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  1. I recently went out with family members to see some local musicans at a club here in town. While waiting for the show to start i was looking out the big front windows at the traffic and watched as a sidecar pulled up to the corner. It had a Velorex 700 attached just like my old one. and it looked like it was on a Yamaha like my old one. In fact it was my old rig. It pulled up in front of the club and parked. I ran out to talk to the owner who wasn't the guy i sold the bike to. He had just bought it and loved it. i told him all kinds of stories about its history and i gave him my number in case he needed any info on the bike. It was nice to see her again and see someone enjoying it as much as i did. Its always nice to run into an old friend.
  2. Sailor

    Gun Club

    I know this is off the subject of bikes but since guns seem to come up here frequently I just thought I would post this. Please do not feel obligated, it is our battle but your e-mail would help. On Saltspring we have a Rod and Gun club. A developer has bought the property next door and is trying to have the club shut down. We have been blindsided by the local ruling body ( the Capitol Regional District) in that they are about to pass bylaws which would basically shut down our club so the developer can make himself richer. They are doing this without any consultation with the club or the community. We got notice yesterday ( Monday, Sept 17 ) that they were going to consider this bylaw on Wed Sept 19. This leaves us little time to respond. If you feel like helping e-mail your opinion to the following people. directorjdf@crd.bc.ca directorsgi@crd.bc.ca directorssi@crd.bc.ca ssirodandgun@gmail.com Thanks ...Sailor aka Rainman aka Kerry Butler
  3. Yesterday my son asked why I didn't do something useful with my time. He suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys. I did this and when I got home last night I told him that I had joined a parachute club. He said, "Are you nuts? You're almost 62 years old and you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?" I proudly showed him that I even got a membership card. He said to me, "Good grief, where are your glasses! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club." I'm in trouble again, and I don't know what to do... I signed up for five jumps a week. Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier.
  4. After a couple of incidents in the last couple of weeks, one involving a friend of mine, I thought I'd throw this out as a reminder of the rules and standards involving the other end of the motorcyling world. The Clubs. This is most certainly not intended as a post to incite arguments of right or wrong or who has what rights to do what. It's just a reminder that another part of the motorcycle social structure is different from what most are used to. But in my opinion, everyone of us needs to be aware of the rules they live by. We all expect a certain amount of respect, some demand it. The lack of respect to a club or even a single member has a price and it's not cheap. My friend found out the hard way. He's learning. He was not trying to cause problems and had no idea that he was causing one with his behavior. But with that said, this is worth a read for those unfamiliar with club rules and how to respond to club members and interact with them. Might save someone from getting schooled..... the hard way. http://www.rcvsmc.net/id4.html Just info. Nothing more. Mike
  5. For something a little bit different go to my profile and open my album.This is a ride I took with my friends in the Utah British Bike Club in July just after the 4th.Great guys great bikes and beautiful scenery.I hope to have my BSA 500cc Royal Star running by the time this ride rolls around again.
