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  1. Having recently gotten a bike to rehab that has set awhile I got around to really digging in to it today. Removed the tank and gave it a quart of kerosene to rinse it out. The hoses are a bit checked so they where replaced. Makes sense to at least take off the float bowls and assess whether or not to take it down further. The clamps on the intake boots are loose and the carbs are still a bit snug. The manual makes it sound as if you can remove the carbs right off the boots but I'm a big guy with a large set of easy outs to prove my ability to snap stuff off. Can these be pried up or should I take the boots off right at the head? The only reason I ask is a previous hack covered the boots in some kind of epoxy, I'm guessing they where either split or checked. The bolts are covered and if need be I'll chip away to get them off, just not sure if I need to do it.
  2. Guest

    Air Deflectors

    I just bought a new RSV. I am looking for a solution to reducing the air flow off my upper legs. Is there a vent / deflector out there to cut some of the air? In the summer, not a problem. In the winter, I can see this will be a cold spot on my legs. I checked the Yamaha catalog and they have a set that mount on the outside of the lower fairing. This is great for the lower legs. Thanks.
  3. Here I go... New to me Trike & now I need to Check it over, setup & add-ons: 1) Get out the Mecury Carb-Sync - checked OK - no need to adjust 2) removed stock ignition & replaced with DynaTek 3000 - set on performance profile 3 with red line of 7,500 rpm 3) removed stock clutch pressure plate - installed/converted to Barnett Clutch Spring Conversion plate (good old purple) 4) checked out HID headlight kit - decided against it 5) ordered Signal Dynamics Diamond Star headlight modulator 6) ordered Diamond Star Plug & Play harness 7) ordered Hella H4 100/80 Halon watt bulb for headlight 8) ordered qty.4 NGK DPR8EIX-9 Iridium IX Spark Plugs 9) one passing lamp failed so I checked out converting to lens & H3 Halogen bulbs - decided against it & needed rewiring 10) ordered qty.2 Passing Lamp Bulbs - Bulbrite HX36PAR36WFL 36-Watt Halogen/Xenon Sealed Beam PAR36 10) ordered 5-layer felt lined Trike cover - using/covering Trike with my old cover used on my Z4 11) ordered custom license plate GhostR Now I'm preparing to move add-ons from old bike to new bike when these parts get in & I have a nice weather day. I'll continue this as I progress. JohnB
  4. I hadn't ridden my 83 VR for a couple weeks due to extreme temps outside. I checked the oil and it was fine, rode to the store with no problems, but got hit with a slew of LCD displays on the way home. The kickstand, brake, oil and headlight pictographs are all on constantly, and the red warning light flickers brighter the faster I rev. I got home and rechecked oil- ok. Lights all operate, charging system at around 14 when running, temp in the mid green, resevoir at proper level. Brake and clutch fluids all clean and full. Runs like a top but I'm worried it's gonna die on me or I will harm the engine. I checked it cold also and have same problem, even without starting the engine. When it runs thru the power-up checks, those LCDs just stay on. Could it be a bad ground in the LCD panel? I read a thread about the repair, but wasn't clear on the symptoms that prompted it.
  5. Has anyone had any problems with their TPS? I have the 07 RSTD which has been in the shop for waaaaaay to long. Anyhow as mentioned before in another thread they finally got the head gasket fixed and put it back together. But it is running like crap! Idles fine, rev's fine in neutral. Put it under load and open the throttle and it feels like hitting the Rev limiter. Does it more in higher gears where the load is greater due to gear ratio's. We have checked everything we can think of and everything others have mentioned here but to no avail. We have pretty much ruled out the carbs and timing. They checked the TPS and apparently the resistance was all wrong like no resistance. They are suppose to have one ordered and hopefully be in this week.. Has anyone else had a problem or can shed some light?
  6. I fixed the starter clutch and started the bike with some difficult at half throttle so I put 6 ounce of redline in the tank. Now it will not start (hit) at all. Checked gas flow and it is working good and cleaned and checked firing of the plugs, Good. When I spray starter fluid in the carbs direct, it runs with the starter fluid and quits. I see no gas spray out of the carbs at all.
  7. I bought this 2006 Midnight RSV and the previous owner said he never used the CB, I have read all the threads on CB issues, the problem is the CB will come on and I get a CBERR message and it shuts off after about 15 seconds, I've checked all the connections as described on the forum and I do get 12 volts at the connector at the CB unit uder the trunk. Any Ideas?
  8. Stopped at the grocery store after work with everything working normal. Came out, fired up the VR and no headlight and dashlights no CMS backlight. Engine started OK, turn signals, tail light and brake light were working OK too. Checked the fuse box found no blown fuses or weak or corroded holders. Wiggled and pulled the start button. Also checked the headlight bulb which was good. Are the headlight and dash lights connected in some manner or did I win the lottery and get two problems at once? I'm at a loss. Any ideas? I need to ride this thing to work tomorrow morning.
