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  1. Anyone here in this extended family ever suffer from heal spurs? In early 2011 at the age of 47, I began noticing that my feet especially my heels ached very badly at the end of the day and again first thing in the morning. I was diagnosed with Plantar Faciitis/Heel spurs. New orthodics in my shoes...
  2. Next week, Grump & I get on the road again, hitting places we didn't get to or need to see more of from last year. Pakidaho's is a required stop, again this year, as is Cody. Spot Shared Page http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0dW2uviFRmfVBIi65A9vRaQ1osJHe2jOq Link...
  3. Last year at Cody I asked for someone to take a picture of me while I was riding my bike down the highway. It was a couple and I forgot their names, my bad. I was wondering if they still had the photo and could email it to me or PM me and I would send them my email. I would really like to have...
  4. http://s980.photobucket.com/albums/ae282/AussieAnnie888/Cody%20Wyoming%20Rally/
  5. Just curious, who won (or traded for) the tank bibs from Nanci at Cody? Maybe putting it on a RSTD?
  6. Cody Thoughts and Impressions. Pics at http://www.cast-aways.com/codypics1.htm The good, the bad, and the ugly... Day 1. Thursday Meet up with Lone Eagle for breakfast, and ride to Elko Nev. Nevada is boring as hell and hot. Drank lots of Gator Aid at the rest stops. Trailer is towing...
  7. To start off here I want to thank Condor & Lone Eagle & whomever their helpers were for a great International Rally this year. It wasn't only a great location chosen but a well run one from start to finish. Least ways it sure looked like it but I'm sure they'll say otherwise. :clap2:Good job guys....
  8. ... in no particular order. http://s393.photobucket.com/albums/pp16/SilvrT/Cody%202011/
  9. Have not heard a thing from Rocket since Cody... has he gone AWOL? Anyone heard from him?
  10. Arrived home Sunday evening around 9:30PM from Cody, new (to us) Lees-ure Lite trailer in tow. Spent Monday just relaxin after 3 long riding days to get home. Thanks to all the organizers for a fantastic event!! Was great to see old friends and make new ones and to be able to put the "person...
  11. I wont upload my Cody pics here, but here is the link at Picasa https://picasaweb.google.com/friesman1/VROrgIntlRallyCodyWY I had a great time:cool10: and enjoyed every moment and loved meeting everyone, I hope to see everyone again soon!! brian
  12. I know it is early but..... Pictures?
  13. Well me and Mrs Bubber made it home last night but I was unable to post then. Thanks to Don I am back up in running. Thanks to all that attended the Cody Rally but a big thanks go to the organizers. They made it look seamless and that is a massive feat. Thanks guys and gals! Good to see friend...
  14. Made it back home from Cody. Hope all make it back safe.
  15. We had a great time in Cody, met old and new friends alike! What a great bunch of folks. Had a few extra days off work so decided to head home to Missouri via South Dakota. Stopped in Custer and will be seeing Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, maybe head up to Spearfish and Sturgis. Leaving here Sunday ear...
  16. Drawing was Wed night....so who won??
  17. Haven't seen anything lately about PIP so thought I'd throw it in the mix of Cody messages. Got reservations set for Pines motel in Lake George. Whoever wins the chili cookoff in Cody is welcome to bring on down their winning recipe and challenge mine. Yes Russ, I'll even let you bring out your Bett...
  18. Hello everyone: Cody is our first VR event. Having a blast regardless of what we are doing. Enjoying our new found friends. Relaxing this morning. Wives visiting in the shade. I am observing Dano and Condor replacing a rectifier on Condor's RSV. Amazing Talent. Sure glad I brought the Ipad along to...
  19. Cody is great riding! Jan had to be back early to work on her and Carol's chili for the cook off so we had a short riding day. Even with that, we were able to ride Beartooth from east to west. Got some great pics: http://s470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/VR%20org%202011%20Rall...
  20. Does anyone attending the Cody Rally have RSTD bars on their RSV that we could look at?
  21. Helo: Does anyone in Cody have RSTD bars on a RSV that we could look at?
  22. RandyR from Georgia arrived here safe in Western Nebraska late this afternoon. We hope to leave for Cody around 7:00 AM? See you there!
  23. I know there's a few going, whats your travel plans ? We are leaveing this Saturday stopping across the bridge and going up to the Keewenaw to spend Sunday night and then taking the day Monday to check out the sights. Tuesday west bound with no set plans except to be in Cody Sunday afternoon. We ar...
  24. Well, if it ain't loaded by now I probably didn't need it anyway. SO, I'm outta here. See you on the road or in Cody.
  25. Well the Idaho Delegation and her faithful minion erv are packing to hit the road for Cody mañana. Salmon is pretty close...with in a long day...especially going through Jellystone Park...We plan to be in Cody Sunday.. We decided to head toward Bozeman and go south either on Montana 89 to Mammot...
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