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  1. I ended up buying my old Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Classic back from my son-in-law last night. They only put 1800 miles on it in 4 years! They both said that it didn't make sense to keep it and they could use the money elsewhere. (AND, I'm sure that know that I will let them borrow it if they want to go for a ride). WOW what a difference from my 07 Venture! This thing rides rough, handles completely different and boy does it seem lighter!! - I may end up teaching my wife to ride! So, I guess that I am finally part of the group that has more than one ride in the stable!! Craigr
  2. I bought this 84 venture and was looking at the carbs and noticed one of the slider springs is completely gone. where can i get one and how much are they?
  3. Made white faceplate labels for 83 dash similar to Reddevilmedic http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63342 Difference is I completely removed the face plate, Not for faint of heart pulling needles. Then I used the dreaded brake fluid to completely removing the original silk screen printing from the faces, leaving clear plastic glass. Then applied the white vinyl labels, and reassembled. Now my blue LED back lighting shines thru the vinyl label completely lighting up the gages. Major improvement IMO.
  4. Be precise please. I have never bought antifreeze for a motorcycle. The book says to get Ethylene Glycol type. I have not got a clue what that is. Is it possibly just plain old car antifreeze or what ? What brand should I get for a bike. I am sure it would have to be for an aluminum engine. I would like to completely change even. I do now know the procedure,thanks to Goose and the tech library. The bike is a 2007 model and has same antifreeze. Thank you in advance. Fuzzy
  5. So I got the CMU loose but I'm having difficulty getting the plugs out of the back to release it completely. They don't seem to want to budge. Is there some trick to unplugging them?
  6. This is one of the strangest things I've seen happen to a headlamp. It's on the Harley, not the RSV. We left the house on both bikes at 3ish on Saturday with no damage (I know this because I personally cleaned the windshield and lights on both bikes before we took off), and came home at 7ish to find that this had happened. No signs of a rock hit or any other kind of impact at all from anything, and no real change in temperature extremes. It's actually a really beautiful spider web looking pattern, and it's cracked completely through the full depth of the glass. The only thing I can imagine is that it's a stress fracture that's been building since we had the new lights installed at the dealership over 2 years ago. Just thought I'd post this since it's such a pretty picture of the damage!
  7. I had an accident and broke my ankle at the end of July and some buddies from my bike club went and picked my bike up in Quebec and brought it home for me the next day (about a 260km trip). That was on August 2nd. Since then the bike sat in a friends garage and today he went to take it back to my place for storage but the battery was completely dead. At first he thought it was because I had my GPS charger plugged in the accessory outlet, but that outlet is switched. Then I read the owners manual and saw the note about pulling the battery if the bike will sit for more then a month. Is it normal for the Venture to drain a battery so fast? My last bike, a Honda Shadow, could sit for 4 months in minus 20 and below winters and it would fire up in the spring no problem. Seems kinda weird for a bike for go completely flat in just 2 months. Especially since the bike is almost brand new (9 months old). Anyhow, it's on the way home now and first thing I will be doing before I winterize it, is make a small harness up so I can hook my tender up with the battery still installed. On long rips, i might start carrying some jumper cables as well.
  8. After only one week of owning my RSTD, I have now COMPLETELY ruined a perfectly good motorcycle by riding it in the RAIN!! Sure it was only a couple of little drops, but I know that holding out any hope for resale (esp. on craigslist) is now totally pointless.
  9. I have an 07 RSV with hannigan trike kit. Can anyone tell me how to get this trike completely off the ground so I can get under it?Are there any cheap lifts out there for a trike?
  10. So I just get done an 800 km ride from alberta into bc. The bike is running good but not great...it feels a bit low in power. Yesterday I decide to take off the aircleaner and have a look at how things are working. It turns out, one of the slides isn't moving. I take the diaphragms out and one has come completely apart. This is the second carbon this has happened on so I take all the diaphragms out and a third inevitable is loose as well. It is an easy fix to glue them back together. Now, it runs like it should. Check those darned slides, folks.
  11. I know ya'll were headed out on a big trip sometime now, I just forgot when you were supposed to be back. I presume since you haven't been around to lately, you are doing fine, out of contact completely or doing something we don't want to hear about anyways . Hope all is going well and you two are enjoying your trip!
  12. In my constant quest to bring new meaning to the phrase "cheap screw".....I'm currently looking for a way to replace my air cleaner elements that won't cost an arm and a leg. If anyone's got an idea for an alternate paper element (i.e. sourced from anywhere other than the factory)......or a completely different setup (but please not K$N....oops did I make a Freudian spelling error there?......) I'm open to suggestions.......just not expensive ones. Hey, I'm even up for crazy ideas like dry-cleaning my stock ones.......IF it would work! Thanks for anything, Mike
  13. Im going to need a clutch resevoir that has good sight lenses in it, I will be screwing up the one on the bike to extract the screws that are all bugered up. some people should not be allowed to use tools!! I wanted to check the fluid levels, sight glasses are completely fogged, pulled the chrome covers and the screws are completely messed up I will have to drill them out to get the covers off. If anyone has one Im looking for one let me know ,Thanks.
  14. My Brother decided; for some unknown reason, that he should breed his F-450 Welding Shop on wheels with my poor little motorcycle!!! It was not a fair match; but the Venture did well. With all the hollerin and screaming going on, I was able to get him to stop before going too far and COMPLETELY ruining my day. A little further and i'd have seen what a 10,000 Lb. truck could do to a Venture. Anyway, as good fortune would have it, all i kneed is a left front turn signal. The lense on mine was completely demolished. Anyone have one for sale???