  6. Hello, For the 20th anniversary of the Venture Club of France, I made a little movie of our meeting of May: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qPXyHN9RDg&feature=youtu.be Part 2: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZPrKnNyS7U]20 ans VCF Part2 - YouTube[/ame] Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlSMcZAkXYA&feature=youtu.be Chris
  7. I belong to a small local riding club and decided that it would be fun to join another club (More clubs, more riding, right?), that was affiliated with what I ride. So...I joined the Star Riders club and went onto their forum (It's free, anyway). It took a couple of weeks to hear back from the president who looks after memberships. Then, I noticed on the forum that there was talk of a recent split between the Northern Stars (Canadian version) and the international group. And judging from the various threads on the forum, the split was not quite amicable. At this point they said a new patch would be designed. In the meantime I contacted the pres. to find out who ran the local chapter. It seems that director of the local chapter had quit but that I could ride with groups from nearby chapters about 72 km (45 mi.) to 118 km (73 mi.) away!! I like to ride, but that's a long way to go for a weekly evening ride - and then have to ride all the way back. Yeah, I know, it's all about riding but this wasn't what I wanted. I said that I would be willing to be director of a local chapter and what did I have to do? That's nice said he, we'll talk about it sometime?!? It's been a while since then and as I have checked out their web site, I noticed that the pics are usually of the Star twins and of guys trying to look like a gang rather than a club. Now I'm not criticizing but that didn't look like my style. As well, I noted on the forum that there were already some "discussions" going on about the new patch and how it had been chosen. These folks seem to like to argue! Mostly, they seem very disorganized. In the meantime, I'd had the opportunity to meet and ride with the local GWRRA chapter and attend some of their functions. Really great group of people who like to ride and to support each other. While they obviously prefer their Goldwings, anyone is welcome to join their rides. On one ride, we had, in addition to the Goldwings, a Venture (Guess who?)), a couple of Kawi Vulcans, a Suzuki boulevard and even a Suzuki Burgman! I eventually realized that what really attracted me to the group was their attitude - it was like the one found on this forum. Let's ride, let's have fun and if we occasionally bump heads, well - we'll get over it. So - I paid my money and joined - I get the magazine, the roadside help for my bike and a large group of riders right here in town. I don't plan on getting rid of my Venture but I do plan on staying with this group. As for the Star Riders? Well, if they ever get themselves organized (At least in this neck of the woods) and decide to develop a better attitude then I may look at them again. In the meantime, these GWRRA guys have got all kinds of neat rides and activities planned, so it should be a fun season! Andy
  8. As a member of the MN Motorcycle Awareness Board, one of our tasks was developing a Public Safety Awareness (PSA) spot to be run on the local media. The link below is what we came up with. http://www.minnpost.com/minnclips/2012/03/look-twice-motorcyclists-psa?utm_source=MinnPost+e-mail+newsletters&utm_campaign=db26f78f1f-3_22_2012_Daily_Newsletter3_22_2012&utm_medium=email What do you think..... Also, if you have a mind to, please feel free to pass this along to others through your face book page, blogs, club media, any other outlets you may have access to. We had five video spots submitted for consideration. And, it was unanimous with all board members that this message hit the mark best of all.
  9. Finally got home after some crazy days of burnedout clutch.the bike ran great thu the backroads of Ky,Ill,and Mo. Got to Branson,got in traffic on the hills clutch started slipping. On the 3rd hill had to pull over it quite moving.Called AAA to haul the bike to the timeshare 3 miles away ,they said NO because I didn't have RV coverage.Had to leave it in a parking lot.Called the Yamaha dealer in Harrison Ark.they said it would cost between $450 to $500 to fix and $150-$180 to get a rollback to haul it 38miles to the dealer.So I knew where to go,VENTURERider forum.The responce was overwheming.First Etcswtoe called with names of members close to Branson ,second Dik01 ,who live about 50 miles away, calle d and offered to get a trailer to take it to the dealer,third Randy R called told me of condor post of bleeding the clutch and then called Goose to call me, and then Goose called me .He talked me out of taking it to the dealer.He walked me step by step how to Repair the clutch and also the phone number of where to get the new clutch.Followed PCW"s and GOOse"s instructions ,had the bike's clutch in 1 1/2 hrs. ANyone can put a clutch in it is simple fix.My Brother-in-law was so supprised my the calls that he has applied for membership.Anyone who doesn't join a club like this one has to be nuts. YOU RIDERS made me realize that there are still people in this country who care. TO ALL THE CLUB MEMBERs WHO HELP ME I WANT TO GIVE YOU A SPECIAL THANK YOU.
  10. A little over 6 years ago my brother-in-law started a motorcycle club in Franklin Indiana. 9 of use went together an got a old house. Last year we had a garage built for we could work on our motorcycles and build a few of them. Well last weekend we had another MC club take us in to there club that has been around Indianapolis since 1968. No they are not 1%er. Here is a video of ride to patch over. [ame=http://vimeo.com/28615368]Aug 28 2011 Ride To The Patch Over on Vimeo[/ame] A video after the patch over we ride through downtown Indianapolis. [ame=http://vimeo.com/28610697]Aug 28 2011 The Ride After The Patch Over on Vimeo[/ame]
  11. I received this message from an ex-venturerider who sold his bike over a year ago. He remembered though that some of our members had been members of the Virago club and some may have known Mike Vehovic. Don, Hi, it's been over a year since I sold my Venture so I'm not sure what's happening on the forum but I know that some of your members were also part of the Virago Owners Club (VOC). We lost a brother this week in a tragic accident, Mike Vehovic from the Indiana PA area. It's suspected that a medical condition contributed to this, as Mike was a very safe rider. Perhaps you can let your members know as some of them may have known Mike. http://www.indianagazette.com/a_police_courts/article_8a4fa2b2-c1c5-5be9-ae59-134bdb564945.html The VOC members are in stunned shock over this. He was a good man, a good family man, and a good friend who will be missed by all who knew him. Mike Vehovic, R.I.P.
