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  1. After redoing my 83, I decided to go back to the stock pipes instead of putting the Road King mufflers back on, so if anyone would like a set of RK pipes for their bike, they are theirs for the taking, just pay shipping I will even include the HD chrome clamps. I didnt pay for the pipes or the clamps, so I will pass them on for the cost of shipping. I will post some pics later this afternoon after I get off of work. They have not been drilled out they are still the way they came from the factory.
  2. I plan on buying a set of the v twin wide clamps. But I am in sort of a time crunch and may not have time to get the clamps shipped. So my question is do you all think as a temp fix a guy could use a worm type hose clamp?
  3. the install of a Marks collector also with Jardine slipons. It arrived yesterday and I have her buffed out fairly well; just picked up the new exhaust gaskets from Stadium Yamaha in Irving. Have to stop by the Harley dealer on the way home to pick up some nice chrome exhaust clamps since the connections will now be visible. Hope everything lines up well. I will let everyone know how things go when this job is complete.
  4. [attach]64269[/attach] [attach]64270[/attach] [attach]64271[/attach] Drill the middle hole of the flap to go over the pin Also remove in that same area the rest of the backing inside the fender tip. [attach]64272[/attach] [attach]64273[/attach] Trim the top away until your happy [attach]64274[/attach] I use a little goop as well (love the stuff) LOL and I also used the clamps to help push the flap tighter agienst the fender I also has to drill the hole on each side just a little bit to get the bolt back through. [attach]64275[/attach] [attach]64276[/attach] Enjoy, Jeff
  5. Hey Ya, Got some questions about Road King Slip Ons. I bought a set of RK Slipons from the HD dealer that came off a 2010 bike. When I got home with them I looked in the tubes and the baffles are different. I called the salesman and he said all the newer models were that way. So I guess I have to buy two sets to get a matching pair? I have the brackets to mount them, but don't know what type of clamps ya are talking about. The clamps that hold the RSV slipons won't work? Thanks. Glenn
  6. “WE’RE BACK!” As many of you know our one year trike build took three and a half years to finish. With less than 400 miles on the new trike we started our adventure June 15th, eventually spanning 10 states, 26 days. and 4,020.3 miles. The worst gas mileage was 19.83 MPG and the best 35.7 MPG, with an average MPG of 30.954 for the trip. The only problem we had with the trike part was the two new lnner CV joint boot clamps did not hold properly even though I had bought the special tool to tighten the clamps with. We had to have them changed out with worm-type hose clamps in Newcastle, Wyoming. However Charlize. the 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale half decided to lose all power going up a hill just after passing a truck. Eventually I performed enough surgery to get us into Lusk Wyoming where she threw another fit. This time I got out a piece of string that was in the lower trunk and bound the wiring harness to a handy place making a temporary fix, that would do until a better one came along. At this point she started flooding so out came one of what would be many cans Sea-Foam and Lucas oil fuel system cleaner. However, she kept flooding off and on till we left Reno for Red Bluff California. Wa La, no more flooding. The electrical problem was solved in Colorado Springs, Colorado with the installation of a new spade-type fuse block. The temperature gauge quit working in Gallup, New Mexico after crossing what seemed like 20 railroad tracks, never to work again. I learned a lot about trike idiosyncrasies, some we like some not so much. As we came through Roseburg, Oregon on the final stretch home to Springfield OR, I told Marilla that I wouldn't take a Million Bucks for the memories, but I didn't think you could pay me enough to do it again. For the record I hate, no we, hate wind! P.S. I need an E-ZSteer. Does anyone know where I can get one for an '89 Venture Royale? Here are links to photobucket albums showing pictures we took on the trip. http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Custer%20Battlefield/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Mount%20Rushmore/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Fan%20Fest/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Petrified%20Forest%20and%20Painted%20Desert/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Pikes%20Peak%20and%20Garden%20of%20the%20Gods/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Pikes%20Peak%20Hwy/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Skywalk%20area/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Through%20Yellowstone/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Trip%20Batch%20Two/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Ultimate%20Road%20Trip/
  7. “WE’RE BACK!” As many of you know our one year trike build took three and a half years to finish. With less than 400 miles on the new trike we started our adventure June 15th, eventually spanning 10 states, 26 days. and 4,020.3 miles. The worst gas mileage was 19.83 MPG and the best 35.7 MPG, with an average MPG of 30.954 for the trip. The only problem we had with the trike part was the two new lnner CV joint boot clamps did not hold properly even though I had bought the special tool to tighten the clamps with. We had to have them changed out with worm-type hose clamps in Newcastle, Wyoming. However Charlize. the 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale half decided to lose all power going up a hill just after passing a truck. Eventually I performed enough surgery to get us into Lusk Wyoming where she threw another fit. This time I got out a piece of string that was in the lower trunk and bound the wiring harness to a handy place making a temporary fix, that would do until a better one came along. At this point she started flooding so out came one of what would be many cans Sea-Foam and Lucas oil fuel system cleaner. However, she kept flooding off and on