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  1. Note: This is ONLY a joke and was not posted to address any type of religion in any way. I just thought it was funny and thought some of you here would enjoy it too. I have always questioned if Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton were really preachers since they have no church. When I heard Al Sharpton was guest preacher at a black Houston Church, I decided to check him out in person and see what it was all about......... . I sat down and Sharpton came up to me, I don't know why, maybe it was because I was the only white person in the Church. He laid his hands on my hand and said: "By the will of Jesus the Lord All Mighty, and the will of God, you will walk today." I told him I was not paralyzed. He came back and laid his hands on me again, and repeated the same thing. Again I told him there is nothing wrong with me. After the sermon I stepped outside and lo and behold, my dang car had been stolen!
  2. Last week I participated in my first mission. It was a KIA. I knew what the PGR is about but I didn't expect to be emotionally drained afterwards. When I saw the flag drapped coffin being unloaded from the plane it almost put me on my knees. I can't imagine what the family was feeling. Since the mission was local I went to the airport for the arrival of the body, stood in the flag line at the viewing at the funeral home and rode in the funeral possession. There were over 150 motorcycles that showed up. It was an awesome display of caring. The Westboro Church posted on their web site that they were going to be at the church the day of the funeral, but they didn't show up. One of the ride captains said she hadn't seen any of the WBC people show up in about two years. They had a permit to picket at a church in Marietta, GA. The church was a small church and when they realized how many PGR riders were coming they realized they couldn't handle all of them so they moved the services to the First Baptist Church in Marietta. When the Westboro people showed up at the small church no one was there. They found out the services had been moved to the First Bapist Church so they went there but were told they didn't have a permit there and would be arrested if they didn't leave. I talked to a guy from Phenix City, Al that said he bad been on the road for 14 days going to missions. I told him I didn't expect to experience the emotional drain and he said you never get used to it. Go Patriot Guard!
  3. I just found out that the scum from westboro baptist church are here in Newnan to disrupt the funeral service of Capt. Nicholas Whitlock USAF. I particitpated in the arrival at the airport and then stood in line at church to Honor Capt. Whilock. Now the scum, and thats the worst that I can say on here being its a pg site are here to disrupt and try to disgrace his name, his family, and his country by spewing their filth as close to the church as they can. I was unable to attned and maybe that is best, because I would have a hard time containing myself from confronting them. They need to go back to kansas and lack themselves in their compound and rot!! The views stated here are mine and do not represent that of VentureRider.org. Rant over!!!:soapbox: On the other hand, they don't realize who the family is they are taking on, the Whitlock family is very well know and connected in Coweta county. They practically founded it and have had someone in the family running it for a long time. I am feeling that if they really piss them off, they would have a really hard time getting out of the county. I was told by a capt on the local police dept and a PGR member, that the 92 year old grandfather can wield a mean cane and isn't afraid to use it. I will see tonite on the news if they decided to show up. Or some of our locals could take matters into their own hands, and everyone would look the other way I am sure.....Capt. Whitlock was a 2 sport all-star at one of the local high schools, an Eagle Scout, and regarded highly by everyone in this small Ga. town.
  4. Any member live near Myrtle Point, Oregon. The reason I ask, is that I'm looking at some Lapidary equipment on ebay. The Seller is from Myrtle Point, OR. Shipping is $200.00 for this item. I would like to save on the shipping or rather spend the $200 in an enjoyable trip. What I would like to do is if I win the bid, is to locate a member that lives really close by and could pick it up for me. Then I could make some arrangements in the summer of 2012 to pick it up. What I could to do is take the lid off my M/C trailer and pull it with my 91 VR and take a weekend trip down the Oregon Coast on hwy 101. I'm from Buckley Wa. about 400 miles away. While I'm down there I would like to visit Bandon Oregon. About 41 years ago I attended the Millard Prep School there. At that time Millard Prep's mission were to assist young men to increase their College SAT scores to qualify for West Point-Army / Annapolis-Navy / Air Force Academy. Today I think it has been purchased by a church and has turned it into a church camp. Kinda like to contact them and take a walk in memory lane. Then I'd like to just visit the famous golf course called the Bandon Dunes. If any member is willing, please PM me soon for there is about 6 days left on the bidding.
