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  1. http://valdosta.craigslist.org/mcy/1295718747.html http://images.craigslist.org/3k53m53l4ZZZZZZZZZ97t8999de885cc3155e.jpg :crackup::crackup:
  2. Will be ordering a new rear tire for my Venture in an hour or two. Kind of shocked how much they have gone up. Going for a Michelin Commander II for 159 dollars. Anybody know somewhere cheaper? I could go for a Dunlop Elite III also. The 159 is free shipping.
  3. Guest

    Price check!

    I have a friend with a first gen that needs a set of progressive fork springs. The best price I can find on them is at OEM for $59. Anyone know where they may be cheaper?.
  4. I've rejected the need for an Ipad for a long time now but Dano sent me this video and now I finally understand that they DO have a purpose. I still think that there are cheaper alternatives but at least I understand. http://www.snotr.com/video/8965/
  5. Latest flyer from cyclegear.com has HID lighting kit at $54.99. Now that is cheaper than dirt.
  6. Well I stumbled upon these on Ebay.......wish I could afford them. but I'm not really sure they are the right dimensions,( 300x 5mm ) just putting it out there if anyone was lookin for a cheaper alternative.... anyone know if these are correct fit? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Full-Set-Brake-Disc-Rotor-Yamaha-XVZ-1200-VENTURE-84-87-/260782643977?hash=item3cb7db5b09&item=260782643977&pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr I think they're off on the yrs, but I'm still learning here
  7. I have a guy who will make the brackets for fitting the Venture Drivers seat to a Tour Deluxe, Is there anyone out there that might be interested? The more I get made the cheaper it will be....
  8. Seems the WNY Ladies are being well taken care of, I knew we should have stoped at all those yard sales it would have been cheaper
  9. I was standing out side to day by the road with my sign that says im willing to work for food when this nice lady pulled up by me gave me a good look (i think she was looking at my belly?) and said it might be cheaper for her to hire me at minimun wage? i dont get it:confused24:
  10. I was given a little cash from my ex co-workers for my retirement...the caviet was I must buy bike stuff! Tough crowd but I see more chrome and such in my bikes future. I was wondering if anyone has the harley rear lighting system laying around. I know Buckeye has some listed. Right now I am not interested in full price items unless I have to ( cheaper means more stuff right). So far I have bought a new tire and a new pair of mesh type pants I have been after but too cheap to buy myself. Got em from Motorcycle Gear through the link so we should get some credit. Thanks all.
  11. I know someone makes these. Anybody know who? Is it better (that is cheaper) to make my own? I'll try is as long as they are solid.
  12. Just looked at the recent gas prices in most major cities in Canada. We're around $1.24 per litre (that's about $4.70 per US gal) and we're the highest in all of Canada. Most other places are about 10 cents per litre cheaper and even Victoria, which is our next closest major centre, which is across the straight from us is cheaper. Lowest price posted is $1.01 up in Edmonton, Alberta. Now I know the cost of crude is going up and why but there's really something wrong when we Canucks have to pay such a high price, not to mention why Vancouver is so much higher than most of the rest of Canada. Thankfully our vehicles don't run on water coz to buy a litre of that would be outrageous! LOL
  13. After sloshing around the internet the other day I found this site in Texas who was offering OEM parts for up to 40% off. Prices were a little cheaper then Sports Plaza and Part Shark so I gave them a try. http://www.stadiumyamaha.com/
  14. Guest

    E-85 gas

    There has been E-85 pumps installed where I buy gas sometimes, which is no biggie to me cause I don't use it. I thought the E-85 was going to be cheaper than regular gas and it was 20 cents higher I asked the cashier and that was joke, so did I miss something or was E-85 suppose to be higher?
  15. My friend needs a part for his '03 Triumph America. It is the ICU P/N T1291100. The dealer can get it for $606. Anyone know where he could get it cheaper? Used is ok if it works. Thanks for any help. MIKE aka Uturn
  16. I found a set of plans (free) for building a bike cargo trailer using a roof carrier. Looks pretty simple...even for someone like me! And at less than $400 for the parts...a LOT cheaper than most! Thought someone might be interested. http://www.intergate.com/~brianb/bike/MotorcycleCargoTrailer.htm
  17. Hello All, Looking to replace the stock medium windshield on my 96 RS Boulevard with a Cee Bailey tall (24") windshield ( a lot cheaper than OEM) and would like looking for feedback.
  18. Has anyone here ever tried the TireGard-Wireless Tire Monitoring system? Not very cheap and don't want to waste my money. I haven't dones much research so there is probably someone who sells them cheaper. Just curious if they work or not. http://www.bigbikeparts.com/ $209 at this site.
  19. I need help sourcing a second hand unit, as mine was cracked and has let water in.......so now it's foo-barred!! [no workie] It's the black unit on the left handlebar. Looked on ebay, and there was one in Canada for $US495 :yikes: plus shipping Hoping to find one cheaper than that. Is anyone wrecking a bike, or know's of someone selling off parts that may wish to sell the unit
  20. Will a sear shock off an '05 and up fit on an '04 and down? The picture on the Yamaha parts list is different and the part # is different. It's also cheaper than the older one.
  21. The wife asked me to give her a list of what I want Santa to bring me for x-mas, I would really like a set of passing lights for the scoot of my dreams that is sitting in the garage, I just can't for the life of me tell her the bracket and the lamps together cost 250 dollars. (ya know --three kids in college at the same time) Any one seen the lights and mounts cheaper any where? Ive looked on ebay and a couple stealer websites, all about the same price.
  22. Ok.. I've finally went the synthetic way on this last oil change.. AMSOIL 10W40 Synthetic.. no additives etc.. Not many choices around here as to what to use, Yamaha dealership recommended Kawasaki Synthetic Oil.. meh.. AMSOIL was cheaper, I had used it before in my VStar with good results.. Has anyone ever used Royal Purple Synthetic Oil? It's hard to get around here but I may be able to get a decent deal on a couple of cases, but not sure if it's suitable for the RSV as it's mostly for high performance engines.. It would end up being cheaper than anything else I can get around here.. Anyone have good or bad to say about Royal Purple?? Thanks in Advance.
  23. I want to install some passing lights on my 07 RSTD. I called the Stealer and they said it cost $286.00 plus installation. The questions i have are can these be purchaesd cheaper and is the job fairly easy to do? Any advise or assistace you could afford me will be grealty appreciated. Mark:bagpipes-emoticon:
  24. So I am going to order a headset for my 03 RSV I see the J&M and IMC. The IMC is a cheaper unit is this one of those you get what you pay for? Cheaper is not the way to go? Is this headset a good one? JM-HS-8154B-OF Thanks.
  25. Have any of you all ever seen anything written up on Wally World's synthetic oil. Is it any good??? Its about $5-10 a gal cheaper than Mobil 1. Is doesn't come in a weight for the Ventures, but I use Rotella Blue for that anyway.
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