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  1. Hello, One thing I've been really missing on my 2000 Venture is a way to tell time and the outside temperature. I've found on line a number of attractive, affordable aftermarket handlebar and windshield mountable clocks and thermometers, but I can't tell how they would fit. Does anyone have a style or brand that they've used?
  2. OK, here's an odd problem on my RSV. A few weeks ago, I noticed that my clock had been reset. I thought I may have pressed the buttons the wrong way when scrolling through the trip meter, so I forgot about it. Went to use it today and noticed that it showed the odometer instead of my trip meter, so I selected the trip meter and, lo and behold, both of them were at 0 KM (They were at 91 KM when I turned it off yesterday) and the clock had been reset. I didn't have the battery tender on so nothing has touched the bike. Anybody ever have this problem before? Andy
  3. I have drilled the brass plugs out and now I need to know which way to turn to richen my carbs up a bit. I have searched on a lot of Mikuni sites but they seem to all have instructions because I can't seem to fine much info on BDS28/4 carb banks. So what do...counter clock or clock to richen just a bit?
  4. Well I seem to be down to the small things the make me twitch My 84 has a the digital lcd clock in the cluster. It works, no buttons are stuck. I am able to set the time with no problem. I have power when I shut the key off & short term she seems to be keeping time. I set it two days ago to match the clock on my GPS which is also the same time as my Honda750. Today I happened to look at it and it is 3 hours faster that the GPS & the Honda, which are still in sync. Is there something I should check to fix this or is it basically useless?
  5. I have looked through the picture gallery and found no threads of pictures of our members. Well here is one and I will start it out. http://i654.photobucket.com/albums/uu264/reddog170/DSCF6089.jpg First the boss with the clock in hand http://i654.photobucket.com/albums/uu264/reddog170/DSCF6450.jpg
  6. The other night I was invited out for a night with the 'girls.' I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, 'I promise!' Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easily. Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hallway started up and cuckooed 3 times. Quickly, realizing my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times. I was really proud of myself for coming up with such a quick-witted solution, in order to escape a possible conflict with him. (Even when totally smashed... 3 cuckoos plus 9 cuckoos totals = 12 cuckoos MIDNIGHT!) The next morning my husband asked me what time I got in, I told him 'MIDNIGHT'... He didn't seem pizzed off in the least. Whew, I got away with that one! Then he said 'We need a new cuckoo clock.' When I asked him why, he said, 'Well, last night our clock cuckooed three times, then said 'oh chit.' Cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat, cuckooed another three times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then tripped over the coffee table and farted.
  7. I have an 05 venture. When I set the clock to the correct time and turn the ignition switch off the clock resets to 1:00. It has never done this before. Any suggestions how to correct this? Thanks,
  8. I found my Computer Monitor System board has a crack after I soldered the broken joints. It would work for a second and go away. I can't jumper the front of the board so It's toast. Does anyone have a board (working or not)? Mine has the clock includes with the monitor. I sure would like to see the fuel level and all the monitor stuff working. rod
  9. I have been chasing down a charging system problem. On the recommendationof a fellow rider, I replaced the stator. Charging system warning light still flashes. The new gasket that I had put on the side cover when I replaced the stator was leaking, so I went to replace it. Now, I can't get the transmission to shift out of first. I thought that maybe I had spun the shifter linkage when I put the cover back on, so I looked it the linkage and it appears to be ok. Put it all back together again, went to start it. It turned over for a few seconds then stopped. Now the clock reset itself, and when I turn the key to the "on" position, the clock goes dead and nothing is functioning. I am beyong frustrated and have no ideas where to go from here. Is it time to get rid of it?
  10. In my dark storage area I cross jumped my 2003 Midnight Venture. The main fuse blew the instant I touched the terminal. I changed the 30A fuse and installed a new battery.I now have no audio at all not even a display. Now my clock and trip meters work only when the ignition is on. When I stop and restart the engine the trips are at zero and the clock is at 12:00. The audio doesn't work with the key in any position, I can't find any bad fuses. I'm so bummed I can't blame somebody for my carelessness. This is my third Venture '88, '99, '03, I feel so guilty, I've hurt the best scooter I've ever had. Thanks for any help, David
  11. I know there are no "dumb questions", only "dumb answers" so I figgure I'll get a few with this "non-dumb" question.... We have 2 ways of expressing time.... AM/PM or "Military" aka 24-hour clock. So my non-dumb question is .... why, when using the 24-hour clock, we say, for example, 13 hundred hours ... or .... 21 hundred hours ... or ... 05 hundred hours ???? If it's 5AM in the morning, I certainly haven't been sleeping for 5 hundred hours...!!! Oh geeeezzzzzzzzz.... I have cabin fever and PMS sooooooooooo BAD!!!!
