? CD Player on current and pre 2007 bikes. Built in tachometer, temp gauge, oil gauge, battery gauge, etc. NO DUMMY LIGHTS that only come on when it is too late!!!!! When I bought this bike I was told it comes with an MP3 player. I haven't got mine yet however I have seen them and the word is, it is a cheap piece of #$@#$. Why would you insult your customers that buy your high end bike with a cheap piece of crap? It is an insult and you would have been better off offering nothing at all. This little unit might have been a good offer to your customers that buy your scooters. But a Venture?? Come on. You could have offered an Ipod Nano. You know, a little class with a class bike. Maybe my next bike will be a generic bike. Why have you not addressed the whining in the motor? May that is normal, maybe not. Doesn't really bother me a whole lot but would still like to know. What about the CHIRPING sound (the George Jetson car sound) in our bikes? When I got my bike it was not there. After about 3 weeks, now it is there and it is getting louder. Now that sound is very annoying. What is it? So many of us are concerned with that chirping sound and yet I have hear or seen nothing from Yamaha regarding this. Some say it is a bad clutch basket. Is this the case? Are you leaving it up to us to correct this problem so you don't have to do a massive recall? Are you afraid to actually look after your customers?????? The chirping is starting to get quite loud in my bike. Enough to distract from the stereo playing. I suggest that you start having some quality control. More so than I am sure you already have. I suggest that your department at Yamaha Canada starts watching what their customers are saying on a forum called VentureRider.org at: http://www.venturerider.org/ There are a lot of other concerns, however this is enough for now. I am curious as to how serious you take this email and how it is dealt with. Curious to know how valuable my business is to you. Hope to have all above mentioned answered. Hope to hear from you soon, Greg
  7. In a 30 mile (or so) radius from me (Amherst, NY) who wouldn't mind my visiting them for a look-over of my bike. I have about one week left, on my warranty period, and would like someone (knowledgeable with the 1st Gens.) maybe take my bike for a test ride, and afford me their opinion. I hope that I am not asking too much, here, and would be willing to pay you for your time. All in all, it would mean ever so much to me, and (quite possibly) alleviate some concerns. Nothing, outside of what has been posted already, has cropped up. But I feel that another - much more experienced - rider just might be able to share some important & very helpful information with me. Advanced thanks. Evergodloving@aol.com 716-906-1692
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