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  1. I have been having trouble getting the idle mixture set on my 83VR. I have the airbox off now and noticed there is fuel dripping from the slide needle on 3 of them when the engine is running. Thought to myself that the float level was too high so I put a clear tube on the drain to check. Supprising all of them are right on, 14mm below the carb centerline. The carbs were cleaned last winter and all gaskets were replaced even the jet block plugs. Before I remove them and take them apart I just wanted some input on what might be causing this.
  2. Boys & Girls IDK if anyone else has posted about this product so I will. My right front seal has been weeping for awhile. (Muffinman can attest to it, he saw it at the meet & greet) I tried using a 35 mm film negative & it worked for a little bit but I still saw an oil line of demarcation. When I met Jeff at the Meet & Eat, he was kind enough to give me a list of all the parts I needed to replace the seals. I was looking up remedies on the web & ran across this. http://sealmate.net/Images/fix_leaking_fork_seals_logo.png http://sealmate.net/seal_mate_instructions.html Basically it's the same principle as the film strip but the thing is not as fragile. It cleans the seal & then you have to reseat it by pumping the forks. (I did 3 sets of 10 pumps each) I used it as instructed cleaning the fork tube & dust cap. I cleaned the seal twice around, then I wiped down the tube. I pumped the front end to reseat the seal. & noticed the oil line. Wiped & cleaned & repeated the front end pumping. I saw a lesser line. By the 3rd time my tubes were dry. It's been 4 days now without any issues. If you plan on doing a few bikes I would pick up a couple of them. I found that they sell on EBAY as well. It's cheaper & free shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/140818428402?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 This is the seller RJ Engineering (RJ ENGR) http://myworld.ebay.com/rjengr?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 Not a bad fix for $4.70 I will post an update again in a week.
  3. I have a gas leak coming out of the drain tube front left next to radiator. Leak only occurs when bike is running. It is an 05 RSV. I have taken the quad carbs completely off, cleaned all the floats and needles....Put it all back together and was going for a ride but again the leak......Any thoughts????
  4. Can't leave until Monday morning but the bike is cleaned, trailer cleaned, tire pressures checked, I am ready to get on the road. Just got in from a little ride just around the countryside here. Only about 75 miles or so but it sure felt good. Had a hard time moving the bike at first. Cobwebs and etc. had it tied to the garage floor.
  5. well it has been a while since i could look at bike i ck the compression today 140 in all but rt rear it has 130 i am getting fire to plug i have cleaned the carb jest 4 or five itmes so i have a valve problem? bumble bee 1999 rsv
  6. I picked up this 05 Tour Deluxe in Omaha this morning. Rode it 190 home in the rain. It was exactly what I expected!! Now to get it cleaned up after the rain.
  7. Here's my problem,,, I know, I got lots but this one has me stumped. My son bought a 82 Honda XL80s for my grandson. It was running and they did run it around the back yard a few times, but then it quit. So dad to the rescue. I've been working on this thing for 4 weeks now, and it just won't run, not even give me a burp. That said, I did have it running at one point, but the slowest it would go was about 3000 rpm, so I shut it down and since then, nothing. History. When I brought it to my garage I found the stator flywheel loose and the key sheared off. replaced the key, points, condenser, cleaned the flywheel, (took all magnets out and re-glued them) cleaned the carb, tried 3 different coils, but seem to get an inconsistent spark at best. Got about 90 lbs compression with 3 kicks on the starter, 120lbs with a shot of oil in the cylinder. Tried WD 40 to help it fire and then even some ether, but no fire period. I need some fresh ideas.
  8. I just bought an 88 venture which the previous owner said only sat for a month. Well, when the bike would only run on chock, i took of the carbs to clean them. Needless to say they were interesting inside. Now that I have them cleaned out, was curious to know what I should set the sync screws at so I can at least get it started and sync them properly. Any inout is greatly appreciated.