  5. Can't say I have been a fan... until now! Here is the story. . Look at the expression on the Westboro Church protestors! Priceless!
  6. Three years ago, my daughter, Heather and her husband Adam accepted a position in Brechin (Orillia) ON as associate pastor for a very small church. They could not afford to buy a house so they looked for something to rent. They could not find that either, but one of the church members had just built a 3 car garage with a one room apartment above it. Now with 2 kids it was getting a little tight so the search continued. In November last year, they found a house,, not much, kind of old but serviceable. It needed a new roof, so the owner was replacing it when it rained, and ruined the whole inside, so that was all redone. They were told they could move in in March, and then the end of March, then April,, you got the story. Now all is done and they were packed and ready to move in this past weekend, when all of a sudden things took a turn around, and now the owner has decided not to rent, but to sell. Heather is going bald I think,,, she must be totally pulling her hair out. We're going there to see what can be done, there just seems to be no place to rent so we may have to become creative. So we need some guidance, maybe from you folks, but most of all from our Creator, so if you could ask Him that would be awesome. Carl
  7. Washington (CNN) -- A Kansas church that attracted nationwide attention for its angry, anti-gay protests at the funerals of U.S. military members has won its appeal at the Supreme Court, an issue testing the competing constitutional rights of free speech and privacy. The justices, by an 8-1 vote, said Wednesday that members of Westboro Baptist Church had a right to promote what they call a broad-based message on public matters such as wars. The father of a fallen Marine had sued the small church, saying those protests amounted to targeted harassment and an intentional infliction of emotional distress. "Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and -- as it did here -- inflict great pain. On the facts before us, we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority. At issue was a delicate test between the privacy rights of grieving families and the free speech rights of demonstrators, however disturbing and provocative their message. Several states have attempted to impose specific limits on when and where the church members can protest. The church, led by pastor Fred Phelps, believes God is punishing the United States for "the sin of homosexuality" through events including soldiers' deaths. Members have traveled the country shouting at grieving families at funerals and displaying such signs as "Thank God for dead soldiers," "God blew up the troops" and "AIDS cures fags." http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/mosaic/bttn_close.gif http://www.cnn.com/video/us/2010/10/07/am.seg.snyder.funeral.protest.cnn.640x360.jpg http://www.cnn.com/video/us/2010/10/07/am.seg.snyder.funeral.protest.cnn.640x360.jpg2010: Free speech vs. privacy http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/mosaic/bttn_close.gif http://www.cnn.com/video/crime/2010/10/06/bts.scotus.religion.speech.cnn.640x360.jpg http://www.cnn.com/video/crime/2010/10/06/bts.scotus.religion.speech.cnn.640x360.jpg2010: Church says arguments went well http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/mosaic/bttn_close.gif http://www.cnn.com/video/bestoftv/2010/12/07/exp.nr.westboro.church.demo.cnn.640x360.jpg http://www.cnn.com/video/bestoftv/2010/12/07/exp.nr.westboro.church.demo.cnn.640x360.jpg2010: Vet accused of stalking church http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/mosaic/bttn_close.gif http://www.cnn.com/video/us/2008/03/31/ramos.ks.phelps.protest.wibw.576x324.jpg http://www.cnn.com/video/us/2008/03/31/ramos.ks.phelps.protest.wibw.576x324.jpg2008: Protesting Fred Phelps RELATED TOPICS Westboro Baptist Church Fred Phelps U.S. Supreme Court Westboro members had appeared outside the 2006 funeral for Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder in Westminster, Maryland, outside Baltimore. Snyder's family sued the church in 2007, alleging invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress and civil conspiracy. A jury awarded the family $2.9 million in compensatory damages plus $8 million in punitive damages, which were later reduced to $5 million. The church appealed the case in 2008 to a federal appeals court, which reversed the judgments a year later, siding with the church's allegations that its First Amendment rights were violated. Albert Snyder, Matthew's father, said his son was not gay and the protesters should not have been at the funeral. "I was just shocked that any individual could do this to another human being," Snyder told CNN. "I mean, it was inhuman." Church members say their broader message was aimed at the unspecified actions of the military and those who serve in it. They believe U.S. soldiers deserve to die because they fight for a country that tolerates homosexuality. Roberts in his opinion noted the Snyder