  15. So my CC started acting up on me. It wouldn't stay engaged when I set it. Figuring it was one of the Micro-switches I started trouble shooting the problem. What I found was that the clutch lever wasn't returning to the completely out position. So when I pushed the lever out and held it there the CC would engage. As soon as I stopped pushing out on it the darn thing would shut off. Figured the lever was loose. Well not exactly, the darn thing has to be able to move so tightening it was out of the question. Took it apart and found the bushing inside the lever that the pushrod goes into was worn out, and I do mean OUT. I tried to rig it and that didn't work so I ended up ordering a new bushing and paying more to get it shipped to me than it cost. Put the new bushing in and CC works great now. I posted this for two reasons, the first being that someone else may have the same problem or experience the same thing in the future. And B as this was going bad I was noticing some slipping in the clutch under hard acceleration. I always suspected it was something to do with the lever and it was. The bottom of the bushing was angled from wear. When the bushing wore through it also wallered out the hole in the bushing which allowed the bushing to drop and bind where the bushing goes into the lever mount. This in turn was not allowing the clutch to come completely out (without pushing the lever out) and was staying engaged ever so slightly. Whenever I would push the lever all the way out and get on it hard the clutch never slipped, but after shifting into a gear and just releasing the clutch normally I would get a slip about 25% of the time. Sooo with that being said, some folks may have a simple $4.00 problem that could be causing their clutch to slip. Notice the hole completely through the old bushing. http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/93116452.jpg This is what the backside looked like. Notice no hole in the new bushing :-0 http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/b7af276d.jpg Notice the perfectly round shape of the old bushing. http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd227/SaltyDawg83/6c6142e9.jpg
  16. OK Trying to the Darkside and can't get past dusk. I got the Kumho, went to CurtisMiller's place since he knew of a tire shop that would install it, and them tried to complete the job at his friend's shop. Anyway, the tire shop wussed out at 100# and it wouldn't seat completely. We ran it up to 120# (we think - can't trust the gauges) and no luck. Tried numerous times to break the bead and start over. It's perfect on one side and about 80% om the other. Any ideas???
  17. I have recently installed a new clutch, I am having a problem when starting the bike sometimes. It seems if the bike is in gear and i pull the clutch lever to start. The bike moves forward, as the starter turns over as if the clutch is not disengsging the trans completely. I had this problem prior to the new clutch. Has anyone encountered this:think:
  18. All, I have owned or frequently driven a variety of full dressers over the last 25 years, including an XS1100, 1983 1st gen and the last being a 2003 GL1800A that I had to sell to put on a new roof in the last state I lived in. I am trying to decide between a new GL1800A, K1200LT, and Venture. The pricing of the Venture and what it comes with are really attracting me, but the many posts (including '07 and '08 models) about the clutch Chirp and Gear Whine bother me, not so much because they occurred, but because it appears they cant be completely fixed and the respective dealers end up saying that is just how the bike is. Have these problems been fixed or not? If I buy a 2009 RSV and have the problem, can it be completely fixed? I would not be a happy camper spending that amount of money and having to live with such noises.
  19. Soooooo glad Blago has been impeached! Did you happen to see his recent speech? OMG, this guy is completely nuts. Not a political rant in anyway, this is REALLY entertaining, in a crazy way.
  20. Is it possible to adjust the seat height? I installed a new windshield this weekend, 5 inches shorter than the stock height and when I had it seated all the way down I couldn't see completely over it, or look completely through it, it was at that weird height where I was looking through it and over it and the same time ....so I raised it up as far as I could get it, and now I am looking through the top inch and a half of it, which is better, but not ideal. Since I have no wiggle room on the windshield I was wondering if the seat height is adjustable up or down??
  21. Seems after riding awhile and I come to a stop, the engines ideling high (without a tach it's hard to tell but from experience) it seems to be at approx 3k. It will drop down after sitting a minute or so or when it's still cold (and yes the choke is completely in). Bikes still under warrantee so is this something I should have them fix or even worth the time being a normal thing? Thanks, Ride safe and God Bless. Mike
  22. I hope I am inserting my question in the right location and will have someone reply with an answer. Who manufactures aftermarket antennas (one for the cb and the other for am/fm reception) that will just replace the two overly long stock antennas on my 88VR? I, too, have a severe problem rolling in or out of my garage because the antennas are way to high. Heck, I have even broke a couple flourescent bulbs in my overhead lighting. I could care less if they both must be completely removed or if they don't fold down like the stockers. If some knows what I can replace them both with that are much shorter, please advise model number and where I can order them. masterguns
  23. I've spent the better part of the night trying to bleed these blasted rear brakes! Fluid will seep out all bleeders but will not build pressure. There's no telling how many brakes I've bled but this is the first that wore me completely out. I retired at 50 so I could spend my golden years riding...not bleeding brakes. Any suggestions? P-L-E-A-S-E.................
  24. What is the diameter of the headpipe where the muffler fits over? thought someone might readily know this without me having to tear mine completely apart to measure it. found some aftermarket mufflers I am thinking about trying out. Thanks Craig
  25. The only difference I have found is the markings Yamaha puts on the side. They appear to be the exact same.... and completely interchangeable....
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