  9. I've got this Farmsaw, built by Pioneer in Peterborough ONT, somewhere around the early 80's. I really don't need it, but I thought to clean it up, get it running and then sell. It's the orange one, not the yellow model. SO here's the issue. When I got it, it wouldn't turn over, but with a little persuasion that happened. It doesn't fire or even bark. It has spark and a new plug. The timing is right on. I cleaned the carb, and it gets fuel. Get about 60 lbs compression on 3rd pull, 25 on 1st pull. Decompression valve works. I tried to inject some ether,, I know, that's bad, but it won't bark on that either. I'm out of ideas, so now it's up to you guys.
  10. Hi All Ive been trying to what on this. But I have to tell all of you. As some of you know Ive been looking for a new bike for some time now not brand new just newer. Well some of you may recall Christy and I showed up at Big Toms rally on my brother in laws 2002 goldwing. I took some ribbing about it well get set to do it again. I now own a 1988 goldwing there I said it yes a goldwing. Christy and I had a long talk about this and we are just more comfortble on the wing. I still like the venture but this was a great deal so it was hard to pass up. I got the wing for 2000.00 dollars and it needed to to be cleaned up very dirty really dirty. But the rest of the bike ran fine and evrything worked like it was new. As soon as I get it cleaned up Ill put some pics up. I hope Big Tom lets me ride out to ohio with him this year. Bull463
  11. Just got the bike back on the road after going through it after purchasing. It has 55K and wasn't taken care of like I would have. Just replaced seals, cleaned, greased-up what I could and cleaned the carbs and synched and all I can say is, WOW. What a great bike. Lov'n the V4. Moving it around it's like pushing a train, but get it on the road and!!!!!!!!!
  12. My brother has a 1997 Royal Star. He got a DUI last year and the bike has been sitting since then. This week he got his license back so we started trying to get the bike running. The battery was toast so we replaced that. Next problem was that when we tried to start it fuel was shooting out the carb drain hoses. After a little research we discovered that the floats were probably stuck and the fuel pump was constantly running and overflowing the carbs. I tried tapping on the carbs to unstick the floats. That got the fuel pump to stop sending fuel spewing out the drain hoses and the bike would even start but it wouldn't run. It would idle very rough and I suspect only on one cylinder. I figured that the carbs were probably too gummed up for the thing to run so we pulled those off and cleaned them. I didn't completely break the carbs down. I took enough of the brackets off that I could remove the float bowls. I removed the float bowls and all the jets and cleaned everything up with spray type carb cleaner. The two carbs on the left were pretty filthy, I imagine because the bike was on the kick stand leaning to that side. Once the carbs were cleaned up and reassembled we put them back on and the bike won't start at all. Anybody got any ideas?
  13. Well, my poor Venture decided that I had ignored her long enough and won't run properly. Back in spring, my shifter cam had decided that it was time to fail. Since I was short on cash, I parked it and started riding my Maxim. Since I only have space allowed for one bike in the garage, the Venture got the short straw and was left outside under a bike cover. I put Seafoam in the gas and let it run a little. During the summer, I started a few times just to get it running. Finally, a month ago I got the new parts and installed the revised shifter cam in. Problem is, now it only runs with the choke on, and backfires alot. If I try to twist the throttle, it will immediately die. If I play with it as it's dying, I can get it to rev up, and actually get it to move, but as soon as I let off, it dies. I've taken the TCI out, stuck it under a heat lamp for 4 hours (mmmm, toasty) and cleaned the connectors, but still acts the same. I did get my low beam back tho (had been off for a while, bulb is good). It is dim, not full strength, but has done that on occasion since I got it. Don't know if that was related or just coincidence. I've taken the carbs off and cleaned the insides. A couple of the pilot holes appeared to be plugged, now they are all clear. Before I did this, the left front exhaust wouldn't get warm but now all pipes get warm within 1/2 min of idling (with the choke on). The diaphrams have a couple of pinholes, but they had them before and it still ran better than this. I will be replacing them soon. When I turn it on, it sounds like there is a bunch of clicking right by the fuel pump, can't remember if this was normal. Haven't checked on fuel pressure, or the filter, I haven't had much bike time. The bike was running ok before it got parked, not perfectly but still very drivable. I'm open to suggestions, I hope to have it running so I can drive it to it's winter storage area (125 miles away @ my folks place) before the snow flies. Thanks, Andrew