family was not a "captive audience" to the protests that were conducted several hundred yards away. "Westboro stayed well away from the memorial service," wrote Roberts. "Snyder could see no more than the tops of the signs when driving to the funeral. And there is no indication that the picketing itself in any way interfered with the funeral itself." Based on that the court concluded Snyder could not collect damages from Westboro. But the chief justice showed little sympathy for the message Westboro promotes. "Westboro believes that America is morally flawed; many Americans might feel the same about Westboro. Westboro's funeral picketing is certainly hurtful and its contribution to public discourse may be negligible," he said. However, "As a nation we have chosen a different course -- to protect even hurtful speech on public issues to ensure that we do not stifle public debate." The ruling was a narrow one, dealing with the specific, unusual facts of this appeal. Such vocal protests at military funerals are almost entirely confined to this one small group. Roberts said on the free speech question, it was enough to rely on "limited principles that sweep no more broadly than the appropriate context of the instant case." Only Justice Samuel Alito dissented. He said the church's "outrageous conduct caused petitioner great injury, and the court now compounds that injury by depriving petitioner of a judgment that acknowledges the wrong he suffered," he said. "In order to have a society in which public issues can be openly and vigorously debated, it is not necessary to allow the brutalization of innocent victims like petitioner." The Supreme Court has never addressed the specific issue of laws designed to protect the "sanctity and dignity of memorial and funeral services," as well as the privacy of family and friends of the deceased. But the high court has recognized the state's interest in protecting people from unwanted protests or communications while in their homes. The justices were being asked to address how far states and private entities like cemeteries and churches can go to justify picket-free zones and the use of "floating buffers" to silence or restrict the speech or movements of demonstrators exercising their constitutional rights in a funeral setting. A majority of states across the nation have responded to the protests with varying levels of control over the Westboro church protesters. In Wednesday's case, 48 states and dozens of members of Congress filed an amicus brief in support of the Snyders. John Ellsworth, chairman of Military Families United, said that military protects the First Amendment rights that members of Westboro use to protest. "Gold Star families deserve the respect of a grateful nation, not hate from a group who chooses to demonstrate during the funeral of their loved one," he said. "My family has been on the receiving end of their hate and I assure all Gold Star families, this group is an anomaly and your sacrifice does not go without notice." Church members told the court they have a duty to protest and picket at certain events, including funerals, to promote their religious message: "That God's promise of love and heaven for those who obey him in this life is counterbalanced by God's wrath and hell for those who do not obey him." The congregation is made up mostly of Fred Phelps and his family. The pastor has 13 children, and at least 54 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. He described himself as an "old-time" gospel preacher in a CNN interview in 2006, saying, "You can't preach the Bible without preaching the hatred of God." Church members have participated in several hundred protests across the country. In 2009, the high court blocked Missouri's effort to enforce a specific law aimed at the Westboro church. Phelps, daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper and other church members had protested near the August 2005 funeral of a soldier in St. Joseph, Missouri. State lawmakers later passed the "Spc. Edward Lee Myers Law," criminalizing picketing "in front of or about" a funeral location or procession. The case decided Wednesday is Snyder v. Phelps (09-751).
  8. this just made me sick. Its probably a good thing Im not there as I may be tempted to send him to meet god and see if hes wright. Now the westboro church is going to protest a funeral of 7 kids that died in a house fire as they are syaing its the wrath of god because they live in the same state that the initial lawsuit against the westboro church was taken out.Any patriot guard riders near by. And Don if this is too inflamitory or political please remove this thread. Not meaning to start anything I just had to vent http://www.fox43.com/news/wpmt-westboro-protest-perry-fire-funeral,0,5116994.story David
  9. Yep...got out and rode today...beautiful day about 67 degrees here in Searcy, AR and stopped out at the Smyrna Church (the OLDEST Church in Arkansas)...and shot a picture with bike in the foreground...obviously taken with the iPhone4 and just a "little" bit of embellishment on the pic. Hope you enjoy.
