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  1. We will be closed until 08/06/12 due to the sudden death of Patti`s father. We will answer all emails and process orders when we reopen. Thank you Allen & Patti
  2. My wife had a platinum CapitalOne credit card, last year she paid of the balance and called on the same day to tell them to close the account. The woman she talked to, said that that was no problem, got all the security confirmation to close the account and told her to cut up the card and mail it in along with a written request confirming the phone conversation. You know where this is going, don't you? Lo and behold she gets a statement which she obviously ignored because the account is closed, right?! Apparently not, they went ahead and assessed their annual membership fee and then started charges late pay fees. By the thhe time we figure out wat is what, they are claiming she owes almost $150. So she calls and is told the account couldn't be closed because it should be in writing , we already did that I believe, but, i went ahead and wrote a nice letter requesting the account be closed, because she was told that would take care of it, the balance erased and the account would be closed. Wrong!!!!! :doh:We get a letter stating that the account needs to be closed by talking to a representative :confused07::confused07:. So I call Brenda, who is visiting her mother and tell her what they said, she calls them, explains the whole thing for the, what, fifth time and is told accounts can only be closed in writing :bang head::bang head: I think we've been there??? She talked to them again last night and was told she did not notify them to close the account in a timely manner (I guess the day you pay of the balance is not timely enough) and therefore acquired the annual fee, of course they won't close the account with an open balance either. I got three words: WTF?????
  3. I just finished draining the old fluid and filling with fresh Dot 4. I bled it until I have all new fluid from the bleeder valve and no bubbles. Problem is now with the system all closed up I cant get the clutch lever to build any pressure and engage the clutch. Any suggestions to solve the problem?
  4. Still a newbie.....stupid question...the cassette door is stuck closed...not a bad thing as posted here but would like to access the aux jack...any easy fixes ..have tried wd40 spray...pushed the stupid thing every way...can this be accessed behind fairing to trip door loose thanks les
  5. :301:I usually don't order a helmet that has not been tested, but I did in this case because it was different. Got it on Friday from J & P. The looks surprised me for the good. It really is different, the eye ports like star wars Darth Vader, I can see lower without tilting my head down. The shell seems a little thicker than my Nolan, and is stiffer when taking it on and off, but once you get it on my ears are really comfortable, nothing is touching them. Whine? What whine? THIS IS THE QUIETEST HELMET I HAVE EVER OWNED. With the visor almost closed or closed no noise. Had to turn the radio up a little to hear it better. And the face shield did not fog up when riding with the shield closed. I am very happy withe this helmet. tew47
  6. Anyone have a black face cassette player laying around? I want to do the "storage" mod. My face is broken and won't stay closed. Thanks!
  7. Steve, if your up in the area can you see if the US-1 restaurant (the old sly fox) in S. Daytona is still open? A friend tried going there Friday night and it was closed. He said it didnt look abandoned but had a closed sign in the window. Kinda unusual for a Fri night. Dont make a special trip but if you just happen to head north, please check it out. Thanks, Jeff:smile5:
  8. Got the bike last week. Running ok, horrible gas mileage. Just didn't feel right. Previous owner supposedly had the carbs rebuilt. Found that one of the carbs idle air screw was closed. Set all to 2 1/2 turns and gained substantial power, but sluggish at wot. Starts great idles fine, but something still seems off. Changed plugs and wires, no change. Where I was at yesterday; gas mileage is horrendous, wot is fluttering, #3 cylinder exhaust temp 450ish and the rest 150-190ish. Starts easy, idles easy and runs down the road fine. Feels like I can drive it anywhere. This morning I decided to pull the carbs. Boy it was a pita, throttle cables at the carb were a nightmare and reinstalling the cables and the vacuum line from engine to the air box was a royal pain. Well, looks like I got half a rebuild. Looks like new diaphragms (or nice old ones), new air jets etc... The wet side was pretty nasty, but got it all cleaned out. Put it back together and started it and it now idles at 3500+ without the choke. I can hold the throttle closed and will drop to 1500, let go back up. When I put my hand slamming the throttle it barely moves. Out side cable has slack, not sure about the inner cable. Before I put the carbs on I tried to get all butterflies near closed and the same as best as my old eyes could so whatever sync that was on it is long gone. Ideas on what I can do? I don't have a sync tool, but have a single vacuum gauge. I thinkmit might be an issue with the inner throttle cable. I tried single gauge sync yesterday before I decided to pull the carbs and I had real bad flutter in the gauge so I limited flow and saw only about 1mm of vacuum in all carbs. Hopefully that changes tomorrow. I'm real tight on money right now, so I won't have a sync tool for another couple of weeks.