  14. i have a 2005 venture with 35,000k on it and i think my rotor maybe getting warped. pulses at slow speeds when slowing down. #1 is it possible to get warped during tire change?? #2 will grease from the rear hub find its way onto the rotor?? i cleaned it real good with brake clean and did good for about 600 miles and then started pulsing again... any thoughts
  15. Well I have spent most of the night working on the old bike. I have repaired wires that have been mouse chewed, lubed the speedo cable, flushed the coolant system, have the radiator ready for the shop to pressure test it and make any repairs it may need, have searched for any signs of leaks, pulled the tci out and cleaned it have it ready to reinstall above the battery/air-box. All the connectors have been separated and cleaned then greased with dialectic grease and reassembled. I do not know if I am missing anything or not, actually sure I am, but this was superposed to be a quick fix bike. Like that ever happens. If anyone can think of other common areas that I need to check out before I reassemble thoughts and ideas would be welcome. I will also say that the $12 I spend for this sight has been the best money spent to date. Thank You, Shaun
  16. hey guys newbie here and first post, i read thru some of the previous posts but didnt find my solution so here goes,just got and 1st 1984 yamaha venture,41k miles,runs like a top,all the carbs were just cleaned and synced,has new plugs also,oh yea and the tank was cleaned while the carbs were off have reciepts for all this work,anyway after it warms up runs great,perfect idle no misses fires up 1st try everytime after warm,but i live in florida so no cold mornings here lol,but every morning i start it up even if im not going out and i have to turn it over a couple times (without choke) then just barely choke it to get it started everytime,and have to warm it up at least 5 minutes before i go,now this isnt the biggest deal in the world but was wondering is it normal? and if not what else is there to check? i mean it runs and idles perfect never a backfire or miss,so im assuming timings good and it just had all that other work,and i put new filter and plugs in myself,so any ideas or should i just live with it? and going to say hi in the welcome section after this but im a 1st time yamaha owner and i luv it,im in st.pete florida,thnx guys for any and all advise
  17. I've been having a bit of an issue with my 2005 RSTD. I let it sit for too long and the carbs got gummed up, so I took it in to have the carbs cleaned. When I got it back i noticed an oil leak. (and for all I know, it was there before the carbs were cleaned, but I didn't notice b/c the carbs were leaking fuel down into that area). I cleaned the area up with some engine cleaner and traced the leak to the area below in the picture. It's coming from the general area inside the yellow box and seems to be accumulating mostly inside the red circle. Has anyone had a similar issue or know where the oil is coming from and why it might be leaking? I'd appreciate any insight. Thanks ahead of time. P.S. The second picture is just a reference to show where the zoomed picture is exactly.
  18. seeing as i hope Dianne dont come on here and read this? its a nice in the 80,s day and im feeling pretty darn good. so i thought hey oldgoat take the venture out and see what dianne was talking about it bogging down. well i fire her up and take off. first i made some phones calls to family and friends and gave them my route i was going to take.. well off i go. im going along nice and steady. then theres a 45 degree uphill road. ok heres a good place to test the bogging?? i crank it up to 45mph in second and just hung on to the throttle. shot up that hill hitting 60mph in second maybe not a good thing? hit the flat top road hit 3rd and cranked it again and hit 75mph.. the i just dropped it into 4th. and stayed there. never put it in 5th. as this road is a 45 mph road and its getting close to the end of the month .can we say this road is a speed trap road because as soon as you hit the bottom of this road it drops to 30mph. small town about 125 population. well im thinking that that number 3 sparkplug cap i cleaned and snapped back on migh have something to do with the bogging. they had and now i fixed it?? also the seafoam and premium gas might have finaly cleaned something in the carbs?? so i had a good day untill i got home and noticed oil burring smell?? i think i have a small vale cover leak on the front left side as i see some grim and oil residue there?? not a biggie. just might need a little tighten down on it. also noticed that left handle bar seems in a little? now i think that the repair shop dropped another bike on mine. as the farring was cracked. so is there any punch marks on the bars to see if it it shiffted? or god forbid its bent some. im thinking this is what makes the front wobble some? im trying to ride and keep bars straight and im pulling the left bar when i shouldnt??