till we left Reno for Red Bluff California. Wa La, no more flooding. The electrical problem was solved in Colorado Springs, Colorado with the installation of a new spade-type fuse block. The temperature gauge quit working in Gallup, New Mexico after crossing what seemed like 20 railroad tracks, never to work again. I learned a lot about trike idiosyncrasies, some we like some not so much. As we came through Roseburg, Oregon on the final stretch home to Spfld, I told Marilla that I wouldn't take a Million Bucks for the memories, but I didn't think you could pay me enough to do it again. For the record I hate, no we, hate wind! Here are links to photobucket albums showing pictures we took on the trip. http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Custer%20Battlefield/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Mount%20Rushmore/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Fan%20Fest/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Petrified%20Forest%20and%20Painted%20Desert/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Pikes%20Peak%20and%20Garden%20of%20the%20Gods/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Pikes%20Peak%20Hwy/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Skywalk%20area/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Through%20Yellowstone/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Trip%20Batch%20Two/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Ultimate%20Road%20Trip/
  8. Just finished putting Harley Muffs on my 2009 RSV. Made my brackets, bought the wide clamps, spent 4 hours gently persuading the muffs on, cleaned them, put the bags back on and started the bike. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT! Could barely tell the difference. My wife says she can tell but wants it louder. I guess now I have to drill them out. By the way, I haven't seen anything in any of the threads on this subject that discusses the fibre exhaust gasket on the RSV that you have to distroy in order to put the Harley's on. If you use 1/4" aluminum to make your brackets, you will have to get 3/4" long bolts for the muffs as the 1/2" arent long enough. Best to get these before 10:00pm. I used Drag Specialties clamps and they cost $9.50 each and are available almost anywhere. Anyway, just my thoughts on this mod. This is the best site ever!! Thanks Freebird.
  9. Ok - I give up. I'm looking for info on the brackets that go on the guard to bolt the carbon one highway supports to. I bought a set from Carbon one at MD but don't have a clue what other bracket I need. These aren't anything more than a hunk of metal w/o the clamps to bolt to. Thanks
  10. Does anyone have a set of Bubs they are looking to sell? I have a set of harley slash cuts with clamps and brackets that may be for sale.
  11. Due to several request to make crash bar braces I've built a limited number of them. Currently there's 6 of them listed in the classifieds but if there's enough demand I'll build more. I built these a bit different than the ones I did in a post 3 years ago. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=6069&highlight=crash+supports Simplier and stronger. Here's a link to my ad -- http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2692 Please note that you'll also have to purchase a set of clamps for the crash bars. There are two types to choose from. These from are the best -- http://www.kuryakyn.com/index.cfm/go/Home.ProductDetail/catID/18/scID/121/IMID/531 #1002 or from Dennis Kirk -- http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp?skuId=494431&store=&catId=&productId=p494431&leafCatId=&mmyId or a 3piece type -- http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp?skuId=406929&store=&catId=&productId=p406928&leafCatId=&mmyId= or http://www.denniskirk.com/jsp/product_catalog/Product.jsp?skuId=406933&store=&catId=&productId=p406932&leafCatId=&mmyId= I have found both types being sold at e-bay with decent prices in the past as well. Larry Note: The first two pics show the braces and clamps on my bike. The ones I have listed are a bit different at the clamp end but will still do the same job.
  12. I put an ad in the classified for a new set of Carbon 1 crash bar braces with chrome clamps for $45 shipped. I sold the bike and didn't get them sold.
  13. I'm trying to find new brackets and clamps for the vance & hines longshots on my 03 roadstar. I can find lots of places that sell the whole setup, but I only need the header clamps and the mounting brackets (rusted from previous owner) the pipes are still fine. Help.
  14. Installed fishtail mufflers couple of days ago and just got the clamps. These mufflers are a lot lighter than stock and just wondered if I needed to make brackets or just go as is? They feel rigid with no play and the clamps really tightened down well. As a side note, I've never complained about the "whine", but after installing them the whine is very noticeable. Hard to believe that the mufflers would effect the whine, but I haven't put the saddlebags back on and that may make the difference. Anyone notice the whine getting worse when changing mufflers? I am definitely keeping my stock mufflers just in case, but I'm no longer hesitant to pull along side a Harley at a light. Of course they can hear them well from the rear when we're rolling.
  15. Just installed new fishtails. My old ones came right off and the new ones slipped right on. Almost too easy thanks to Rick's knob bolts on the saddlebags. The hardest part was getting the stickers off that warned "might not meet EPA standards" . I need chrome muffler and muffler support clamps. Where is the best source for these items? Thanks for any help! PS: They fit so well that I went around the block without clamps-sounds like an old muscle V8 from the sixties.
  16. Folks, I will be needing 1" Chrome Clamps to install Larry (Carbon-One) braces for Crash Bars stiffening. Then with the Crash Bars now stiff I would like to add Foot Pegs. The 1" Clamps are pretty standard equipment... Can anyone recommend Good Foot Pegs at JC Whitney? The reason for JC Whitney is Free Shipping over $75.00. Maybe all JC Whitney Foot Pegs are Crap??? Thanks for your trusted advice as always here at VR.Org.