  10. A little boy was in a relative's wedding. As he was coming down the aisle, he would take two steps, stop, and turn to the crowd. While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roar. So it went, step, step, ROAR, step, step, ROAR, all the way down the aisle. As you can imagine, the crowd was near tears from laughing so hard by the time he reached the pulpit. When asked what he was doing, the child sniffed and said, "I was being the Ring Bear." One Sunday in a Midwest City, a young child was "acting up" during the morning worship hour. The parents did their best to maintain some sense of order in the pew but were losing the battle. Finally, the father picked the little fellow up and walked sternly up the aisle on his way out. Just before reaching the safety of the foyer, the little one called loudly to the congregation, "Pray for me! Pray for me!" One particular four-year old prayed, "And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets." Little boy was overheard praying: "Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a real good time like I am." A Sunday School teacher asked her little children, as they were on the way to church service, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" One bright little girl replied, "Because people are sleeping." A little boy opened the big and old family Bible with fascination, looking at the old pages as he turned them. Then something fell out of the Bible.He picked it up and looked at it closely. It was an old leaf from a tree that has been pressed in between the pages. "Mama, look what I found," the boy called out. "What have you got there, dear?" his mother asked. With astonishment in the young boy's voice he answered, "It's Adam's suit". The preacher was wired for sound with a lapel mike, and as he preached, he moved briskly about the platform, jerking the mike cord as he went. Then he moved to one side, getting wound up in the cord and nearly tripping before jerking it again. After several circles and jerks, a little girl in the third pew leaned toward her mother and whispered, "If he gets loose, will he hurt us?" Six-year old Angie , and her four-year old brother, Joel , were sitting together in church. joel giggled, sang and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had enough. "You're not supposed to talk out loud in church." "Why? Who's going to stop me?" Joel asked. Angie pointed to the back of the church and said, "See those two men standing by the door? They're hushers." My grandson was visiting one day when he asked , "Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?" I mentally polished my halo, while I asked, "No, how are we alike?"You're both old," he replied. The ten-year old, under the tutelage of her grandmother, was becoming quite knowledgeable about the Bible. Then, one day, she floored her grandmother by asking, "Which Virgin was the mother of Jesus ? The virgin Mary or the King James Virgin ?" A Sunday school class was studying the Ten Commandments. They were ready to discuss the last one. The teacher asked if anyone could tell her what it was. Susie raised her hand, stood tall, and quoted, "Thou shall not take the covers off the neighbor's wife."
  11. The Reverend Boudreaux was the part-time pastor of the local Cajun Baptist Church and Pastor Thibodaux was the minister of the Covenant Church across the road. They were both standing by the road, pounding a sign into the ground, that read: 'Da End is Near Turn Yo Sef 'Roun Now Afore It Be Too Late!' As a car sped past them, the driver leaned out his window and yelled, 'You religious nuts!' From around the curve they heard screeching tires, and a big splash... The Reverend Boudreaux turns to Pastor Thibodaux and asks, 'Do ya tink maybe 'da sign should jussay...'Bridge Out?'
  12. This summer I attended my 40th high school reunion. I graduated from Marshalltown High School with 396 other students. While at the reunion several class members said, "Some Sunday I'm doing to come down to your church and hear you preach." Well, I've heard that statement many times in my 36 years of preaching so I took it with a grain of salt. Yesterday 11 of my classmates carpooled to Newton and came to church - then they sat in the 2nd and 3rd row right up front! It made my day!! After the service we all went out eat where we told stories and laughed til our sides hurt. It was a great day!!!
