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  1. Hope to get some feedback from anyone who is rideing with the ebay 5mm thick from china, do they work as good as stock, is there anything we should know about them. thanks.
  2. Canadians & Americans Hey, we can make a difference if we try. How is it possible to ship food from China cheaper -- than having it produced in Canada or at least the U.S.? FOR EXAMPLE THE "OUR FAMILY" BRAND OF THE MANDARIN ORANGES SAYS RIGHT ON THE CAN FROM CHINA .. SO FOR A FEW MORE CENTS I BOUGHT THE LIBERTY GOLD BRAND OR THE DOLE IS FROM CAL .. ALL "HIGH LINER" AND MOST OTHER FROZEN FISH PRODUCTS COME FROM CHINA OR INDONESIA . THE PACKAGE MAY SAY "PACIFIC SALMON" ON THE FRONT, BUT LOOK FOR THE SMALL PRINT. MOST OF THESE PRODUCTS COME FROM FISH FARMS IN THE ORIENT AND THERE ARE NO REGULATIONS ON WHAT IS FED TO THESE FISH. ALSO WATCH FOR PICKLES. A LOT OF THE NO-NAME PICKLES COME FROM INDIA . BICK'S HAVE RECENTLY CEASED OPERATIONS IN CANADA -- DON'T BUY THEM . Another example was in canned mushrooms. No-Name brand came from Indonesia. Next to them were President Choice brand. Produce of Canada!! The P. C. went into my grocery bag. Also check those little fruit cups we give our children. They use to be made here in Canada in the Niagara region until about 2 years ago.....They are now packaged in China !!!! While the Chinese, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in Canadian markets, the media wrings its hands and criticizes the Harper Government for perceived errors. Yet 70% of North Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended!! Well, duh. Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? SIMPLY DO IT YOURSELF CANADA!! Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without. Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some Canadian farmer. Easter is just an example; the point is not waiting for the government to act.. Just go ahead and assume control on your own. Canadian Thermos bottles were made here for many years.. Thermos sold out in the 1990's and now the bottles, those that keep our food warm or cold are now made in CHINA .. We lost---about 200 jobs! THINK ABOUT THIS, If 200 million North Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favour...fast!! The downside? Some Canadian businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory. Just one month of trading losses, will hit the Chinese for 8%, of their North American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it. START NOW and don’t stop. Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are intelligent Canadians, and NOBODY can take us for granted. If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET! Pass it on, North America !! I DID!!
  3. OK, we have beat this issue to death and I am about ready to dump the Avons and order up some E3's. We are running 404's on the Wife's Suzuki and they are made in Indonesia. Probably better than China but??? Does anyone volunteer to check their E3's to see where they are from. Thanks, Gary
  4. Found a new motorcycle jack for sale, good price, brand is a Larin, anybody here have one or have any info on this brand of jack, capacity is 1500 lbs. 75.00 I figure its a good deal, but don't want to buy something that is made in china or not be able to get parts for it, any info would be helpfull, thanks in advance..
  5. A cyber attack by hackers has forced Canada's Finance and Treasury departments offline. According to CBC, unattributed sources in senior government circles are saying the attacks were traced to servers in China. The attack comes amid considerable international controversy about Chinese cyber-espionage and “Chinese government hackers”. Although CBC said it could not determine whether the attackers were Chinese or simply other nationals who used China-based servers, CTV television said they were "Chinese government hackers". It cited sources as saying the Canadian Security Intelligence Service has advised government officials not to name China as the origin of the attacks, or even discuss the matter. Chinese espionage has become a "major problem" for Canada and other countries, a senior government official told CTV. Current information is that the hackers were successful in attacking the computers of government officials. It’s not known whether the hackers were able to access public personal tax records or other sensitive personal data. Internet access to both government departments was shut down immediately the attack was detected. Official statements are that “no data was compromised” in relation to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. CTV’s own reports are rather brief. Citing previous efforts by alleged Chinese hackers to break in to Indian government computers and steal Canadian passport applications, CTV states: It's unclear how many attempts have been made to break into the finance department's computer network. Analysis In practice, the information provided is all a bit too simple. The only working statement is the statement that the CBC, which is after all a news agency, not a counterintelligence unit, couldn’t determine the exact source of the attack. There’s a surprise. In view of the fact that any cyber attack can be launched from anywhere by a mildly enthusiastic high school kid, and is extremely unlikely to be located in the nation of origin for obvious reasons, the Yellow Peril rhetoric is more than likely a bit misplaced. China is quite capable of doing better than a clumsy attempted burglary of data which doesn’t necessarily have a lot of intrinsic espionage value, particularly on such a high profile scale. There are other reasons for not instantly assuming there are reds under the Canadian Feds, too. Organized crime in China isn’t entirely unknown, and it is perfectly likely that agencies carrying useful identity theft quality information would be targeted for people smuggling purposes. A criminal organization, or several, wouldn’t be too worried about embarrassing the Chinese government, in fact, may have decided the current cyber Cold War and endless media speculation on the subject was the perfect environment for doing just that. I know I crossed the line again
  6. I'm just curious if anybody here has done much business with China and has had any packages shipped here to the US. I ordered a laptop battery on 11/17/2010 on ebay and I still haven't received it. After 5 weeks with no delivery and the information available via the tracking number having not been updates since 11/19/2010, the sender finally sent out another battery on 12/25/2010. Now that tracking information on that battery hasn't been updated since 12/27/2010. I asked that he use an express method for the second shipment, but he chose to use the same service in spite. How long should it take to get a small package from China? Jeannie ordered a handmade dress from China for our wedding after I ordered my battery and she got it last week already. I just don't know for sure if I should file a complaint with ebay or just be more patient. Seven weeks seems like an awful long time. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, Bill
  7. Don you did good on the T-Shirts and best of all They are not made In China
  8. ... amazing that many seemed oblivious to oncoming traffic and the number of people who seemed to be uninjured This is unbelievable. Driving in China: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QESfEd180rQ [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QESfEd180rQ][/url]
  9. Its so hard now a days to find something that's not made in China So my question is to you (2nd Gen) Is there anything on your bike that is made in China? and name them
  10. I will research this when I have more time but have any of you system admins seen this before? I feel that they are probably going to try and soak me for money but this one is new to me. Here is what I received. Dear Manager: We are a Domain Name registration service company, which is a professional Internet Domain Name Registration and dispute resolution organization in China. On August.10th,2009, We received HAITONG Investment company's application that they are registering the name "venturerider" as their Internet Keyword and "venturerider.cn"、"venturerider.com.cn" 、"venturerider.asia"domain names etc..,It is China and ASIA domain names.But after auditing we found the brand name been used by your company. As the domain name registrar in China, it is our duty to notice you, so I am sending you this Email to check.According to the principle in China,your company is the owner of the trademark,In our auditing time we can keep the domain names safe for you firstly, but our audit period is limited, if you object the third party application these domain names and need to protect the brand in china and Asia by yourself, please let the responsible officer contact us as soon as possible. Thank you! Best regards, John Oversea marketing manager Tel:+86(0)21 6296 2950 Fax:+86(0)21 6296 1557 web:http://www.ygregistry.cn
  11. I wonder how many people pay attention to where the item they buy comes from. I dare anyone to go to Wally world and pick up 10 items at random and get over 10% made in the usa. That means 90% made out of states. Many times I've put something back on the shelf and refused to buy it because it's made in china. What say the other smart people here?? www.ridingformissions.com
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