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Found 19 results

  1. So... bored sitting on the couch and watching Deadliest Catch. Seeing all that Twitter crap going along the screen. Pick up the phone..Google Twitter..and the next thing I know I have a Twitter account. Now I don't have a clue what to do with it. I don't want/need to foll a bunch of garbage..so I started thinking/wondering..anything good motorcycle related ? So... Is there ??
  2. my brother bought a fairly nice looking wing but is having trouble winding some parts, mainly the brake lines, dealer says they are no longer made, anyone have a clue as to where to start looking for such an item,, thanks,, steve p.s. brakelines and hoses,,,
  3. My son has a Dodge Caravan. 03 with 3.8 engine. He said it had been missing some. He is one of those that keeps driving as long as it will go. Thing is he started it the other morning and it ran for a short time and quit. It will crank but no start. He checked fuses and replaced Coil Pack. ( I ain't got a clue why) Anyway it cranks but no start. He claims no fire. 1st place to look? He wants to borrow my Ranger and those Varmits of his will trash the interior and outside given time. HELP!!! You know I can't say NO!
  4. Looking for my cell phone yesterday and could not find it. Well I was unloading the dishwasher and guess what was in there? I have no clue how it got there but I thought of Eck right away and just had to share.
  5. Anyone doing online contests? I am doing the fiat USA Facebook contest and the fox.com/Alcatraz contest for a new mustang. I missed the 1st round so working on the 2nd round. I got the the 1st answer (puzzle 16) and couldn't figure out the rest. I think of myself as a smart person but these things I haven't got a clue. Thankfully there are folks out there that have figured it out and posted the answers and explanations in most cases. Even after the answers are explained I still have no clue how to solve it after trying to reverse engineer the puzzles.
  6. Ok, I was changing my spark plugs and about half way through I noticed a small oblong shaped nut on the floor, I have no clue where it came from. Any ideas?
  7. i am a new supporting member and would like to ask a question on tec forum and have no clue how to go about doing it could anyone help thanks Dave
  8. Ok - I give up. I'm looking for info on the brackets that go on the guard to bolt the carbon one highway supports to. I bought a set from Carbon one at MD but don't have a clue what other bracket I need. These aren't anything more than a hunk of metal w/o the clamps to bolt to. Thanks
  9. I can find GL-3-4-5. I can find GL-5 (with hypoid additive). Can't find GL-4 (which is spec'd). I can find more conflicting information than I really want to read. Anybody got a clue as to whether GL-5 is safe to use in our pumpkins???
  11. I would like to add a power supply (hard wired) off my 12 volt supply to run my 5th gen. Nano. Anybody have a clue. I have seed it on other RSV's but never asked the important questions.
  12. All the tests are done results are back and they don't have a clue! Good news is pains that started all this seem to be gone. Don't know why she had them but they said they straightened tube with probe. Not what they told us at first. Told us it would take surgery to do it. Thats good news ?? All done they don't have a clue but don't want to admit it. They say there is nothing bad in there but want to check again in May??? Good news is she is doing good. Has a little tenderness in kidney area but mouth is working fine!!! I'm in for it if she reads that one!!! :whistling:I'll let you know if I NEED HELP!!!
  13. Okay, now for a dumb question. I just purchased a 2005 RSTD and I have no idea how to adjust the shocks. The previous owner lost the manual and I checked the bike out and cannot find any clue as to how to physically introduce air into the shocks, both the front and rear. Can anyone answer this simple question for me? Thanks!
  14. jkt69

    CB usage

    Taking a road trip tomorrow. Are there general channels to go to for information and such? All I know about our CB is I make sure all bikes are on the same channel. Squelch, etc. I have no clue really how to get the most of it.
  15. a thread that was posted about a company that sold a bar with running lights that goes on the rear trunk behind the luggage rack. It was really inexpensive, around $30.00-$40.00, I think. I saw the post when I first joined back in May and thought it would be a good birthday present for Gary. Don't know what the thing a ma jig is called. :confused24:Spoiler? Anyway, if someone has a clue where that post is...
  16. I was cleaning the contacts for the front brake stop light switch and when I put it back together and gave it a test, the cover wasn't on tightly and the spring popped it off! I have been looking at a parts diagram but I can't find the part number anywhere, or even see it on a diagram! I'll have to go to the stealership in the morning to see if I can order one, but I find they can be a little slack when it comes to searching for things like this. Anyone have a clue? Thanks
  17. that asks a lot of questions around here, but your all kind enough to usually clue me in so here's a couple more. 1. When people reply "bump" what does that mean? 2. Different threads state something like...."You know the rules" (especially about posting pix of meet and eats)...Is there really such a thing as rules on this web site and if so can somebody clue me in on what all the rules are. Just don't want to go breaking any! If you look close enough on my pix you'll see the word "gullible" tattooed on my forehead.
  18. Next weekend I'm picking up a gently used Piggybacker trailer. I would like to get the componets to wire it this week but I have no clue on what is needed. Can someone out there point me in the right direction on this. Thanks for the help.
  19. With the help of some of you ( Rocket, danob ), I got my clutch tore out and started to put it back together. I decided I just needed to take it in and have everything looked at so after I put the stack back in but before new seal and cover was on I tried to start it with no luck. It actually acts as if you are trying to start it in gear, it just wont roll over at all. Plus the clutch lever is like a rock. Now obviously I didn't put something back together right but have no clue what it is. I put all the plates back in exactly the way they came out well I thought but probably not. Anyone have any ideas. I need to get it running so I can at least get it to the shop, too nice of weather for it just to be sitting in pieces in the garage. Thanks
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