  12. Don't know if any if the Indiana member has see this. I jus found out about it last nite. A club that I belong to is going to ride in it. http://www.project911indianapolis.org/Project_911_Indianapolis/Ride_Information.html
  13. If you wear a leather vest and choose to put a LARGE back patch on it with territorial "rockers" under the patch you are in violation of the Motorcycle Protocol of any 1%'er Club which may be located in your State. Make no mistake about it....These 1%'ers take this SERIOUSLY and will confront you. If you are lucky they will request you take off the vest....There will be NO 2nd request forthcoming....There will be no discussion/debate from them regarding your RIGHT to wear whatever you want. Violence is the norm because this violation of their Motorcycle Protocol is a direct insult and show of disrespect to their Club. I'm posting this in the best interest of ALL members of this Site. I will NOT debate this issue on this Forum. To each his own regarding your individual actions. Regards and respect to all......Boomer
  14. Considering joining the Canadian Cruisers club here in Victoria BC... anybody here belong to this club? Is it very active? Thanks for any info.
  15. Some of you know it already but for those who aren't aware of the change. New Enough has changed their name to Motorcycle Gear. I have replaced the old newenough.com banner with the motorcyclegear.com banner. They are a great company and through your purchases, have donated several hundred dollars in gift certificates to our club and 100% of those contributions have been returned to members here in the form of raffles, prizes, etc. Please continue to select venturerider.org as your club of choice during the checkout process when you purchase from motorcyclegear.com The company has not changed. It has not sold and is not under new management. They have just changed their name to reflect the fact that they are no longer a used motorcycle garment dealer as they started out but are now a great vendor of NEW quality merchandise at great prices.
  16. I talked to my friend and fellow member John Gibson (Raceman62race) today who informed me he is now a member of that club that nobody want's to join but some of us are inducted to. The Rider Down Club. Evidently on the way home yesterday he was waiting at a light when a mini-van coming up on his right side tried to make a left turn, careened off a couple of vehicles before hitting him on his right side ejecting him off his bike and wipeing out the right side of his 2nd gen Venture. He is alright, relatively speaking, and did not break anything after hitting the ground hard. He said he was pretty sore and was on the way to his doctor for pain meds for bruised hip and side. John is a good friend and a super guy if you've met him. He thinks his bike may be totalled and I'm asking for your prayers and well wishes for his speedy recovery and bike settlement with the insurance company so he can be back riding on two wheels soon.
  17. One of the local Harley dealers has had a little bit of a sign change on their building. They are now a BMW and Vespa dealer. Cannot wait to see the Vespa club there in the parking lot some Saturday morning with all the hard core Harley riders.
  18. I will be bringing with me to MD for anyone who is interested Venturerider headwraps...I will have the traditional black, flamed, and I have a limited supply of checkerboard wraps.....all proceeds go to the club as always....prices will be $7.00 each or 3 for $20.00. here is a pic of the new checkerboard design...
  19. Sold my 83 venture this morning. Not by choice but eating is always nice. Thanks to everyone that has helped me with information on my bike. The new owner said he will join on the club. Again thanks.
