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  1. Okay, I've been lurking for a while but I finally had to join today. I bought my 2004 Midnight Venture 3 weeks ago with 63,000 miles in near showroom condition. I absolutely love it and couldn't ask for more. Anyway so onto my issue. I'm going on a ride with my club later today and was hoping to show the ole girl off. I was adding some air to the tires with my compressor plugged into the dc/cigarette outlet and all was well. Until I fired the bike up while the compressor was running. The compressor stopped immediately and now I have no power to the DC outlet, and worse my head light and passing lamps are out. I'm guessing I blew a fuse but I'm really not sure. Any help would be great. Looks like I'm going to have to take my old bike after all because we're going to the coast and will be riding back at night. Also, I'm not sure if this is the correct place for a post like this...
  2. Finally got the shrader valves on the bike front forks holding 18psi and back is at 50psi had to eliminate the compressor for now will load pics when I get home to computer
  3. I really think that it's going to be nothing short of changing out my compressor cause everytime it gets up to the chosen pressure when it stops it then does a long expelling of air and I can't figure out what is making it do that. Just recently I took the whole controller apart and soldered the connections that were broken. Just what are some suggestions out there people.....
  4. well i cant get any air to build up. pump clicks but has no output. this bike has sat for a few years. the motor should run not click. so would this be the pressure switch turning it off. and could i disconnect the switch and run compressor. or is the system smarter than i think.
  5. Please help me, I am trying to understand how this works. The dampner for the shock for two people up and we weigh together about 400lbs. What do I set it on ? 1-4 , and what to set compressor?
  6. Any A/C experts? Our 14year old Friedrich giant wall AC crapped out last night, or so we think. It sounded like the compressor shut off. The fan was still running. Nothing i did could get the compressor back on. The filter was packed clogged though. Gave up, went to sleep. Today, no power. Main breaker tripped. Put that back on and the unit turns on and now the compressors back on. However, for 10 mins, foamy looking water was pouring out of the rear of the unit. This stopped and all seems ok. although the air doesnt seem as cool as it was, its not getting warmer after being back on for 2hours so far. Anyone have an idea what happaned here?
  7. It seems I have to remove the left fork cap and the remove the air line from the my class air compressor and use my shop air to blow the oil back into my forks as the class compressor doesnt have enough pressure to do this. It turns out that if a bike goes on its side oil can fill the class hoses and disable the compressor. So I need to know the size of the wrench needed to get that cap off. I know almost enough here to be dangerous, but I think I also need to make sure to get the bike on center stand and get weight off the front wheel. Is there anything else I need to know to pull this cap off? Brian
  8. My first ride of the year the class system was working fine, and then i had the error show up so I did the solder contacts on the class display head. Reassembled it, I could hear a click from the back when I used the class panel but compressor wouldnt run,and then got the e2 error. i really didnt know what it was but had a look at the compressor unit and found it had puked out oil everywhere over license plate etc. So i ordered a replacement compressor unit from ebay and installed yesterday, same issue, the class panel comes up normally but when i select front or back and adjust pressure i hear a solenoid click once but no compressor running and then after a minute the e2 error comes on. What am I missing, is there another componenet that is faulty? or did I get another compressor that doesnt work? Thanks in advance for any help, brian
  9. Any suggestions on where to look to buy a Zero to 30 PSI hand pump for the front fork air suspension. Most places seem to be high $ for the Progressive pump. I do the rear shock by starting up my compressor, running it up to 45 PSI and shutting it off. Then I fill the rear shock until the pressure is balanced between the shock and the compressor.
  10. I am looking at a 1st Gen Venture Royale, 1990 model, but it is out of state and I have been communicating with the owner. Everything was looking good until he mentioned the air compressor was disconnected (or not working) and some small cracks in the fairing, but offered to take some pictures of it. Well, the cracks don't look small to me and they don't look like an easy fix. I talked with a M/C mechanic who does alot of VR work and he felt, without seeing the pictures, that being plastic versus fiberglass, the only way to really fix it and look good, would be to find replacement parts. The mechanic I talked with had seen the bike and rebuilt the carbs and other items, but the owner didn't want to pay for the other items to be fixed. So, the mechanic doesn't know the cause of the compressor problem, and therefore can't estimate the repair. I am attaching the pictures, I hope. Can anyone tell me what would need to be done to fix the fairing or compressor? If nothing reasonable is available, I may have to walk away from this one. Thanks for any input!
