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  1. Today while I was in my statistics class I came across some intresting points in our book. (Yeah, I'm nerdy and read the book.) Anyway the following statistics were noted under the heading "Quality in Services" * The average company never hears from more than 90% of its unhappy customers. For every complaint it receives, the company has at least 25 customers with problems, about 1/4 of which are serious. * Of the customers who make a compaint, more than half will do business again with the organization if their complaint is resolved. If the customer feels that the complaint was resolved quickly, this figure jumps to about 95%. *The average customer who has had a problem will tell 9 or 10 others about it. customers who have had complaints resolved satisfactorily will only tell about 5 others. * It costs 6 times more to get a new customer than to keep a current customer. Now as we were covering these points I couldn't help but think on all the complaints that I've seen here about Yamaha's apparent lack of care when keeping up to date with the latest changes and all the other posts I've seen where a member has said farewell to their Venture cause they want something that is offered on other bikes but not on the venture even though Yamaha has the tech to implement it. So I'm curious as to what features Yamaha has to implement in order to keep from loosing more ventureriders. Thinking back I'd say that the list would include but not limited to: Fuel Injected Cassette Deck Replacement First Gen Gearing (power range and such without the 2nd gear issue) Kind of curious as to what others think on any of the above topics.
  2. I just got back tonight after a 6 day 3260 mile ride to see the Grand Canyon and do a little Route 66 riding. As most of you probably already know...it has been HOT. Most days the temps on the trip were near 100 degrees or HIGHER. On Tuesday in Tucumcari...the temperature in the SHADE was 110 degrees. The day before we left Flagstaff at 6am and the temp was 38 degrees...by 1pm that afternoon we were in Needles, CA with the temp at 108 degrees. I got heat exhaustion twice...one time was pretty scary for me. Proper hydration is the key (and common sense)...I just assumed the hydration was for everyone but me. OK...enough about me. The bike performed flawlessly, had PLENTY of power for some of those mountainous climbs, and other than getting "squirelly" on some of the interstate roads in Oklahoma City (their ROADS SUCK!!!)...I was very happy with how the bike did. But I do have a complaint and also a question. The complaint (an age old complaint)...is the heat coming off the bike. To be honest I never really "noticed" until today and that's because after 3000 miles of wearing boots...I slipped on my dockers for the final 260 miles...and the heat was tremendous down there. But more than that, I also have a thermometer mounted near the turn signal switch and ALL DAY it read 110-120 degrees. No wonder I was getting heat exhaustion. Now the question...several times after riding for awhile when I was coming to a stop...the front would WOBBLE. When this happened the bike was barely moving...at highway speeds (and faster)...the bike was smooth as butter. So what could cause this VERY SLOW SPEED WOBBLE? OH...and the Flagstaff, AZ forest fires that are burning out of control...right behind (well a few miles)...our motel. THAT THING IS HUGE...smoke everywhere and we could see it from the Grand Canyon (80 miles away). Thanks. Wally
  3. My wife says the back rest on my 07 RSTD is too unconfortable. I must attend to agree. It sets you too straight up and makes you slide forward. I was wondering if anyone has the same complaint? If the rear back rest support bars and risers wher back another 2 inches I think it would be much more comforatable. Any suugestions?Thanks Mark:fingers-crossed-emo
  4. It has been a while since I have asked this Question. Has anybody come up with an Idea or do they make any kind of extension for the passenger for 99+RSV yet ? That is her only complaint on longer rides. I saw these today but don't think they will work http://www.kuryakyn.com/index.cfm/go/Home.ProductDetail/catID/18/scID/122/IMID/1009 Just wondering. Thanks, Jeff
  5. I departed Montgomery, Al, Wednesday morning enroute to my folks place near Buffalo, N.Y. And despite the expected cold weather, I took this trip on my trusted dear friend, my 2007 RSMV. And while I was (admittingly) a bit nervous and wary, because I had never "ventured" this long of a trip on any motorcycle, this trip proved to me that I definitely made the right choice in motorcycles. 1060 miles later, I am sitting in front of a fireplace warming up, with some hot cocoa too. The Venture performed like a dream. She didn't even so much as hiccup on the trip. I had the trunk and saddlebags completely packed tight, with an old Army "rucksack" packed tightly in the rear seat. It was 80 degrees when I left the south Wednesday, and I made it to the Tennessee line in a short sleeve shirt. But soon, I had to start layering up. By the time I reached N.Y., the temp was in the 40's, I switched from a half-helmet to full face, I had 3 pairs of military issue "poly-pro" pants on under my jeans, four pairs of cold weather socks, t-shirt, one under-armor long sleeve, one sweatshirt, a heavy fleece jacket, and then my leather jacket with liner. Oh, forgot the mock-turtle neck and face mask...and the thick gloves. All said, I felt like that kid from the movie "A Christmas Story", Ralphies little brother who "couldn't move his arms", he was bundled up so much. But, I was warm. Add to that some engine heat, and some well-designed wind deflection, and I was a happy camper. My aftermarket Corbin seat was actually more comfortable than I had imagined it would be. My arse is not sore at all. If I have one complaint about the Venture throughout this trip (and it is a minor complaint), the stock speakers suck. I gotta get those changed soon. Just not loud enough. But I did get a chance to finally try out the Show Chrome helmet speakers, when I changed over helmets. They worked pretty good. Sorry to bore ya'll...now to the moral of my rambling: The Venture is an awesome bike. I'm glad I bought it!! I'll let you know how the return trip goes (it's supposed to be freezing rain here the day I am scheduled to leave.)
  6. I bought a new chainsaw from a reputable dealer on ebay. He sells 8-10 saws every week of the same model. I read the feedback from the other buyers and all were happy with the product. The only complaint was delayed shipment but most received theirs within two weeks.His feedback when I bought the saw was 98.6 as of Feb 29th. I checked today and his feedback dropped to 83 after about 10 people complained about not receiving there saws and no communication from the auctions on Feb 24th. Now I'm getting nervous so I sent a email. I might have to open a complaint for a paypal refund later. For now we will see how everyone else does. Just my luck the guy runs out of saws and continues to sell them. I noticed Ebay pulled all his auctions scheduled for this weekend.
  7. Fantastic article submitted by Lynn Nicholls. Lack of power was the main complaint about the original Royal Star and according to the Dyno tests...this certainly solves that problem. http://www.venturerider.org/carbswap/
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