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Found 14 results

  1. Me and my sweetie were married 30 years ago today. I know...just a couple of rookies compared to some of you.
  2. Looks like I will be going back to work mid Jan. Received notification from the ins. co, that I was approved till then. Cant believe I am actually going to enjoy getting back to work...............Recovery this time was a little quicker than when I had the same surgery on my right hand in 2005, the incision was only 1/2 the size this time as compared to last time, still having some discomfort when I try to use it to pick things up or support my weight on it. Hopefully that will all be gone by the time I go back to work.
  3. Ok - there'll not be too much of an estate to fight over, we just spent it on our vacation of a lifetime. Linda, myself, Linda's brother Larry and his wife Shari and friends Joe and Carol took a 14 day vacation in Spain, Italy and Croatia. The cost was unimportant and insignificant compared to the experience. I can't believe I paid $75 for 6 beers in Cannes France but it was hot
  4. I bought this 86 a few months ago for the bigger bags and sold my 84 now I can say I hate the 86. I went to make it tip top so I can make it to Vogel this summer with new tires oil and filter changes and new front springs with a trailer hitch. The things I have to unbolt and take off to do simple maintenance compared to my 84 is killing me I sometimes wish for my 84 back, I need help...lol
  5. I'm thinking of buying a backrest for my 2007 RSV. After checking out the posts on backrests I noticed that most them are old posts, and there seems to be a lot of talk about how comfortable a particular backrest is compared to one's height. So, I would like to get some up to date opinions and some more info on the backrest vs my height (5' 8"). Thanks.
  6. Well, I went hunting today and bagged my first Duck, with my '08 RSV Passing Lamps at about 70 km/h (45 mph). I have the Yamaha OEM Lightbar, you know the one, with the CRAP Sealed Beams! Coming home tonight from work, I noticed the left one is pointing down a bit compared to the right beam. It does not appear to be bent, so how do you adjust the lamp buckets up and down?? My riding buddy has 13 confirmed kills this season, so I am happy I am no longer feeling left out!
  7. I have recommended this site to a few friends who have raved about the prices compared to buying locally. Today I had the chance to try them out. I needed to replace the rear door window regulator on my SUV. Prices ranged from 182.00 to 250.00 depending on the location. I looked up www.rockauto.com and found my part for 141.00 shipped. Ordered it this AM and was shipped today!! Most of their prices are heavily discounted compared to suppliers like Advance auto and Auto Zone.If you do your own work you owe it to yourselves to check this place out. A friend saved major bucks on front end parts for his Camry by using Rock Auto.
  8. Wife and I were talking tonight about taking an early vacation this year and thinking about heading to MB bike week, never been there before anyone here going this year or can anyone hear share their experiences? Got my new E3's on today and WOW what a difference in handling, feels like a totaly different bike compared to the factory tires,may sound funny, but it feels somewhat lighter when turning compared to plowing into the turns. I can honestly say it was money well spent.
  9. Well today i used my new venture coffee cup/mug i had to go to my doctor this morning for bloodwork and so on you know when you have to fast no coffee when you get up grrrrrrr anyway after 2 hours of poking and proding i get out to my car and take the top off and burned my lip on hot coffee now im still young by some acct's and compared to others(yammer dan) so i must say it is one of the best mugs i have ever used ..thanks Don for a GREAT product
  10. Any experience out there with LA Choppers Slip ons. They look good with the black tips, but I have no comparison with the sound compared to BUBS Sleepers or Khromewerks Brand.
  11. Just picked it up last weekend. Had bought it sight unseen, but had my brother check it out for me. After reading some of the praise of this bike for some time on this site, I now know what you guys have been talking about. Couldn't be happier with the scoot. My wife loves it too. There's way more room on the back for her compared to my Shadow I've ridden for 5 years. Naked Rider, we'll have to get together some time for a ride or maybe meet up at Joe Ford's Custom Bikes some time. I go in there alot.
  12. At least some people still decorate. Not as many decorations out, compared to a years ago. Brad
  13. lockdoc

    Its Gone

    There's no five year warranty here in Australia so you either put up with the whine or take a chance and pay for the fix yourself. The local Yamaha stealer wanted $450 for a new "I" basket before installation. I purchased one from boats.net in Florida which arrived here in Perth within a week and it only cost me $227 plus postage $40. My local mechanic charged me $100 for the install. Just gave it a test ride and the whine is totally gone. This is a cheap option compared to looking for another bike. Mine is a 2004 model and the clutch basket removed is a "G" variation. I can now turn the radio down a couple of notched and listen to that V4:happy34: Steve
  14. First Gen business that is. Is it just me or have you noticed? First gen prices for scoots and parts are going high on Ebay compared to last year.Maybe the first gen reputation is getting around thanks to the site.
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