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  1. Here is a few photos of the Pie in the face fund raiser for ST. Jude's. We had a lot of fun at the Hub and glad everything went well.. Thanks goes to Cindy for planning this. And those who volunteer for us to watch. The girls had a lot of fun too ...LOL Rick - Sarge46 John - Dooder1 Dale - Midnightrider Randall - Owner of the Hub Marilyn - Sarge46 better half Mike - mikeC Karl - Ic23b Don - FreeBird Cindy - Cinderella Hal-HALRSV99 Venturerider Mascot
  2. Where's Cindy been? I know I miss her posting, hope all is going well with them. Come on Cindy let us know how it's going. Margaret
  3. As a new member to this forum I wanted to say thanks to everyone. This is an amazing resource. We are enjoying our new 09 RSV and can't wait for our first long road trip with this bike. Merry Christmas from the Reece family! David, Cindy, Jennifer, Natalie and Evan As most of you can probably see form the picture, I married up.
  4. there is going to be alot of thanks going around, and i want to put mine in. i would like to thank all the folks who attended. you all made my week. and i mean that from the bottom of my heart. you are such a great bunch. it was worth all the work just to see people have a great time. i also want to thank the great committee i put together. cindy, buddy, dooder1, colesgrampa, danob11, tom, gunboat, my good buddy's roadkill, and wrongway, and rosebud. brad, i want to thank you for the usual going out of your way help with your suggestions, and the drawing for the prizes. i want to thank don for trusting me to pull this thing off, even if he did call me trailer boy this morning, (he's the only one that can get away with that). :rotf:i would also like to thank patti from diamond r for all the neat things she came up with and taking the time to bring her products here. she is a real sweety, and cliff spears for being here with his products, and my buddy danob11's wife for displaying the neat jewelry she makes. i also want to put a plug in for randall and cindy who own the hub. they really busted their butts to make us feel at home and i can't thank them enough for the great job they did. we will be back. i want too thank gil fisher for getting the belt buckles for the st. jude raffle (we have a total of $431.00), which don is going to turn over to dragonrider for our run sept. 12. put that on your calender. finally there is one person that deserves special recognition. cindy, through thick and thin, took the planning for this meet head on and ran away with it. she made me feel like i did'nt do anything, in fact the rest of the committee made me feel that way. i just want to give her special thanks for taking on all the tasks she did and keeping me from looking stupid. if any one needs some names for a meet committee, get with me i have the cream of the crop. :clap2::clap2: snarley bill
  5. We got the laptops computers today that are for the rally prizes. Cindy was looking at them and now she has to have one. Told her wait to see if we win one first..... haha If not guess we will be ordering one for ourselves shortly...Or should I say for Cindy... Dale
  6. I want to thank everyone for their support and prayers. I don't say much on here, I leave that to Cindy! Maybe when we get another computer I will be able to say more. Lol I just wanted to say THANKS! I have a strong wife and daughter and that's the reason this went so well. By Haylie telling mommy right away was a HUGE thing. Then Cindy handling it the way she did saved me from prison. And I want to say I am sorry for the way I talked to her for calling the police first. She did good I was just very angry at the time. I love you Cindy and I am sorry! And thank god Cindy called BACA! They have been so good to Haylie and good for all of us. Their presents makes Haylie so happy and Cindy and I enjoy them as well. I am positive Cindy and I will be members as soon as they will allow us. This past year has been very hard on our family, emotionally, physically and financially. But now we can work on the healing process. The hardest thing I have to deal with since the day it happened and it tears me up inside is knowing that I wasn't there to save my little girl! Thank you EVERYONE! Dale
  7. linda and i are so glad that you made it through this terrible ordeal. cindy, i really owe you many more thanks then i can put into words for hanging with me on the 09 rally committee. thought i was going to lose you several times , but you hung in there and never let me down. if you would not have been there this whole rally would have been doomed from the git go. for all you folks that don't know, cindy took the job of registration, t-shirts, and a whole bunch of other jobs to numerous to mention and ran with them. so when your all down there at the rally having a great time, a whole lot of thanks needs to go to cindy. you did good girl. and we love ya for it. bill and linda. :clap2::clap2:
  8. check out the sticky at the top of the watering hole cindy has set a deadline on the t-shirt order for the 09 rally. all the details are there. cindy carries a big club. when she talks people listen. she's even getting boo straightened out. and thats a major job in it's self. please help cindy out, she has worked awful hard on this registration for all you folks. thanks, bill
  9. Only about 70 pics here. Got a few that you can't quite make out if they are actually the pond monster or not. Cindy seems to have gotten some pics and I hear a video of that and other things. Margaret
  10. just, want to remind people to register as soon as you can for the 09 ar. rally at the hub, so we can start ordering t-hirts and get a count. not trying to pressure anyone, but trying to make it easy on cindy and give the folks who own the hub an idea what to expect for the final dinner that they are going to cater. thanks bill
  11. hey cindy, i know your out there. not used to all the quite. you okay? check in and let us know. bill
  12. just got back from the bass pro meet and eat, and i do mean eat. met midnight venture and his wife for the first time and they are very nice folks. got alllanh out in the open and met his new lady friend he did well ,very nice lady. dale brought cindy and haylie and i must say cindy was a good girl and did'nt get in any trouble at all. dooder and doodette were there and i offered to do free surgery on dooders hip. told him i had a vice grips and hack saw. seriously i hope his surgery goes well. it was a great day and i hope everyone enjoyed it as much as linda and i did. thanks to all that came for a very enjoyable day. bill
  13. Thought you'd like this pic Cindy. Since I remember a similar one that got you in trouble. :Laugh: Margaret
  14. Dr. seen Cindy today and told her that he thought they were going to have to open up her knee and clean it out. They are going to do an MRI first and go from there. When I went back in today they were running late with the lunches and she was really hungry. Well when they brought in her lunch the nurse had just got the call not to let Cindy eat or drink anything till after the MRI. Poor woman was about to cry. Hope they do it pretty quick. Dale
  15. We figured since we had a long weekend that we would go camping at a local state park campground. Got there Friday evening after the little one got out of school. Everything was fine for those few shorts hour friday. Saturday we get up and all is well and later in the evening Cindy tells me I have to cook. No big deal. She goes in the camper and gets the burgers and brings them out for me and slips in some gravel and we end up in the ER. She got 15 stitches in her knee. Looked pretty nasty. Haylie stood right there and watched the doctor do the whole thing. Cindy is feeling pretty sore today. She called it an early night and went to bed. Its gonna get better around this house sooner or later............hope its alot sooner then later. Dale
  16. Hello Cindy. I was just wondering how Dale is getting along. Having been throught that twice, I sure feel for him. Please make a post with an update. Thanks
  17. I just saw this article and remembered when Cindy was having problems with shingles. Thought it might help someone out. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080515/ap_on_he_me/shingles_vaccine Margaret
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