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  1. Even though I keep marking the "remember me" when signing in, something in the system keeps signing me out...even when I am staying on line. I have cleared the cache...any other ideas? Appreciate your help. Jim Turner
  2. Big hurdle cleared to start selling this crap. E-10 is bad enough - - this stuff is going to be really bad. I think the only winners in this whole thing will be the lawyers. Just my 2 cents. http://domesticfuel.com/2012/06/15/hurdle-cleared-for-sale-of-15-ethanol-blends/
  3. http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/News/newsresults/General-news/2012/February/feb0112-mismatched-tyres-could-have-caused-fatal-cras/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  4. Got off work and hit the interstate at 11:30 last night. My entrance ramp lane becomes the exit only lane so i stayed put. I noticed a semi to my left ahead of me but no problem since my lane is an exit only. I went down to adjust my coat with my left hand as i came up beside the semi. As i was bringing my left hand back up to the bars i saw a set of headlights in my left mirror. at first i thought i cleared the semi but then realized i had not cleared the semi. in a flash an hd ultra blows between me and the semi splitting the lane. it happened so fast. I always thought it would be a cage that took me out. it wasn't the scariest thing that has happend in 23 years of riding but certainly was one of my closest calls. Would have ended back in the trauma room i had just got done working in!
  5. I could use some advice. I live in Thorp, WI. and I have 3 other mailboxes in front of my house on my property besides my own. The owners of the other 3 mailboxes won't help maintain the area in front of or around them so the postal carrier can keep our mail delivered. I don't think one of them is even being used. During the winter months, I have to keep the snow cleared out in front of them, or we get a notice from the carrier that they will not deliver our mail unless the snow is cleared away. Now I'm getting tired of maintaining OTHER peoples mailboxes. These mailboxes are NOT the responsibility of the USPS. Now how can I get these other mailboxes removed from the front of MY house? I'm sure I can't simply take down the mailboxes that don't belong to me and give them to the owner and tell them to take care of them themselves without getting into trouble. A federal offense? Does anybody have a possible solution or helpful advice as to how to resolve this issue without me resorting to being a jerk?
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