  9. My wife and I had a real different experince on a recent trip down I 94 each and every rest stop sign eg: next reststop 45miles and when we got up to the reststop there was a big sign saying it was closed, as we got further down the road the next one was 85 miles, but when we got to it the same sign saying reststop closed,this was on the July 4th weekend and our Canadian July 1st long weekend ! I do feel that there should have been signs stating that all of the reststops along the interstate were closed. Most travelers would not be aware of this and as many may have to use the toilet it would present a great problem.we went from I 29 at Fargo ND to Maple Grove MN, and each and every one was closed, we caught a newscast and they where saying it was because of the govt cutbacks, and no roadworks,and other cutbacks! As a male I don't have the same problem that a senior or a lady or a family with kids would have. So now you know be prepared ! ! I have a question is this happening in any other states ? ? from: ( MOBILE ) Winnipeg MB. Canada
  10. The Corps of Eng is going to open the Morganza spillway to divert floodwaters from the Mississippi west of Baton Rouge and New Orleans starting this afternoon. A quick check of LA DOT conditions shows many roads closed already due to flooding. Travelling on I10 may become iffy as the waters rise west of New Orleans towards Lafayette.
  11. Was just watching the news about the 402 in Canada is closed due to ice and snow. They were showing snowmobiles out helping people. Bad situation and hope everybody is OK. But what I found interesting is how the newscaster ended his report. Said "In Port Huron until further notice, Canada is Closed"
  12. Folks, I just sent out an urgent email to all our members. It is a request that I seldom make any longer because I felt that we were asking too often. This is a real need though for a wonderful person who has also been one to help others. Now she needs us and I hope that we can be there for her. If you do not get the email and want to know more, please let me know. The posts of this thread have now been deleted and the thread closed. This was done for privacy reasons. You folks stepped up to the plate and I don't even have the words to express my gratitude for all that you do. If anybody was planning to help and just hadn't done so yet and need info as to how, please send me a private message.
  13. I rode with the PGR group the last leg of the Kitsap (WA) 9-11 Memorial project. This was an escort of two pieces of steel from the twin towers that are to be part of a memorial in Silverdale WA. We escorted the truck from Post Falls, ID to Silverdale yesterday and rode approximately 365 miles. It was an experience. We left Post fall with our group plus other groups (about 400 bikes). Stopped in Moses Lake for fuel and picked up a couple of hundred more bikes. Then on to Elensburg and again picked up a couple of hundred more. On to North Bend where we stopped for dignitaries, a couple of hundred more, more escort vehicles and much to our surprise cops.... Lots and lots of cops. The cops were great because they shut down every road section for our use (approximately 1000 bikes at this point). I-90--closed, 18 closed, I-5 closed, Tacoma Narrows bridge closed. What a feeling riding with all of these bikes with no traffic worries. The best part of this was seeing all of the spectators on almost every overpass waving flags. From North Bend on the crowds on the overpasses grew and most overpasses also had one or two fire engines or rescue vehicle. The arrival to Silverdale was also awsome as we proceeded into the parking area we were greated by two crossed ladder engines with a flag and two rows of military men (Navy and army I think) at attention as we passed. Quite a once in a lifetime experience I am glad I participated. Any others members there? To many bikes to look for anyone in particular.
  14. For all who don't know, and for those who may have plans involving 29Dreams, they are closed for business, again. This time may be for good. As of May 25th they are in bankruptcy and are closed. Too bad. PS. I have not been on in a few days so if this is old news please forgive me...
