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  1. Happy Birthday! Your 1 more year closer to retirement.
  2. I've been busy dismantling my wrecked 91VR. Before I take this stuff to the dump, I'd though I would give the group a look. Some of you are pretty creative. If you want a closer look at a specific item, just point it out.
  3. I don't post much but I have to share this. I went to my 4th PGR mission today at DFW National and while waiting for the briefing a medium sized HD (maybe a Dyna, I think bigger than a Sportster, not really sure, I was looking at the guy in amazement) came tooling by ridden by a guy with his right arm completely missing. Turns out he was part of the escort for the hero and part of the funeral party so I didn't get a chance to talk to him or look at his bike closer. Yall may have seen this before but it was a new one on me. I'm still slack jawed about it. He was a real slim dude, too. Couldn't have weighted over 150 lbs. Maybe less. I was impressed. Just Jim
  4. To go along with Eck's question about blockers, I have a question about group rider spacing. I am not a fan of everyone bunched up real close, but I have been on several group rides that got very strung out, even without any cages mixed in. It has appeared to me that the first three or four bike tends to set the trend, even if there are 30 or more bikes in the group. If the lead bikes run closer, the rest seem to ride closer. I know that when I am riding where there is good scenery, I am not comfortable looking around while in a group. But it also irritates me for the group to get strung out when there is 200 to 300 feet between bikes. I think this also irritates cagers when they would prefer not to pull out into the group, but being so strung out makes them inpatient. When riding 40 to 50 mph on a nice two lane, is there a preference for spacing? RandyA
  5. I want to move my handle bars back a little. After my first "long distance" ride to MD I came to the conclusion that the pain in my shoulders was due to reaching forward to grip the bars. Si I took off the ignition switch cover and removed the big nuts and moved each bar back 1 spline. Due to the rake angle this also lowered the grips to the point that they were hitting the battery/air cleaner cover. So I loosened the upper bar nuts and raised the grip by 1 spline. this got them back to their original height. I have been riding it this way for a week now to try to get used to the new feel but I just don't like the new feel either. I do like the for/aft position as I can now utilize the backrest to actually support my back better since I am not leaning forward. When the bars came back it also moved them a lot closer together and angled them back more. This combined with having to raise the grips for clearance puts the grips an an angle that causes a significant outward bend in my wrists that is uncomfortable. Also with the grips closer together I am no longer pushing into the curves but more of a pulling the bars sideways type of feel. This makes the bike feel very unsteady at low speed and I do not feel like I have solid control at high speed. I was thinking of getting out the hot wrench to re-bend the bars to get back to the correct ergonomic angle for my wrists. and end up closer to having the effect of the bars just being moved straight back and not closer together. Before I attack it with the torch I want to acquire a spare set of bars, JUST in case. Or does anyone have any other ideas to just move the bars straight back without messing up everything else? While searching, I did find someone that was going to make a set of 1st gen bar backs. I thought of that but I have no way to make an internal and external spline to mount the bars to.
  6. I got off work Thursday night (12/29) and agreed to meet my wife and her parents at the SeaIsland Shrimp House in Live Oak. As I pulled up there was another bike in the parking lot with the blue engine glow lights on. As I got closer to it I realized it was an RSV. I was going to put one of my Venturerider cards on it, but it had a proximity alarm that chirped the closer you got to it. Pretty bike although I couldn't tell the color in the dark due to the blue LEDs on the engine and lowers. Gave me another idea for some more "Safety Accessories" though. Anyone here. I know It wasn't Buddyrich or JB, I have seen their bikes.
  7. Little more than 2 weeks before the largest bike show in North America. Who's going and when? I'll be there on the Saturday late afternoon or early evening. Have to work that day so might end up going on Sunday but will confirm closer to the event. http://www.supershowevents.com/super/index.html
  8. So all warm season riding was fine and my brake lever reach problem had subsided.here it is again.the lever is too far and also very hard to squeeze.Are there after market levers available that for closer to the grip. I checked and lubed all pivot points again and the lever is just so damn hard to squeeze Am I being a baby?
  9. I on 3 mostly wooded acres with continuous woods winding thru the nearby hillsides.. About 3 am this morning I'm awoken by the distant and unmistakable baying of a beagle in the distance. I've heard one in the woods before. But... he gets closer and closer. Now I have 2 large dogs, both of whom are barkers themselves, including a year old female lab-pyrenees mix who must have swallowed a Stebel air horn when she was a pup. Its cooling off nicely at night now, so I have the windows open. So both of my dogs join in the chorus, to show support for the beagle hot on the trail of something. I'm hoping the beagle catches the rabbit that has been eating my garden flowers. He gets closer, or louder depending on ones viewpoint. My 2 dogs are going nuts. Well, whatever he was chasing must have just gone up a tree just outside my bedroom window. Isn't that nice!! The beagle sits there for what seemed an hour, but was probably only 10 minutes or so, letting loose. I'm tempted to get my shotgun out of the closet and shoot either whatever was being chased, or maybe the beagle.. but I refrain, neighbors would just call the police and I'd never get any sleep. I try to wrestle my 2 dogs to the floor to shut them up, but did you ever try to hold 2 80lb squirming dogs at once while they were intent on exercising their god-given voices? I give up and get a bowl of icecream and flip open my laptop computer to see what other fools are posting to the internet at this hour of the morning. I see the chinese spammers are busy at work tonight... Whatever went up the tree, seems to have escaped. I hear the beagle's call fading over the hill. My 2 dogs want a biscuit. Did I mention that I hate beagles?
