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  1. How many of you guys ride in the Toys for Tots parade in Chicago? Thought about doing it, wondering how many have and how they felt about it. Thanks Ed 1988 Venture Royale
  2. So are there any other WI riders or others that might be passing thru WI that want to met up for the ride to Dons? At the moment my plan is to leave real early Friday morning to clear Chicago before them Ilinesian folks get up and hit the road and anything they can find on the road.
  3. Anyone going to the show this weekend??
  4. we all can use a good laugh....
  5. Just like the title says IS there a "safe" way to drive a bike through Chicago? I did read this thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=50392 I have driven through Chicago in my truck many times, My truck is a full size, extended cab, 8' box with over sized cap, 4x4 Pickup painted bright red. On almost every trip through there, I nearly get hit at least one time by someone that either does not see me or just doesn't care. Now my bike with trailer is a whole lot smaller and a whole lot less intimidating. Heck even a Smart Car will win in an altercation with a bike. While I don't think there is a good time of day to go through Chicago, is there a less bad time? But seeing as I live near Milwaukee Wisconsin, anything that is south or east of me requires either a very long detour around Chicago, or taking the ferry (IF it is running and not broke down) for big . $294 round trip for me, the bike, and the trailer.
  6. Tomorrow morning I'm heading out to start on my journey to pick up my new to me 88VR I got thru ebay. Although I'm only going to Chicago...it's going to feel like a LOT longer getting there. My wife is driving me to Watertown NY (about 2 1/2 hrs from home) I'm taking a bus from Watertown to Syracuse NY. (2:35-5:15) then wait for just over 4 hous (9:35) to take an overnight train to Chicago, arriving at 9:45 am. Then I have to Kill more time hours before I can meet up with the owner of the bike I bought. THEN THE FUN BEGINS....I'll do a thorough check of the bike...and hit the road Wed night. 860 miles home. I'm a marchmellow butt so... I'm only going to ride 3 hours Wed. evening and camp at a KOA just off the hiway. Then to Rochester NY (7 hours) and crash at "Jayceesfolly" (a member here) Thursday night. Finally , home on Friday. (4 hours) If anybody is free on Thursday thru the day in the Chicago area....let me know....maybe we can connect? I'll be rolling into Union Station around 9:45 am Thursday!
  7. I have an '86 VR and it needs some TLC. I thought I had a great shop located, but he seems to busy to work on my old bike again. So are there any shops that people trust that work on the VR? I live near Peoria, IL but can go towards Quad Cities, Chicago, INdy, St. Louis. etc. But of course, finding one within short distance of Peoria would be best. Any help appreciated.
  8. Man It's nasty in Chicago tonight. Blizzard and thunder storm at same time. Kipping house warm and supplies of Heineken to keep my soul warm. Watching local news and idiots stuck on LSD ( Not that one, but Lake Shore Drive) who is out driving in chicago during storm ?? Good luck to you guys hit with this deep frezzze. Al Gore You suck. This is global cooling not warming.
  9. I just received mailing in today's mail announcing going out of business auction for Chicago Cycle, Inc. in Lincolnwood, IL. Auction is this Saturday, Oct. 30th beginning at 10:00 am. Preview is Friday. Chicago Cycle is (was) a very large dealership, with a primary focus toward the sportbike community, but then again, aren't they all. I am surprised by this move, as Chgo cycle has always been a prominent sponsor of the annual International Cycle Show in Chgo. This link should get you there. http://www.mikepetersonauctioneers.com/auction.php?auction_id=1072 Mike Peterson runs a pretty good auction, however, I am not sure if internet bidding is offered this time. I expect there will be a large volume of helmets, jackets, rain gear and other apparel. You may be able to get a good deal on something you need. I got a good deal on some J&M headsets at the Chgo. Sports & Cycle (different company) auction last year.
  10. actually Naperville is where I'll be Friday around lunch time. Of course Chicago style pizza comes to mind, but what else would you consider that is only or the best is available in the Chicago area? Chicago style hot dogs has been suggested, too. I found Giordano's and Lou Malnati's pizza in Naperville rated very highly. Also Portillo's Hot Dogs looks promising. I'm getting really hungry now!!! Also, do you know a good pawn shop with lot's of guitars? Or a music store that has lot's of used equipment? I'm flying my 50 year old Fender Super Amp up there Friday to have it repaired and serviced at Victoria Amps. Brother gets me buddy passes, so flying it up there is not much more than shipping it and it can't get lost or destroyed! Should be a nice adventure. Thanks, James
  11. So after the rally in Potato creek we are intending to run up the west side of Lake Michigan to Escanaba and then across to Sault St Marie followed by Tobermory. Question is What is the BEST way to get around Chicago?? That is the only part of the trip that I'm not looking forward to. Wayne
  12. Is anyone going from the Chicago area ? Maybe ride together ? John
  13. I got word through this or some other forum that a mainstay in our area, Chicago Sports & Cycle was closing its doors and an auction was scheduled for Saturday. It started at 9 am, however, I couldn't get there until shortly after 10:00. Unfortunately missed out on the many cases of Yamalube and other shop fluids they were selling. But got there in time for what I was most interested in...J&M headsets (new in box). Since they were selling in bulk, I had to buy a box w/ 5 units even though I only needed two. I am going to have two (2) extras which I will make available on this forum before selling on ebay. I believe one is full face (part #HS-ECD584-FF) and the other flip front or modular (part # HS-ECD584-FL), both retailing for $229.99. I am attaching pix of those for anyone interested. Will take any rsble offer, plus shipping. PM if interested. CS&C was a Yamaha, Honda, Suz & Kaw dealer which also sold other powersports equipment. Because they were selling items in bulk containers, I had to buy many items I did not need in order to get items I wanted. However, most of those bulk lots were rsbly. cheap and once I go through all of the boxes I will put together a list of what I have to sell or give away to VR members. I will then update this thread or post elsewhere if more appropriate. There are only a few items that are specifically related to the Venture, and many miscellaneous motorcycle & ATV-related items. Jerry
  14. Received an email notice about a Motorcycle dealer closeout auction in Chicago. Anyone in the area might want to stop by and see if there's anything that's interesting. Chicago Sports & Cycle Honda/Kawasaki Closeout Auction For anyone out of the area there'll be stuff available for bidding online via Proxibid... I've never bid on anything thru Proxibid. Tried once but they have too high a percentage load, so I passed. I still get their notices which are interesting to read. There are a couple of new Yamaha twins in the mix...