  12. I just finished installing a clock and temp gauge from clocks4bikes.com. Let me start by saying what wonderful people Linda and Ross Harjes are to work with. I ordered the wrong gauges to start with but they caught it from my bike description and called me on the phone. After discussing what I wanted to do Ross recommended a setup he designed for another bike. Needless to say it worked perfectly. It includes the gauge and a slotted mounting bezel. It also lights up with the touch of a bottom. I have included photos and install instructions in case anybody else is interested in doing something similar. Also I have the 1.5 inch handlebar risers on my bike with the original rubber buffers. You can see this in the pictures. And the bike is a 2008 RSV. 1) Clean the rubber buffers so the double stick tape will stay on. 2) Cut the tape to size and stick in place. Leave the backing on the out side. 3) Using the slotted bezel as a template mark and drill a pilot hole. 4) Remove the remainning backing from the tape and press the slotted bezel into place. I left a small space between the bezel and the fairing to reduce the chance for vibration. 5) Install a self tapping screw to double hold the bezel in place. 6) Insert the clock Mike
  13. Well, I've been looking at this site for a while, and I couldn't find an answer. I have a '83, and the clock acts funny. When the bike is off, the clock displays the time, and keeps time accurately. Once you turn the ignition on, the minutes then act like seconds, i.e. if it showed 6:45, it will go 6:46, 6:47, 6:48 etc. in time with seconds. Once it reaches 6:59, it goes to 6:00, 6:01, etc. When you stop the bike, say 15 minutes later, where ever the seconds were, it'll go back to keeping time normally, but not at the right time. If you started at 6:45, rode for 10 minutes, and the seconds were at :23 when you turned it off, it'd now be 6:23 and keep accurate (but incorrect) time until you turned it back on. If you ride for over an hour, the hours will not change. So has anyone encountered this? -Andrew
  14. Just listed on ebay is a 2000mm with 17 k on the clock. $4,900
  15. Just curious...I know that there is a CLOCK in the tripmeter area, but it is hard to get to for just a glance. And I have my Zumo 660 hanging out over the gas cap. I have looked at the "Formotion" Clocks, however none of them will work because of the curves in the bars. I was hoping to find a nice clock to put somewhere near the right side brake reservoir, or near the handlebar controls... Let's see some "innovative" clock placements please. Thanks, Wally
  16. Guest

    Thanks ebat

    Sat. while waiting on Boomer and Jude for the M/E in Huntsville I was talking with EBAT, I explain love the bike but miss my clock that I had on the v-star, he said you have clock and then he walk over there and show me, I know I read this somewhere and it didn't click with me, I guess just figuring the audio system was enough for me... So I get to Ala. enjoying the new clock on the way down:happy65: Then while was talking in the parking lot one of the other members didn't knwo about the clock.. I will not call his name here......coughWanderercough. Like me he over looked it too.. Anyway Had a great meal and ride down and back.. Hope we can do it again.. Scary:dancefool:
  17. I do believe I am having the dreaded ignition switch failure and I would love some help with the diagnosis. Twice the bike has started, but the instrument panel has remained blank. This corrected itself when I turned the switch off, then back on. Often now it will reset my trip odometers to zero and the clock to 1:00 when I turn the switch off. I have reset the clock 3 times in 2 days so this is more than just a one time occurence. Is this some of the symptons of switch failure and is there an aftermarket switch available for the 2nd Gen? Many thanks to those that respond and help out. :bowdown:
  18. I like clocks. Not so much that I have walls covered with them, but I do appreciate nice ones. I've always wanted one of the Grandfather Clocks, but they were always way beyond my budget. Welll.... I played hooky from church and went to an estate auction last Sunday. I went to bid on some nautical Brass Lanterns for the biz., and they had a couple of rifles that I thought I'd take a run at. They also had this really good looking grandfather, but I figured it would go via the way of all the others, and sell for too much money. Long story short, I got the lanterns, a really nice hall mirror, passed on the rifles...they went for way more than they were worth, and the grandfather... Ended up getting it for $175 bucks... and it works. Even the wife likes it, after I got up enough nerve to tell her about it... Attached is a pic. Curious if anyone else has a grandfather clock.??