  15. Anyone who has gone to Sedona, AZ, knows that driving a motorcycle on the roads around there would/is great! Just a few weeks ago, my friends & I went to Sedona for hiking & to rent some motorcycles for a day. We would ask locals who rents motorcycles, got directions... went there... found out that the placed closed a few months back. Harley Davidson Store & Rentals - Closed EagleRider Rentals - Closed Only 1 place is left that rents anything. It is on 89a on the south side of Sedona. It had plenty of scooters (YUK!), one old sportster & a broken bmw. WTF! A beautiful place to ride a motorcycle & none to find to rent. Oh well... should have rented them the last time I was there (2 years ago). johnb
  16. Anyone here ever tried to adjust the throttle position sensor on a 2nd gen (or even just check the closed throttle measurement)? I think I found another significant error in the shop manual, but I would like to compare notes with others who may have already gone there. Page 6-13 of my shop manual describes how to calculate the proper maximum resistance of the sensor in the throttle fully closed position (typically around 700 ohms), then they instruct you to measure this resistance between the yellow and blue wires. Well, the resistance between the yellow and blue wires is HIGH in the fully closed position and goes down as you open the throttle. You get the correct low resistance with the throttle fully closed when measured between the yellow and BLACK wires. Just for the record, the TPS on my 05 was reading a bit high in the fully closed position, and it could not be adjusted down within specs - close, but not quite low enough (calculation showed it should have been between 629 - 726 ohms. It started at 778 ohms and I could not get it below 752 ohms). I have not researched this circuit yet to know how this should affect the bike. I'll let y'all know more when I figure it out. Goose
  17. Read this today on the Sickshooter Motorcycle web site. Popular motorcycle attraction, Dragon's Tail possibly closed for months Friday, 26 March 2010 | Written by Shaggy | Print | E-mail If you notice some motorcycle enthusiasts with a lost and worried look on their face, it may just be performance anxiety. The anxiety has nothing to do with any personal issues, but losing the opportunity to flex the motorcycle performance muscle as Mother Nature closes the king of all 'twisties', the legendary Dragon's Tail. 20Located primarily in Deals Gap, North Carolina the mountainside eleven mile stretch of road boasts a mind-blowing and constantly leaning 318 curves attracting bikers and drivers alike from all over the world. A rock slide has blocked the road with authorities expecting the route to remain closed until July 31st while crews cleanup. The rock slide, occurred on March 14th just as traffic by motorcyclists and thrill-seekers was about to pick up. The clean up process is expected to start on April 1st. The southbound lane was reopened briefly after the slide but was closed again because of safety concerns. The Dragon's Tail runs through both North Carolina and Tennessee, the rock slide has closed the road from near Chilhowee Lake to the North Carolina line. The Tennessee Department of Transportation will be responsible for awarding the contract to clean up Mother Nature's mess, but its the amount of time the job could take that has local businesses relying on tourism worried. "There's a possibility that we could lose the business," Jody Montgomery told Knox News discussing the Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort, located near the Dragon's Tail, "No one realized what impact it (the road closure) would have on this community until now." Authorities say the time is needed for contractors experienced in rock slide clearance and stabilization to transport the specialized equipment needed for such a job.
  18. Hey All, Yesturday my youngest son Matt-age 24, came over for a Father-Son Day, we try to do this at least once a month. Matt is looking for a buddy pack deal on two four wheelers and a Yamaha 650. After Breakfeast we went 15 miles west to the next town, a Yamaha Dealer (our town only has a Harley Dealer), three cars pulled in at same time. But, I forgot they were closed on Wed. So we went 20 miles further west to the next town's Yamaha Dealer, people were getting back in their cars and other cars pulling in, but doors locked and sign said "Now Closed on Tue. & Wed". Didn't matter, we was having fun talking and seeing sights. So we headed east 75 miles across state to see my oldest son, Jimmy. Afterwards went to another Yamaha Dealer, you guessed it CLOSED, and again cars in parking lot and people looking in windows. On the way home stopped by the Harley-Davidson Dealer to look around, and Yes they were Open! Matt really liked the Fatboy. I am not sure how many Four Wheelers, Bikes, and Part Sales these Yamaha Dealers Lost by being Closed, but COME ON-WAKE UP!!!! Matt and I still had a Great Time hanging out together, but now I know why there are so many Harley Davidson's on the road. Later-James
  19. Finished the clutch today and it went well, but I noticed while cleaning up that below the clutches and to the right there is a gear in there that is white and looks to be plastic. Now I know I could have checked it with a magnet to see but didn,t think of it until I closed it all back up and torqued it. Any one know for sure or notice it also. Don,t think it is plastic but why would it be white.
  20. A major rock slide has happened on I-40 E, just 3 miles from TN into NC. The road is expected to be CLOSED for up to 3 months. Boomer....who sure would not want to ride into that mess.