  19. I've charged the battery (1year old gel battery) I cleaned and tightened the connection on the front of the starter I've cleaned and tightened both battery terminals I inspected and checked tightness on Ground at front left of motor STILL turns over so slow (even when cold) it won't start so now what?????????????????????????????????? I've got heavier battery cables on order but they could be 2 weeks away!
  20. Last month I picked up a 92 Venture project bike in pieces, bad rear driveline and final drive. The bike had sat for at least 6 years, supposedly ran real well prior the the driveline/final drive failure . I now have it reassembled and am ready to get it running. The problem is that I do not have any spark to any of the four cylinders. I find a lot of information for the models prior to 1990 with the two pickup coils, but not very much about the single coil system. I checked the wiring to the pickup coil, took the crankcase cover off and inspected the internal wires to the coil, cleaned the connection. By the service manual, the coil ohms out within spec's. Can anyone tell me what the pn is for the single pu coil? Took apart and cleaned the right handlebar stop switch. I cleaned the contacts for the ignition coils and ohm'd them as well, they also tested out good. Have not yet looked at the side stand switch or the emergency stop switch. I also cleaned the fuel tank and lined it, cleaned the carbs, fuel pump and installed new fuel lines and filter. I suspect that my problem may be the TCI. Is there a diagram of the tci box for the 90-93 models with the pinouts and ohm values available? What is the best way to remove the TCI? I have the battery and air box removed so far. If it is the TCI, anyone have experiance with the ignitech TCI unit on a 90-93 Venture? Is this a better way to go than finding a used one? There do not appear to be a lot of used ones available for these years. Anything else I need to be looking at? Thanks
  21. I have 3- 80GB SATA drives and 1-40GB SATA drive that are in good condition, cleaned and free. Give me an address and there yours.
  22. Well I pulled the plug caps apart and removed the resistor, cleaned the insides,and replaced with copper wire. pulled the connectors off the TCI and cleaned em, checked plugs with ohm meter [like I knew what I was doing ha!] I don't remember what the reading were but they were the same, checked the plug on the left side of the frame rail-unhooked going to TCI it read 540 ohms except the w/g 512 ohms, going towards pick up coils there was no resistance, o. So with what I could find to clean I did, fired it up, warmed it still #1 & #3 are dead between 2000 RPM and 2500.? I really hate to just start throwing parts at it and try to hit something, really was hoping it was the resistors in the plug caps, any ideas?
  23. I purchased a Wolo Horn last summer and installed it with no problem. About two weeks ago I took a ride on a nice day here in Michigan and for the fun of it tooted the horn, but no sound. Got back to the shop and parked it. This past Saturday I started checking the wiring and all was good. Took the horn apart and found a electric motor and points. Cleaned it all up and put it back together and still no toot. Took it back apart and found a plastic impeller down inside that the motor turns. You could not turn the impeller by hand very easy. Cleaned it out in the wash tank, W-D 40 it and it still would not turn freely. Could not get it to work. It is sealed in that area so you can't get to it. I am going to try a Stabel Horn this time and see if it lasts longer. Anyone else had this trouble?
  24. My scoot runs great. I couldn't ask for it to run any better. But.... since it has warmed up, I am noticing that my left leg gets warm. I stopped today, and touched the pipes. The left two pipes, I can only put my hand on for a second or so. The right two, I can leave my hand on. They are pretty cool to the touch. This was after about a 30 minute ride. Like I said...it runs great. The coil problem was already taken care of by Buddy. My only real issue is that one leg gets warmer than the other. Any ideas? P.S. Also, I cleaned the insides of the pipes when I put them back on last week. They still look shiny and new inside. I cleaned them to get an idea of how each side is burning. They are looking the same...like brand new.
  25. This morning when I left on the bike to go to work.I noticed that my low beam didn’t work. So I used my high beams. This afternoon when I came from work. I checked the light bulb .but I can’t see anything wrong with it….I cleaned the connector with contact spray .without any luck. Can it be the light bulb or something else?
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