  11. Getting an E4 error message on my compressor and the manuel states that this indicates "The pressure sensor has no output voltage". Where do I look to correct this? Thanks, Norm
  12. I bought a small 12volt compressor to carry on my '83 Venture on Ebay for $30 + $10 shipping without checking out pricing elsewhere first. A couple of days ago I saw the same compressor at Pep Boys for $12 + local sales tax (6+%). Boy, was that DUMB! Even though it was my own fault, I emailed the guy - didn't blame him, just said I was frustrated that I was dumb to overpay so much. He emailed me back & said he was sorry, he didn't know what they sell for & that he ended up with a box of them from the flea market - I don't think he's American based on his illiterate email. I emailed him back asking that he refund me $15 - I don't expect a positive response/any money back. Man, I'm gonna hafta do more homework! Doug
  13. Picked up a factory compressor and suspension controller to add to my VR Std. What's the capability of these units to fill a tire in a roadside repair? Rather than trying to hook the hoses to the existing fork and shocks permanently I'm thinking of just having a hose with a schrader valve to do triple duty. Manual shock air up and emergency roadside repair. I carry a small cigarette lighter compressor now but it's pretty lame and takes up space.
  14. I changed the oil in my bike 3 times this year and only have 2500 miles - but I've got several years on my compressor and haven't changed the oil yet. I can't find an owners manual but the last time I talked to anybody about air compressor oil, I was told to use a non detergent oil because it didn't foam - is that still the way to go ?? btw it's a 220 volt 175 psI
  15. I have been working with one of our members, helping him install a CLASS system in an 88 standard 1st gen. He got a bad controller from ebay. He sent me his controller & compressor to check. The compressor is fine. Control head has deeper problems than the solder joint repair. I swapped my lower board with his and it did not correct problem. Also disassembled upper half of controller and saw no visible problems. Cleaned all contacts to no avail. If anyone could help a brother out, it would be appreciated by him. Gary
  16. I recently bought a 10 gallon 115psi Jobsmart compressor at Tractor Supply Inc. It came with 1 quart (or maybe liter) of oil. 2/3 of the oil was used when new to fill it up to a sight level mark. I've run it maybe 4 hours of run time, and it just drank the remaining 1/3 liter of oil. The book with it, which is a loose chinese translation (I think) just says, use the proper oil to keep it filled to the middle of the sight glass. The oil looks like about a 10 weight oil. Light weight stuff. Do I need to look for oil specifically labeled air compressor oil, or can I use a light weight automotive oil, or something readily obtained and recognized?
  17. With all the great knowledge on this site, I am sure some one here can answer my question. The clutch pulley gave out on my truck's AC compressor. With 278,000 miles on the original compressor, I figure better to just replace the compressor rather than put a new clutch pulley on. Warranty info on all the comps. I have looked at say that the accumulator and/or drier has to be replaced also. Up until the pulley gave out, the system blew nice and cold. Aside from warranty issue on the remaned compressor, will the system be compromised and likely to fail if I do not replace the other part(s)?
  18. on my 89vr when i turn the throttle my headlight brightens & if I ride over an hour I get slow starts. Now I'am getting an E-4 reading on my compressor control unit. if anyone ha experince tis could you share. Thank you
  19. OK you guys that know the electrical of a first gen inside out. I am thinking about mounting an air tank and compressor in one of my saddle bags on a 1st gen. When running, the compressor will pull 16 Amps. It should never have to run for more than 2 minutes, typical run time is 30-45 seconds. I hope it will not need to run more than once a week, once the novelty wears off. Will the electrical system handle this? If not; I was thinking of installing a secondary battery with a SPDT relay so that the bike electrical system will never have to power the compressor. The extra battery would be connected to the com term of the relay and the compressor will be on the N.O. side with the bike power for charging on the N.C. side. The coil would be wired in series with the secondary battery and the pressure switch (through a relay) to refill the tank. The bike will still be able to charge the secondary battery when it is running, but the relay would isolate the compressor from the bike. The small 7Ah battery that I was going to use is plenty to refill the 1/2 gallon air tank 7 - 10 times before it needs a charge. My question is, how much extra load will be on the bikes electrical system while charging the battery? If charging the extra battery can/will end up pulling just as much power as the compressor then it makes no sense to add all of the extra complication. Does any of this make sense? Any other ideas of how to safely power the compressor without risk to the R/R or stator. This is most likely next winters project so I have a lot of time to work on the plan.