  15. How many might be going to the Chicago 2010 IMS this weekend???? I'll be the Brave one with the Packer hat on... In bears country... And the Star Vest
  16. As a newbie member, I'd like to "pu my nickel in" and add it to all your million dollar ideas... Enjoy these selected Rules of the Road, Chicago Style Welcome to CHICAGO! First you must learn to pronounce the city name. It is Chi-caw-go or Chi-ca-ga, depending on if you live north or south of Roosevelt Rd. If your road map is more than a few weeks old, throw it out and buy the updated one. If you are downtown, and your map is one day old, then it is already obsolete. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Chicago has it's own version of rules; "Hold on and pray." There is no such thing as a dangerous high speed chase in Chicago, we all drive like that. All directions start with "I-94"...which has no beginning and no end. The morning rush hour is from 6:00 to 10:00, and the evening is from 3:00 to 7:00. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out and, if you happen to be on the South Side, possibly shot. When you are the first one on the starting line, count to five when the light turns green before going to avoid crashing with all the drivers running the red light in cross traffic, but be prepared to hear the horns from all the cars behind you because you didn't immediately start moving. Construction on the NW Tollway is a way of life and enduring form of entertainment. If someone actually has their turn signal on, it is probably a factory defect. Car horns are actually "Road Rage" indicators. All old ladies with blue hair in Mercedes have the right of way, Period! First Ave., LaGrange Road, Summit, Pulaski...all mysteriously change names as you cross intersections. If you stop to ask directions on the West or South Side, you'd better be armed. A trip across town will take a minimum of four hours (East to West), but North-South freeways have unposted minimum speeds of 75 mph. The minimum acceptable speed on the Dan Ryan is 85 mph. Anything less is considered sissy. The wrought iron on windows near Englewood and Austin is NOT ornamental. The Eisenhower Exp. is our daily version of NASCAR. The Congress Exp. is called "The Death Trap" for (2) reasons; "death" and "trap". If it's 100 degrees, it's "Taste of Chicago" time. If it's 10 degrees and sleeting/snowing, it's opening day at Sox Park. If you go to Wrigley Field, pay the $25 to park in the "Cubs Lot". Parking elsewhere could cost up to $2,500.00 for damages, towing fees, parking tickets, etc. If some guy with a flag tries to get you to park in his yard, run over him! Happy Motoring in the Windy City!!! SUNRAYMAN
  17. Saw a 2nd gen on the Ohio turnpike just outside indiana was it anyone here it was light greenish and silver I was on the way back from a Jimmy Buffet concert in Chicago pullin a pop up camper. It was about 4:00 this afternoon.
  18. Hey we want to find a nice camping area (car and pop-up) in the chicago area. We want to go into the aquarium and end up at Toyota stadium for the Jimmy Buffet concert. We will be coming from the Cleveland area if anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated trying to keep it cheap as possible to give the kids some kind of vacation this year.
  19. On Saturday I was riding thur Ohio on Rt 30 on my way home to Pittsburgh from Freebird's MD. This rider came up on me on a Kawasaki 1200. We rode together for about 125 miles. We stopped in W. Va so that I could buy him a coffee. He said that he was coming from Chicago and on his way on to Philadelphia using as many back roads as he could. His bike was not modified. He used only the front brake. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/morph/CIMG2181.jpg www.Mic-Mutes.com Bill Morphy
  20. Any Chicago area members with a carb tune kit who would be willing to tune my carbs so I can learn how to.
  21. The Kawasaki Voyager price is now posted on their web site. $16,899 - $17,459. Its sounding better and better. I will see it in person in Feb, in Chicago at the show. I really think the one at the shows is not the final version, but we'll see.
  22. I Have Room booked @ Motel 8 Black Hills ,NC. If Somebody wants to share room and split cost. Let me know. Nite is only $54.00 or something. There is changes in plan, a bit. I Get vacation all week, and p probably will leave Chicago Sat August 2nd, and ride with Jerry ( Boo ) to Kentucky, and rest over night maybe hookup with some locals, and have beer. may go for ride round Smokies, and arrive in Black Hills NC Sunday Evening. Plan To Leave Sunday, 10th early Morning, and head north towards Chicago
  23. Anyone from around chicago going to Maintenance day? I am planning to leave the west suburbs Friday morning the 6th, and return sunday. So far my buddie Mel (Suzuki Boulevard)and I will be rideing together. He has to come home Sat night, so he will be looking for anyone comeing this way to ride with. We have a room at Days Inn Amherst Fri and Sat. Thought it might be nice to get a group together.
  24. We need some advice. StarRider and I will be attending the Rally at KW next July and will be travelling through the states. We will be stopping in Minneapolis to see friends and then south through the Chicago area. Is there a way around Chicago so that we can miss the toll roads. Or is it better to take the more direct route through Chicago. We would probably pick up 94 in Indiana, and then into Michagan to Detroit. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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