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Found 9 results

  1. Hi Guys, I'm in the process of upgrading to LED bulbs on one of 86 Venture Royals. I have already converted the headlight and it sure makes a difference. I have read several articles and forum posts of guys who have already done this and there have been several references made to "Jumper the CMU for headlight, running, and brake lights" so the dash warning indicator isn't constantly lit due to the CMU thinking there is a bulb burnt out caused by the greatly reduce electrical draw from the more efficient LED bulbs. Although there is very detailed info about converting to LED's, I have not been able to find details of what the steps are to perform this "Jumper on the CMU". Any experts out there who have already performed this "jumper" process on the CMU that could point me in the right direction of which solder points I need to jumper for Headlight and Brake lights? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi- looking for a cmu for the 85vr. I can't locate a reason why 3, sometimes 4 warning lights are on as well as the red warning light, so I am down to shotgunning it. Ordered a fuseblock kit from skydoc, and I'd like to locate a cmu in the meantime. I "think" 84-86 will fit but I'm not sure and hate to buy an incompatable one. (if I can even find one). Thanks! Kevin
  3. Finally took the plunge, and ordered a HID kit. While I had the front of the bike open, I decided to jumper the reed switches, for future considerations. I've seen all of the posts concerning the jumpers, but not on an 85 CMU. My question is this: Do I jumper all 4 of the reed switches, or only certain ones?? Thanks!! Bill W.
  4. ive installed h.i.d. and led's. someone please send me pics of how to use jumpers on the cmu to correct the idiot lights. thans. i have to solder the CLASS so i might as well get the cmu out again.
  5. The difficulty separating the plugs was overcome by using WD40 and all the CMU wire connectors looked good but I sprayed them with electrical cleaner anyway. I now have the LCD display out of the CMU. Could a blown fuse be the cause of no LCD display? The warning light is the only thing that lights up when the ignition is on. Looked at this thread on the CMU removal and soldering on a MK1: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33328 Hopefully it is the same as doing it on a MK2. Is it the strips indicated that need to be soldered or the connections (bumps)?
  6. So I got the CMU loose but I'm having difficulty getting the plugs out of the back to release it completely. They don't seem to want to budge. Is there some trick to unplugging them?
  7. Hey, I am having trouble with the fuel gauge. The sender has been replaced. Currently the tank has done 24 miles since full, and the resistance across the sender is 60 Ohms. So all correct there. The wires from the CMU to the sender both have continuity, and, when connected, the hot (Green/White) side is reading just over 5V. Yesterday I removed the CMU and resoldered a few joints, but mainly it looked to be in very good shape. When I got this bike just about every warning light remained on, and we are now down just to the fuel gauge. Could someone check for me what the voltage should be if when the gauge is displaying correctly, because what I am left with appears to be needing a new CMU. If we have any really, really well informed readers, who know which parts of the CMU control the gas gauge, then I could investigate the precise path in the CMU. There is some small, intermittent fault here as I have, on a couple of occasions, seen the gauge work, or at least try to with the gas pump icon out, and one or two bars on the gauge. Thanks.
  8. I have my 89 VR at Earl's home and he is doing some mechanical work on the engine and rebuilding the brakes, etc.. Yesterday he informed me by e-mail that my CMU has shorted out. And the Reserve Lighting unit is also DOA. The PO put a battery sensor mod in the bike and did not do it correctly. Consequently, the wiring shorted out and burned up the CMU. Does anyone have a CMU or RLU they are willing to sell? Thanks Jim
  9. so I got the modified headlight system (with the two bulbs) and i am installing this, aside from some broken tabs which needed fixing I get the thing in, tried a different RSL and re-soldered the CMU to get the high beam working. so far so good! I'm getting ready to install the other half of the front fairing when I discover the tail light, brake light and all my running lights are out (they are all LEDs) Zip, zilch, nada. first thought it was a busted fuse, not! The tail light fuse does get hotter then a firecracker though and next thing I know I look up and I have smoke coming from the CMU:headache:. there are four wrapped coils on the back and the TOP one on the left (fuel gauge side) has the clear coating melted off. any suggestions as to what might have happened? any ideas as to how to resolve this? anyone have a spare, working CMU laying around that they might want to part with? Do you deliver and can you do so today Thanks!
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