  13. And that is an understatement............Was leaving to go to church on my V Star 1300, I cleaned it up a little bit before I left, got ready for church, backed the bike out of the garage, closed and locked the garage door, got back onthe bike pulled in clutch, dropped into first, a faint pop the bike lurched and dies. Clutch cable broke at the adjustment fitting under the tank. This is the second cable that has broken, the first one broke in the same place at 12,000 miles and Yamaha warrantied it.........no 10,000 miles later it does it again. Okay no biggey, I get the Venture out and put the Star away. Venture needs gas, so I stop at a gas station I use very rarely on my way to church. Pump the gas while sitting on the bike holding it upright so I get a full tank..............got distracted for a moment and all of a sudden I feel wettnes and hear liquiid spilling on the ground.........the auto shout off didnt work as it should now I have gas all over the tank cover the engine but worst of all, I am soaked in gas and it feels like someone lit a fire to big Jim and the twins......:crying:.......OUCH Wipe all the gas off the bike and soak up the little inside the filler area, and it feels like a volcano has gone off in my nether reigons.................Its a five mile ride back to the house and I dont know if I can make it without stopping at the first pond I see and jump in..........Call the fire department....................PLEASE. Get home and cant get the clothes off fast enuff, jump into a cold shower and cool my guys off....................WHEW......AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Luckily no permanet damage done to the area, but it sure felt like I was going to be out of commisson for a while.............Didnt really want to go to the hospital and be treated for burns down there.................. Made it to church 45 minutes late, went on our lunch ride and had a really nice day that I thought was going to be shot for me............. So. How was your day................??
  14. A little girl from Texas singing her heart out! Rhema Marvanne was born 9/15/02, lost her mother, Wendi Marvanne Vararitskul, to ovarian cancer on November 8, 2008. Rhema lives in Carrollton, Texas and attends The Branch Church (Vista Ridge Campus). See George's post below (my computer is having issues!)
  15. I have to stop reading the news. It's not good for my blood pressure. I realize this may be like throwing a gernade into a vat of gasoline so it may not last long but I had so say something. And this happened in the city that is home to Offut Air Force Base. "BELLEVUE, Neb. -- An Omaha suburb has paid a member of a Kansas church that protests at soldiers' funerals $17,000. In exchange, Shirley Phelps-Roper has dropped her lawsuit against Bellevue. The settlement with Westboro Baptist Church, which says troop deaths are punishment for the nation's tolerance of homosexuality, was signed last week. The church said it shows that responding to public anger by taking action against it costs taxpayers. City attorney Michael Polk didn't respond to a message seeking comment. Phelps-Roper was arrested during a 2007 protest in Bellevue after she and her son allegedly mutilated the U.S. flag. The settlement was signed the same day a federal judge, with agreement from Attorney General Jon Bruning, permanently stopped the flag-mutilation law from being enforced. They said it's unconstitutional." (this latest ruling was that these people can NEVER be arrested in Nebraska for defacing the American Flag.) And that's all I'm gonna say about that. I'm going to go grind my teeth some more. Mike
  16. I started something a couple of years ago that's kind of fun. I schedule a couple of "Ride With The Pastor" rides during riding season. We normally pick a destination and spend a Sunday afternoon riding. It connects me with people who have cycles in our church and helps me to get to know them better. Actually, I get to meet some husbands who may not attend church with their wives! Yesterday was our first ride. We left Newton and took a south then east route to avoid heavier traffic. Rode to the Amanas. One the way back we took a scenic route up to Tama where we ate at a great Mexican place. We did ride right past the Casino since the pastor was on the ride!! We left the church at 2 pm and got back to Newton at 8 pm. When we got back people were asking when our next ride was schedule. One of our young teenagers rode his 250 Suzuki as he a permit and kept right up with us. It was just a great day and fantastic time. If your pastor has a cycle you might mention this to him!!