  19. Just got back from a test ride to see if the charging system problem on my bike was fixed. Test ride lasted 530 miles, and it's not. Ride started from Atlanta to Augusta via I-20. When approaching Augusta the old 87 Venture Royale miracously was reborn to 000,000.0 mileage. When we got to Augusta we rode into town to check out Paine College. I was curious what Paine College looked like after all these years. I used to be the Director Of Physical Plant (Facility Manager) back there during the late 80's. Paine College looked much the same as it did when I left it. I'm glad to see that the rehabiltation projects I had done during my tenure where still holding up. Except that the time on the clock tower was wrong again and that saddened me. When I was there the administration asked me to do something about fixing the clock in the clock tower. It never had the correct time on it. For any of you that are familar with the downtown Augusta area or Paine College you might remember that the clock tower could be seen and heard across the downtown area. On the hour the clock tower sounded bells that could be heard for a great distance. The administration of the college was always some what embaressed when the bells rang at the wrong time. The clock mechanism was ancient and I was never able to find anyone to work on it. So I finally resorted to working on the clock myself. I spent weeks in that clock tower refurbishing and adjusting the mechanical gear system that ran the four sided clock faces to get it to run and maintain the correct time. The bell system was actually not bells at all but a recording of bells that sounded through four very large loud speakers. That system was added to the clock later and was an old mechanical Simplex time system that was obsolete when I got there. that system ran on a time wheel that tripped events by little prongs on a wheel that rotated in unison with the clock faces. That will give you an idea how old the system was. When I left Paine College the time on the clock was correct and running, I think I was most proud of that project out of all of the other projects I completed while I was there.I hate it it didn't hold up as well as all of the other ones did. From Augusta we rode north up the Savannah River Scenic Byway to Anderson SC, where got a room for the night. What we could see of it before it got dark it didn't seem that scenic. The next morning we got on the Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway as far as SC 28 where turned north toward NC and higher elevations where the fall colors were more vivid. At Ceasar's Head we rode into the filming of a BMW TV commercial. I can't wait to see if the Old Dragonslayer bike will be included in the commercial for the new 2009 BMW turbo. After visting Devil's Kitchen and photo ops at Ceasar's Head State Park we rode to Brevard, NC. At Brevard we turned west on 64 to Cashiers, then Highlands where we had to stop and recharge the battery while doing a walking tour of Highlands, NC. From there we rode the twisties to Clayton and got to the top of Black Rock Mountain State Park in time to catch the last moments of the sunset overlooking the lights of Clayton, Ga. From Clayton it was a dark, cold, 130 mile ride back to Atlanta. Got back safe and sound some 530 miles later.
  20. Today at the gas station I went to reset my trip gauge only to discover that the blasted thing wound not rotate to through the options. I pressed it several times and was eventually able to get the clock to display. I continued to press it several more times but it's locked on the clock. Has anyone seen this before. I have ~11000 miles on it.
  21. Today at the gas station I went to reset my trip gauge only to discover that the blasted thing wound not rotate to through the options. I pressed it several times and was eventually able to get the clock to display. I continued to press it several more times but it's locked on the clock. Has anyone seen this before. I have ~11000 miles on it.
  22. I have an '07 RSV. I didn't get an owners manual with it and I can't get the clock to set. Can someone help me out here?
  23. Last night we stayed at the camp for the first time. I got the new electric service wired up wednesday. Last evening we temp installed the bare necessities. Satellite TV,Cell phone booster, #@!%# No wifi signal anywhere. MamaMo, venture, and I spent the night while the kids stayed home and had a movie watching party. Alarm clock went off at 6:30am with a Canadian geese fly over. Still no scooter riding for me it's rain,rain, and more high water.:rain2:
  24. Guest

    #1 Song ...

    Saw this on another forum and thought it was neat ... What song was # 1 the day you were born? http://www.joshhosler.biz/NumberOneInHistory/SelectMonth.htm My Song was... Rock Around the Clock by Bill Haley & His Comets Cheers,
  25. First off I apologize if I posted this in the wrong place. I recently purchased a VFR Interceptor and will be selling my 83 Venture. It has about 38,000 miles on the clock, recent tune up, brakes, new clutch and battery. Runs and looks good. $1650.00. Located near St. Louis, MO. Tim
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