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  1. may the circle be unbroken
  2. I dismantled the starter switch and housing to clean all the internals of the switches. I'm in the process of putting it back together. There is a wide half circle clip that I forgot where it went. Any suggestions please. See picture. Please ignore the other 2 parts.
  3. I am planning to do the LSCT this summer and I think it should be easy to do in 8 days, counting the day to the Circle Route from North Central Illinois and the day spent going home from the Circle Route. IOW, I think we will spend 6 days on the Circle Tour. I am interested in your experiences on this Tour (on a motorcycle, of course). We (Deb and I) don't plan on making any "Iron Butt" runs while on this trip. I am currently planning for the longest day to be 265 miles from Marathon, Ontario to Grand Marais, Minnesota. Any suggestions for places to stay and for places to eat and for places to "don't miss"? Although I am thinking to take this ride in August, do any of y'all think otherwise? We haven't decided if it will be a camping trip or motels or both. If, camping I will be pulling a trailer. Is the camping a good idea for old folks like us?
  4. I'm currently on a road trip from New Mexico to wahoo NE. and when I last stopped for gas I noticed a plate sized circle of fluid on the ground jusy below the raditor at first I thought oh no a radiator leak but after looking closer found out it was fuel couldn't find any leaks so I continued on to my final stop after I arrived and said hello to family I went to move the bike to a better location and there was the plate sized circle of fuel. This morning took off the lower fairing and found that fuel had come out of both hoses by the air filters. is this something I should be concerned about or do I have a major problem. I want to get this taken care of before I head back next week.
  5. I've improved gas mileage now on about 12 bikes. This works especially if you are under 40 mpg. I'm consistantly getting mid to high 40's on all my 1100-1200's. Easy 1-2 Hour job 1. Remove the carb cap, 4 screws. 2. Remove the spring. 3. Remove carb slide and diaphram, it's black with a needle hanging out the back. 4. Remove the jet needle, there's a large screw inside the middle of the carb slide holding it in. 5. There is a white spacer under a circle clip. Remove it. 6. Replace the white spacer with any small washers about 1/2 the thickness of the white spacer under the circle clip. 7. Ignore the fact that the white spacer has a small tit on one side. 8. You may want to add extra washers on top of the circle clip. (I didn't on my Venture and a friends) 9. Put it all back together in the same order it came apart. New washers, jet needle with circle clip tight (check it), 1 or more washers on top of circle clip, small spring, plastic screw, in that order. 10. Carefully reinstall slide and diaphram. Notice diaphram has a tap. 10. Do only one carb at a time. (Can use others as reference) 11. Go for a ride checking gas mileage and performance. My friends 87 Std. went from 37 to 45 mpg. 12. Clean and check spark plugs before and after. Correct color is gray, tan or clean depending on type of gas used. Slightly white electrodes is Ok if the plug base near threads is darker. white base and tip is too lean; black is too rich. 13. SO: Add washers under circle clip to richen, remove washers to lean. 14. My bike is faster now lean (hotter combustion) 15. I set pilot jet screws to 1 3/4 turns out 16. All 4 Ventures were way out of synch before I did them. Much smoother now. Questions? Send me a PM or email: chuckfrench48@gmail.com (mention VR)
  6. This works on all motorcycles with carbs. I've slightly revised this for better clarification. And I posted to this section for 2nd Gen's to read. Easy 1-2 Hour job 1. Remove the carb cap, 4 screws. If 1 screw is a security screw used vise grips to turn. 2. Remove the spring. 3. Remove carb slide and diaphram, it's black with a needle hanging out the back. 4. Remove the jet needle, there's a large screw inside the middle of the carb slide holding it in. Pay attention to the order the parts come out. 5. There is a white spacer under a circle clip. Remove it. 6. Replace the white spacer with any small washers about 1/2 the thickness of the white spacer under the circle clip. 7. Ignore the fact that the white spacer has a small tit on one side. 8. You can add 1-2 washers on top of the circle clip to take up the space. (I didn't on my Venture and friends) 9. Put it all back together in the same order it came apart. New washers, jet needle with circle clip tight (check it), 1 or more washers on top of circle clip, small spring, plastic screw, in that order. 