  17. The SETX Patriot Guard Mission email blasts are not working correctly. Please allow me to post this Blast... Cpl. Jeffrey W. Johnson USMC Date Thursday May 20, 2010 Time 11:30 AM - 4:00 PM Contact Jerry Sorsdal bentwater@earthlink.net Description Cpl. Jeffrey Johnson USMC lost his life on 5/11/10 while on foot patrol in Afghanistan. Cpl Johnson enlisted in the Marines in 2007 & had served in Japan, the Philippines & Afghansitan. Cpl. Johnson is survied by: Wife: Katy Anguish, Father: Jerry Johnson, Mother: Dawn Hardwick, Step-Mother Kelly Johnson, one younger brother & two younger sisters. Staging Time: 11:30 a.m. Staging area: Southwinds Baptist Church, 16811 FM 2920, Tomball, TX. 77377 Briefing: 12:30 p.m. KSU: 12:45 p.m. We will travel from staging, with LEO support, to: Rose Hill United Methodist Church The Pgr will be setting up a flag line at the church 1 hour before services which start @ 2 p.m. We will then proceed to the grave site : Klein Cemetery, SH 249, Decker Prairie, TX. The FAST Team will travel to the grave site 15 minutes after the church services starts. Lead: Steve Allison 2nd: Chris Bass Support Vehicles: Jerry Turner & Red Foster FAST Lead: TBA Thank you, Owen
  18. A fine young man and co-worker bought WAY too much motorcycle as his 1st ever street bike. I think it was a 1000+cc crotch rocket. He had it 2-3 days before, it was reported, he lost it because of gravel on the road and he hit a light pole. Obituary from the Jackson, MS newspaper Adam Johnson, 22, passed away Friday, April 2, 2010 at University Medical Center in Jackson from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. Visitation will be 4-8pm today at Harmony Baptist Church. Services will be 11am Monday, April 5, 2010 at Harmony Baptist Church with burial in Harmony Cemetery. Adam was born in Jackson and lived all of his life in Crystal Springs where he was a faithful member of Harmony Baptist Church where he was also saved at the age of 9. After graduating from Union Academy, he got a degree in heavy equipment dealer service technology from South Georgia Technical College. Adam was the first Puckett Equipment employee to graduate with this degree. He married his first love, Kayla Pino Johnson July 25, 2009. Adam loved life and lived it to the fullest and always spoke words of encouragement to those around him. He enjoyed spending time with his family and extended family. He loved working in his shop, mud racing, fishing, four wheeler riding and most of all, spending time alone with his wife. He loved his work with Puckett Machinery as a heavy equipment dealer service technician with whom he had worked and attended school for the past 5 years. Adam was preceded in death by his maternal grandfathers, Walter Barlow, Sr. and his paternal grandfather, J. W. Johnson. He is survived by his wife, Kayla Pino Johnson; parents, Eddie and Sue Johnson of Crystal Springs; brother, Alex Johnson of Crystal Springs; maternal grandparents, Peggy and Paul Hunter of Crystal Springs; paternal grandparents, Doris and Seyburn Ball of Crystal Springs.
  19. Finally, it got warm enough here in Iowa to go for a ride. I put my Khromewerks pipes on and installed my Corbin Seat - and had enough time this afternoon to ride around Newton. What a great day! I would have ridden longer but our church is showing the videos, "Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage" tonight. Highly recommend the ride and the video!!!
  20. Don't want to start anything but if any Ohio members are able to help a family grieve in piece my friend a Marine sent me this Family of Fallen Marine Hero Needs Your Help!!!Share Yesterday at 11:15am Please read the note that I received below and help if you can! This Marine faught and died for people like the ones described below to have the right to protest. This being said, I feel we have a duty to shield the family from these types of people. Please read the note below and join me either on the procession path or in the Human Wall! Here is the note that I received: "Last week, October 20, a 22 year old Marine from Painesville Township was killed in Afghanistan. He is coming home today. Saturday is going to be his funeral at Zion Lutheran Church on Mentor Ave in Painesville (across from Lake Erie College) at 11 am. The funeral procession on Saturday will leave Monreal Funeral Home on Curtis Blvd in Eastlake, travel to route 90, go to Vrooman Road and go North on Vrooman Rd. The procession will go left on 84 to drive past Riverside High School where Lance Cpl David Baker went to school. They will continue past the school going west on East Walnut (84) and continue through to Mentor Avenue. They will then turn East on Mentor Ave (Left) to go to the church. The funeral procession is expcted to leave the funeral home between 9:45 and 10am Saturday morning and to arrive at the church Saturday by 11am. Here is the part that really just frosts me. I dont know how many people are familiar with the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS. They have been in the news several times. This "church" has decided to travel to the funeral to protest outside the church during services. They say they protest these funerals because "soldiers are dying for the homosexual and other sins of America. God is now America's enemy and God Himself is fighting against America". That is a direct quote from their "preacher"-a man named Westboro. He is known for preaching messages about homophobia and anti-Semitism. This family is going to the church to grieve for their son - a son who died far away in another country doing what he felt he had to do. Whether you believe in the war or not, he died and his family is grieving. The last thing in the world they need to see as they step out of the limosine at the church is a group of radicals shouting at them and protesting their son and his death. I am of the opinion that, if enough people gather at the church PEACEFULLY, we can form a human wall between the family and this group. They wont have to see them, they wont have to hear them, they wont even need to acknowledge them. They can go in to the church to grieve and bury their son - which should be their only priority that day." I will be there. Will you join me? Buddy (Sgt Raddatz, USMC)
  21. This Sunday is Biker Sunday at our church. After church there will be a meal and some biker games. Afterwards there will be a 50 mile ride. The pastor has asked me to lead the ride. The route has been laid out. All two lane state hwy. The middle section has several 15 & 25 mph curves. We are expecting somewhere between 50 to 100 bikes. I've never road with a group before (let alone lead one). So what is a recomended speed to travel for the ride, and the curves? Thanks! for the help.