  20. As most of you know by now, Bob Edwards departed this world yesterday, Friday April 30th, 2010. Many of you also know that Bob was a co-founder of the Venturers Motorcycle Club along with my self in 1997. Here is a short excerpt from the Venturers history page. "In early 1997 Bob Edwards purchased a 1983 Yamaha Venture touring motorcycle. Living in the small state of Rhode Island with few sources of information, he resorted to the World Wide Web, looking for any references about this rig. Soon he found a discussion board with many Venture owners who were feeling rejected because of Yamaha's discontinuance of the marque. Bob decided to start a webpage in hopes of meeting others in the same predicament. The "Yamaha Venture Webpage" was born in the winter of 1997. Later in 1997 Don Nelson of Texas (at the time), in a unrelated effort, started a discussion forum based on the Yamaha Venture Royale he had just purchased. The two websites continued to grow independently throughout 1997 into early 1998." It was shortly after that when Bob and I combined our efforts to create what is now the Venturers Motorcycle Club. Obviously there came a time when I decided to go my own way to create the VentureRiders club and to be honest, there were some periods during that time when Bob and I did not always see eye to eye on various issues. I am so very thankful that any bad feelings between the two of us were put to rest long ago and he and I did share a number of emails over the past few months about the dreaded disease of cancer that we were both fighting with. Unfortunately, his was much worse than mine. It would not be hard to come up with a LOT of great things to say about Bob but I will try to keep it short. The biggest thing is that he had a huge heart, a sincere love for riding and genuine feelings for the many that he counted as friends and a fierce loyalty to the club that he helped found. I feel that my life was enriched by knowing Bob. I am glad that I was able to meet him face to face and ride with him at least one time and I will never forget the warm person that I learned him to be. Some of the emails of support that he sent to me in regards to my own cancer when he himself was fighting a much harder battle with his own...I will cherish his kind words and he will not be forgotten. Godspeed our friend....we will someday ride together again......
  21. I rec'd this email today from Martin at Sirius:Can you stop the add for a week or two or just mention we are already sold out...we have about 100 more coming soon and I will let you know they are back in stock...getting flood of e-mails from your club already. Said he expects it to be a week or two before he gets more inventory, and he will let me know as soon as that happens. I'll post that info here when I get it. Guess we are keeping them busy!
  22. As a memeber of this fine club, I have found the most helpful, honest and friendly "friends" you could ever want to meet. I am in need of an electrician to help out at the house. I need the large AC unit rewired due to the wrong size wire used when the house was built, and I need my new garage to have a couple of lights installed. I travel alot and am unable to assist or look around for someone to help the wife out with this problem. I know the club members here network and I am hoping this could be a rewarding experience for both of us. LOL Ride safe and stay warm.
  23. All wraps were shipped out today......(except Yamaducks... check your PM's)..LOOK for them in your mailboxes in a couple of days...Canadian members also look for yours...still have about a dozen on hand, some of each color...will not be ordering more till after Christmas.....remember these ,along with any other item I take care of for the club can be ordered year round..Some people seem to think that these items are one shot deals....check out the vrstore for those stocking stuffers or gifts for yourself or your loved ones....support our club....thank you for listening to another rant from me.... I know..I'm shameless:whistling:
  24. Quickstep and I are leaving in the morning(Friday) on our first decent trip away riding since the accident in 2007!! Going down to Albany (that's AL-bany, not ALL-bany) which is on the south coast of Western Australia--to join about 80-90 other Ulysses Club members and take part in a Christmas Pageant. The club is having their AGM and Rally down there in March 2010 and we are helping to promote it. Leaving on a 37'C day, and travelling about 500 KLM's--to arrive in 24"C (thank goodness) we are coming home Sunday. So, musn't forget to pack some tinsel and decorations for the quike. Oh, and Quickstep is my "Pillion in a Million"
  25. I am working with the vendor on making up head wraps with our club name silk screened on the front...I am not taking orders now but because there is a minimun order required, I need to know if there is enough interest in having these made up...the cost will be $7.00 each which will include shipping to the lower 48 states...two variations will be offered....if you think you would be interested in odering one of these, please post below....If there is enough interest , I can have these ready to go in about 2 weeks .....these are the products to be offered without the club name on them...............UPDATE.......OK...OK...We have enough interest to take orders...Freebird will be posting an ad for them in the VRstore soon...I will start taking orders once it is in.....if you have shown interest and want to order please follow instructions in the ad..thank you for supporting ''OUR CLUB''.......
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