10. Carefully reinstall slide and diaphram. Notice diaphram has a tab. 11. Do only one carb at a time. (Can use others as reference) 12. Go for a ride checking gas mileage and performance. My friends 87 Std. went from 37 to 45 mpg. 13. Clean and check spark plugs before and after. Correct color is gray, tan or clean depending on type of gas used. Slightly white electrodes is Ok if the plug base near threads is darker. white base and tip is too lean; black is too rich. 14. SO: Add washers under circle clip to richen, remove washers to lean. 15. My bike is faster now lean (hotter combustion) 16. I set pilot jet screws to 1 3/4 turns out 17. All 4 Ventures were way out of synch before I did them. Much smoother now. Questions? Send me a PM or email: chuckfrench48@gmail.com (mention VR)
  7. Back from the circle tour around Lake Superior, What a great ride. Sunny and warm days the whole trip, except for Superior Wisconsin which we were told NEVER gets warm. And to those crazy Canadians, is 90km/hr just a mild suggestion as to what speed to drive? At 90 EVERYONE from Grandma on her way to bingo to the double loaded semi driver will run you over. So we made good time through Canada. If you are ever near the Keweenaw Peninsula you must drive M-26 from Eagle River to Copper Harbor, there's no better road in Michigan bar none. Now some of you may of heard of this, we went in a little restaurant and they had a Ruben sandwich, BUT instead of using corned beef, they used fresh caught Lake Superior White Fish. Sounded strange was VERY good. 83 VR ran great. Mileage from 36mpg (keeping in front of Canadians) to 48mpg just tooling around. If you have never done the circle tour it's worth doing. Saw quite a few 1st gens but only 2 2nd gens. Need the 1st gen speed to keep from being run over. lol.
  8. Can anyone help re:1997 Royalstar Tour Classic paint codes, the codes are taken from under the seat on the frame above the tool kit. Alongside the white circle is the number 4YP1-030 Alongside the black circle is the letter B Do both these codes refer to the paint or something completely different. I need to source paint for the bike after cruising along the road without a bike (fell off) any help would be appreciated. Yorkshire Star.:guitarist 2:Rock an ride!
  9. I just received this e-mail Blast from the SETX PGR... I pray that they catch these %$#@ Theives.. Stolen flags from the SETexasPGR Please spread this to everyone one you know, Police, patriots, riders, walkers, or anyone else you can think of. Please be on the look out for someone trying to sell or caring a lot of flags. Have them notify Hempstead, Tx Police or your local Law Enforcement immediately or send email to Leadership@SETexasPGR.org One of South East Texas' support trucks had taken out his Flags to clean his truck and stored them on his front porch. When he came back all of the flags were gone. The list is below. All Flags Mounted on 2 five foot sections of 3/4 white PVC with a 3/4 inch coupling to connect the 2 Five foot sections together. with a cap on top painted Gold and a clear coating of rubber over the Gold to protect the paint These flags are rolled up ..two 5 foot sections with a rubber band holding the flag and the PVC poles in place. The flags are mounted to the PVC pipe with 2 Black Hillman Push-In Nylon Rivet 7/16 inch, 2 holes are drilled in to the pole to hold the flag in place. All the Flags taken were 3ft by 5 foot. 50 American flags there were also taken: Double sided ( 2 flags placed back to back and sewn together) United States Marines Flag United Stated Air force United Stated Coast Guard United States Army United States Navy Value $75.00 each [*]Then there were single sided Flags World War II Flag honoring them Blue flag , White circle with an eagle in the center with the words in RED in the circle " A Grateful Nation Remembers" and the words at the bottom in Yellow "1941- 1945 1991-1995" and at the bottom in white print the words "World War II" 2 Texas Flags Blue Star Flag . White with a Blue star in the middle with Red border Fire Department Flag.. Red with black lettering and the Fire Dept emblem in the center 2 We Support Out Troops flags.. White flag .. These have the words. "WE Support Out Troops" with 4 main branches of the Armed Forces in 4 corners and one has a large Yellow Ribbon on it KIA Killed in Action .. Red flag with Black lettering POW/MIA Flag .. Prisoner Of War Flag .. Black with White lettering.. a circle in the middle with the head of a POW in the middle and the words "You