  20. OK, I looked through the archives and couldn't find anything specific to the E2 error on the CLASS system. Here is the scenario, bike is a '89 with about 75k miles and tons of service records since new: When airing up the rear shock using the automatic setting of the CLASS, the pressure never gets above 35 psi for the rear shock. At about this range the pressure stops rising and the controller goes to E2 and cycles after 5 seconds to reset. E2 error code indicates that the controller does not detect a rise in pressure with the compressor running. The compressor runs and sounds relatively healthy, I really don't have a reference to compare. Here is what I have done so far: Re-soldered the CLASS controller, didn't find any broken solder joints, but re-soldered anyway Serviced the desiccant, found it to be pink in color, heated in the microwave until dark blue, checked the filters and replaced the O-rings in the container and lines Found the air intake filter almost disintegrated, disconnected the airlines and forced the compressor to run, replaced all the O-rings, cut a new air intake filter and re-installed Checked the valve block and pressure sensor, disconnected the air hoses and cleared the passages with the compressor Check all electrical connection, disconnected, cleaned and greased connection, checked for battery voltage at compressor Checked for pinched air hoses to the rear shock, disconnected hoses and manually inflated shock. The funny thing is that I can manually block the air fitting for the rear shock at the valve block and the pressure will rise up to 71 psi without any problems. I tried airing the rear shock up using the manual feature and if I let the compressor just run for a few seconds the pressure will ultimately begin rising. I can even get the rear shock up to 85 psi this way. But with the automatic function the pressure will not go past 35 psi with timing out into E2. Has anybody encountered this before? I know the air suspension on these bikes is touchy, but it drives me nuts. Two-up I really like running 71-75 psi in the rear, running this solo almost breaks my already damaged back. Has anybody a know good compressor and valve block laying around to verify that the problem is in this area? Thanks in advance for all your comments, Klaus
  21. Today, Ron and I rode the bike to Harbor Freight. We found this nice high volume, 100psi, 12volt portable air compressor for $19.99 on sale. It is a nice compact size with all metal construction, with a quick disconnect coil hose and a nice straight air valve end. Comes with a nice carrying case. It is only 5 1/2" long, 2 inches wide, and 5 inches high. Thought I would share this with you. Yama Mama
  22. Got new fork seals, not leaking there or from the rings on top of the forks where the hoses connect. Cant hear it coming out anywhere either, and it loses it quick, ie from max to 0 in 30 seconds. Before I tear the entire bike apart what is the easiest way to access the line going from the compressor to the forks? Also how do you get to the compressor? Just remove the seat? Thanks in advance!
  23. Showing "Ugly" to son. Been having E2 coming up on Class and it wouldn't pump up. Compressor would kick on run for few seconds and kick off. He was looking at bike and asked "Is this supposed to be hooked to something" and pick up end of compressor intake hose that sticks out from under side of seat. He said" It's got something in it" MUD!!Mud Duabbers strike again. Plugged the intake. Took hose off cleaned it out and works like a new one. I had been in there looking for maybe a leak but never thought of that. How long would I have looked??? Never thought it wasn't getting air. Heard some remark about "Motorcycle Mechanic." Made his day!!
  24. My compressor builds up about 6 or 7lbs of pressure then I get an E2 code. If I unhook the compressor and put my air nossle in the hose while pressing front or rear the shock/forks fill up and show/hold the correct pressure. Is there a fix for this, it's obviously the compressor or am wrong?
  25. Guest

    air horns

    I need help on installing air horns on my 2005 Venture. I have taken out the two horns and I need to know which wires to hook up to the horn wires to make the compressor work.
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