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  1. Is there anybody that can give me the real lowdown on BOTH of these windshields? I want one that makes the Calm air "bubble" extend back to include my passenger. She gets slapped around terribly back there. I know that with things aerodynamic, bigger doesn't always mean better. It just looks like the Clearview is selling its shape, and F4 is selling it's enormity. Is it possible that the better shape of the Clearview will outperform the huge F4?
  2. Hey...ya'all, I just got this e-mail from Clearview, and they are having a huge sale on all Yamaha windhsields, like...60 % off sale. If you go to www.clearviewshields.com you will find the info. If you ever wanted a Clearview windshield for your bike, this may be the opportunity. I have to believe that this is for already made...hanging on their walls...windhshields. This sale probably does not include new orders for custom made windshields. Check it out.
  3. 1st Gen owner ?. I installed the largest Clearview shield and the buffering is worst for both the driver and passenger. I have to open the shield vent all the way to make it tallerable. Anyone else with the largest shield experience the same?
  4. Does anyone know if F4Customs makes a tall windshield for the RSTD? I'd like to get a little wider windshield but have been hesitant to go with the Clearview due to a number of posts about terrible shipment times. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears...
  5. Was wondering if anyone has experienced a drop in MPG after installing the widest and tallest Clearview shield on long distance, Interstate riding? If so can you provide some stats. Especially interested in stats for MKII.
  6. I got an e-mail today saying all in stock Clearview shields are on sale 1/2 off. Hope this helps anyone looking for a new one.
  7. Got my new Clearview Shields installed today. Wasn't quite as easy as some said but overall not too bad. Just an FYI. I bought a blemished one due to the speed I needed it and I still can't find the blemish. Got it for 20% off. Also had the vent included. I took it out for a quick spin and even though it's shorter than the stock there seemed to be less wind buffeting around the head area and it seemed quieter overall. One thing that surprised me what how much damage there is around the fairing where the shield was mounted before. I took the word of someone else and saw it for the first time today. It looked like whoever installed the stock shield put the bolts in way too tight. Most of the fairing was broken/cracked. Hopefully the bolts will hold it in place.
  8. I just installed a Clearview XXLarge Shield with vent and I have a reflection of the gas cap in the shield. Anyone else have this problem and did you fix it and how? Thansk
  9. Hello all, I have a 2004 RSV and I really want a windshield with a vent. I am very short at 5'6" and I'm tired of windshields that are so tall (for me). My wife is the same size I am, Do you think she would still be protected from head buffeting with the medium clearview. Does anyone have this size with a passenger. This shield is 3" shorter than stock, but 4" wider.
  10. Just bought my first RSTD (2006, Midnight, 5400 miles). Love the bike but am looking at a different windshield. I am 6' tall and look right at the top of the stock one ( i prefer to look through rather than over a shield). I am considering the Clearview and the Cee Bailey. The Cee Bailey is available 24 " tall and the Clearview can get to 21.5" (I believe stock is 19.5"). Does anyone have any experience with either one? Will the wider Clearview help with wind buffetting or will the taller Cee Bailey help more. Should I get the recurve (on the clearview)...what about the vent? I am trying to reduce helmet buffetting for me and my rider. Although the buffetting is much less on my RSTD than it was on my Honda VTX...I'd still like to reduce it if possible. Seems like the only buffetting I get is from over the top of the shield. Thanks in advance....I have already picked up a great deal of info from this sight by just cruising through it...really appreciate it!!
  11. Seeing as we're both guys and we've never met .... but since there isn't an actual "award", I give a great big THANK YOU to jlh3rd for the great deal he made me on his "old" Clearview shield. :thumbsup2:
  12. just got off the phone with dave at f4 windshields....and wanted to say how nice they are there and what they're doing for me.....i have a clearview windshield with the vent.......i need the tallest windshield out there and f4's is 1 inch taller than the tallest clearview....i already have a vent so they are shipping me the shield with the vent hole cut out, and a new faceplate, around.....plus 10% off......nice to work with ...the clearview people are good too....
  13. Looking for a new windshield for the bike. I still have the original installed but want something else. I have heard that they can delaminate if they are cut down. So far I have seen the windshield from Slip Strreamer or Clearview. Any thoughts or preference on those two? Open to something else as well. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
  14. My new Clearview windshield (Medium Light Grey with vent) arrived on Monday. I installed the shield on Tuesday morning in less than 20 minutes... very straightforward and easy, even for one who is mechanically challenged. The grey shield on my grey 2008 Venture looks great. I went for a ride, and had no complaints from my passenger. There was no noticeable increase in wind buffeting even at speeds over 100 kph. I noticed a little more wind, which is what I wanted. At 5 ft 11 inches, I am still looking through the top few inches of the shield, however. I was hoping to be able to see over the top. I may shorten the shield by four inches or so. The Clearview shield is much more solid than the stock shield. The shield I purchased was advertised as having “very slight scratches”. I will have to take a very much closer look, as I have not spotted them yet!