  10. I posted a CL link to this trailer in Colorado Springs, but thought I would put the pics here too. I've never seen a trailer like this before. If I were closer I'd go look just to see it in action.
  11. Can the handle bars on an 89 VR be moved closer. Closer meaning so the grips are brought closer together so my arms are not so far appart. Maybe 2 inches for each side. If that can be done, then can the bars be moved higher. Higher meaning so the grips are raised some. Because by bring the grips in a couple inches the grips I think drops some, so need to compensate by raising the grip position. I'm not wanting to do any extreme adjustments. This would allow me to sit back a little more onto my backrest which is already at its most forward position. Lastly what type of slow extremely speed handleing or manuvering balance might I encounter if the adjustments are possible. I'm only about 170lb, 5' 8" and so I can't man handle the VR.
  12. I was just wondering if anyone knew if you could use this http://www.cyclesolutions.net/product/sku-GM-Y122 to bring the handle bars on a 2006 RSTD back 1 1/2 inches towards the rider. In this drawing http://www.monmouthcycles.com/fiche_section_detail.asp?section=200100&category=motorcycles&make=YAMAHA&year=2006&fveh=4551 it looks like you could put it between 11 & 13 to bring the bars closer. Thanks in adv. for any help
  13. I know most guys don't bother to read the tags attached to the clothing they buy. But it's time to start taking a closer look when you see one like this. At least it's PC and honest.
  14. A firefighter was working on the engine outside the Station, when he noticed a little girl nearby in a little red wagon with little ladders hung off the sides and a garden hose tightly coiled in the middle. The girl was wearing a firefighter’s helmet. The wagon was being pulled by her dog and her cat. The firefighter walked over to take a closer look. 'That sure is a nice fire truck,' the firefighter said with admiration. 'Thanks,' the girl replied. The firefighter looked a little closer. The girl had tied The wagon to her dog's collar and to the cat's testicles. 'Little partner,' the firefighter said, 'I don't want to tell you how to run your rig, but if you were to tie that rope around the cat's collar, I think you could go faster. ' The little girl replied thoughtfully, 'You're probably right, but then I wouldn't have a siren.'
  15. I've got stubby little arms to go with my stubby little legs, so I'm going to need to move the bars back a little closer when I get my RSV. Has anyone here tried these? They look pretty cool. http://www.jpcycles.com/product/ZZ50825?N=2757835&results=100
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-Royale-1983-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-XZV-1200-No-Reserve-/270618595158?pt=US_motorcycles#v4-31 Lower farings are missing and only extras I see at all are chrome air intakes and front fender rail but this one caught my eye for some reason. Wish it were closer. Be a good one to build your own!!
  17. If I were closer the Warden and I would be having a discussion about now..... That is a Royale with 19k!!!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-Yamaha-Venture-Royal-XVZ1200-/260640266616?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3caf5ed978 Them knots on my head don't heal so good anymore!!
  18. Went to a junk auction last night and saw a viborator sander going thru. Thought it was good chance to grab something cheap and got it for 5 bucks. When I looked closer it is a "Newkita" Not exactly what I thought....Still will probally do me but..... Watch that name!!!
  19. My 83 Venture has the stock adjustable handlebars, but I can't get them where I want them. I've had them in and out, up and down, and nothing seems right. I want the handles to be closer to the seat, but when they are swiveled back, the angle is wrong and my wrists ache. Anyone know how to get the actual handles closer to the seat, so I can sit up more, and have the handles at close to right angles to the wheels?
  20. is the space between the coils important? my project 86 is coming along, but will never look like a venture again, i need to get some more room inside the frame and thought i might build a new rack for the coils but being an electrical idiot i dont want to mess anything up....so can the coils be placed closer together, how close, touching each other? i know theres a great deal of energy running through them and i dont want to fry something. thanks for any help!!!
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-Yamaha-Venture-touring-motorcycle-PARTS-BIKE-only_W0QQitemZ190363592648QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item2c528de7c8 This one looks a little better than parts but no title. Guy doesn't know what he is talking about. Couple thousand miles closer I would look at it.
  22. When I bought my 1999 RSV in September, the PTT Switch on the grip did not key the CB. I finally got around to taking the switch housing apart and checking it. It is a simple two conductor contact switch. I shorted the contacts across and it keyed the CB, so I knew the the switch must be bad. After closer inspection it was just contacts that close together when you pull the switch. Used little emory cloth and cleaned the contacts up. Now it works every time. Can you hear me now?
  23. Dano

    Hey Yammer!

    Found one for ya over in Lynchburg, maybe the warden will let ya have some money! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-Yamaha-Venture-Motorcycle_W0QQitemZ330342905250QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item4ce9f8b5a2&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A317 Kinda beat up cosmetically, but good parts. If'n I was closer, I'd go get it myself! Dan
  24. :think:I just purchased a new to me 1996 ROYAL STAR TC and would like to hard wire my ZUMO 550 . Is there any power closer than the bat. that is under the seat? Any help would be appreciated TOP CAT
  25. Just got the phone call--trike kit has cleared customs in Sydney, and now will have pre-delivery check and then onto a truck for the journey to Perth. It's gettin' closer to me riding again:banana::banana::banana::banana:
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