  21. The door on the cassette deck popped open and now won't stay closed. Short of using duct tape to keep it closed, can anyone tell me how it latches and what I can check?
  22. Background..... I had the 93 VR "professionally" serviced 4 days before my trip of the parkway was to begin.....bad move. I told the young man at the independent shop I was heading out for 3-5K miles and please check it over and inform me if it needed ANYTHING before the trip and I would have them take care of it....don't need problems on the road. To begin with the tech dropped my bike in the parking lot. after riding it into the service area for him I waited about 4 hours for the oil change and "checkover" and for them to try to find a replacement for my hiway board that broke when it hit the ground. 2 days later they had my new board and I installed it. The trip begins.... Rolled out Monday down I65 out of Indy and all was great until the bridge going into Louisville. I noticed a huge RV towing a crewcab pickup slowing in front of me ...slowing significantly... so I back off the throttle and cover the brakes. All of the sudden the RV jams the brakes(no lites hooked up on the towed truck) and the fun begins......squalling, sliding and bouncing on the lovely bridge surface I stopped just short of the back of the towed vehicle only to see the driver of the RV jump out, run to the guardrail ......AND SNAP A PICTURE OF THE RIVER !!! The RV pulled away and after a short cursing session I roll away and hear a noise in the front of the bike....RF brake is now grinding metal to metal. 1st rest stop on I64 i pull off to see what happened and both RF pads are completely worn out and the lining is gone on the inside. just a note...all cycle dealers in the south are closed on Mondays. I ease my way closed dealer to closed dealer all the way to Lexington KY and finally can't stand it anymore...the noise or thought of going into mountain terrain with minimal front brake ...so I stop in a rest area and swap pads from the left to the right caliper to get descent front brakes....and cautiously go on into Gatlinburg trying not to use the rear brake any more than necessary. next note...cycle dealers in TN and NC are closed on Tuesday. Wednesday morning I get on the phone and find a set of pads about 80 miles away. so here we go...I ride in and buy pads for both sides and put them on in the parking lot. and replace my missing "gremlin bell" By this time the remenants of the hurricane moving in from the south east has caught up with me..so I head north rather than try the parkway in torrential rains and 40mph+ winds. Rode in a nice hole of blue sky to Cave City KY and as the black clouds closed in I stopped for the night. Thursday AM I left out to come on home and rode in rain to Madison IN where it turned to hail...really noisey and kinda stings the exposed skin. But got home that evening safe and sound. This was an important trip for me not for the ride but for the learning experience. The Blueridge Parkway will still be there next year.... All in all it was still a great trip...I am alive to try again Lessons learned.... Never take a professionals word that your machine is OK If they drop it....don't let them work on it !!! Don't try to time your vacation by the weather channel And...... Make damn sure your Gremlin bell is there !!!
  23. Hello All, Well it's vacation time. Buckeye Performance will be closed from 06/25/09 thru 07/12/09. All orders have been shipped except for the Works Shocks which have been back ordered for a little while. I'm hoping they arrive soon after we return. If you need anything please email me at info@buckeyeperformance.com I'll be answering them when I have a connection while we are on the road and coordinating Yamaha, Honda and other aftermarket orders for delivery soon after we reopen. Thank you for your patronage and looking forward to meeting those attending the Spearfish Ride-In!
  24. Got a large rock right on the chrome strip below the windshield of my rsv today. Big dent and deep scratch. I will have to replace it. Dealer closed till Tuesday. Just curious what these things cost. Anyone know?
  25. I just got this from our church office staff. I either drive or ride this road daily. It's a really straight stretch of highway with a 50 mph limit. It's a shame to hear about these things, but when we do it should always remind us of how fleeting life can be. Not just a reminder for when we are on our bikes, but every moment should count. May God bless you and keep you safe. The doctor's office where this occured is right at the entrance to our church. Everyone: I just wanted to let you know that the church office will be closed this morning. At about 7 this morning there was a fatal motorcycle accident in front of the doctors office. The road is currently closed and we do not know how long it will take to open it back up. Please pray for the family of the person killed. As soon as we are able to get in to the church, we will let you know. If you need to get a hold of me in an emergency, you can still e-mail me at the church’s email address or this one or you can call my cell phone at Thanks, Kris
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