  9. So I know it is somewhat of a common problem on our 1st Gens. They are just so dang fast the gas fumes in the tank cannot keep up with the bikes. My bike has developed the “gas smell in the garage” syndrome. It seems to be getting worse. I have checked the diaphragms, checked for overflow from the carbs. Adjusted the idle screws. Trying to decide the next step. So, what are the solutions that you guys have found ? What is the next couple of steps I should try ?
  10. I bought an 87 venture royale this spring that has been stored for two years. The owner said that the carbs were redone before it was put away.( Cost him 750$ .. I didn't see the bill) Anyway, I brought it home and have been playing with it ever since. There was fuel problems and I finally got the bike running. I put in seafoam, and naphtha and it starts up and runs not too bad.. but I think it is not firing on all cylinders. I hooked up my carbtune and I get no response from cylinder # 1 left rear . No vacuum at all. When started it up this morning, I checked the exhausts and the left rear got hot very quickly and the other three got slightly warm in the time I ran it. I checked for vacuum after changing the lines to the carbtune with the same result as before. I have just pulled the plug and it was slightly damp and somewhat black. This is where I am at now. What should I do now? Any specific tests , and order to help trace down the problem(s)? Help!
  11. What can it mean if the exhaust from the right bank is cool compared to the left side? I noticed it and checked the cylinder temp. It appears the right bank is running some 20 degrees cooler, at least at start up and quite a while afterwards. I checked the carb vacuums and they appear well balanced. Pulled a plug on the right and it looks practically new! Overall the bike seems to run just fine but a bit cold at start and slow to warm up...but then, that's how it's always been. Not sure if I should be concerned about it or not.... Any ideas?
  12. So I started looking for my proverbial gas smell on my 89. Couldn't find anything wet or seeping. Decided to sync the carbs. I also checked the vacuum caps that I had to remove to hook up the sync hoses. I checked them by sucking on them and letting them stick to my lip. The last one I checked would not create suction. I could not find a crack, or leak, but it would not create suction. So, I replaced it with one off of the 87. after syncing and the new cap, boy...it runs smooth. Here is the question: When syncing the 89, the Carbtune reading was close to 32 on the scale. Is there a level/reading that it should be ? What/how is that adjusted ? I was able to balance the carbs and the sides. I was also playing with my 87 and even though I still have major carb issues on that one, The reading was around 20 on the scale. Now I know that the 87 could, and probably is not an accurate reading due to the carb issues, but it got me thinking about the readings.
  13. Ok tonight everything is working fine then I started getting a fast flash on right turn signal. Checked all lights and they are fine, left turn works normally. Any thoughts??
  14. So I've had my 99 RSV completely apart for the last month and a half doing a really nice restoration on it along with some mods thanks to the help of WillBill1 on here. Things are starting to come back together, just got back all my parts from paint. Today we were working on getting all of the electrical back together and adding the Harley License Plate Frame on the back and installing a passing light bar and lights up front. Here's the problem.... all of the Hazard lights seem to be working as they should, however when we go to use the turn indicators none of them work and the flasher unit make a buzzing noise. Everything else works, passing lights, running lights ect. We have checked and double checked all connections and they all look good. Before taking the bike apart everything worked fine. What do you guys think the problem could be? Please Help!! :confused24:
  15. I’m desperately hoping someone here can give me a clue, my radio has died and I have no clue what to do. I pulled out the cassette player to make a spot to stick my iPod. When I put everything back together the radio no longer works. It acts like the antenna isn’t there, the aux input plays fine, but I get nothing on FM and only static on AM and CB (though I never use the CB so maybe there just isn’t any traffic around here). The connector is plugged into the amp. I checked continuity back from the plug that goes into the amp to the antennas. Both the base and the antenna on the CB side checked out. On the radio only the base checked out, but I don’t know if that’s normal or not. There isn’t any connection between the cassette and the radio is there, I hope? Anyone have any ideas? Oh, this is a 2005 Venture.
  16. On my 84 Venture I have 1,3,and 4 synced but number 2 will not, It also when warmed up will go from 1000 rpm to 2000 rpm up and down and have noticed a small back fire when running down the road. And at a idle you can hear it miss and then smooth out. I have good fire to number 2 spark plug. I checked the slide when runing and moves the same as the rest and checked the diaphragm and it looks good cant find any holes. Orlin
  17. I love listening to my tunes on my Android phone plugged into the Aux socket. When the right channel went dead, I checked all the connections and the head phones. Tried the radio... STEREO! Checked the plug and lead. DAMMIT! The end piece of the plug had broken off. Found it! Inside the socket on the bike. Any suggestions on how to get that little sucker out of there? (2008 Venture.)