  22. I have a 1983 Venture Royale. I rode this bike all over yesterday, went out to get on it this morning to go to church and it would not start. All it would do is every so often it would back fire. Where do i need to start? A guy at church said to start by checking the plugs. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Thursday night going to work, a 2009 pulled onto the road right behind me and we were together about 8 miles. Then Friday evening, saw a midnight southbound on I65 around Seymour, IN. Saturday, my wife and I went to Austin's in Louisville for dinner. When we came out, there sat a Silver RSV with the license plate "CHESER" Sunday morning after church, saw a canary yellow RSV trike in Jeffersonville, IN. I made up some "cards" with the VentureRider.org logo on the upper left of the page. Anyone got a businees style card for the site I can print off?
  24. I just got this from our church office staff. I either drive or ride this road daily. It's a really straight stretch of highway with a 50 mph limit. It's a shame to hear about these things, but when we do it should always remind us of how fleeting life can be. Not just a reminder for when we are on our bikes, but every moment should count. May God bless you and keep you safe. The doctor's office where this occured is right at the entrance to our church. Everyone: I just wanted to let you know that the church office will be closed this morning. At about 7 this morning there was a fatal motorcycle accident in front of the doctors office. The road is currently closed and we do not know how long it will take to open it back up. Please pray for the family of the person killed. As soon as we are able to get in to the church, we will let you know. If you need to get a hold of me in an emergency, you can still e-mail me at the church’s email address or this one or you can call my cell phone at Thanks, Kris
  25. Last night a bunch of people met out at the new church property to discuss our upcoming Biker Weekend. Now mind you, our church really has it's roots in our biker ministry so there are a ton of bikers that show up each time we meet. Anyway, most of the riders from church are Harley guys and gals. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't bother me a bit. We all get along fine and they are some of the best friends I've ever had. But last night I saw something that really made me proud of my scoot. We had about 30 bikes lined up (mostly Harleys including some brand new ones, some Goldwings and a couple Stars thrown in for good luck). I was talking to some of my friends and looked down the row of bikes. To my surprise there were about 5 people standing around my Venture talking about it. So I walked over and asked if they have any questions. they were just complimenting the looks and how much they liked the Venture. One of them asked me what I thought about it and told me he has been wanting one. I offered him the use of mine for a day whenever he wanted to try one out. He was grinning from eear to ear. I expect a call one day soon! For me the Venture has everything I want and more. I just hope to someday get rid of my whine. After that, I'll be completly satisfied with it. A good friend of mine is an architect and really into design. He's totally into the look of the Venture. All in all it is a great looking machine. Also, on another note, I had to miss Don's maintenance day due to other obligations. Is there anyone in the Ohio area that has a Carbtune? I would like to get my carbs checked and adjusted if necessary. I'd be glad to pay you for doing it. I would also like to invite you all to the Biker Weekend we'll be having July 12 and 13. Check out the details at www.leaveamark.org Ride safe.
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