  17. After reading the excellent thread on this site on how to fix the flexing problems in the engine guards, I made the repairs yesterday. I did it as the thread said to, and without a glitch. I just can not believe that Yamaha does not know that this is a poor design and a real weak spot. God forbid anyone dropping their bike prior to doing the fix, I'm sure a lot of bodywork would have to be done. The hardest part of the entire job is taking off the floorboard mounts, they are torqued on and with blue locktite. The 1" 3 piece bar clamps were the most expensive items on the list, at $7.99 each from J&P Cycles. Part # 7000127 . Do yourself a big favor and make this fix, you will not believe how solid it makes the engine guards!
  18. I am trying to order a set of chrome exhaust clamps in Canada. There are several references to USA suppliers (see below)- but not manufacturers. Would someone have the make and model of the best clamps to use for the RK muffler mod so that I could source them in canada? With a 28% exchange rate - these parts get expensive to order from the USA. Appreciate your help! Fits all 1 3/4" exhaust headers when attaching 1 7/8" O.D. mufflers Part Number: 24032 V twin mfg and are part # 31-9920
  19. Ladies and gents: I have seen several recommendation here on the forum regarding the wide chrome muffler clamps. The clamps that Baron's gave me for my 4-2-4's are a best just "OK". And they are not wide enough to cover the slits in the slip-ons. The links provided (I have tried several) are no longer any good. But here is my real question, "Do those things have a 'lip' on them? It would seem to me if they do that it would have to be ground down to completely slip over the 4-2-4's. Any help is appreciated. Shep OK - more searching and I found the answer: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26489
  20. A friend of mine gave me a set of mufflers off his '08 Electro Glide which he had drilled out. I made the brackets and put them on. WOW, do they sound good. It seems like the bike has alot more HP,and no poping or backfires at all. I now just have to get the chrome exhaust clamps. I'm a happy camper. I also got the gloves from Cabela's and they are warm but the deer skin is kind of slick making it a little harder to hold the grips. tew47:301:
  21. So I will be installing RK mufflers on my RSV this weekend. Got Brad's brackets (Thanks Brad, by the way, they look great) and got the wide V-Twin muffler clamps. The inside of the clamps have a ridge at one end on the ID side. 3/4 of the ID is one size and 1/4 of the ID is a little smaller. How do I install the clamps with this smaller I/D on one end of the contact surface. Do I put the smaller ID onto the pipe and the larger ID onto the slotted end of the muffler (but clamp might not tighten all the way on the mufller side), or do I install the smaller ID onto the slotted muffler end ? Did you guys use any high temp silicone to seal everything up ? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Long live this forum !
  22. A few months ago I ordered a set of Barons Bag Slash for my '08 RSTD. I enjoy the sound of them I'm only having one problem. When they shipped the pipes to me they sent the wrong size exhaust clamps. They were stainless and not big enough to cover the gap where the slip on ends and the bare pipe below shows. I called them and they said they would ship the clamps to me. After waiting 2 months the clamps arrived they are the right diameter just still way to narrow to cover the gap. I'm tired of dealing with them. I have a friend with a 04 Venture and his pipes came with some wide chrom clamps. Does anyone know where I can get a set of the wide chorme exhaust clamps. Thanks to all!
  23. I, as some of the others here, have bought and mounted the Wal-Mart Optronics driving lights on their bike. And like everyone else mounted them in the front fender bolt area. However with the air deflectors hitting on the back of the lights I added some extenders in stainless. While it worked to a degree I still hit occasionally when hard braking so today I moved em once again. This time I bought a set of the Kuryakyn "P" clamps in 1" size #4018. Mounted them just below the footrests on the front crash bars. Really lights up the road surface now. Only real drawback here was cost of the "P" clamps. At $20 each they sure aren't cheap but look great and fit perfect for the job at hand. I must make one other note here in that one reason why my air deflectors were hitting is due to me having the light bar extension which of course moves them right near the Optronics lights. If it wasn't for that then the fork light location works very well indeed. Larry
  24. Anyone know of some good clamp on footpegs that will fit crash bars that are less than 1"? The crash bars on my bike are 7/8", or around there, and I just have this feeling that 1" clamps will need some... umm... help in staying where I want them. The only ones I've been able to find are from MC Enterprises, called Holey Pegs, that are made for 7/8", but when I checked today, JC Whitney no longer carries them. That's what I get for waiting so long. And I know I could make some of the larger clamps work, I'm just being picky here. Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions on places to look for non-standard sized pegs, let me know!
  25. I have been hearing a rattle and maybe a slight exhaust leak out of the ole girl. And for those of you who knows my ole girl, SHE DOESN'T RATTLE. For some reason my rear exhaust clamps will loosen up every now and then. Am I missing something or is there a bigger problem coming down the road? After tightening them up, everything goes away......
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