  18. Here is my dilemma. Pulling out of the drive this morning my OEM radio went dead, no power to it. Not even the little green lite that shows it has power. I have checked the fuses in the main fuse box, the ground to frame, cant figure out where it lost connectivity. I pulled out my electrical schematic and it shows two fuses for radio, one is a 1amp the other is a 4amp, I guess thats what it means, its labeled 1A & 4A. One is on a blue wire the other a red/blue. Anyone know where I can find these 2 fuses..............I am stumped. This is the first time I have ever had a problem with this radio. The CB powers on but cant hear it because no power to amp or radio..................HELP!!!! I have also checked the connectors to radio, made sure they were clean and used dielectric grease on them.
  19. Hey guys.. My 07 RSTD is about to run out of warranty in couple of weeks. I have a front fork tube that is vibrating and making a clanging noise at times I want to get looked at.. And I don't think my cruise control has ever worked right - surges up and down as it tries to adjust the speed Anything else I should have checked out before it ends?.. I'm sure they will charge me to look it over.. It only has ~ 9k miles... yea I know .. bought it 2 years ago w/ no miles on it but also don't get to ride like I want to.. can't even commute to work on it since I work from home ;-) ALSO, anyone recommend or not recommend a dealer in North Houston, TX area? The one in Humble couldn't fix my cruise and charged me .. Thanks, Keith
  20. I took my 89 into mechanic. He replaced the rear bearing. Now afterward, it doesn't sound the same. There is a grinding rumbling sound that is not noticeably until the bike is about 45 mph or if you let off the throttle suddenly and brake with the engine. I took it back. He double checked everything and said it was okay. I don't know, whadda ya think? Iowa guy
  21. Headed out bright and early this morning heading to Newport News with a planned stop to see Earl in Greenville NC. Stopped about an hour out to top off and get some breakfast and the bike would not crank. I should have known something was up when the radio went out but I thought it was the connections inside the fairing so I paid no attention to it. Thought maybe it was the just the battery but after push starting it the neutral light did not brighten up any when I reved it. Made it to within 30 mins of home before it just gave up, had my wife bring me a battery and was able to get home. Once home I checked the voltage and 12.07 VDC not matter if it was reved or not. Since I was already 3 hours behind I transferred all my stuff to the car and off I went will troubleshoot when I get home. I guess I will start with the rectifier and hope that fixes it I really don't want to buy a stator.
  22. 929 has stop and led running lights. its 46 liters! i checked some other forums and have decent reviews. decent is better than what i have now...which is leaky and heavy. i know VR tried awhile back to do something with them but i ordered it anyhow. has a one year warranty. i like the lights. i checked Givi and Kappa, those with lights, in that size, run well over 200.00. this was 129.00 to my door. i will update with pics when i get it!
  23. Hi everyone,still got the light problem but have narrowed it to the switch.Anyone know of a good place to get one or anyone have one lying around that they would be willing to sell.I checked Bike bandit and you have to buy the whole left hand switch assembly for over 200.00!!!! OOuch!!!
  24. Hi there venture riders, I am posting a thread for the first time ever and here! I have enjoyed this forum since I bought my 83' venture 1200 and now have a reason to find some help. My bike ran good but lacked full power, I took off air box and noticed left rear diaphram slide not opening. I took outside cap off and found the metal sleeve seperated from the plastic slide. I took a little epoxy and reassembled properly, diaphram looked great. I started the bike and checked operation ( all 4 working properly) it now when warm idles at 3000 rpm. Checked choke and throttle cables lubed them and saw they were operating properly. I feel this is a vacuum related issue and can't find the fix Thanks in advance for any help, this bike is my only transportation right now.
  25. Well, I'm waiting for my RSV seats to get back from Rick Butler and my clutch kit from Earl. No problem...got my Triumph "summerized" on Sunday and took her for a quick shakedown cruise. Seems OK but steering seemed a bit heavy even though I had checked the tire pressure. OK, something to check for the next time. Went out to use her today and quickly realized that the front tire is nearly flat (2 season old Michelin with only about 7,000 km)...what the...? Checked more closely and discovered that the tire valve is split and nearly falling off. I had forgotten to ask for new valves when the tires were installed in July /2010 and it seems most shops don't do it automatically. So...I get to pull off the wheels and bring them in to have new valves installed (At $34 per wheel!) and, as a bonus, they won't try to save my Dyna Beads, so those will have to be replaced later, by me. AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH! 10 bucks says the 55 F + temps we've been having will disappear by the time I can get this done or get my RSV parts in/back. As before....AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH! Andy
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