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Found 13 results

  1. Carroll Shelby, father of Cobra sports car, dies at 89
  2. I am looking at buying some cobra pipes for my bike, but would like to know if anyone in the area may be able to look at them for me, and possibly hold them if I buy them until I get there??
  3. (Ring) Them: Hello, @#$#$% Honda, how may I direct your call? Me: Parts department please. Them: Parts. Me: Yes, I’m traveling through and lost an exhaust baffle. I was hoping you had a two inch exhaust baffle in stock. Them: What kind of bike do you have? Me: It’s a 2001 Honda, 1100 Shadow. But it has after-market Cobra exhaust system on it. Them: No. The 1100 Shadow has an inch and three quarters exhaust. That is the size baffle you need. Me: Sorry, but I measured my pipe and it is definitely two inch. It was installed by the previous owner. Them: A two inch exhaust won’t fit on a Shadow! Me: Don’t know what to tell you, but that is what I have. Do you have a two inch baffle in stock? Them: What model number Cobra pipes do you have? Me: (exasperated) I don’t know, they were installed by the previous owner. The baffle doesn’t have to be from Cobra, any two inch baffle will work for me. Them: I have to have the model number to look it up. Me: Do you have ANY baffles in stock? Them: No, we don’t carry exhaust parts in stock, but we can order them and have them for you in about a week. Me: Do you remember I said I was traveling and just passing through? Them: But if you really need it…. Me: Never mind (click) (Ring) Them: Hello, @#$%#@ Harley Davison, how may I direct your call? Me: Parts department please. Them: Parts. Me: Yes, I’m traveling through town and have lost one of my exhaust baffles. Do you happen to have a two inch exhaust baffle in stock? Them: What kind of bike do you have? Me: I have two inch, after market, Cobra pipes. But any brand of baffle will work for me. It doesn’t have to be Cobra. Them: Let’s see here, I show I have a couple baffles in stock, but they are not Cobras. Me: That’s great!! I don’t care about the brand. They are two inch, right? Them: Well… these are inch and three quarters. That is a close as I can get. Me: That’s good but I need two inch. Them: What kind of bike is this going on? Me: Well….it’s a 2001 Honda Shadow, but it has the two inch Cobra exhaust installed. Them: We don’t sell Honda parts. You better call them. You want their number? Me: Never mind (click).
  4. Well after my family sold my dad's 69 Shelby Ragtop, I had to have a new collectible. The guy who bought the car had this little sweetie to sell. I won't tell what I paid, but I got a great deal. It is a 1999 Saleen Cobra Speedster. One of only 352 built with the cobra motor. 421 Hp Dynoed. We will keep it in Utah for awhile, but I plan on bringing it back down to warmer temps
  5. Just curious, why are only Road King mentioned as an alternative exhaust as all HD (touring) use the same size pipes. Just wondering as there are countless alternatives for the HD folks to buy, (Rush, Rinehart, Cobra, Sampson, Chrome Works, Barron's, Screaming Eagle... you get the idea) Why wouldn't they fit the RSTD? Tom
  6. well, after putting almost 7000 miles on my 08 1600 kaw. nomad, i have decided it is a keeper. i wanted one from the day they first came out. in the 90's. then last year when i arrived at the international at the hub there was a nomad sitting there that looked like new. it was the dark green that i fell in love with in the nineties. i was going to approach the guy with an offer and it was gone. well that sparked my urge to buy one. we'll long story short after shopping around i got an 08 1600. what a bike it is. i have done quite a bit to it to personalize it to my liking. anyone that wants the v-twin experience. i recomend a nomad . the only up front complaints were the lean engine conditions that the cobra 2000r fixed, and the ultra quiet exaust, which the cobra true duals took care of. anyone that wants a v-twin i 100% recommend the nomad as no.1 on the list. bill
  7. I had an emergency tire change this past weekend while on a trip in Arkansas. I had checked my Avon Venoms before the trip, and with 6000 miles on them I thought I was golden. At the Queen Wilhemina Hotel on the Talimena Parkway near Mena, AR, one of our group spotted cords. And not just a few. I had mistreated the tire, letting it run low on a trip. I knew it would have a shortened life, but in 500 miles it had gone through the bars and into the cords. The one tire I could find in Mena on a Saturday was a 150/80-15 IRC Wild Flare. So I am running the wrong size with a tire dubious effectiveness. (Anyone every heard of this tire?) I don't think the Avon was defective, but I am ready to try something new. My local shop here doesn't stock Dunlop Elite IIIs (they called them GoldWing tires??). It will take 5-10 days to get one for $153.99. That seems like a decent price, but I want to ride next Friday. When I inquired about getting an Avon Venom, I was informed that they were replaced with the Avon Cobra. I can get one for $147.99 by Saturday. What is the difference between the Cobra and the Venom? I was told they have an extra channel to improve wet performance. Should I wait 10 days for the Elite 3, or is the Cobra a good tire? Dave
  8. I am reposting this here to answer some questions in other threads. The Avon Cobra I am running on the frount is 150/80R/16 radial frount tire. I bought mine from Bikebandit.com, it was 164.95 Plus 7.95 shipping. they ship fast too. For me this is one of the best things I have done for the RSV, it seems to solve all of the handling problems, and rides great. I do have the kumho ct on back, its a great combo. I really believe that the RSV needs radial tires. I am reposting pictures of mine mounted on the 2004, I will check with Micky he has my 2000 which has the cobra and nexum, to see how many miles he has on it now. Gregg
  9. What PSI are you running in the Avon Cobra Radial front tire? TIA
  10. Finally got the brickstone off and the cobra mounted on frount. Avon Cobra 150/80R/16 Radial Going from the brick to the cobra radial, improved ride and handling, I knew the ride would be much better, but I did not realize that the handling would be so drastically improved. The brickstone had plenty of tread but rode like a brick, and apparently made the bike handle bad. Road to my Dr. appointment today up I-75 and was very happy, rides and handles like my 2000 RSV did, but without the chrip. The cobra is the perfect mate for the kumho on back. Trust me the cobra is the frount tire for the darkside, its the right size and its a frount radial not a rear running backward. Tire came from bikebandit order Sunday evening before and went to work, got it tuesday. tire was 154.95 plus 7.95 shipping, tire dealer in town put in on the rim $10. Gregg
  11. I would like to put the cobra fatty highway bars on my 98 royalstar, but they dont make the fattys for it. GD Cobra all to H**L lol!!! anyways does anyone know about how to get them to fit? would the road star ones fit possibly or maybe the roadliner? anybody wanna bend me some up for a fee? lol:fireman:
  12. Has anyone tried the new Avon Cobra tires for the 2nd Gen? I'm just curious to how they compare to the Venoms.
  13. Am considering getting the Cobra 75 CB remote to install on the 1100. Anybody have any experieince with this unit. Would appreciate any comments, pro or con........... Thanks much.
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