  15. I am going to buy a windshield from clearview and was wondering if the sealant around the vent they put in for you yellows after a while. Thanks for the response.
  16. Was talking to brother-in-law yesterday (also a biker) about Clearview with vent and he was telling me a lot of his buddies who have them say they don't like the vent because they get road dirt 'n bugs commin thru them, they're a real PITA to clean, and when it's hot out, all yer gettin is more hot air. What say ye all those who have these?
  17. So I'm thinking about replacing the windshield on my '01 and wondering if the F4 is an upgrade over the Clearview? Clearview has a 10% discount for the month of March, so I'd like to decide one way or the other before the sale ends at the end of the month. I was pretty much decided to get a Clearview, but want to be sure before I pull the trigger. F4 advertises that the polycarbonate (Lexan) is 30 time more impact resistant than acrylic and their hard coatings resist scratches and shed rain better with no treating needed. They also say you can safely use paper towels, Windex, and Rain-X if you want to. I'm wondering if the F4 would stay really clear longer than the Clearview? I would be really careful cleaning either one, but how will the Clearview look after many miles and years or road grime? Other considerations are the tint and vent. I'm thinking the tinted Clearview would be nice, but clear would be fine too. The Goldwing vent might be nice to get some air, but I've not minded the stock with no vents. Maybe just because I've never had a vent? Should the difference in warranty make any difference to me? Six months for the Clearview and four years for the F4, but they probably both exclude all but manufacturing defects, so it may not matter? Price is nice, but I'm always willing to pay a premium for a premium product... So has anyone had both that can compare them? I think Don may have had both? I'd really appreciate any comments about the tint or vent in addition to the basic product differences. Thanks! James
  18. gunboat


    hi folks i wish to post a mighty big thanks to a fellow venture rider and his wife. as some of you know last weekend i was heading over to leakey,texas to meet up with tom and a bunch of ventureriders. i was about 60 miles out of houston rolling at 75mph. all of a sudden my clearview windsheild flew off the bike. the sheild did not hit me or anyone else as it come tumbling back to earth. man what a rush, all that air pressure. i was able to pull over and look the bike over. i could see the sheild back down the road aways. i ended up picking up the sheild and returned home. i wish to thank VANCE he gave me a new clearview shield with a vent, wouldn't take anything for it. also thanks to his wife BRENDA for puting up with me as i arrived at their place at 8 am a full hour before i said i should be there. they even made me breakfast. had a nice couple hour visit with them in their lovely home. isn't this how it is with our big VENTURE FAMILY, helping each other out as we can. again much thanks to vance & brenda. best reguards don c.
  19. I have been trying to contact Clearview this week to trace my order and the local and national phone numbers reply that they are full with messages and cannot accept the call. They cashed my check on March 17; has anyone heard of problems with this company? They have $261.74 of my money......and no windshield.
  20. Just ordered a Clearview XL, tinted windshield with vents. After seeing all the Ventures with this shield on at the last MD I just had to take the plunge. And they are giving a 10% discount on new shield orders.
  21. Ive read the current threads on the subject but i am lost. I am 5' 10.5" tall. I cut my factory shield down to 17" above the bottom of the gas cap area. At that height i was looking above the shield which is what i want. However the buffeting was terrible. So I contacted ClearView and they were great about pre-sales support. I ordered the shortest version which is 19" above the same point. We thought that since their shield leans back Id still see over it. However it didnt work out that way. The bigger problem was the buffeting wasn't reduced enough for me. The recurve helped but not enough. Let me say, the ClearView folks are top notch. Although we couldn't get to a solution, they took great care of me. SO, here I am asking for advice. I want to look over the shield and I want as little buffeting as possible. If this sounds familiar and you've found a solution PLEASE share! and thx......
  22. I bought the tall tinted with vent and after 4 months and 2 windshields that did not fit, i wish that i never heard of clearview. Raymond
  23. Just installed some Harley Road King exhaust and Clearview shield. I know, I will submit pictures soon. Got the exhaust off of Ebay for $50.00 and they also had the 2 inch chrome exhaust clamp which looks great. The Clearview shield is excellent! I like the forward vent it has and the light tent. It is shorter and wider than stock and the lowers are also bigger. The bike sounds really good and the sheild is wonderful. Pictures to come soon. Mark:12101:
  24. So I did it I ordered a Clearview today XXL tinted I wanted to get the 10% discount ab=nd found blemished one. I hope I'll like it!
  25. I bought a chrome tank cover and liked the look, but since have bought a Clearview shield and with the more swept back angle of the Clearview the chrome reflects right in the viewing path, so I have put the black one back on.. Anyone looking to get a chrome one, I'll let this one go cheap, it is just sitting on the shelf in my garage.
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