are not forgotten" at the bottom and the letters "POW*MIA" across the top Vietnam Veterans Flag.., Yellow flag with Viet Nam emblem and Stars on one end with the words .." Vietnam Veteran " written on it Viet Nan Complain flag .. Black flag with a picture of Vietnam in the center with a Red circle around it with 12 of major Complain troops emblems on the outer side the circle and the words " Our Cause Was Just" written on the top of the circle PGR Flag ..Patriot Guard Flag .. Bright Yellow with Blue writing with a triangle and 6 stars in it with the words Patriot Guard Riders around the triangle and the words " Standing for those Who Stood for Us" at the bottom Korean War Veterans Flag .. Blue flag with a white circel with black print " Korean War Veterans " and "1950-1953" and "Liberty at the bottom" In the circel there are 7 stars, 2 jets , an soldier going up a hill and a ship at the bottom, all in black print. There are Golden leaves around the circle Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 Dessert Storm These poles were all 5 foot long. But next to them were other American flags but these had 8 foot PVC Pipe and may have been to long to fit in what there were transporting them in.. suggesting a short bed truck Several people have already offered to help replace the flags. Thank you, You can not understand how much your generosity and support means to the PGR and those Hero's we stand for. Thank you. After this weekends missions are completed, I will respond to each offer. -Windrider Windrider PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS Deputy State Captain - PGR Texas SETexas PGR HOTH Coordinator "Riding Hard & Standing Tall & Silent" Local Mission Info http://setexaspgr.org PGR National Web Site: http://patriotguard.org ABC News on SE Texas and what we do This email was sent by S E Texas PGR email system, SETexas, SETexas, Tx 77001, using Express Email Marketing. You subscribed to this permission-based list on 10/12/2007. Express Email Marketing supports permission-based email marketing. You can change your preferences or unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.http://app.expressemailmarketing.com/get.imgx?Opened=true&cid=378218&sid=61562844 http://h.msn.com/c.gif?RF=&PI=44364&DI=5707&PS=96691&cb=1242381444500 http://co110w.col110.mail.live.com/mail/clear.gif {0} Mark as read Mark as unread Delete Junk Not junk Print View message source This message is too wide to fit your screen. Show full message http://gfx1.hotmail.com/mail/w3/ltr/plx.gif http://co110w.col110.mail.live.com/mail/clear.gif © 2009 Microsoft Privacy Legal Help Central Account Feedback
  10. You won't find a more adventurous and scenic ride then the Lake Superior Circle Tour. I did it in 2007 with a group of 5 other bikers (affectionately known as the Mild Hogs) and had a blast. This 1800 mile ride will take you all the way around the world largest fresh-water lake following the picturesque shoreline through Minnesota, Ontario, Michigan, and Wisconsin. We took seven days to truly enjoy the scenery but if you pushed it a bit you could shorten the ride. There's even a website dedicated to this ride. Once you complete the ride you can order a Circle Tour pin for your leather. http://www.great-lakes.net/tourism/circletour/superior/ Here's a link to the photos from our Circle Tour ride on the Mild Hogs website: http://www.ib4e.org/mildhogs2007.html My favorite Circle Tour stops: Split Rock Lighthouse Grand Marais (Oly & Svens for pizza) Sleeping Giant Provincial Park (spend a whole day visiting this beautiful park east of Thunder Bay) White River, ON (birthplace of Winnie-the-Pooh, you can laugh but you'll stop for a photo) Wawa, ON (cute little Canadian town) Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum (visit the Edmund Fitzgerald display) As a sidenote, I rode all five great lakes in 2008 from SE Minnesota to Niagra Falls and back and found the Circle Tour ride much prettier.
  11. Ok I got the 84 out (trailered it to the camp). Yesterday I decided to install the new front tire I had mounted on a spare rim. In the process of cleaning up the front end ( saturated in fork oil ) I decided to remove the front brake pads to clean the brake calibers. At the camp I didn't have the proper needle nose pliers and I managed to break a circle clip the one in the brake pad retaining pin. I assume this has to be in to keep that retaining pin from coming out. Today is Sunday is this a Yamaha only part or can I get lucky at the local ACE hardware. It would be nice to ride today.Dealer not open on Sunday.:confused24:
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